Chapter 1
Hey guys, this is the first chapter of a full story that I am writing. The main characters will be: Spider-Man (obviously); the Avengers (because I can); the Ultimates (because they are awesome) and the Web Warriors (because why not?). There won't be many other characters because I don't want to keep forgetting people, but I may add more characters if you really want me to.
Spider-Man was excited. Really excited. The Avengers had asked Fury if they could borrow the Ultimates and Web Warriors to Avengers Tower for two weeks, an entire fortnight, so that they could get the 'Avengers experience'. Fury had, reluctantly, agreed. The S.H.I.E.L.D. director couldn't fathom why he had agreed to it, he assumed that it was probably Spider-Mans begging that made him make such a rash decision. No one, not even Fury, could resist Spider-Man when he really wanted something.
Spider-Man was bouncing off the walls, not literally, yet. He was excited; two out of three of his teams (that meant most of his closest friends) were going to say with the Avengers. Tomorrow night he and two of his teams would be sleeping in Avengers Tower! What more could he ask for? Spider-Man had once been an Avenger, but he decided to quit the Avengers so that he could stay with his friends. Maybe this time he could join the Avengers with his friends. That would be awesome!
Sitting on the roof of the Triskelion, Spider-Man looked out over New York city and smiled. Nothing, not even J Jonah Jameson, could spoil his mood. Spider-Man stood up and jumped off the building to begin his nightly patrol.
The cool night air was a comforting influence on the spider as he swung through the city. He loved the feeling of weightlessness as he glided above the city on the thin strings of his webs; he loved the accomplished feeling he got when he saved someone; he loved it when he could look down on his city and see a peaceful, happy street.
The arachnid was happy, except for a slight tingle of his spidey-sense that wouldn't go away. The threat wasn't anywhere nearby and it wasn't going attack him anytime soon. He guessed that it was a bad feeling, the type he sometimes got before he was bitten by the spider. A sense of foreboding without any determinable cause. He decided that he should be cautious of any possible threat, by now he had learned to trust his instincts- especially his spidey-sense.
White Tiger was excited, sure, but she found it rather annoying when other people (Nova) couldn't control themselves and were currently flying around, boasting to anyone who would listen (and to everyone who wouldn't) about how the visit to Avengers Tower was all his doing. How was she supposed to concentrate on her book when Nova was doing his best to make her want to slit his throat?
Snarling, White Tiger stalked out of the dormitory to look for more tolerable company or a quiet place to read, either one would do. She ended up finding Iron Fist and Power Man in the training room practising 'fist ball specials', Power Man could be loud at times, but both Iron Fist and Power Man were good friends. She decided to sit and watch them both from the edge of the room until they asked her to join them.
The three of them enjoyed the evening training and practising and accidentally ended up staying in the training room until Fury found them and ordered them to bed at midnight.
Iron Spider, Kid Arachnid, Flash and Scarlet Spider were sat on a rooftop with an excessive amount of take out coffee, bottled water, pastries and cakes (in amongst many other foods and drinks). They were enjoying their rooftop picnic while getting excited about the coming two weeks. They were all relatively new heroes and they were already being invited to visit the Avengers.
Kid Arachnid was over the moon with happiness at the thought of hanging out with the Avengers. He knew that Spider-Man was friends with many of the Avengers and he hoped that, one day, he could be too.
Iron Spider couldn't wait for an opportunity to talk to the guy who invented his suit. You don't get an opportunity like that everyday! It was going to be such an enlightening experience for him.
Flash was excited to be meeting the Avengers, sure, but, to him, it was going to be nothing like meeting his personal hero, Spider-Man. He hoped that the Avengers would be more tolerant than the media to him and he other spiders. Although Jameson's favourite verbal punching bag was Spider-Man, he also had a go at complaining about the Web Warriors. A new common phrase of his was 'Spider-Man and his spider buddies', along with old favourites such as 'Spider-Man's a menace'.
Scarlet Spider held together a mask of apathy, however, he was interested to see what life was like for 'earth's mightiest heroes', almost certainly better than his pre-S.H.I.E.L.D. life. Yet again, that wasn't exactly hard.
Distantly, they heard the hateful remarks towards their leader and it saddened them to know that, no matter how many times he saved the city, Spider-Man would always face hate and his every action was scrutinised beyond what was necessary. Other heroes received a bit of hate and scrutiny here and there but they didn't wake up to their name being dragged through the mud and fall asleep listening to the lullaby of being called a menace. It didn't help that he had heightened senses, meaning that he could never get away from it all. They hoped that, if Spider-Man was seen with the Avengers enough, public opinion towards him would change.
By the time that he Web Warriors returned to the Triskelion it was only minutes before curfew. They wouldn't get into trouble for being late, just for leaving for a picnic without permission and missing training. It could have been worse for them/
Fury sighed. Waiting for Tony Stark with nine overly excited teenagers was not his idea of a good time. Spider-Man and the Web Warriors were sat in the Spider-Jet while the Ultimates were waiting for one of the Avengers to arrive in the Avenge-Jet. Fun. (I think this is what they call the jets in the shows, tell me if I am wrong)
Eventually Captain America arrived to pick up the teens, apparently Tony was preparing a tour for the teens when they arrived.
It wasn't very long before the teenage heroes and Captain America had arrived at Avengers Tower. Captain America led the teens to the living room where they were immediately assaulted by Hawkeye shooting them with silly sting using a copy of Spider-Man's web-shooters. Spider-Man, Flash, Kid Arachnid and Scarlet Spider all avoided Hawkeye's 'webs' leaving everyone else, including Captain America, to be covered by the fragile, red strings.
Reactions to the welcoming committee were mixed. White Tiger, Iron Fist and Power Man were nonplussed and pulled off the red stands; Amadeus was a tiny bit annoyed but just removed the strings; Nova complained and said that the silly string was nothing when compared to the webs that the spiders used; Captain America just sighed, pulling the sticky threads out of his hair; the spiders, who had easily escaped the weak attempt at an ambush, were sat on the ceilings and walls, laughing hysterically; Hawkeye was complaining loudly about how he had missed his intended target.
Then Tony walked in. He was not impressed.Clint was ordered to clean the mess up immediately and was given an ultimatum saying that if there were any stains then he would be paying for it. The archer quickly got to work in cleaning up the living room.
Tony then decided that it was time for the young heroes to get a proper tour of the tower.
The teens were shown through Avengers Tower and marvelled at everything they saw. No one seemed to care that the tour took over two hours. Two hours of looking over labs and trying memorise floor plans. Avengers Tower was large, luxurious and far more comfortable than the Triskelion. They loved it.
On the tour the young heroes were shown their rooms (where they each dropped off their things), the other Avengers rooms (in case they needed them, for whatever reason), the training room, the kitchen and the living room, again.
Spider-Man's spidey-sense was still tingling and he still couldn't tell why. It wasn't the Avengers, he knew that much. It wasn't his friends, he knew that too. It wasn't the tower, he that was true as well. The tower did set off his spidey-sense, but in a different way. It was the same kind of warning that he got when he visited the Tricarrier or Triskelion, there were dormant defence systems in place, that meant that there was a possible threat but nothing to seriously worry about. Spider-Man refused to show any fear or concern but resolved to ask the other spiders about the strange and persistent nagging in the back of his brain later. He hoped that they would understand or be able to prove that there wasn't actually a problem.
Spider-Man loved his spidey-sense. It warned him of danger, as well as super spies trying to sneak up on him to try and surprise him. He called out to Black Widow and said 'hello', to say that she was surprised was an understatement. Tony found it hilarious that Spider-Man had so easily caught her out, Spider-Man just laughed and explained about his spidey-sense (he found it rather amusing that the Avengers hadn't found out about it, so many of his villains had without access to the entirety of Stark Industries and parts of S.H.I.E.L.D.).
When all of the heroes were sitting in the living room after dinner the most taboo topic came up. Secret identities. There was silence for a several minutes.
"You might as well know mine," Spider-Man eventually spoke up.
"Weren't you the one who refused to share your secret identity before?" Natasha asked, genuinely confused by his change in attitude.
"It's not exactly secret anymore..." Spider-Man looked at Scarlet Spider, who muttered a quiet apology, before continuing, "Most of my worst villains know now, anyway."
"How did that happen?" Tony spoke up this time.
"When the Triskelion was attacked Doc Ock stole my mask... he... he didn't tell anyone for a while so that it would h... h... hurt me more when he told e... ev... everyone else... then he made me... he made me inject myself with a 'cure' for my... my powers..." Spider-Man was crying under his mask, something that was noted by everyone in the room, "After... after that he... he.. he took off my mask... in front of all of the other villains... and he threw me around a bit... and then he... he left to find Norman Osborn... I did get my powers back and stop him... but I... but he... everyone knows... D... D... D... Doc Ock... Nor... Norman Osborn... K... K... K... Kraven... Sc...Scor... Scorpion..." By now all that Spider-Man could do was cry.
The Avengers felt sorry for Spider-Man. He didn't deserve anything like that. He had coveted his secret identity so much and to have it ripped away so forcefully must have hurt. A lot, if his broken sobs were anything to go by. His teams must have realised this to as they were moving into a protective position around the original arachnid.
"You don't have to tell us if you're not comfortable," Cap said, trying to calm down the situation.
"It's okay, I should tell you," Spider-Man took a deep breath. Taking off his mask he said, "My name's Peter Parker."
To say that the Avengers were shocked was an understatement. They had joked about him being a kid but they didn't actually think that he could be a teenager. What's more was that he was a no name, average (as much as a super hero could be) teenager.
Tony had heard about Peter Parker, a science prodigy, and he had considered talking to him about a job after finishing school, before he left for his 'scholarship'. Funny how life turns out sometimes, you want someone to work for you but you miss the chance and they end up sat in your living room dressed in red and blue spandex.
Peter put his mask back on and excused himself for patrol, leaving everyone else to stew in the awkward tensions. There was another period of silence before the other teens started to remove their masks.
"Ava Ayala." She had her arms folded and she was glaring at the Avengers- presumably for making Spider-Man cry, no one said anything about it.
"Danny Rand, it's a pleasure to meet you." Tony was a bit shocked at that but didn't say anything.
"Luke Cage." Again Tony was a bit surprised, he had met the Cages but he would never have guessed that their son was a super hero.
"Sam Alexander." The teen seemed to be highly arrogant but, overall, a good kid. There wasn't much of a reaction to Sam either.
"The name's Flash Thompsion." Some of the older heroes felt a bit sorry for him, having a symbiote stuck to you couldn't be fun, especially as a teenager with the entire rest of your life ahead of you.
"Miles Morales, I'm the Spider-Man from an alternate dimension." That was a bit of a surprise, they were sure that the normal Spider-Man was never thirteen.
"You already know who I am, but I'm Amadeus Cho, the Iron Spider." Tony made a comment about using the suit for good but he was ignored by everyone.
"Ben Reilly, I'm a half human, half synthezoid, Spider-Man clone." That was a surprise for the Avengers, they knew that Spider-Man had formed a team of spider-heroes but they hadn't realised that there would be a clone on the team. Or two thirteen year-olds. The more you know.
The Avengers found it a bit of a surprise that they were all so young, despite the fact that they had actually taught them. There couldn't be this many teenage heroes, could there? It didn't take a background check to know that they must have had some bad things happen to them, or they wouldn't have started fighting in the first place. It want fair. Life wasn't fair.
When Spider-Man crawled silently through the window at three in the morning he was met by Tony Stark who was going to the kitchen for a midnight snack. The spider was lead to the kitchen by the billionaire.
Tony put the coffee machine on, found two clean mugs and grabbed a box of biscuits from one of the cupboards. Sitting at the kitchen island Tony waited for Peter to join him. It didn't take long for the teen to jump up onto the stool next to the genius. The two sat in a peaceful quiet in the dimly lit kitchen, neither hero said anything. Tony got up to poor the coffee when it was done, other than that, neither of them moved much. They just relaxed into the peace.
"I'm sorry," Tony began, staring into his coffee mug.
"For what?" Peter was confused, Tony had done nothing wrong.
"For what you went through. You didn't deserve anything like that, no one does. My identity is out there, but I chose to make it public. I doubt that you would have shared it with us if other people hadn't forced it out of you first."
"Goblin figured it out first, but forgot everything when he changed back into Norman Osborn. It was before Doc Ock stole my mask the first time. Turns out he did eventually remember but he didn't tell anyone, he said that it his was of trying to apologise."
"That must have been hard for you. Lets change the subject, how did you get your powers?"
"The first time, I was bitten by a radioactive spider invented by Oscorp when we went on a school field trip to one of the labs there. The second time I made a serum to give me my powers back because the spider bite didn't work again on me."
"That sounds like fun. You should get to bed now. we've got a big day tomorrow."
"See you in the morning" Peter hopped off his stool and left for bed.
I hope that you liked the first chapter. If you notice any errors please tell me so that I can fix them.
I want to include a ship or two in this. I'm happy to have a go at most ships, so tell me if there is one that you would like to see. They can be any characters you like and can be from any of the teams. They can be in it already or characters that aren't in it yet.
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