Chapter 23. - What shall I do?!!!
Chapter 23. - What shall I do?!!!
Princess Tylluan was in her chambers her father was with her. He was dashing around the place, grabbing every single item from the room and throwing it in the cases. Princess Tylluan paid no heed to her father instead she paced backwards and forwards, muttering: "What shall I do?!!! What shall I do?!!!!" Her father glanced up at her and smiled sadly, "The only thing you can do Tylluan is leave with me." King Golau said.
"No that won't do. I could tell the King about my powers. No that won't work; he'll just blame the poor innocent girl, whom is locked in the dungeons. Oh!!! I could....... No......" Princess Tylluan said, still wrapped up in her thoughts.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Arthur had spent the night on the cold hard floor of the dungeons, beside the only occupied cell. He stood up and stretched, his whole body aching. Especially his neck. Guinevere noticed he wasn’t there and woke with a start and stood too. "Where are you going?" she asked worriedly.
"To sort this out with my father." Arthur replied, not looking at her. This gave Guinevere the only answer she needed. "Arthur don't do anything rash."
"I will free you." Arthur retorted stubbornly, he stormed from the dungeons, pulling his sword from his belt as he went.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uther was in the council chambers, talking about the newest levy that had aroused many fears in the nearby villages and towns. "We may need to raise the taxes." one of Uther's council members said. "Get out!" Arthur ordered as he kicked the doors open. "NOW!!!!" The council members looked at Uther who nodded at them to leave. "Make sure no one enters." Uther ordered.
"What kind of king are you?!!!!" Arthur roared. "You let the real sorcerer go and instead lock up an innocent girl!!!!!!!" Arthur spun his sword in his wrist.
"Arthur put the sword down. May I remind you whose court you're standing in?" Uther commented in a bored tone. What really surprised Uther was that Arthur did put the sword down. Uther stared at his son. Sometimes he really didn't understand the boy, angry on minute, pointing swords and shouting, the next.......... he looked up in shock as Arthur pulled his gauntlet off and threw it at Uther's feet.
"Pick it up!!!" Arthur yelled, glaring at his father with powerful hatred, his blue eyes, were a sapphire fire.
"I can only hope to believe that the girl in my dungeons has enchanted you." Uther said.
"Shut. Up! That's what fuels your hatred for those that do have magic. INSTEAD OF BLAMING YOURSELF YOU BLAME THEM!!!! WELL I CAN TELL YOU NOW THAT GUINEVERE IS NOT A SORCERER AND SHE IS PURELY INNOCENT!!!!! AND WHATEVER YOU SAY OR DO YOU CANNOT STOP MY FEELINGS FOR HER!!!!!!" Arthur roared. "Now. Pick it up." Arthur grabbed his sword from the table and pointed it at his father again.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Princess Tylluan was on her way to Gaius's rooms, she needed help if her plan was going to work. She to get the innocent girl to safety, she couldn't let her die, because of her, Princess Tylluan, actions. Princess Tylluan knocked loudly on the door then entered. "Hello?" she called nervously.
"Hello...... Princess Tylluan!" Merlin said, coming out of his room and bowing awkwardly.
"Please there is no need for that. I need your help." she said.
"Well Gaius will be back soon, he can help you." Merlin said, grabbing his jacket and putting it on.
"No. I mean I need your help. Yours Merlin." she said.
"Well I'm not as skilled as Gaius, he's gone to get some herbs and he will be able to help you when he gets back."
"I'm not ill!!!" Princess Tylluan said, her voice turning shrilly in frustration. Merlin raised his hands, and grinned. "I need your help. To save the girl."
"What girl?" Merlin asked confused.
Princess Tylluan sighed, Arthur was right the boy really was a fool. "The one in the dungeons."
"Oh Gwen!!" Merlin said in realization. Princess Tylluan shook her head, now the boy understood. This was going to be a long morning.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Gwen stood at the bars to her cell, her stomach rumbling and her heart aching. She wished Arthur would come back. But even more she hoped that he wasn't doing anything rash. She stood there watching as the guards ate their morning meal, wondering when she would get her's and wondering if Arthur was going to come back for her. A small tear slipped out of the corner of her eyes as she stood, waiting for him.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Pick it up!" Arthur muttered through gritted teeth. He still had his sword pointed at his father's chest, his blue were still a sapphire fire. He watched as Uther made no move to pick up the gauntlet. "What are you?!!! A man or a coward?!!!! The knight's code clearly states that if a knight is challenge to a fight by another, then he must pick up the gauntlet or be deemed a coward!!!! So which are you?!!!!"
"I will not fight you. You are my only son." Uther said, his eyes flicking between his son and the gauntlet on the floor.
"I no longer think of myself as your son!!! You blame innocent people and yet you let the real witch go. You only do that as you realised the true meaning of my words about Guinevere. And you are scared. You don't want me to marry a serving girl. Yet you still burnt the signing of wedding between me and Tylluan as you believed her to be a witch. Which she is but now you blame Guinevere!!!!" Arthur yelled. "Now pick up the gauntlet. Or I will fight you whether you accept the challenge or not!"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Princess Tylluan led Merlin down to the dungeons. She stood at the front of the guards. "You must go now." she said.
"We were instructed by the king not to leave this post my lady." the guards said.
'We'll see about that.' Princess Tylluan thought. "I lawr' yn ddwfn i gysgu, nad ydynt yn effro am dair awr, dro golau dydd i nos, troi'r llanw, bellach yn cysgu." she said, the guards immediately slumped to the floor, snoring lightly. Princess Tylluan smiled triumphantly. She looked back at Merlin who she was surprised to see was not looking at her in fear.... but in awe.
"What did you do?" he asked in awe.
"I made them fall asleep for a couple of hours." Princess Tylluan said simply. Merlin smiled. "You're not scared?"
"Why should I be scared? Magic isn't something you choose to have. Either it's a part of you or it isn't. Magic shouldn't be feared, as there is no danger in it. Only in the heart of those who wield it." Merlin said.
"You seem to wise, to be just a servant. I saw the way you reacted...." Princess Tylluan said.
"What do you mean?" Merlin said, trying to keep his tone of voice from sounding panicked.
"When Arthur said those mean things about magic." Princess Tylluan said, staring at him with her blue eyes, unblinking. Merlin gulped. Did she know? About his gifts. He certainly hoped not.
"Are we going to stand here talking or rescue Gwen?" Merlin said, running into the dungeons and skidding to a halt outside Gwen's cell.
"Merlin!" Gwen cried in shock. "What are you doing here?!"
"We've come to bust you out of course. Did you really think that we would leave you here to be burnt at the stake?" Merlin replied.
"Of course not. But what do you mean we?" Gwen asked.
"He means me and him." A voice said, Merlin turned round and grinned at Princess Tylluan as she came towards Gwen's cell. "Now you two might want to move back." she warned as she raised her hands and shut her eyes. "ffrwydro a rhyddhau y ferch, sy'n cael ei ddal y tu ôl i chi, ei ddedfryd yn marwolaeth ar gyfer dim o'i le..........."
"Wait!!" Merlin said, Princess Tylluan stopped chanting and opened her eyes to look at him. "Don't you think it will look a bit suspicious? The guards asleep and the door to Gwen's cell blown off? If you continue doing that spell they'll just think Gwen casted it."
Princess Tylluan lowered her arms, "You are right Merlin. But how did you know that the spell was going to blow the door off?" she asked with a slight smirk. Her suspicions having been proved to be correct. Merlin just shook his head and ran to grab the keys, from the belt of the guards. He came back within a few seconds spinning the keys on his finger. He put the key in the lock and unlocked the door. Gwen came rushing out and hugged them both, tears trailing down her cheeks and gushing out loads of words of gratitude. "You're very welcome Gwen." said both Merlin and Princess Tylluan, "Now let's get out of here."
They left the dungeons and ran past the guards who were still fast asleep. Princess Tylluan waved her hand in their direction to make the spell lift a bit quicker. "You have magic don't you? That's how you knew what the spell was going to do." she asked Merlin in a whisper.
"Don't tell anyone. No one but you and Gaius know about it and to be honest I'd like to keep it that way." Merlin whispered back.
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me." Princess Tylluan said, smiling. "You don't mind if I talk to you about it sometime? As I get lonely. My father is the only one to know about my gifts, in Solas an Iae. I don't know if my mother had the same gifts as she died before I was born. So I have no one to talk to about it. Only my father as he knows but he doesn't understand."
"No I understand its fine." Merlin said.
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