Part 21
Parseltongue- Harry speaking ; snakes speaking
'mind talking/ communicating'
Christmas was coming. It became apparent when one morning in mid-December found itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake was frozen solid and the Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrel around, bouncing off the back of his turban.
No one could wait for the holidays to start. The drafty corridors had become very icy and a bitter wind rattled the classes down in the dungeons. Worst of all were Professor Snape's, who apparently didn't care for the storm outside and continued plowing through his lessons. It was a pitiful sight when their breath rose in a mist before them and they kept as close as possible to their hot cauldrons. Yet the commons rooms and the Great Hall were a blessing. The roaring fires kept the whole school warm, and more often than not the small group of friends would be seen spending time there.
"I do feel so sorry," said Draco, one evening after potions class, "for all those people who are going to stay at Hogwarts." He turned to look at Harry. "Are you sure you want to stay at Hogwarts? I can't imagine living in a climate like this."
As soon as Professor McGonagall had come around with the list of those who were staying for Christmas break, Harry was one of the first to sign up. Any way to be away from the Dursleys would always be taken into consideration.
He smiled wryly at Draco. "It's not that bad, I've seen worse. Besides, the Weasleys will be staying as well." Draco sniffed.
"You're bloody mental, you are."
He went outside to give his friends a farewell. However, Harry felt a pang of loneliness watching Draco leave. Even if it was for only 2 weeks, he had become accustomed to seeing the blonde every time he turned his head. They bickered, sure, but he had grown fond of the boy. But he wasn't left in his musing for long. The Weasley twins bounced up to him, hooked their arms with his, and marched off, practically lifting him from the ground and dragging him.
"W-wait! What's happening?!"
"Shh, dearest,"
"We have a surprise for you!"
"It better not be a prank or so help me-"
"We would never!"
"At least not this time..."
"Marauder's promise."
Harry groaned and let them have their way. It was no use. At least it wouldn't be a prank wherever they are taking him, since they gave him a Marauder promise. Of course the twins told Harry all about the Marauders. They said since he was now their adopted brother, it was only right he knew how they pulled all their awesome pranks. Harry still wouldn't tell them how he knew about them, no matter how hard they tried. It was a secret for another day.
Soon they pulled up outside the Great Hall. The twins let go of him and with a dramatic bow, opened the door for him. Harry was astounded. The hall looked spectacular. Festoons of holly and mistletoe hung all around the walls, and no less than twelve towering Christmas trees stood around the room, some sparkling with icicles, some glittering with hundreds of candles.
The twins smirked and laughed at his reaction.
"I remember us looking like that Forge."
"Right you are Gred. Ahh, the good old days."
Eventually, Harry breathed, "Amazing...This is beautiful."
"I know right."
"We helped out."
Harry turned to look at the twins in surprise. "Really?"
"To keep us out of trouble-,"
"Professors McGonagall and Flitwick-"
"let us help them."
"See those animals over there." Fred pointed to miniature creatures floating and jumping around in a corner.
"And those over there." George indicated to the ice sculptures all over the hall.
"Brilliant," Harry grinned.
This was the best Christmas Harry had ever experienced. With the castle mostly to himself, he and the twins went on many explorations, mapping every inch that map might have missed. He was even invited to the Gryffindor common room, where they spent hours sitting by the hours, playing and relaxing. Ron tried to teach him wizarding chess, which he turned out to be trash at. Harry already sent out all his gifts, so he wasn't worried about that like few people he saw panicking. When Christmas morning came, he actually slept in, which hadn't happened since... forever. But it wasn't for long, when there was a knock on his dorm. After giving an affirmative, a genuinely confused older Slytherin staying for the breaks poked their head in and told him he had visitors. In bounced the Weasley twins.
"Happy Christmas!" they chorused.
"Happy Christmas!" he replied with a smile."What time is it?"
"It's nine o'clock," Fred replied.
"Yep. We didn't see you in the hall at an unreasonable time."
"You missed breakfast so we decided to bring you something to eat."
"And don't forget to open your presents!"
Harry finally noticed the small pile in front of his bed.
"I got presents?" he mumbled. But it wasn't after the twins left. They glanced sadly at each other and quietly closed the door behind them.
Harry nibbled on a cheese sandwich while he examined the pile in front of him. All of his friends sent him something, even some of the Slytherins. There were a few unknown gifts, which he decided to open for later. He noted the Dursleys didn't send him anything, and honestly? It was better that way.
He started by opening Hermione's. She had sent him a planner. Attached to it was a note saying it never ran out of pages and everything would automatically be color-coded.
Neville had given him some kind of plant. Apparently, when watered it gave off an essence that would help catch a good night's rest.
Draco sent him a batch of different colored inks and a self-filling quill, all wrapped in fancy green paper. He also gave him the most fanciest looking chocolate he had ever seen. The prat.
The twins had given him a load full of Zonko products and a bunch of sweets from Honeydukes. From Ron he received the Greatest Quiddich Players of all Times and Hagrid gave him a carved out wooden flute, which he immediately put in his trunk. He could just tell that was a hazard. Among other presents were...
Moving on to the unknown packages, he opened the first one to see a box full of fudge and an emerald green sweater with a golden H embroidered on it. There was a note attached to it. It said,
This is a Weasley sweater. We asked mom to make you one because you are now officially part of the family.
Your older twin brothers
Harry was shocked well beyond belief. It was the nicest gift anyone had ever sent him, and to think the Weasleys considered him part of their family without even meeting him brought tears to his eyes. He quickly put it on, enjoying the coziness.
Finally, he turned to the last present. Opening the gift, he pulled out something silver that seemed to resemble a cloak. It seemed vaguely familiar to him. He looked at the note attached to it, finding no signature. Not bothering to read it as of right now, he examined the cloak more carefully. Something... didn't feel right. He extended his magic, trying to figure out the problem. He frowned, trying to identify what was wrong. It seemed like...
He threw the cloak as far away as he could, crawling backwards and breathing heavily, sadness, confusion and wariness filling him. There was definitely something wrong with the cloak. It was bewitched, calling out to him in a sickeningly sweet aura, telling him to trust. who? It didn't matter. He was not going anywhere near the cloak until he figured out how to get rid of it. Even if it belonged to his father.
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