Chapter 5. - Ceremonies, feasts and MERLIN!!!!!!!
Chapter 5. - Ceremonies, feasts and MERLIN!!!!!!!
They were sat in the great hall. Merlin was stood just behind the main table where Uther, Arthur, Morgana, King Golau and Princess Tylluan were sat. Gwen was stood beside Merlin. Merlin had already told Gwen about the prank he had played on Arthur, they had both laughed about it but had to stop as King Golau was about to start his speech. The peace treaty had been signed and it was customary for the guests to give a speech.
"With thanks to our honorary hosts from Camelot, for our wondrous feast and the great reception we have received here for the momentous day where we have sealed the rift that had sent our two kingdoms into war. To your health Uther, Arthur and the Lady Morgana. To repent for the stains of blood that stretch from the walls of Camelot to the gates of Solas an Iae." King Golau said.
"And for fallen warriors on both sides." Uther added, raising his glass as King Golau, Arthur, Morgana and Princess Tylluan did the same. They drank deeply from the goblets and the hall erupted into applause.
"From the people back home at Solas an Iae we come bearing gifts, for the Lady Morgana." King Golau said as a servant wearing the crest of Solas an Iae came forward holding a silver box. The servant opened it to reveal a silver and gold emerald necklace and bracelet. "Made by our finest jewelers in Solas an Iae." King Golau said as Morgana put the bracelets and necklace on. "For Arthur, the finest blade made by our finest blacksmiths." King Golau said, another servant brought Arthur the blade.
"It's perfect thank you." Arthur said.
"And for you Uther." King Golau.
"Honorary friends and allies is enough for me." Uther said.
"But alas you must still receive a gift. The finest golden goblet ever made." King Golau continued as the servant brought the box with the goblet inside.
"And now from Solas an Iae, the best entertainers." King Golau called loudly. "But first I know my daughter Princess Tylluan has been eager to play her harp and sing for you. Go ahead Tylluan. Pob lwc." he said, as he returned to his seat and Princess Tylluan stood up to a round of applause and sat on a seat in front of her harp. She played a soft melodic tune on her harp. Her pale fingers dancing across the strings. She began to sing:
"Y marchog yn feiddgar gan ei fod yn ddewr a gipiodd fy nghalon eto rhoddodd i ffwrdd i mi ddod i Camelot yn chwilio unwaith eto ac mae cefais Tywysog Arthur y dewr y fonheddig. Mae'n edrych fel pe bai wedi cael ei gerflunio gan angylion. Yr wyf yn dymuno ei galon yn fy. Dymunaf fy nghalon i fod yn ei. Roeddwn wrth fy modd i chi y tro cyntaf i mi weld chi fod yn fy ar gyfer yr holl dragwyddoldeb. Dwi angen hwiangerdd. Mae cusan nos da. Rwy'n blodyn araf yn marw. Fi angen y tywyllwch. Mae'r melyster, y tristwch, y lonliness. Y gwendid. O rwy'n angen hwn. Fi angen hwiangerdd, a nos da cusanu. Angel, cariad melys o fy mywyd. O rwy'n angen hwn. A yw'n dywyll ddigon. Allwch chi fy ngweld i. Allwch chi yn fy nghyrraedd. Wel ydych yn well cau dy geg, cusan i mi yn awr, dal eich anadl neu byddwch yn dal eich marwolaeth." she finished singing and the room erupted into applause. Merlin could feel that there was something wrong about the way she had sung. Something powerful but he didn't know what. Arthur was on his feet applauding along with the rest. Merlin was sure there was something wrong with the way he was staring at Princess Tylluan. Like he was in love with her. But that couldn't be. They had only met that morning.
"Right. Thank you Tylluan dear that was wonderful. Was it not?" King Golau said as Princess Tylluan sat back down. "You have a beautiful voice." Morgana complimented. "How do you sing like that?"
"I can teach you if you wish." Princess Tylluan replied.
"I would like that very much." Morgana smiled. Arthur still continued to stare at Princess Tylluan.
"Right. Now I welcome our other entertainers from Solas an Iae, Prince Arthur perhaps you would show us your legendary bravery and try out the wheel of danger." King Golau said.
"Of course." Arthur said, he got up and walked round to the other side of the table, he beckoned Merlin over to take his red jacket. He took it off and the hall burst into laughter. Arthur looked down and saw the pink shirt. His father was staring at him crossly, Morgana and Tylluan were laughing as well. Arthur blushed bright red. "MERLIN!!!!!!!" he yelled. Merlin grimaced. Uh oh now he had done it. Arthur gave him a murderous glare that clearly said: 'I'll deal with you later.' Arthur snatched back his red jacket and put it back on to cover the pink shirt, but the damage had been done. He walked red faced up to the Wheel of Danger and the entertainers tied his arms and legs to the wheel with rope.
They then began to spin the wheel round and round, faster and faster. Arthur began to feel very dizzy. Just then a dagger whizzed through the air and landed with a thud! into the Wheel of Danger, just under his right arm. Knife throwing!! 'Oh great!' he though as another dagger thudded into the wheel under his left arm. Just then the wheel stopped and one of the entertainers place a shiny red apple in his mouth. They spun the wheel again and then the entertainer who was throwing the daggers raised the last one. Arthur's eyes widened. The entertainer threw the dagger, Arthur held his breath, it seemed to spin in slow motion, it the apple right in the middle Arthur breathed a sigh of relief as did most the people in the room. The entertainers untied the rope and Arthur jumped down.
He removed the apple from his mouth. Then raised his arms in victory. The room cheered and applauded. Arthur sat back down at the table. "Indeed very brave. Mor ddewr â llew. As courageous as a lion." King Golau said. The entertainers continued their show and the room began their feast. It was long into the night before any one even thought about going to bed.
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