Chapter 2

Here's the second chapter of the story, I hope you like it.

The kitchen was busy in Avengers Tower. Nine extra people took up a surprising amount of space, however, it didn't cause too many disruptions due to everyone seeming to gravitate towards their own groups.

Peter was sat on the ceiling with the Web Warriors. They were having a great time eating pancakes but were slightly irritated by the fact that Steve had caught on to their pancake-stealing escapades because he was now taking special care to ensure that they couldn't just use their webs to take them straight out of the pan the moment they were done. Peter was unimpressed. He wanted those pancakes!

Apparently, taking pancakes was not the only thing that the 'great Captain America' was annoyed about. He told them repeatedly to get down and sit on the chairs like normal people, Ben had replied to him by saying that they were not normal- except for Amadeus (but he was part of the team meaning that he could stay). Hawkeye found it hilarious that someone had dared to talk back to Captain America, the super soldier had just sighed and gotten back to making pancakes, the Web Warriors counted it as a win.

Tony swaggered into the kitchen at nine am, what had possessed him to get up so early was beyond even his comprehension. Maybe, it was because he was nosy and he wanted to see what was going on. Maybe, he was hungry and wanted to confiscate the pancakes 'for science' (to eat in one of his labs). Or, maybe, he just wanted to get some coffee.

He was confused by the scene playing out before him: four of the teenagers were being mostly normal, sat at the kitchen island having a casual conversation about whatever superhero teenagers talked about and the Avengers were being relatively normal as well, sitting or standing while talking to each other about resent missions and what was on TV later.

The confusing thing was the giant web in the corner above the fridge with the five other teenagers sitting on it or directly above it on the ceiling. The web was covered in stacks of pancakes which the five of them were eating like it was the most normal thing in the world- he presumed that for them it was normal, they were super-powered people-spiders, after all. They appeared to be having a serious conversation but it was far too quiet for anyone else to hear. The Avengers gave them the occasional glance but said nothing while the other teens ignored them completely, as if it was an everyday occurrence, maybe it was for them.

What had surprised him the most was that Peter had gone to bed so late but looked completely awake now. He knew that he had to be used to late nights, what with being Spider-Man and going to school but he had assumed that he would have stayed in bed until at least ten. It seemed that no one could predict his next move, except, possibly, his teammates. He wasn't sure that even his teams could guess at what he would do next.

In the confines of the web the spider-themed heroes discussed a serious issue, their spidey-senses. Flash, Ben and Miles agreed that they had all got a similar bad feeling. Amadeus admitted that he hadn't felt it but, at the same time, he hadn't worn his suit much in the past few days. That wasn't good. Peter had hoped that it was just him being overly paranoid but if everyone else was saying the same thing then it was, most likely, a sizeable threat- even if it could not be seen, yet.

"I have a serious question about this, do we tell anyone about this?" Amadeus had asked because he was concerned about sharing that they may know about a possible threat. On one hand, telling everyone could prepare them for a possible attack and not telling people could become very awkward if it were to be revealed that they knew about the threat and didn't tell anyone after it had passed, on the other hand, telling everyone could cause panic and put everyone on edge or they could be accused of being too uptight and have no one believe them. Neither scenario was very favourable.

"We could tell the Avengers, they should know what to do," Miles proposed, he knew that the Avengers would know what to do, if they believed them. The Avengers were older than any of them and had had to make many tough decisions in the past.

"They wouldn't believe us. They're 'Earth's mightiest heroes' and we're all 'menaces'. What reason would they have for trusting us?" Ben was quick to rebut the idea of telling anybody. He refused to admit it but he was scared of being ignored by the Avengers, he didn't want to be seen as panicky or a mere child. He was better than that. He was strong. At least, he tried to be.

"I say we let Spidey choose." Flash trusted his idols judgement, he knew that, no matter what happened, Spider-Man would know what to do. Spider-Man was his idol; Spider-Man was his teammate; Spider-Man was his friend; Spider-Man always knew what to do.

"We tell Steve and Tony. They'll know what to do better than me." Peter didn't want to have to choose between trusting people and burdening them with his problems. He decided to go half way in between, tell his childhood heroes. They would be far more able to make a good judgement call. He just hoped that he didn't disappoint them.

Peter crawled out of the web and used a strand of his webbing to hang at eye level between Steve and Tony, stopping their conversion quickly. He didn't care about what they were talking about, it was probably some boring, adult thing.

"Can we," he said, gesturing to the Web Warriors behind him, "Talk to you two in private?"

"Sure, we can talk in one of the labs after breakfast." Tony had agreed because he had wanted to know what could be so important that it needed to be said in private, he also hoped that he could find out what their current conversation was about. Before Peter left he took another pancake while Steve's back was turned.


Half an hour later, the Web Warriors, Tony and Steve were sat in one of the labs. Peter did his best to explain the situation to the two Avengers. It sounded more and more ridiculous the as he continued trying to explain the situation. Thankfully, they didn't laugh and seriously considered what he said. He was young, yes, but he wasn't stupid. He had powers that could detect danger before he could see it, if he was telling them that he had a bad feeling about something then they were inclined to believe him.

After an hour of discussions it was decided that they wouldn't tell everyone until there was more information. No one liked the situation and they were holding onto a small hope that it was a false alarm.


Later that day someone (Hawkeye) had the bright idea of turning on the news on TV. In theory it was a good idea but it just so happened to be the Daily Bugle that was on when he chose the channel. J. Jonah Jameson was in the middle of one of his anti-Spider-Man rants. Most of the the people in the Tower were, for some reason, in the living room, except Thor, who was busy doing 'important god things'.

Peter was highly uncomfortable because the room's attention was increasingly focused on him as Jameson continued his explanation as to why Spider-Man was not a hero but a menace, and maybe even a villain. Peter didn't react to the undiluted hate being addressed at him. Jameson used the many examples of everything that Spider-Man had done wrong and every mistake he had ever made, that did make Peter wince a bit but,other than that, he hardly reacted. He didn't ask for a change of the channel or for the TV to be turned of. No one was really sure what to do, they had just heard Spider-Man being mercilessly insulted and he didn't outwardly seem to care.

"You know, I think that he might actually be starting to like me now," Peter joked. He was seriously hurt by everything that was said about him but he tried not to show it, he was meant to be funny and sarcastic- he couldn't get upset by a few mean comments, "I just hope that no one tries to throw a sink at me again."

Despite Peter's sarcastic exterior everyone knew that he was hurting inside. One by one everyone slowly joined in on the group-hug. Clint discreetly switched off the TV.

Hulk was sad, why was everyone so mean to Bug-Man? He didn't smash things, much. People hated Bug-Man more than Hulk but Bug-Man was good and Hulk hurt people. It wasn't fair.

Tony felt bad for the young hero, he tried his best but he was hated. He wasn't surprised that he wanted to hid his identity from everyone, especially the media, if both Spider-Man and Peter Parker were scorned by the media there would be no escape for him. Spider-Man did a lot of good but no one would accept it because Spider-Man is a 'menace'.

Captain America was not impressed by the media's representation of Spider-Man, even when he had only met him one he could tell that he had the makings of a great hero. He knew what it was like to be ignored or treated as lesser or not accepted and he hated it when other people were made to feel that way. 

Natasha didn't say much about what she had just seen and heard. It was hard for her to formulate a response, she wanted to help but didn't want to make things worse. She found it hard to tell how he was feeling because he hid his emotions so well, he had clearly practised hiding his pain a lot. No child should feel the need to hide when they were hurt or upset, she understood that perfectly.

Sam Wilson (Falcon) was ashamed to admit it that, before he had met Spider-Man, he agreed with the Daily Bugle, he had nothing else to go on. Those initial thoughts were gone the moment that he had first met Spider-Man, he found it hard to connect the media's version with the real one. Spider-Man was not perfect, he had never met a human who was, but he was as close as possible to it.

Clint felt very awkward. He had accidentally turned on a news report about the evils of Spider-Man. It was an unwritten rule that you don't watch the news when they are talking about a superhero, particularly when it was so full of hate, fury and aggression towards the hero in question. When he had turned it on he was in too much of a state of shock to press the power button on the remote to turn off the TV. He realised that, when he first met Spider-Man, he found him rather annoying but had quickly grown to like him. When he heard the wall crawling hero saying that the verbal abuse he was receiving was 'not too bad', he felt sorry for him.

The teenage heroes felt bad that it had become normal for them to do their best to ignore that was said about their leader, they knew that he needed help but they also knew that he hated talking about it and refused to accept help if he thought that it might put other people out too much. It was so hard for them to get him to trust them with his problems even when they all asked for his help with theirs. He was too willing to help other people but wasn't willing enough to receive help himself.

Peter felt a strange feeling of support and comfort, something that he had not felt much recently. He had spent so much time being the one to help and support others he had forgotten that they could do the same for him. He wanted to show them that he trusted them but he didn't want to burden anyone with any of his problems. Everything that was said about him was a knife through his heart. He was a hero but he was hated more than villains, many people would rather be mugged than have him save them. He did his best but his best wasn't good enough. Maybe his teams could help him to feel better but he wasn't about to tell them how broken he was. He would rather be hurt and on his own than see others suffer along side him.


The next day there was a bit too much excitement in the living room, especially for the game being played. It became apparent that, in a game of Jenga, it was impossible to beat someone with spider powers, meaning that it had been a stalemate between Miles, Ben, Flash and Peter.

Amadeus had decided that it would be fun try and trip them up but he had no luck, prompting all of the Avengers and Ultimates to attempt at distract them enough to make the tower fall, it was precariously balanced already and yet it still refused to fall down. It was still standing when the alarms went off, alerting everybody in the tower of an attack in the city.

Jarvis showed a scene on the TV of someone randomly attacking civilians and destroying buildings. It wasn't an earth ending situation but there was something off about it. Tony decided that it was time for one of his bright ideas.

"How about the kids try to take care of it a and we follow behind them? They can show off what they can do and we can step in if it gets too dangerous. It's perfect!" He wasn't usually one to avoid the limelight but he was desperate to see what the teenage heroes could do.

I hope that you liked this, things should get a bit more interesting next chapter. If you noticed any errors then please tell me.

Thanks for reading.

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