Part 7

I'm thinking of changing the title of this story. Please help me with suggestions!

Parseltongue- Harry speaking ; snakes speaking

'mind talking/ communicating'


Harry looked around the station, wondering how to get to platform 9 and 3/4. After Vernon had kindly dropped him off at the station, Harry wandered around, noticing there was no 9 and 3/4. 

"Now, what's the platform number?" somebody asked. Harry turned to see a plump woman with red hair surrounded by 4 boys and a little girl. 

"Nine and three-quarters!" said the girl. Harry recognized two of the boys as Fred and George. Both were talking in hushed whispers, probably planning some sort of prank, from what he observed. The lady first send who seemed oldest son through a wall? And instead of crashing, he vanished. Harry blinked, not believing his eyes. But he could feel the magic coming off from the family, so walked over to them. 

"Um, excuse me," Harry said, Sicily sliding out, trying to comfort him. The family looked at him, everyone surprised (except the twins) to see the snake hanging off his neck. 

"Hello, there, nice to see you again," the twins said together. Harry nodded at them, and asked, "Do you know where platform 9 and 3/4 is?" The woman smiled at him.

"Yes dear. In fact, it's Ron's first time too," she said, pointing to her youngest son. He was tall, thin, had freckles and blue eyes. Like the rest of his family, he had red hair. She turned to one of the twins. "Fred, you next."

"I'm not Fred, I'm George," said the boy." Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?" Harry snorted at this, and looked at the twins, raising an eyebrow. They secretly winked at him.

"Sorry, George, dear." 

"Only joking, I am Fred." With that he dashed towards the pillar before his mom could reach him, calling for his twin. They too, disappeared. The woman turned to Harry.

"You see that pillar between 9 and 10? All you have to do if walk through it. Don't be scared, you won't crash." Harry's eyes widened, wondering if he should take the chance. He decided to check if this was true. He slowly reached out his magic, and could feel magic radiating off the pillar. After checking over his pets, he thanked the woman and ran through the barrier. He felt a cool breeze and opened his eyes to see a scarlet steam engine. The platform was full of noises, kids, trunks, animals, owls hooting. Harry found an empty compartment and tried to lift his trunk, but he couldn't and dropped it on his feet twice. Despite the minimal amount of bruises he received during the past month, he was still healing.

"Need help, James?" Harry turned to see it was George. He simply nodded, while the older kid hollered for his twin to help them. After they finished, Harry wiped the sweat off his brow, moving the bangs to reveal his scar. The twins stopped and stared at him, Harry quickly trying to cover it up again.

"You're Harry Potter, aren't you?" Fred asked. Harry sighed.

"Seems so, doesn't it?" he said a bit coldly. But then he normally added, "but my middle name is James." The twins nodded, realizing he wasn't comfortable with fame. Both left, treating him normal again before leaving. Harry sighed and was about to close the door when something fell out from Fred's pocket. It was blank parchment, and looked old. Yet, there was something familiar about it. Then he remembered something.


'Harry was playing with his father and uncles, his mother out of the house. The 3 adults (save Moony) were transformed into animals and causing a ruckus, no doubt Lily going to yell their heads off when she got back. But for now, they just wanted to enjoy. They laughed and talked about their times in Hogwarts. Padfoot suddenly turned to Harry.

"You know pup," he started. "When we were in school, we were the pranksters. We created so much ruckus that dear old Minnie had set aside three tables for us to use in detention. Moony here was the goody-two shoes. It was always me, Prongs, and Wormtail."

"But that's beside the point," his dad jumped in. "We created a map of Hogwarts that would help us move around the castle secretly. Add my invisibility cloak, and nothing could stop us." Moony sighed, muttering how did he become head boy.

"Too bad Flich confiscated it. But, if you ever find an old parchment folded in many layers, say I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. And it will most likely open to reveal the Marauders Map," Wormtail continued. "Then, when you are done, say Mischief Managed."

Flashback finished

Harry stared at it, then pointed his wand to it and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." To his amazement, ink started to appear on it, and then words. Quickly looking around, he whispered, "Mischief Managed" and once again, it was a blank piece of paper. Harry quickly pocketed it; he will return it to the twins later. Then he went to sit by the windows, stroking Sicily and Hedwig. The compartment opened, and a bushy haired girl and a boy came in.

"Have you seen a toad? Neville here has lost it." Harry narrowed his eyes at Neville. Then suddenly it clicked.

"I know you!" Harry said. "Your Neville Longbottom, right?" The boy nodded, confused. Harry gave him a small gentle smile. "Your mother was my godmother. I remember you from when we were young. You were a few days older than me." Neville's eyes widened.

"You mean you're Harry Potter!" Harry frowned a bit when his eyes flicked to his forehead, but nodded. 

"How's your parents and grandmother? I really miss them." 

Neville sagged sightly. "My parents currently reside in St. Mungos." He brightened up a bit. "But I'm sure my grandmother would love to meet you!" Harry nodded and turned to the girl. 

"I'm Harry, what's your name?" 

"I'm Hermione Granger. Pleased to meet you." Harry then turned to Neville.

"Why don't you guys ask one of the older students here to summon him?" Hermione's eyes widened. 

"Stay here, I'll be right back with Trevor." Harry shook his head and said, 

"You guys are welcome to stay if you want." Neville smiled shyly and nodded. Hermione came back with the toad and the three made themselves comfortable in the compartment. The train started after a few minutes, Sicily moving around. Halfway through the ride, the compartment opened, and there stood Draco.

"You never told me your name was Harry Potter!" he exclaimed.

"You never asked. Just kept on talking," Harry smiled at Draco's reddening face. He quickly composed himself.

"Um... I was wondering... if you wanted to be friends," Draco said. Harry's eyes gained a higher level of life, mesmerizing Draco. Harry nodded happily, and Draco went to sit next to him. All of them loved Sicily, and took turns petting her. Draco and Neville explained the other two the ways of the wizarding world, and more about the houses. A few minutes had past, when Fred and George suddenly burst in through the compartment. Both were laughing their heads, off, with George holding a rat.

"What did you do?" Harry asked.

"Oh nothing, dear Harry," Fred said.

"just a simple prank to our dear little brother," George continued. 

"And stole his rat Scabbers," Fred added, looking at the rat. Harry narrowed his eyes at it, and took the rat from George while the others introduce themselves. Harry knew he had seen this rat before; he tried to think where.

A sssnack for me? Sicily hissed.

No, girl. I have seen this rat before. I am just trying to figure out where. Harry didn't notice the silence that fell over the compartment until Draco nudged him.

"You can speak to snakes?" he asked, shocked. Harry frowned.

"Well, yes. I have always been able to speak to snakes. I don't know how, or why I am a Parselmouth." The others just nodded their heads and continued what they were doing. Harry turned back to the rat, and a light turned on inside his head. 

"Uncle Wormy?" he said quietly so nobody heard him. The rat looked shocked then nodded. There was a look in his eyes that told him not to give him away. Harry thought, and said, 

"You know, this rat's tail reminds me of a worm." He turned to the twins. "Is it okay if I rename him Wormtail?" The twins looked at each other.

"Sure," they said. Wormtail curled up onto his lap and Harry started to pet him. Soon, the train stopped and everyone filed out. Hagrid was waiting for them, and the four first-years got together in a boat. While they were going across the lake, a tentacle came out of the water's surface and waved. Most of the students shrieked, but Harry reached out and pet the tentacle. The squid grabbed his hand gently and started tickling him. Harry squirmed, but did not let out more than a sigh. Draco, Neville, and Hermione followed suite, and they also began to play. Sicily laughed when one of the tentacles started tickling her, and Wormtail stayed far away from everything. When they got out of the boat, Professor McGonagall was waiting for them. She briefly explained about the four houses, and then left. Peter (aka Wormtail) pointed to Ron, and Harry went over to give him the rat. Ron joined his small group, but him and Draco seemed to hate each other. The other three held them back before a fight broke out. The two eventually calmed, but stood on either side of Harry.

"I have to ask you guys something...," Harry trailed off. the other four turned their heads and looked at him. "Promise me that whatever house we are in, the five of us will continue to be friends?" Hermione and Neville agreed and looked at Draco and Ron. Both in some sort of staring contest, but when they saw the hopeful look on Harry's face, they agreed. Harry also gained another level of happiness, his green eyes not so dull. Just then, McGonagall came back, and she ushered them inside. The Great Hall was beautiful to look at, and Hermione told the others the ceiling was enchanted to look like a starry night. In the center, was a stool with an old hat on. To everyone's surprise, the hat started to sing! Finally, when the song ended, everyone started clapping, and the professor started to call out names. Hermione made it into Ravenclaw, while Neville made it into Hufflepuff. The hat didn't even sit upon Draco's head before calling out Slytherin. Harry clapped for all his new friends. Finally, it was his turn. Whispers broke out throughout the room at the mention of his name. But Harry held his head high and sat down on the stool, the hat's brim covering his eyes.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" the hat spoke. Harry tensed, then realized it was just the hat.

"Hello," he said. The hat chuckled.

"Let's see, hmm. Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, not afraid to help others. Hmm... very loyal to some who has made it in your heart, and very smart.  With this memory of yours, no doubt you'll be the top student. Fair to everybody, and you know how to get your work done. There's talent, oh my goodness, and a nice thirst to prove yourself. Now where should I put you..." The hat pondered over this for a long time. 10 minutes had past, yet there was still no change. 

"You will fit in all house perfectly, no doubt. But we must pick one. Hmm..."

"Put me in a house where I will be accepted."

"I see... you want to prove to the world you are not what they thought to be. You want respect from your peers, but not fame. This little detail will put you in SLYTHERIN!!!" Harry slowly got off the stool. Everyone was stunned silence. Suddenly, there was clapping from the Slytherin table. Draco started clapping, the Hermione, Neville, and the Weasleys joined. Soon the rest of the school started clapping, which also started some whispers as Harry sat down next to Draco. Ron got sorted into Gryffindor. After Headmaster Dumbledore finished his speech, food appeared. Harry only ate a bit, since his stomach was shrunken. Draco noticed this, but didn't mention it. 

"Harry, these are my friends, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini. Pansy, Blaise, this is Harry Potter." The three nodded at each other.

"I'm Tracy Davis, and this is Daphne Greengrass and Theodore Nott," the girl in front of Harry said.

"I'm pleased to meet you all," Harry said. 

"So, how have you been?" Daphne asked. Harry tensed up a bit, and everyone noticed. But only Draco noticed the green eyes becoming a bit dull.

"I've been fine. Sorry, this is my first time being in the wizarding world for so long."

"Really?" Theodore questioned. Harry nodded.

"I was raised by my muggle aunt and uncle. I didn't know I was a wizard until just over two months ago."

"Interesting. But don't you worry, we'll help you fit right in," Tracy said, smiling at Harry. The others nodded. They started up a conversation, sometime talking to Harry, sometimes leaving him to listen. Harry looked at the professors table. There were a lot. But when Harry made eye contact with a professor dressed in black, his scar prickled. Harry's hand flew to his forehead, and asked Draco,

"Who is that professor in black?"

"That's Professor Severus Snape, the potions teacher and my godfather," he replied.

"For some reason, I don't think he likes me," Harry mumbled. Harry looked over and saw his friends. All smiled at him when he looked at them, which he returned. Soon it was time to leave. Two prefects led the Slytherins to their common room, which was in the dungeons. They got to a portrait that was a grassy land filled with snakes and a man. 

"Pureblood," one of the prefects, Gemma Farley, said. The portrait swung open, and everyone stepped inside. All went to their dorms, and the Harry opened the door to the room he shared with Draco, Blaise, and Theo. Harry went over to his bed and saw all his belongings already there. Harry took out his pajamas, and went into the bathroom to change, since he didn't want the others to see his scars. By the time Harry got back, all the boys were in their beds. After saying goodnight, they turned off the lights and Harry fell into a blissful sleep with no nightmares.

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