Chapter 3
Hi there! I'm sorry this took so long to be finished, but it's done now. If you want reasons why this has taken so long then check the end if the story.
Jarvis showed a scene on the TV of someone randomly attacking civilians and destroying buildings. It wasn't an earth ending situation but there was something off about it. Tony decided that it was time for one of his bright ideas.
"How about the kids try to take care of it a and we follow behind them? They can show off what they can do and we can step in if it gets too dangerous. It's perfect!" He wasn't usually one to avoid the limelight but he was desperate to see what the teenage heroes could do.
To say that the Quin-jet was crowded was an understatement, the jet wasn't designed to comfortably fit 10 people; on the other hand, the Spider-Jet was rather empty and significantly more comfortable, mainly because it was 'spiders only'. The difference between the the comfort of the jets was a subject of great annoyance for the Avengers and Ultimates while the Web Warriors, particularly Miles and Flash, insisted on showing off how much room they had by stretching out their legs and making sure that the amount of space they had was seen easily by those on the other jet via the cameras.
"Have you got anything on whoever were up against?" Spider-Man asked, he seemed to be the only one who actually cared the upcoming mission, normally he wouldn't care as much but his Spider-sense was going off far more than before and, although he wouldn't admit it, he was scared.
Scared of the villain. Scared if what they may do. Scared for himself. Scared for his teams.
Just scared.
Unfortunately, there was no evidence to give any suggestion of the person was or their motives. The person was mysterious, it was near impossible to guess where they might have come from or what they intended to do, other than destroying a street.
The wreckage of said street was a child's play set, the blocks scattered and towers falling down. From the sky Spider-Man could almost believe that his city was made of toys; the buildings were wooden blocks and the people were the figurines found in a model train set. To Spider-Man it was a beautiful sight. He wanted to play he wanted to explore, to imagine, to let his imagination run wild! Instead he was the handsome prince riding in to save the day, the same old boring story playing out in the same old boring way.
Spider-Man could see the street from the jet as they landed and was punched in the gut with an overwhelming sense of foreboding and irrational fear. The scene below him was bad but he didn't think that that what was scaring him so much. His Spidey-sense was jumping around and making a lot of noise but he wasn't sure whether or not it was tied to his emotions.
When the heroes arrived on the scene they were met by a single, relatively short figure dressed entirely in black with both a hood and mask covering their face. The new villain had quite narrow shoulders a slim, figure, leading Spider-Man to assume that they were probably female. He saw what appeared to be a grey toy laser gun strapped to her waist. Strange. She seemed mostly unassuming but a feeling of unease settled in the pit of his stomach.
The villain had some weapons that were actually dangerous; real guns and knives. She was damaging buildings and attacking civilians but ignoring the bank. She was strange.
Spider-Man felt something off about her. It was a strange yet familiar something. He felt like he should have known it, whatever it was, but he couldn't place it. It was a familiar feeling, possibly something important, but he but he had absolutely no clue as to what it was. He found it annoying but it also terrorfied him.
The web slinging hero jumped down from the building and landed in front of the villain and he decided that he needed to chat. A conversation could help him to understand what about this person was making him feel so confused and almost afraid.
"Hey! Breaking stuff isn't very nice. Do you have a name? Let me guess... let me guess..."
Spider-Man's rambling severely annoyed the villain, provoking them to respond, "Would you shut up? You are so annoying!"
"Seriously, what's your name? I can't keep calling you crazy villain person for ever. I mean, I could but I don't want to..."
"If you need a name you can call me Lost."
"Why Lost? That's a weird name."
"You asked. Besides, what kind of a name is Spider-Man? It's not even..." Lost was interrupted by Kid Arachnid trying to hit her from behind with one of his venom blasts, which she dodged effortlessly.
Spider-Man threw a punch but she evaded it easily too. In response to this, Flash tried to attack her from behind using the venom symbiote, however, he too was unsuccessful. Iron Spider fired a volley of repulser blasts at the villain but he missed each time. Ben tried stabbing her but his efforts were found futile. The Web Warriors all tried to attack Lost but to no avail as she avoided each blow.
It didn't take long for the rest of the teens got in on the action but, between all nine of them, they only landed a few hits. There was no infighting or bickering; it was virtually impossible to hit Lost. Lost didn't try to retaliate and seemed content to watch as the young heroes fruitlessly tried to hit her. Tauntingly, she made jokes a quips as she danced away from the heroes into a crouched position several feet away and pulled out the 'toy' gun.
"Time for a break from heroing, don't you think?" Lost smiled behind her mask and pulled the trigger. A wide beam of light hit the young heroes while the Avengers tried to reach them to get them out of the way, but they were too late to help their younger peers to avoid the blast. The strange thing was that nothing happened to the heroes.
The trigger was pressed, followed by a blinding flash of light.
Then nothing.
"What happened? Are you hurt?" Captain America asked, concern lacing his voice.
There were a series of agreements. No one was hurt; no one looked ill; no one looked harmed in anyway. However, something had happened. What that something was no one knew.
"Let's get back to the Tower: we can run some tests there," suggested Tony, secretly curious about what had happened.
"Yes, Sir," joked Spider-Man with a mock salute before making his way to his jet.
Reasons for the slow update are the fact that I struggled with writing the fight scene and that I haven't had much time to write recently. The next few updates may be slow because I have my GCSE exams in a few months so I'm going to be revising for them more now.
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