Chapter 12

After their heart to heart, the relationship between Harry and Draco was that much more real. Harry wasn't worried about accidentally slipping up and saying something that would concern Draco. He was satisfied that Draco meant it when he said he would never leave Harry.

They had fallen into a nice routine with Teddy accompanying their daily activities as he was on a school holiday. Draco felt himself wanting for the first time in a long while.

"Okay love, Malfoy and I will be back before bedtime, alright?"

"Have fun! But not too much fun because you're leaving me," Teddy huffed.

"But I will always come back for you," Harry promised, kissing Teddy on the forehead. "Besides, I hear Victoire is visiting."

"Yay! Take me now!"

"This is the second time I've been rejected for a Weasley," Draco said with a dramatic sigh.

"It builds character," Harry replied with a laugh.

While Draco wasn't friends with the Weasleys, they were on friendly enough terms. Draco did love speaking with Fleur, falling into an easy conversation with her in French when they arrived.

"I didn't even know he spoke French," he murmured to Bill, eyes focused on a laughing Draco.

"Are you two-?," Bill cut off, eyebrow raised as he watched Harry take in the exchange.


"But you want to be. Attaboy Harry! He's great with Victoire."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Soon enough, goodbyes were said with promises to pick up Teddy before bedtime.

"I didn't know you spoke French," Harry remarked.

"I'll need it where we're going. There's still a lot to learn about me, Potter."

"I look forward to learning it all."

Draco just smiled fondly as he extended an arm to bring Harry to Pansy's studio in France.

"So why am I here?," Harry asked, head tilted adorably in confusion, in Draco's opinion anyway.

"There's my favorite model! Hello Potter," Pansy greeted.

Draco laughed at Harry's horrified look, he couldn't help it.

"I'm the model, not you Potter."

"Oh thank Merlin."

"If you were willing I wouldn't be opposed to having you model for me Potter. I must say, the years have been very kind to you," Pansy appraised.

"Thank you? I uh, like the purple streaks in your hair."

"I'll show you to Draco's dressing room. No fooling around in there, this is a business."

"Pansy!," Draco hissed.

"Still nothing huh?"

"Nothing what-," Harry began in confusion.

"Miss Parkinson, your other model hasn't arrived yet."

"Where the fuck is he? Excuse me."

"Is there a reason you asked me here?"

"These days tend to be long and tedious, I wanted some company. Then I thought we could get some dinner? My treat."

"Yeah, okay," Harry replied with a smile. "Do you do this often?"

"Only when she thinks I need a self-esteem booster or she's trying to get me a date," Draco replied with a snort, looking through the clothes on the rack.

"What is it this time?," Harry asked, heart sinking at the reasoning.

"I think a little bit of both."

"Good thing we're going out to dinner then," Harry challenged, daring Draco to contradict him.

"A very good thing indeed."

Harry busied himself with looking around the room while Draco changed, eyes catching on past editorials on the walls.

"What do you think?," Draco asked, adjusting the shirt he had on.

"You look- oh."

"I look oh?," Draco teased, slowly spinning around in the leather pants Pansy had chosen for him.


"Never thought I could render you speechless."

"I have a thing for leather."

"Very good information to know. Yes, I think I'll take these home with me."

Harry was doomed.

"Okay Draco, here's the deal. I'll do your solo spread first and get that out of the way. Are you free any other days this week? I need to have the shots finalized by the end of the week."

"I don't know, Potter and I are with Teddy all week, I'd hate to leave them."

"I'm going to use every completely legal spell on this man when I get my hands on him. This is so unprofessional!"

"Completely legal spell, nice save Parkinson," Harry replied with a laugh.

"I haven't forgotten you're an Auror, Potter. Think about your schedule Draco, we'll see if he shows up by the end of your shoot."

As predicted, the other model didn't show up, and Harry almost wondered if this had been planned, but Parkinson looked far too angry for that to be the case. Draco actually had the guts to ask, and Harry definitely wasn't eavesdropping.

"Pansy, did you actually hire another model or are you playing matchmaker again?," Draco said lowly, but not low enough.

"Draco I love you and all, but I would not risk my career on the off chance that Potter would volunteer to help me with this shoot. The idea was for him to see how great you look in those pants, and then get into your pants. He owes me nothing, and I wouldn't make him uncomfortable like that when he so clearly doesn't want to be in the spotlight."

After almost choking at Pansy's second statement, Harry found that the last one made up for it. He felt more comfortable now, knowing he wasn't set up.

"No luck then?," Harry called, giving no indication that he had heard their conversation.

"He's not coming, and I need to book another model for when Draco has time to slip away from your little holiday."

"I may be so inclined to help if we can reach an understanding," Harry offered. "From what I've gathered, your line is about how these clothes are unisex and anyone can imagine themselves in them right?"

"I'm impressed you picked up on that. Go on."

"I'll be your other person, but I don't want people to be able to distinguish that it's me. I think that could add some mystique to your brand, and it'll fit in with your theme better as people will be able to imagine it's them in the spread."

"I like that... that could work. Daphne! Bring Potter to dressing room 3 please. He'll be filling in today. I'll have a contract written up and delivered to you. Return it to me by Friday at the latest."


"I'm going to need to find someone to do your hair. And we have to do something about your glasses," she continued.

"I have contacts I can put in. The hair cannot be controlled, but I can glamour the scar as long as we're not doing this too long."

"I can cover up your scar like I covered up Draco's- I'll handle your hair and makeup myself actually. Draco go take a break, I'll have Daphne bring you the next clothing rack," Pansy directed.


"I need to work, go," she shooed Draco away.

Harry looked at Draco with wide eyes, wondering what he had gotten himself into.

The answer to that question was very close proximity to Draco in the shoot. He was instructed to hold Draco, touch him, and caress his face. Draco was positively pink the whole time, and Harry couldn't help but to lean in and tease him for it.

"You get this flustered by all the pretty boy models?"

"Perfect Potter, stay there!," Pansy called.

"Look what you did!," Draco hissed back, smacking Harry on the stomach.

"Draco put your hand back there. Splay your fingers like you're trying to feel his abs."

Draco was suddenly very shy, and Harry wanted to cuddle him. He placed his hand on top of Draco's, sliding it up his chest until it finally rested over his heart and he smiled at Draco.

"You're an idiot," Draco said, failing to keep the fondness out of his voice.

"I'm your idiot," Harry teased, brushing some hair off of Draco's forehead.

"Potter, how are you so good at this? No offense but you're as graceful as a newborn deer."

Harry laughed, hard, leaning his head on Draco's shoulder.

"I'm just in good company. It feels natural."

"This is starting to look like a couple's photo shoot," Draco heard the photographer mumble, and his head shot up.

"I think we should play into that. Potter, hold Draco around the waist, just like that. Pull him closer. Perfect!"

Oh, Harry can have even more fun with this. He dipped Draco, who laughed and wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. When pulling Draco back up, Harry leaned his forehead against Draco's.

"Oh we're going to sell so many of these magazines, even without Potter's pretty face on the cover. Everyone is going to eat up this sexual tension. Next outfit!"

Draco ended up in his dressing room half hard and clutching the table as he stared at himself in the mirror. His cheeks were flushed, his hair had been tousled by Potter, and he needed the other man in such a primal way that it hurt.

A knock at the door had him digging his fingernails into his palm as he heavily exhaled.


"Malfoy what the fuck is this shirt?," Harry hissed at the door.

Snorting, Draco opened the door and pulled Harry inside.

"Why are there so many zippers? Where is my head supposed to go?"

"You're hopeless. Shirt off."

"Yes sir," Harry teased, easily tugging his shirt off.

"Potter how are you bleeding?," Draco asked, eyes traveling across Harry's chest.

"I got nicked by a zipper," he replied with a self-deprecating smile. "Good thing I have my own personal healer huh?"

"Careful Potter, I might start thinking you're getting injured on purpose just to proposition me."

"I enjoy spending time with you Draco, but injuring myself on purpose has never even crossed my mind. I find it's much better to seduce you with home cooked meals."

"Do you think it's working?"

"You keep coming back for more," Harry flirted, taking a step closer to Draco.

Smirking, Draco just ran his hand over Harry's cut to heal him, allowing his fingers to roam over Harry's chest.

"Any other injuries I should be worried about?"

"Do you want to check?"

"I can be amicable to that-"

"I swear if you're both shagging in my dressing room," Pansy yelled, banging on the door. "Hurry up!"

"Potter dearest isn't accustomed to zippers."

"Now that I do believe," Pansy replied with a laugh.

With a roll of his eyes, Harry let Draco help him into the shirt.

"You can help me out of this later," Harry flirted, winking at Draco and leaving his room.

"I'm so fucked," Draco whispered to himself.

"You will be, soon enough. I've booked you a reservation, I'm gifting you clothes to wear, there's not much else I can do for you. Salazar, Potter needed minimal direction; he came in looking like he wanted to jump your bones. That's all your work, Merlin knows what he sees in you."

"He sees the best in me," Draco replied fondly, knowing there was a sappy smile on his face that he couldn't control.

"Come on, let's get you back to loverboy."

The promise of dinner had Harry mostly behaving because he was dying to get back to being alone with Draco. Draco couldn't tell if he was relieved or disappointed at the change in Harry's behavior, but he made it up to him by pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.

"Potter, if you ever want to get into modeling, please let me know, I have a job for you."

"Thanks Parkinson," he replied with a laugh.

"There's a gift for you on the dressing table."

"You didn't-"

"Think of it as an apology for trying to sacrifice you to save myself. Just... don't hurt Draco. He's quite sensitive as I'm sure you know, and he's really attached to you. If you hurt him, I won't hesitate to follow through."

"I really like him, Parkinson. I will be keeping him around, that I can promise you."

"Here," she said, handing him an envelope. "Go get your man loverboy."

Harry walked into his dressing room and rolled his eyes when he looked at how tight the given shirt was.

"I see what you're doing Parkinson," he mused to himself. "It is about time isn't it?," Harry asked the empty room.

He had to give it to Parkinson, she had great taste, and Harry himself thought he looked hot. Deciding to leave the contacts in, Harry purposefully tousled his hair, smiled at himself in the mirror, and went to get Draco.

"You look brilliant," Harry greeted as he took in the sight of Draco.

"You left your contacts in."

"Yeah, I wear them for special occasions. You're special."

"You clean up well. Are you ready for dinner?"

"I am indeed."

Draco offered his arm to Harry, and they were off. Harry was completely out of his element in the nice restaurant, and most of the venue was in French.

"Order me something I won't hate?," Harry asked, closing the menu and taking a skip of his water.

"Of course. We can split."

"Thanks love."

Everything was so easy between the two men. The conversation was never forced. They laughed, they flirted, they fed each other forkfuls of food. At one point they even held hands across the table, initiated by Harry.

The waiter came back and said something in French, placing down a heart shaped chocolate cake on the table, along with a bill. Draco beat Harry to it by milliseconds.

"That's not fair, you can understand what he's saying!"

"Maybe I'll let you get it next time," Draco teased, rubbing his thumb over Harry's hand.

"I do recall being promised flying and then dinner."

"I keep my promises. Next week perhaps."

"It's a date," Harry said, testing the words on his tongue.

"It's a date," Draco confirmed, face turning Harry's favorite shade of pink.

"I had fun with you today."

"Me as well. I'm excited to see how the shoot turned out."

"Parkinson didn't give you an envelope of photos?"


"We'll look at them after we tuck Teddy into bed."

"It is getting close to his bedtime isn't it?"

"He'll be expecting us soon."

"My heart is as broken as this chocolate cake is about to be," Draco said dramatically, cutting the cake clean in two.

He soon wondered if he brought the upcoming negative turn of events upon himself after doing so.

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