Dress Hunting and Old Friends

Adeline POV

I drive to the mall with Carter so he could hang out to with Max and I can look for a prom dress.

I go to the dress store at my mall and start to look around.

"Della? Is that you?" I hear a very familiar voice say.

I turn around and sure enough it was my friend Lexie standing there.

"Lexie!" I half yell and hug her. "It's been forever! Ugh I missed you so much."

"I know. What's your phone number so we can text and hang out?" She asks.

I give her my number and she asks. "So what are you looking for a dress for?"

"I'm going to prom with my boyfriend." I say blushing slightly thinking about him.

"Oooooh Della's got a boyfriend. Tell me everything." She says exitedly.

"Well his name's Dalton. He has blonde hair we like all of the same stuff. He wears guyliner. I know it's weird but it's cute on him. His friends are like my brothers. I really love him. Sorry I'm rambling but you told me to tell you everything." I say.

"Wow Della he sounds great." Lexie says.

"He is. Anyway enough about me hows Jacob?" I ask.

"Jacob's great. I'm actually here looking for a prom dress too." She says.

"Cool we get to try on dresses together and maybe we can go get pizza after." I say.

"Of course you and your pizza." She laughs and rolls her eyes.

I look around at dresses when I found a black maxi dress with a sparky top and the bottom is black chiffon. I put it on and I walk out to where Lexie is sitting. When she saw me her eyes lit up and she said "You look great in that. I think Dalton will love it."

"I think this is the one I'll get then." I say looking into the mirror on the wall.

"Okay I'll go try on mine." She says. She comes out wearing a baby blue mermaid dress with rhinestones on the bottom part.

"Wow Lex you should get it Jacob will probably start drooling when he sees you in it." I say.

"Okay let's go pay then." She says after she comes back out of the dressing room.

We pay for our dresses and go into Sephora. "So how's Carter?" She asks.

"He's great. He and his boyfriend Max are so cute. He's not depressed anymore which is great." I say.

"That's great he was always such a great kid. It really sucked when he was diagnosed with depression and you too but I'm glad he better. So where do you stand with your depression?" She asks.

"Um it's getting better since I met Dalton and his friends but I saw Alex last week at the mall and it kinda shook me up a little." I say thinking back to what happened.

"And what about the cutting." She asks looking a little worried.

"Eight months clean." I say showing her my arms.

"That's great Della." She says.

We buy our makeup and go to the food court to get our pizza. We find where Carter and Max are sitting.

When Carter sees Lexie he immediately gets up and hugs her. "Hey Lex it's nice to see you."

"It's nice to see you too Carter. This must be Max. Hi I'm Lexie." She says and Max shakes her hand. We sit down and eat our pizza.

"We should definitely hang out again soon. I miss having my friend aroud." Lexie says.

"I miss you too. But I moved for the better. I needed to get away." I say feeling a little bad for not talking to Lexie for 8 months.

"Yeah I know but you could've called." She says.

"I know I've just been trying to get better." I say.

"Okay but you better be calling and texting me now that you're better." She says hugging me.

"I will. Bye Lex." I say hugging her tight.

"Bye Della. Bye Carter and it was nice to meet you Max." She says and walks away.

Carter, Max and I leave after we get Starbucks.

I drop Carter and Max off at Max's house and I go home.

When I get there my mom is home. I walk in and my mom is sitting in her chair. "Hey mom I found my prom dress!" I exclaim.

"That's great Adeline. Let me see it." She says.

I go up to my room and put my dress on and my new shoes I got the other day.

I go downstairs and my mom sees me and says. "Good choice it looks lovely on you Dell."

"Thanks mom." I say and hug her before going back upstairs to take a shower.

After I get out I put on my stitch onesie and go into my room to watch Netflix.

I decide after an hour to write my essay for English and do my math homework.

I fell asleep at around 1:30 watching something on tv.

I woke up and decided I was going to go for a run and then go to the gym.

I go into my bathroom and brush my teeth and throw my hair up into a ponytail. I put on my running shorts and my Nike tank top. Before I go downstairs I put on my favorite running sneakers and grab my iPod and headphones. I fill up my water bottle and go outside to stretch before my run.

I slip my headphones into my ears and turn on my running playlist.

I end up running 4 and a half miles. I go inside and grab my keys and gym bag before refilling my water bottle.

I drive to the gym and run another mile on the treadmill and do some squats with weights. When I finish my workout I go home and eat an apple and some yogurt.

I make a smoothie and go upstairs. I drink my smoothie and sketched a picture of Cole because I was bored. I took a shower because I feel kind of gross from my workout and run.

I decide to text Will. We talk for about an hour about art and band.

Will is like my brother and I really like talking to him because he is really funny.

When I stop talking to Will I talk to Dalton until dinner and after I ate I fell asleep. 

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