Chapter 15. - The mother of all feasts!

Chapter 15. - The mother of all feasts!

After the ceremony there was a huge feast. The mother of all feasts you could call it. There were mountains of food, lakes of mead. Parades of dancers, and many other things. Arthur and Princess Tylluan sat at the head of the table beside King Golau and Uther. Morgana was having a conversation with Princess Tylluan about her singing lessons that Princess Tylluan had been giving her. "You're voice is coming along very well Morgana. Mor ysgafn a awel, ac mor gryf ag udo blaidd. Perhaps you would like to sing with me tonight?" Princess Tylluan said.

Morgana blushed scarlet, "I'm not sure what if I'm not very good?"

"You will be just copy what I do and you'll be fine." Princess Tylluan said, clasping Morgana's hand in good luck. She kissed Arthur before standing and moving over to her golden harp which had been put into the middle of the room.

"Tonight I will have another singer with me. Mae hi'n wych. The Lady Morgana." Princess Tylluan called loudly to the silent hall. She beckoned Morgana forward. They then began to sing one of the songs Princess Tylluan had taught Morgana: "Mae'r tylluanod hooted uwchben y goedwig sy'n gorwedd orchuddio gan y mynyddoedd, mae'r bleiddiaid a'r dewin, y lleuad a'r haul. Mae'r tylluanod yn hedfan heibio i'r lleuad distawrwydd fel ysbryd ......." Princess Tylluan stopped singing but continued the light tune she had been playing on her harp. "The rest is for you Morgana. You can do it. Pob lwc."

Morgana looked slightly nervous but still continued hoping she would get it right. "Dark yr awyr ac arch yr haul, ddweud wrth yr arwyr a'r curo ar eich drwm. Tad mynd yno mynd yno maaaabbbbbbb." She sang, holding the last note for as long as she could, as Princess Tylluan could. Princess Tylluan stopped playing and got up to hug Morgana. "Perfection! Byddwn yn gwneud canwr tu allan i chi eto. Congratulations Morgana. You are even better than me." she cried. Morgana blushed back and shook her head. "No. I don't think so. And anyway if I didn't have you, I wouldn't have been able to do it." Morgana went to sit back at the table as Princess Tylluan sat back at her harp.

"This is for my beloved husband. Arthur Pendragon." she called, playing a soft melodic festive tune on her harp. She began to sing:  "Maent yn cyfarfod ar hap wrth y Brenin brenhinol bêl, maent yn syrthio mewn cariad fel dail yn yr hydref, aethant i ddawnsio a pheidiwch byth â gadael i fynd, gyda llygaid fel Jems a ddechreuodd glow a dywedodd:"Mi fydda i'n eich farchog rhuthro, byddwch yn fy wraig deg dywysoges, byddwn yn reidio yn y nos ydych yn hoffi wraig golau'r haul teg. "Ganwyd merch enedigaeth-fraint bonheddig, mae hi wedi lapio mewn perlau a gwisgo mewn gwyn, dau ar bymtheg yn fuan i fod yn briod i'w farchog, oherwydd lapio mewn armur a gwisgo i ymladd a dywedodd: "Mi fydda i'n eich farchog rhuthro, byddwch yn fy wraig deg dywysoges, byddwn yn reidio yn y nos ydych yn hoffi wraig golau'r haul teg.”Yna daeth dyddiau pan fydd aflonyddwch llenwi tir hwn y brenin yn galw am bob gallu - dyn abl, ond dros gyfnod o amser eu cariad wedi dod yn fwy a mwy, pan oedd y marchog oedd mynd i ffwrdd i ryfel a dywedodd:"Byddaf yn ôl." a dywedodd hi: "Mae'n rhaid O marchog ou addo i mi fod Mae'n teimlo fel pe rydym wedi dechrau yn unig mae cymaint ar ôl dadwneud.." Ac mae hi'n cried allan: "Mustn’t i chi adael i mi!" Dywedodd: "Byddaf bob amser yn dy garu di 'n annhymerus' yn ôl, byddaf yn ôl allaf addo y gallwch chi gyfrif ar hynny..." Ond mae'r marchog yn cael ei anafu gan y frwydr ffyrnig holl aroud iddo, ac efe a diffygion mewn ac allan o ymwybyddiaeth fel y maent yn amgylchynu ef, a chyda ei anadl olaf ei crio allan a hi a deffro yn y nos: "Cofiwch fi. Remembr bob amser ......" Mi fydda i'n eich farchog rhuthro, byddwch yn fy wraig deg dywysoges, byddwn yn reidio yn y nos ydych yn hoffi wraig golau'r haul teg.” she finished singing and the hall erupted into applause again. She smiled and went to sit beside Arthur; he clasped her hand in hers and kissed her passionately. The two fathers smiled at their own child. "Are you not happy Uther?" King Golau asked.

"What?" Uther said, caught off guard.

"Arthur and Tylluan. Are not happy with their marriage?" King Golau asked again.

"Of course I am. I have always hoped of this day." Uther said, smiling.

"As have I." King Golau replied a little uncertainly. As he watched the young couple, he began to wonder whether he had done the right thing in allowing things to go this far. 

Arthur pulled away from Princess Tylluan. She stared at him, confused as to why he was pulling away. 'This wasn't right I love Guinevere. Why am I doing this?' he thought. He remained in his seat, but constantly scanned his eyes over the room in search of her. 'Just how much had I hurt her in doing this? Had she seen any of it at all?'  His gaze caught Merlin's and he mouthed: "Where's Guinevere?" Merlin smiled sadly at him. Arthur got up and walked over to Merlin, saying "Follow me!" as he walked past.

Merlin followed Arthur out of the hall, to the surprise of everyone. Arthur glanced back and saw Princess Tylluan looking at him, confused and upset at the same time. He left the hall, leaving the whole room in a stunned silence. Princess Tylluan was now sure she shouldn't have ever forced him by magic to marry her. He did love somebody else. The only one who wasn't surprised was Morgana, she was angry. While everyone else was staring at the shut door that Arthur had just left through, she grabbed Princess Tylluan by the wrist, digging her sharp nails into the pale unblemished skin. She dragged Princess Tylluan out of the room and into a dark empty corridor.

"Get after him now!!! Strengthen your enchantment!!! Make him want, make him love only you!!!" Morgana raged, digging her nails even deeper into Princess Tylluan's skin, drawing blood. Princess Tylluan's eyes glittered with tears. "I will not. I will not make him love me! I love him yet he does not!! I realize now and I stop the enchantment!!!"

"Do you know what I can do if you defy me?!!!" Morgana snarled.

"Do as you wish!!! I shall not force him!!!!" Princess Tylluan cried, snatching her wrist out of Morgana's grasp and inspecting the small punctures. She stalked off and Morgana sneered at her.  

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