Chapter 10
Draco was worried about Harry, to say the least. He tried to go home, he really did, but he ended up staying at Grimmauld in his bedroom waiting for Harry to come back. That night he never returned.
Breakfast was made, and still Harry didn't come home. Draco brought breakfast over to Teddy and dropped him off at school promising that Harry sent his love and would do his best to pick him up. Before returning back to Grimmauld, Draco quickly picked up some groceries, went home to shower and grab some work, and yet still returned to an empty house.
He figured he would try his hand at making some soup. Potter made it sound simple, and Draco was determined. A cookbook was successfully summoned, and Draco was able to follow the recipe. With that simmering on the stove, Draco curled up on the couch in the living room with his ledgers, being sure everything was up to date.
His eyes kept drifting towards the door, so Draco forced himself to move into the kitchen to keep an eye on the soup. Once the ledgers were done, he then began looking through the cookbook for other more simple recipes. He flagged a few he thought he could make, and chose one to make for dinner. Potter had promised as long as Draco used a meat thermometer he couldn't kill anyone.
Amidst the dinner preparations, Draco heard the door open and slam shut. Dropping what he was doing, he ran into the living room to find Harry dirty, blood on his cheek, with his eyes closed, and head dropped against the door. He looked like he was in pain, and Draco couldn't tell if it was because he was physically hurt, or if it was mentally or emotionally.
"Potter?," Draco asked, taking a careful step forward.
Harry's eyes shot open as he dropped his emergency bag and stared at Draco.
"You're here," he said carefully.
"I hope that's okay."
Draco watched as Harry's face did a funny thing. There were so many emotions present Draco didn't know which one he should focus on.
"More than."
Harry stared at Draco, as if he was conflicted and trying to figure him out before he did something.
"Do what you need to do," Draco said.
That was enough for Harry to practically pounce on Draco, wrapping his arms around him and burying his face in Draco's neck. For his part, Draco braced himself to accept the impact of Harry's weight hitting him full force.
"I've got you," Draco promised, hugging Harry back just as tightly and rubbing his back.
He let Harry stay in that position as long as Harry felt it was needed, refusing to be the first one to break away. Harry needed to feel as if the power was still in his hands.
"I'm sorry," Harry mumbled into Draco's neck.
"Don't you ever apologize for this Potter," Draco said fiercely, pulling away to caress Harry's cheek. "Let me take a look at you please."
Draco removed Harry's Auror robe right there in the living room, letting it drop to the floor.
"So this is that form fitting t-shirt I've heard so much about? I must say, it lives up to its standards," Draco teased, trying to put Harry at ease.
Harry chuckled, and Draco was pleased.
"Is your cheek the only injury?"
"I got elbowed in the side but I think it's okay?"
"Let me just," Draco said as he began casting diagnostic spells.
He was definitely more thorough than he needed to be, but this was Harry he was talking about.
"Nothing is broken thank Merlin, let me take a look at your side okay?"
Draco carefully peeled up the bottom of Harry's shirt, and gently ran his fingers over where there was light bruising.
With some whispered words and a final caress, the bruising was gone.
"All better, on the outside at least. Do you want a shower or a cleaning charm?"
"Charm. I don't think I can make it to the shower."
With a wave of his wand, Draco's work was finished.
"Go upstairs and change Potter, I'll be up shortly."
With Harry upstairs, Draco filled two bowls up with soup and then went back to making dinner. He was so in tune with what he was doing that he didn't notice Harry was watching him until he felt arms around his waist.
"Potter! I told you I'd be up shortly."
"It's been 10 minutes, I needed to see you. What are you doing?"
"I'm cooking," Draco replied, his face coloring in embarrassment.
"You made all of this?"
"You didn't come home, so I went grocery shopping and made some soup, and then you still weren't home so I made dinner and I'm sorry if I overstepped-"
"You are so special to me," Harry interrupted, spinning Draco around to look at him. "I don't even have words to describe how you make me feel. Thank you. I just...," Harry ended, shaking his head in frustration as his words failed him.
"You're worth the effort, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
Harry insisted they eat on the couch so that he could be close to Draco. Draco obviously didn't mind at all, and greedily accepted all given affection, matching it with his own.
"Are they making you go in tomorrow?," Draco asked, dinner long gone.
"I'm on call. This is the case I've been working for awhile, so if they need me, I have to go," Harry replied, playing with Draco's fingers.
"Is there anything I can do for you?"
"You're here, and that means everything to me. I mean that. Without you... I don't even know where I would be Draco."
Time seemed to stop for Draco at that moment. Hearing Harry call him by his name, oh Merlin was he a goner.
"You would be helping people at the cost of yourself Harry," Draco replied quietly, rubbing his thumb over where the cut on Harry's cheek had been. "Let's get you to bed yeah?"
"Would you stay?"
Harry looked so broken, so unsure if he was able to ask for something like this.
"Of course I will."
They got ready for bed in silence, Draco unsure as to what Harry meant by "stay." He stopped to see Harry before making his way to his own room. Harry was on the right side of the bed with far too much space next to him to imply he was sleeping alone.
When Harry saw him, he flipped the covers down so that Draco could get into bed next to him. Draco tentatively crawled into bed next to Harry, and Harry turned the lights out. Focusing on his breathing, Draco closed his eyes. Slowly, he felt Harry carefully inch closer to him, as if he was afraid of scaring Draco.
"Do what you need to do," Draco repeated.
"Can... can you hold me please?"
"Come here," Draco welcomed softly, opening his arms for Harry to crawl into.
"Thank you, for everything," Harry mumbled into Draco's chest. "I'm sorry if I'm making things weird."
"You're not. I care about you, I'm glad you trust me enough to help you."
"I trust you with my life," Harry said gravely, an almost haunted tone seeping in.
"And you with mine. You're safe now, get some sleep."
Long after Harry was asleep, Draco lay there, holding Harry to his chest. He wished he could do more to help. Harry didn't deserve anything that he had been put through.
Against Draco's protests, Harry insisted on taking Teddy to school on Wednesday. He had missed the day before and he didn't want Teddy feeling hurt because of it.
"He understands you know," Draco told him. "You're just Harry to him, but he knows all about Harry Potter. Teddy knows how important you are to everyone."
"Teddy is most important to me though. I don't want him to feel like everyone else matters more, because they don't. You matter to me too."
"I know Potter, and so does he. He told me he wants to be like you when he grows up. Not an Auror, not a child defeating dark wizards. Someone who is kind, funny, and has so much love to give. However you think he sees you, you're wrong," Draco pleaded with him.
"I needed to hear that. Thank you Draco."
"Let's get you some more soup yeah?"
"I can't believe you made me food."
"You always cook for me, it's about time I returned the favor. I figured soup would be very hard to mess up. You just throw a bunch of food in a pot and let it cook all day," Draco brushed him off, getting two bowls out.
"Don't be modest, this wasn't just some small thing to me. You give me back the energy that I give you because you want to, not because of my name. The more time I spend with you, the less I want to spend with other people because I don't think I'll ever meet anyone else who understands me in the way that you do."
"You don't see me as a death eater anymore, I don't have to prove anything to you," Draco admitted solemnly, wondering what exactly Harry had gone through to make him open up this way.
"You are so much more than other people think you are. It's their loss, but my gain," Harry admitted.
While they were eating their soup, Harry's pager went off again.
"Level 1, they need me for a meeting. I can finish lunch but then I have to go. I'll page you if I can't make it back in time to get Teddy okay?"
"Okay. Be safe."
"I'll do my best."
Finishing up, Harry grabbed his bag, and pulled Draco into a tight hug.
"I'll see you soon."
The meeting went about the way Harry had expected it to. He arrived back at Grimmauld just as Draco was getting ready to pick up Teddy, and said no more than a few words to Draco. Teddy had his full attention when they dropped him off home.
"Hey Teddy Bear, I won't see you until Saturday okay?"
"You're going to get the bad guys?," Teddy asked.
"I'm going to do my very best."
"Your best is more than enough," Teddy replied wisely, hugging Harry tightly.
Harry picked him up and kissed his forehead.
"I promise that I'll see you as soon as I can love."
"Will I still have Draco?"
"Of course you will. We can have a sleepover like we used to, yeah?"
"Yay! Then we can have another sleepover when Harry is back."
"Yes we will," Harry promised. "I love you."
"I love you most!"
Harry shared a few whispered words with Andy while Draco kept Teddy occupied. The walk back to Harry's was silent.
"Are you going to tell me, or do I have to ask?"
"I'm going into work tonight and will be in and out of here depending on my availability. I have to do a stakeout, we're getting so close to shutting this ring down."
"Just please take care of yourself. We need you to come back."
"I will come back to you," Harry promised.
With that being said, he went to pack, and Draco went home to brew potions he prayed wouldn't be needed.
Not seeing Harry made Draco's day feel... off. He didn't want to disturb the other man, knowing he needed rest if he even was home. It was Thursday night and he had Teddy sleeping over, and Draco watched ominously as dark storm clouds rolled in.
Teddy was asleep, but Draco knew he wouldn't stay that way for long. Draco himself was no longer a fan of storms, even after all of these years. The bright flashes of light and loud booms still took him right back to the war some nights.
"Draco?," Teddy called quietly.
"I'm here Edward. Do you want to get into bed with me?"
"I want lost boy," he replied, his lip wobbling as he held back tears.
"What is that? Is that a Disney film? The one with the boy in green and the fairy?"
Teddy just shook his head, eyes spilling over as thunder shook the house. Draco flinched, and Teddy kept begging for Harry.
"We'll see if he's home, come on."
Draco figured if anything, they could just sleep in Harry's bed. He held Teddy as he cried, looking for anything in Harry's living room that could tell him what "lost boy" was. Finding nothing, Draco carried Teddy upstairs into his room to try to find something to calm him down.
"You're okay Teddy, we're okay," Draco promised.
"Piano," Teddy replied with a sniffle.
"What do you want me to play?," Draco asked, sitting on the bench with Teddy in his lap.
"Lost boy."
"I don't know that song, but I'll play what I can, okay?"
Harry soon enough woke up to piano music cut with thunder, and he knew immediately what was happening.
"Lost boy?," Harry asked, causing Draco's head to snap up.
"Yes please," Teddy sniffled.
Draco stood up and Harry took Teddy, sitting him atop the piano. The song was beautiful, but so sad, and Draco's heart hurt for a Harry who never felt as if he truly belonged anywhere.
"Let's get to bed, okay?"
Harry flipped the covers, put Teddy into bed, and then crawled in next to him.
"Harry will protect us," Teddy said wisely, crawling to the edge of the bed and grabbing Draco's hand.
"He always does," Draco agreed, letting Teddy pull him into bed.
Draco watched as Teddy curled up on Harry's chest. Harry protectively wrapped an arm around Teddy and kissed him on the forehead. Looking at Draco expectantly, he opened an arm for Draco to lay on.
"It's alright," Harry said softly. "I'm not a fan of the bright flashes of lightning myself."
"I don't like the thunder," Draco whispered, laying next to Harry.
Wrapping his arm around Draco protectively, he tugged him closer into his side.
"My boys," Harry whispered with a happy sigh.
Draco felt his face burn at the thought of being Harry's anything. He liked it though, he liked it a lot. He would be whatever Harry wanted him to be.
Once Teddy was asleep, Draco stared at Harry, trying to assess how he was doing.
"I'm okay. Thank you for bringing him here. For the future though, I recorded the song for him, he has it on tape when I'm not there."
"I thought he was talking about the Disney movie."
"The song references the Disney movie. He heard me play it once and he loved it."
"It's hauntingly beautiful."
"I thought Hogwarts was my Neverland, you know?," Harry said wistfully, a hint of bitterness seeping into his tone. "I thought it would be my escape from what I was facing, but it gave me a whole new set of problems."
"I was your problem once," Draco reminded him, "and look where we are now."
"I think you're my Neverland," Harry admitted, drifting to sleep.
"I know you're mine," Draco whispered back.
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