Chapter 6
A letter is what Draco was expecting the next day, not a page from Potter around 6pm.
"Potter, is everything alright?," Draco asked, brushing off soot as he emerged from the floo.
"Did you eat yet?," Harry asked instead.
"No, I haven't."
"Too much happened for me to write it in a letter, so I figured I'd try out the pager and see if you were free."
"I'll never turn down dinner. Can I compensate you for your groceries at least?"
"With the amount of money you just got me?," Harry asked, statement punctuated by a whistle. "I owe you a lobster dinner. For tonight, shrimp tacos," Harry said proudly.
"I'll bring the alcohol next time."
After giving Draco a rundown of the food he had made, Harry launched into a discussion of his day.
When Harry had walked into work that morning, everyone was staring at him. Not for the reason they normally do, but because today he exuded an air of confidence. After Draco had left, Harry had reread all of the notes Draco had taken. He then grabbed a book on wizarding law Hermione had given him so that the information would be fresh in his mind the next day.
"Head Auror Robards, do you have some time?"
"Yes Auror Potter?"
"I have some paperwork for you," Harry said confidently, handing what he and Draco had worked on over to Robards.
Harry watched as many emotions flickered over the other man's face, but he remained stoic.
"What possessed you to speak with a lawyer?," he asked, fighting to keep the emotions out of his voice.
"When I realized I was being taken advantage of."
"I'm sorry that you feel that way," Robards replied, taking no accountability. "Now what's this about a vacation?"
"I'm taking a vacation at the end of the month."
"Whatever for?"
"Ministry law dictates that you are not entitled to know what my vacation entails. That paperwork proves that I have not taken vacation in the five years that I've worked here. Any time I've requested I've either been denied or called into the office. This changes today, especially with the amount of back pay that the Ministry owes me due to these inconveniences."
"Surely this is untrue! You've taken time off before-"
"Legally required time to heal does not count as a vacation, but paid sick leave as I was injured on the job."
"Is this really the game you want to play, Auror Potter?"
"I've been playing the department's games for far too long sir. I have been working my life away these past five years, but that is stopping now. My godson needs me, and I will be there when he calls."
"So you're no longer a team player," Robards replied, brushing off Harry's concerns. "There's no I in team."
"There may be no 'I' in team, but you've had me putting the 'me' in team. I am not a team player because you never put me on a team. You send me in alone at my own personal risk and that stops now."
"Or what?," he asked, leaning forward over his desk.
"Or else you'll find out just what I'm actually capable of."
"He said all of that?," Draco asked in shock.
"That's the gist of it, yep."
"What did you do after that?"
"I went to see the Minister, and we had a very pleasant conversation. Anyway, my vacation is approved, along with a hefty raise, and backpay," Harry finished cheerily.
"Color me impressed Potter," Draco praised.
"I couldn't have done it without your help. I didn't realize just how bad things were until you forced me to look into the mirror. Thank you."
"Like I said, I'm happy to help Potter. I just can't believe you spoke to them like that."
"What were they gonna do, fire me?," Harry asked, leaning forward with a familiar spark in his eye.
"That would be the day."
"Maybe then I would finally know peace."
"That's why I'm here. We're going to have fun."
"I've been enjoying our dinners," Harry admitted with a soft smile.
"I'll admit they've been pleasant. This much beats Pansy harassing me and asking when I'm finally going to get a boyfriend."
"I'll take that over Ginny of all people trying to set me up on dates," Harry retorted with a shiver.
"Your ex is trying to be your wingwoman?," Draco asked with a laugh.
"She said she just wants me to be happy. I don't think any of her quidditch teammates will make me happy. I just want to focus on my family. Teddy, Andy, Ron and Hermione, and now you since you've finally let me."
"I didn't know my presence was so highly requested."
"You don't treat me like I'm anything special. You never have, and that's what I like. If I suck you'll gladly tell me that I suck, and you'll tell me why. It's all I could ask for truly."
"These are such low standards. I'm being praised for basic decency."
"What you did for me last night was more than basic decency Malfoy."
"Well you keep feeding me, so we're even."
"Mione keeps telling me that food is my love language but I think it's a childhood trauma response," Harry commented with a dry laugh.
"Why would that be?"
"Not enough food to eat as a kid so I want to make sure everyone is well fed and taken care of."
"I assure you that I'm now very well fed."
"I'm sorry if I'm overbearing about that-"
"It's nice to know that somebody cares," Draco interrupted. "Like I told you at the store, I know what it's like to be so engrossed in your work that you forgot to eat. This helps me remember, and I save money on buying takeout so often. Plus it's healthier this way I'm sure."
"I can make you salads and stuff if you want," Harry offered.
"Leftovers are absolutely fine. I will start supplying the drinks though if we continue to dine together so I feel like I'm contributing."
"I hope we do. I'll be picking Teddy up from school tomorrow, will I see you there?"
"That can be arranged."
"Do you want to go to the park with us? I try to get him there once a week."
"That could be nice. Can I see the backyard?"
"Yeah sure. There's not much out there though."
The backyard was large, but very simple. There was a singular tire swing on one of the trees, a table, and a few chairs.
"I never got around to it because I've been so busy," Harry admitted sheepishly.
"I think that pool would look really nice right in between that grove of trees."
"You think so?"
"I also think you could redo your outdoors area and actually make it usable."
"The place does look a bit neglected doesn't it."
"Just a tad," Draco admitted, "but we can fix it."
"We?," Harry asked with a smile.
"Well obviously. I've seen the clothes that you wear you'd be lost without my sense of style."
"Oh, of course," Harry agreed, smirking to himself as he devised a plan of action.
Draco had thought nothing of his playful comment, but his eyes narrowed at Harry when he saw him the next day at Teddy's school. He was casually leaning against a fence, arms crossed in front of his chest, looking effortlessly beautiful.
"Potter," Draco greeted, clearing his throat as he looked at Harry.
"Hello Malfoy."
"This is an... interesting clothing choice."
"Yes, well, I am lost without your sense of style," Harry teased with a smirk.
He didn't miss how Draco's eyes trailed over his frame. If his jeans were a little tighter than normal, who would know? Harry could feel Draco's eyes burning into him when he squatted down to catch Teddy, who ran at him full speed.
If this was how Potter wanted to play, then so be it. Draco was excellent at this game. He knew what his best assets were, and he wasn't afraid to flaunt them.
"Cousin Draco is here too?!," Teddy yelled in awe.
"Hello Edward," Draco said fondly, ruffling his hair.
"Are we doing something fun today?," Teddy asked, tugging on Harry and Draco's hands once they put him down.
"You're going to have a quick nap, and then we're going to the park."
"I love the park! Can we feed the ducks?"
"Of course we can Teddy bear."
Draco was taken aback by how domestic the scene before him was. Teddy would chatter about his day, holding both of their hands, and Harry would look at Draco and smile as if they were sharing a secret only the two of them were privy to.
It was a nightmare getting Teddy down for a nap until Draco pulled him into his lap and read him a story. Harry loved hearing Draco read, and couldn't stop smiling.
"Just what are you smiling about?," Draco snapped.
"I like hearing you read, it's nice," Harry admitted with a shrug.
"So, first sleepover on Saturday?," Harry asked.
"To get Teddy used to being away from Andromeda before her trip."
"Oh yes, I've already put in for reduced working hours. I'm free on Saturday, Sunday afternoon I have an engagement with Pansy."
"That's fine, it's the monthly dinner at the Burrow Sunday night so I'll keep Teddy with me until it's time to go."
"That's nice that they do that."
"I'd like it if you came next month. If you're free of course, just a thought since we'll be spending even more time together now. You don't have to, but I'd really like it if you decided to come and-"
Draco couldn't help the look of fond amusement on his face.
"Potter," he interrupted, holding a hand out, "let me know when it is, and I'll put it on my calendar."
"Yes, why not," Draco replied, resigning himself to his fate.
Why couldn't Draco have developed feelings for anyone else? A nice Slytherin perhaps? Theodore Nott hadn't been bad looking, but no, he was resigned to battling his feelings against this foolish Gryffindor that he was forced into proximity with.
"Thank you," Harry said with a soft smile on his face, "for making an effort."
"Yes, I do have a soft spot for Edward. He reminds me of myself at points, and I'm trying to make sure he doesn't end up like me."
"Hey," Harry began quietly, walking over to place a hand on Draco's shoulder, "I think you turned out wonderfully. Especially despite the circumstances. We both did, and that's something to celebrate."
"By feeding the ducks at the park," Draco replied teasingly.
"Exactly. A very worthy cause indeed."
While Teddy slept on his lap, Draco leaned his head against the couch to watch Harry moving about in the kitchen.
"Do I need to bring anything on Saturday?," Draco asked, becoming bored with the silence.
"Comfortable clothes. Whatever you would need for the night. Actually, can you put Teddy down without waking him?"
Very gingerly, Draco placed Teddy onto the couch, giving him a pillow to cuddle up to before meeting Harry at the bottom of the stairs.
"You don't have to answer now, it's just an idea. I have a lot of rooms that go unused. If, maybe if you wanted to, you could have one? In case you needed to leave things here or something?"
Draco needed to digest the butterflies in his stomach immediately. This felt like a big step, but it showed him that Harry was serious about what their relationship was.
"That's very kind of you to offer. I don't want to impose."
"You're never an imposition Malfoy. I actually enjoy spending time with you. I want you to feel welcome."
"I'll bring some things on Saturday then. The week after, you and Teddy could come to my flat for another sleepover if you like?," Draco asked nervously, fiddling with his sleeves.
"I'd like that a lot," Harry responded with a soft smile. "Let me know if you like any of these rooms. You're more than welcome to redecorate them in any way that you want to. I'm sure they desperately need an update."
"I wonder if I can find the room my mother used to stay in," Draco mused, running his hand across the wall. "It's amazing just how much history this house holds."
"I wish I knew more," Harry admitted. "It's just another part of myself that I will never be able to connect with."
"You're making new memories here Potter, you're contributing to the rich history of the house yourself."
"I never thought of it like that. You and Teddy, you're continuing on the Black legacy."
"So are you. If I've learned one thing, it's that family isn't always blood."
"I'm proud of you."
That was enough compliments from Potter for the day.
"This one was my mother's room."
"Right next door to my room, how convenient," Harry teased. "Teddy's room is right across the hall as you know. I'm going to go get Teddy's bag and then check on him."
Once Draco was sure Harry was gone, he giggled. His inner child was healing because now he's Harry Potter's friend and he has a room in his house and they share meals together. Draco can't believe he spent so many years avoiding Potter when he could have had this. The image of Harry leaning against the fence crossed his mind and then he remembered why he had kept the other man at arm's length.
"I'm sure it will be fine," Draco reassured himself while he explored the room.
When he came back downstairs, Teddy was stirring on the couch.
"Did you have a good nap Edward?"
"You left," he said with a pout.
"Only for a little bit. Potter and I were talking and I didn't want to wake you up."
"Is it time to feed the ducks?," Teddy asked, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
"Just about Teddy bear. Let's get you to the bathroom and change your pants, then we're good to go."
When Teddy re-emerged with Harry, he was beginning to get excited again.
"We're going to have so much fun," he declared.
Harry apparated them near the park, and Teddy took off running when it was in view, with Harry following closely behind. Draco simply admired how Harry's jeans hugged his body. Harry obviously dressed up for him, so it would be a crime not to look.
"Draco come swing with me!"
He sat next to Teddy, idly pushing his feet back and forth, but not going into the air.
"Draco," Teddy whined, pumping his legs as Harry pushed him higher.
A yelp echoed through the park as Harry pushed Draco on the swings.
"Malfoy," he teased back, laughing as he pushed Draco higher on the swings.
"Oh you're going to regret this," Draco swore, clutching onto the handles.
"I look forward to it."
After the initial shock wore off, the push of Harry's hands against Draco's back felt kind of nice. He liked the reassuring pressure, and if he angled his feet back to kick Harry on purpose, who would know?
"Harry, slide please?"
"Of course love. Malfoy, can you stop or do you need me to stop you?"
"I'm fine thank you."
Draco was left in a state of contemplation as he slowed down and watched Teddy and Harry playing at the park. He had never been to the park when he was a child. It was too dirty, and the children weren't up to his "standards" according to his father.
"You okay?," Harry mouthed to him, head tilted in contemplation.
Draco nodded before getting up and walking over to them.
"Draco slide with me?"
"I've never used a slide before," Draco admitted.
Teddy gasped and looked offended.
"You have to go first then! And then with Harry because you've known him longer, and then me because you save the best for last," Teddy said wisely.
"How do I slide? Do I just... go?"
"I'm the bestest at sliding, I'll show you!"
"You're the best Edward," Draco gently corrected.
"I know," he replied smugly, his hair flashing platinum and sending Harry into a laughing fit.
"What's so funny Scarhead?"
"He reminds me so much of you when we first met, it's quite endearing."
"You didn't think it was endearing then," Draco retorted.
"Draco! Learn how to slide!," Teddy huffed.
"My most sincere apologies Edward."
"Thank you."
Is that really how Draco acted at that age?
"Okay Draco, your turn."
Teddy was kind enough to give him a push, which didn't do much when Draco himself was almost as tall as the slide was long.
"Wasn't that fun?!"
"We need the bigger slide for us love."
"Let's go! You only let me go down the big slide with you."
"You sure you're okay?," Harry asked after Teddy had run off to wait at the slide.
"Sometimes it just hits you how many parts of your childhood you truly missed out on."
"I understand. No one said we can't act like children now."
"A lot of people say that actually."
"Then we'll tell those people to fuck off, and that they can come back with their unwanted opinion when they've either lived with Voldemort or had to die to kill him. I sacrificed everything that was close to me to kill him. I'm allowed to play at the fucking park if I want to play at the fucking park."
"Then let's 'play at the fucking park' Potter," Draco teased, bumping Harry's hip with his own before racing him to Teddy.
It was amazing how much fun you could have, once you stopped caring. Draco didn't think he had ever laughed this much in one day. Teddy was just so witty, and Harry was so caring, always making sure that Draco was comfortable and having fun.
"Okay Teddy bear, let me see your hands so I can clean them. It's time for dinner."
"Dinner by the ducks?"
"Yes love, dinner by the ducks."
"I'm having so many best days ever," Teddy said in awe, watching the ducks curiously from the picnic blanket Harry had laid out.
"You deserve to only have best days ever," Harry said softly, pressing a kiss to his head.
Teddy tilted his head back and grinned up at Harry.
"What's for dinner?"
"I have sandwiches, crisps, and salad."
Harry made a plate for Teddy first, and then handed him a juice box.
"I have ham, turkey, and chicken sandwiches. I wasn't sure what you preferred."
"Turkey is good, thank you."
Harry smiled at Draco before making his own plate of food. After dinner, Teddy fed the ducks, played in the sandbox, and then got increasingly more tired.
"Alright Edward, time to go home," Draco spoke softly, picking Teddy up.
"To your house?"
"No love you're going back to grandma's."
"Will you read to me?," Teddy murmured.
"Of course we will," Draco promised.
Harry brought them back to Andromeda's, who was pleasantly surprised to find both men with Teddy.
"Oh how lovely."
"Best day grandma," Teddy yawned sleepily.
"I can only imagine Teddy. Let's get you ready for bed while the boys find you a story, okay?"
"I had a really nice day too," Harry admitted softly, running his fingers over the spines of the books softly.
"So did I. I never get to do that you know."
"Do what?"
"Make up for lost time."
"Anytime you want to do something stupid and juvenile Malfoy, give me a call and I'll be there," Harry promised.
"I know you will."
"And that means everything to me," Draco finished mentally.
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