The Memories We Once Shared

    Bakugo stood there, watching Midoriya struggling against the villain. He had his hands in his pocket and didn't know whether he wanted to help or not.
           Snap! The sound echoed throughout the alleyway. That sound of a bone cracking startled Bakugo. His eyes widened once he heard it. He actually became somewhat concerned with what was happening.
"Tch! You owe me Deku!" Bakugo then launched himself at the villain's face. He reached his arm out and explosion escaped the palm of his hand. The human guy with 8 tentacles dropped Midoriya as he was sent back flying. Bakugo then sprinted towards the monster, stomping on his face, while explosions shot out of his foot. After a few more attacks, Bakugo managed to make the villain go unconscious.
       "Bakugo?" A familiar voice startled the guy. He turned around to see Uraraka with her hands on her knees and her body lifted with her heavy breaths. He avoided eye contact and walked over to Midoriya, who lied helplessly on the ground. "Uraraka. Call the police. Stay here until they come. I'll take Deku home." By now, Bakugo was lifted Midoriya off the ground, and wrapped Midoriya's arm around the back of the neck as he lifted him onto his back, resulting in a piggy back.
  "Thank you Kacchan."
  "Don't thank me, nerd." Bakugo began his walk to Midoriya's place.
  "How'd you find me?" Midoriya questioned with curiousity.
   Bakugo's eyes widened while his face turned red from embarrassment at the question. He couldn't tell Midoriya that he was able to find him because of his scent. Bakugo's face calmed down as he responded with a semi-lie. "I was on a stroll and saw a green light." Although, he in fact did see a green light, he wasn't just on an ordinary stroll. He was on a stroll to go find Midoriya.

    They soon arrived Midoriya's house. Bakugo let down Midoriya on the ground but Midoriya couldn't balance on his own so he wrapped his arm around Bakugo's neck to support his weight. Bakugo didn't seem to realize it nor did he care. Knock knock.
"Don't bother. She isn't home."
"Well? Where the hell is she?"
"Visiting my aunt in Shunogoki" [A/N- Random place I made up]
"And why the hell did she leave you alone?"
Cuz I needed to stay to go to school. Besides, I'm not five. I don't need a babysitter."
"Your such an idiot Deku. Do you even got a key?"
"Yeah its right here." Midoriya reached his hand into his left pocket and felt around for the key. However, instead of the key, he managed to come across a small hole. "Um well I had a key" he slightly chuckled.
"You're such a pain. Can't you do anything right? What am I supposed to do with you now?"
"You can leave. I'll figure out something." Midoriya started to limp to the back of the house to try and see if any of the windows were open. However, instead, he feels warm hands around his waist. He was immediately thrown on Bakugo's shoulder while his feet kicked besides Bakugo's face and his fists attacked his back. "Let me go Kacchan!"
"Tch. I don't care whether or not something happens to you, but Uraraka would not stop interrogating me if something did. And that girl is so god damn annoying. You know she likes you, right?" Suddenly, Midoriya's kicking stopped. His eyes widened. She....likes me?
        "Kacchan, this is another one of your jokes isn't it. You almost got me th-"
  "She told me herself."
  "So, Uraraka....likes me?"
  "Are you braindead or something. Don't make me repeat it again."
There was a long moment of silence as Bakugo continued to carry smol [A/N- I had to] Midoriya on his shoulders. "Can you put me down...? I can walk."
  "Just shut up." That stung....

They finally arrived at Bakugo's household. He put Midoriya down for a second, still supporting his body. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a golden key and inserted into the keyhole. Bakugo pushed open the door and revealed a very stern mother with her arms folded and her heels tapping on the ground. "And where have you be-Wait is the Izuku?!?" Her face instantly lit up at the very sight of a green-headed boy.
"Hello Mrs. Bakugo." Midoriya smiled, still having his arm wrapped around Bakugo's neck.
"Are you two-?" She looked at their position in confuzzlement. They both glanced at each other with widened eyes, then back at Bakugo's mother.
"NO WAY!!!" They said in unison. Bakugo removed Midoriya's arm.
"Aw that's too bad."
"Deku got-"
   "Why are you still calling him Deku?!"
"My bad!" Bakugo sarcastically remarked in an annoyed tone. "Midekuya" she sighed, letting it slide. "Was attacked and got injured so I brought him to his house, but turns out this doofus lost his key in the battle. So now he has no place to stay. I thought I'd bring him to you so you can figure it out. He ain't my problem."
"He isn't mine either. Where the heck is your mother, Izuku?"
Midoriya was about to speak before getting cut off by Bakugo. "She left to some stupid town, Shinirami or something, to visit Deku's aunt."
"It's Shunogoki."
"You're a Shunogoki."
Midoriya threw his right hand up in annoyance, "that makes literally no sense."
"Tch. Whatever"
    "Do you wanna stay here for the time being?"
    "No I shouldn't," Midoriya humbly protested.
    "Yeah, he really shouldn't!" Bakugo grunted.
    "No please. It's no problem at all."
    "Yes it is" Bakugo mumbled under his breath, however his mother heard it.
    "Kat! Knock it off right this instant. We have a guest and you're being rude." His mother scolded him but he just rolled his eyes in response and stomped away to his room.
    "We don't have a spare bedroom, but we do have a mattress in Katsuki's room."
How convenient. Midoriya sarcastically thought. "Thank you Mrs. Bakugo."
   "Izuku! I dislike such formalities. Just call me Mitsuki." He nodded in agreement. "Come on! Follow me." She started to walk off in the same direction as Bakugo. As Midoriya followed, still limping, he glanced around the house and a whole bunch of flashbacks crossed his mind. There was still a hole in the wall from when Bakugo first received his quirk and didn't know how to use it. The stain on a pillow from when he and Bakugo accidentally spilled grape juice remained. So nostalgic. The two finally arrived in front of Bakugo's closed door. She twisted the handle and opened it. However, there was no sign of Bakugo. "Katsuki??" She slowly walked in. She the noticed an opened window. "He left..."
    "I could go look for him."
    "No. It's better off that you leave him alone." Midoriya nodded.
    "Here, let me get you the mattress." She then went into a closet and pulled out a foldable mattress. She laid it on the ground. "There ya go! If you need anything, let me know. I'm gonna go shopping though, so I'll be back in a bit." Midoriya nodded again, and Mitsuki shut the door. Midoriya wandered around the room, looking at Bakugo's posters and action figures.

    Hours passed and Midoriya was now looking through a scrapbook he found in a box that was in the closet. It was filled with photos of Bakugo as a kid. There were a lot of Bakugo and Midoriya.
    Midoriya skimmed over this picture. I remember this...

    This was when Kacchan helped me after I scratched me knee. Midoriya gently scraped his finger over the plastic that covered the picture. Some things never change. Midoriya hopelessly smiled at the picture.
    "What do you think you're doing?!" A voice startled him as he jumped slightly while sitting on the ground.
    "Oh Kacchan! I was just- uh- I." Bakugo walked over to the scrap book and picked it up. He then walked to his bed and placed it on the nightstand that was located to the right of his bed.
   "Don't go touching people's stuff without asking, you damn nerd."

      Midoriya was fast asleep. On the other hand, Bakugo had trouble sleeping. He kept tossing and turning. Eventually giving up, Bakugo sat up and stared at the nerd sleeping on a small mattress. He looked at him with anger and disgust. How did this even happen?! Stupid Deku, sleeping in my room. Touching my stuff.
        Bakugo turned his head to the right, where he saw the scrapbook. He hesitated before reaching out for it. Eventually, his hand landed on it. He then grabbed it and started looking through it. The first couple of pages were of him and a couple of his old childhood friends. Not Deku. However, he stopped at the first sight of Midoriya. He stared at it for a while before reaching in and grabbing it.
Tsssss! The pieces of the photo scattered on top of Bakugo's bed sheets. This process continued, as Bakugo ripped up every single photo he found of Midoriya.
Shuffling was heard before a sheepish voice called out, "Kacchan?" Bakugo was about to tear up the last photo of them; the one Midoriya was looking at earlier. He turned and saw a confused Deku, rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing?" He quietly said, still not noticing the picture in his hand, with his fingers at the top of it. Midoriya blinked a couple of times before he realized what Bakugo was doing. Midoriya quickly shuffled up from the mattress and sprinted towards Bakugo's bed with his arm reached out, in an attempt to grab the photo. His hand swiped in the air, trying to grab it, but before it reached the destination, Bakugo tore it up. Tears fell down Midoriya's face.

"Why would you-" Midoriya cut himself off when he noticed Bakugo's face. "Kacchan..." Midoriya whispered. "Why are you-"


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