Chapter 1
Celeste's POV
"Fah!" Ashly said, everyone looked at her "First thing, Get some chairs for next reunion, second, Its ridicously dificult, I have gotten in and stold athings a million times, And the faster and easiest way to get in is this way, and Lady Yami sure shall go, also, you would need another way to destroy them, I heard the new model is fire prove"
I saw her, everyone saw her, we smiled, I saw Karl, my Karl, I blushed, then he did, for the rest of the reunion we started recreating the plan we had thanks to Ashla's information, at the and the meeting lasted 3 hours, when I went out I saw Aiko, Ashla and Ry talking by the exit, then Ashla went out and I went with Aiko and Ry
"She's pretty smart" Ry said "And rebelous" Said Aiko "Girls, she's just 13" I said "She is still learning, just as you two"
"Well, after all, her personality is a combination of us" Ry said,
"Well, I cant acctually belive its been 11 years since the fall" Said Aiko a little bit sad, "Dont wo-" I said
"Celeste!" Karl interrupted, "Bye girls, love ya!" I said before going with Karl, we went to his office, we kissed and then talked, "Sweet heart, I talked to my dad, I have exiting news" said with exitment my boyfriend "What are they?" I asked "After this mission, we shall be able to get 96000 dollars by selling the pices!" He answered me "WHAT!" I yelled with my hands on my mouth, "I Know honey! We would even be able to... you know, give the next step into our relationship-" he said a bit nervous "Oh Karl! I love you! I would even give the next step without the money!"I said as I hugged him, I was in love, I am in love, we kissed again and stared at each other for a while, I remembered when I met him
~~~~~~*Ten years ago*~~~~~~
"My son is coming here girls, he is going to stay here for long" Anton told us, I was 10
"I'm hungry Anton" Baby Ashla said holding her Pooky Koss, "But can you wait Ashly?" Anton asked "Yes, Its just an avise for u too know dat in a our I wont resist" She answered, we all laught and Ashla went grumpy
"I want you to be nice to him, just as you, he losed his mom" Anton said "Mabey we could help him find her!" Shouted Ry "No, eh, thats not what I ment, he loosed her like you losed yours" He answered us, "What? She is dead?!" Asked Aiko "Yes" Anton looked sad, so I hugged him, then I heard a voice of a boy "Dad? Why are you hugging them! " Shouted the boy, I looked at him, a ten y.o. boy like me was standing there with a backpack, his hair was brown and red, his eyes brown, I saw him, he saw me.
I think he chated with my sisters for a while, when I heard "Wait, you are 10! Celeste is 10 too! You two should marry!" Said Ry, "NO! hehe no, I wont marry him" I said, "Oh, I see" said the boy, I blushed and left a little sight out, 'I am in love' I thaught
"Honey?" He asked me "Yes?" I replied,
-"I want to invite you for a date tonight"
-"Yes, but will you come?"
I blushed and giggled
-"Of course you sweet heart!"
We kissed again, God, how I loved to kiss him, such a romantic moment, and I acctually have hope that he will propose marrige tonight, but I shall wait for that, "Se you later honey" I said and gave him a kiss on his forehead.
I went to the weapons room and there was the best fighters of the Stoners, Aiko, Jacob, Iyali, Hans, Benjamin, Thomas, Jesus, Alexander, Uriel and Oscar, "GUYS! Listen! The plan wont be easy, but is simple, there are 3 zones of entry, the easyest one is by the roof, through this part a avaged person should be able to pass, so Aiko, Hans and Alexander will go that way" They all nodded "Then, you see part? Under this machine, there is a entry, a spy that has been working for Topo excavations will move it, letting you in, the ones that will go that way will be Uriel, Thomas, Iyali, Jacob and Benjamin, finally, the last entry is the most dificult one, since some informs say that some times its vigilated, so I will need Oscar and Jesus, Any questions?" I asked "What are we going to do when we are in?" Asked me Jesus "Well, it wont be easy, first thing, we need to disamble the biggest parts, then, take them to sell them, finally, we'll use the bombs to destroy whats left, you'll use the shields Aiko designed to avoid the explosion, Then we will have to scape trough door two, Its not easy, like I said before, but its really important" I told them, "Understood?" "Yes" they all said. I smiled, we prepared all the stuff we were needing, "The mission is in one week, OK?" I asked "OK" they anwered, gosh, I was tired. I went to my room and started reading my favorite book, 'When the stars alined' by Etselec Jones, I sat in my bed and readed, I drank some Coffee and enjoyed the moment, I think I felt asleep.
I dreamed, I hated dreaming because I would usually dream of them...
"Listen my baby, listen to youre dad"
(she hugges Celeste)
"Celeste, promiese to take care of youre cousins"
(Celeste starts crying)
"I- I love you mom, I love you dad, I promise I'll take care of them"
"Mom!" I shouted as I woke up, I relized I was crying, I looked up. "I- I miss you" I closed my eyes.
Ry's POV
"Bye girls, Love ya!" Shouted Celeste. "When its about her boyfriend, there is nothing more important" Told me Aiko "Mmh" I agreed, "Aiko! Get to the weapon room, we are having a reunion" Called Jesus to Aiko, Jesus is a tall white boy with pretty blue eyes and black hair, he was pretty handsome, I'm not going to lie, and I think Aiko likes him. "Going!" Answered Aiko, "Hu, so it turns out not only Celeste has a special boy" I told to my self.
The next minute I just standed there, without doing something, then Johana called me "Ry! Come hang with us!" She shouted to me "I'm going Bestie!" I answered, Johana was a fearless and strong girl of my age, well, a year older, we met 3 years ago, so I really trust her. I followed her to the lab, "H- h- Hi Ry!, umm, H- How are you?" Said Micah, He is really nice and shy, he has been here since their sister died. "I'm fine, thank you, and you?" I asked him, he blushed amd almost cried of the emotion "You asked me if I was ok *sobs* I'm OK" All of us hugged him, he needed it, since his parents would usually treat him badly, it was really akward.
"Ummmmm... lets watch the tutorial" said Percy, one of my friends, "of course" said Johana
Like that, we started making a lot of shields for the 'big squad' and they important mission, "Lets see who made more!" Shouted Sintia, "Yeah, sure. We are not 9 Sintia" answered one of the boys "What, are you afraid I'll win?" She challenged him, everyone was making boos and gasping "Well, in that case..." he said as he took all the sheilds he had made,
"48" he said
"I made 64!"
"Uh, 12"
I chuckle, "39"
All of the guys in the room started shouting the sheilds they made, they were from 4 to 300 (idk how) sudenly, between the shouting I heard Micah
"M- mines dont close" he said as he hardly tryed to make them close "let me help you" I told him, I slowly showed him how to, then I looked up.
He was looking at me, all red, his face looked like a cursed emoji, a cute one, I blushed, it was not intentional.
If I am honest, the pugnatores had a lot of cuples, and what I remember of my parents is that they loved each other, so I have always hoped one day I would find a true love, Ashla and Aiko like to bother me some times when I talk to a boy (any boy, I am not even in love of him)
I looked at Johana, who was looking at me with the 😏 face, I smiled, and of course, when you are un a room with 20 teenagers, there us no quiet
"Lets watch a movie!" Yelled a boy, sudenly, everyone was shouting and making popcorn.
After all it was Saturday, we had allowed to do whatever we wanted in this room.
"Lets see Spiderman!"
"Nah, too boring, I suggest Harry Potter"
"Harry Potteh? What kind of person are you? Lets watch some Anime!"
"Why?? I want to see an horror movie"
"Umm, what about-"
A loud noise was heard, like an
"EXPLOTION IN ROOM 7, EVERYONE EXIT ZONE 4!" Yelled one of the Capitans, I gasped, In room 7 of zone 4? That was were we kept the water ammunition! I was afraid, how did it explode? What would we drink? Was someone hurt?
Johana took my arm amd pulled me with her, the room was full of smoke now, and more explotions were heard, something was sure, ir was caused by bombs, our bombs.
Then, I panicked, 'what if someone betrayed us?' "Where is Micah?" I asked Johana as I ran trying to exit the zone "Nobody has seen him" she answered me, I stopped, if Micah was still in there, he would die, and I'll be my fault, "Ry? Where are you going?" Said Jahana, fear was notable in her voice, "I cant leave Micah" I said before running back to the lab
"Micah! Micah!" I cough, and then coughed again, the room was all red and Micah was under a table, I ran to him, coughin, O grabbed his arm and stood up, a tried to run out, mostly nothing was visible, but I had been here for the last 11 years, so I knew the place with closed eyes, and at last, light, white light and grey walls were visible, I was all dizzy and coud barely breath, Micah was unconsious.
I saw Aiko and Johana running towards me, and soon Ashla too, I closed my eyes and passed out.
"Ry! Ry! Are you OK?" Shouted Ashla grabbing my hand, I opened my eyes and fastly closed them again because of the light, I was in my room, my clothes were all dirty "Where is Micah?!" I asked "At the nursery, you saved him Ry, you are a hero" said Ashla as she hugged me, I sighed in relief, "Celeste is asleep and Aiko is helping to save water" Ashla told me, she was clearly sad "Can we bring a doctor tomorrow to the market place? Its sunday, its grocery day" she told me "Yes, of course" I answered "OK, I'll let you rest some more" she finished and got out of my room, I layed down and looked the photos I had in my room, some pf them were me and my friends, some of my first succes as a pugnatore, some ot was Celeste, Aiko, Ashla and me, and then there was my favorite one, my mom, my dad, my siblings Cody and Kat and me, all together in a happy family photo smiling
God, how I missed them, but I hope they were proud of me and what I've done, I smiled, remembering how happy we were, then I looked back at my newest photo, Celeste, Aiko, Ashla and me, smiling, I was Lucky to survive this last years, and I wasnt going to stop till Topo excavations were destroyed and no one lost their family because of them
Aiko's POV
I follow Jesus to the weapon room, he was handsome, I tried to focus but, my god he is soooo handsome, 'focus Aiko!' I tought, we got to the weapons room, there the others looked at me seriously, to be honest they dont like me, but I dont care, "Aiko... Umm, can I ask you a weird question" asked Iyali "Yes?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Ha! I knew it, you live sooo focus with helping the pugnatores that you dont even have a life"
That wasnt true, but if Celeste finds out I got into a fight again I would be in problems, but I wasnt going to let a 17 years old girl bother me
"Shure, but I have a loving group of friends and you just have a abusive boyfriend" i answered
"Oh really? Well, my ''abousive boyfriend and fake group of friends'' are going to show you wrong" 'fudge' I tought, they were going to hit me, like they had done before. I just started to walk backwards when Uriel, Iyali's boyfriend puched me, well, he was trying to punch me but Jesus took the punch for me, then the fight was now between them, "Hit him honey!" Yelled Iyali
"Dont loose control Jesus" I told him, then some of the boys suporte Uriel and the other half were fighting me
"STOP! HERE COMES CELESTE!" Yelled Jacob, now we were all just standig waiting for Celeste to enter
""GUYS! Listen! The plan wont be easy, but is simple, there are 3 zones of entry, the easyest one is by the roof, through this part a avaged person should be able to pass, so Aiko, Hans and Alexander will go that way" Celeste said after entering, we all nodded"Then, you see part? Under this machine, there is a entry, a spy that has been working for Topo excavations will move it, letting you in, the ones that will go that way will be Uriel, Thomas, Iyali, Jacob and Benjamin, finally, the last entry is the most dificult one, since some informs say that some times its vigilated, so I will need Oscar and Jesus, Any questions?" Celeste asked "What are we going to do when we are in?" Asked Jesus "Well, it wont be easy, first thing, we need to disamble the biggest parts, then, take them to sell them, finally, we'll use the bombs to destroy whats left, you'll use the shields Aiko designed to avoid the explosion, Then we will have to scape trough door two, Its not easy, like I said before, but its really important" Celeste asnwered,
it was a big plan, but nothing I cant handle, then we started preparing what we could, Ry and the others were making the shields, we took daggers, protectors, masks for smoke, and bombs, bit I noticed a lot of bombs were missing, "weird" I thought, but since we weren't the only group with a mission I didnt gave it importance, "The mission is in one week, OK?" Said Celeste as we finished "OK" we all answered, She went out,
"Aiko" called me Jesus
"Yes?" I answered
"Are you OK? Did they hurt you?"
"No, thanks for asking, and thanks for protecting me"
"Yeah, its incredable that not all the stoners are good"
"Well, I know they are jelous of me because I am already a Capitan"
"Well, you deserve it"
He said as he walked away, I blushed, and smiled, the day was going good, I had my friends, Celeste, Ry, Ashla and my emotional damage, everything as everyday, I wanted to go to my room, and cry. Why would I cry? I acctually dont know, mabey is because I miss my parents, mabey because I wanted friends, not just Jesus and Manson, I didnt knew, but I also didnt cared. Sudenly a explotion was heard and some minuts later a guy passed yelling "EXPLOTION AT ROOM 7 IN ZONE 4! EVACUATE ZONE 4!" And after him more smoke came along withsome of Ry's friends, 'Ry' I thought, "Ry! RY!" I yelled her name for about 10 minuts, people came out of the smoke, and then Johana, Ry's best friend "Aiko! Ry is in, she is looking for someone!" I felt an huge fear, Ry was like my sister, I just couldnt lose her
So I ran into the smoke, and Johana came with me "Aiko!" I heard Ashla yell, 'pleasedontbefollowingmepleasedontbefollowingme' I thought, but Ashla was following me, "Look! Its Ry!" Yelled Johana, there, coming out of the part with most smoke, came Ry, with a boy coming with her, as soon as we saw her she passed out "RY!" Yelled Ashla as she saw her fall, "Go get Karl Ashla" Johana ordened "But-"
"GO!" She yelled, Ashla nodded and ran, Johana helped with carring the boy, the explotions continued almos to us, we had to hurry, then Karl came, "Ry?" He saked "We are here!" I told him, he carried Ry and we all ran out, they took the boy to the nursery and Ry to her room, "Are they going to be OK?" Asked Ashla really worried "Yes" I aswered, "go with Ry, take care of her, I'll go and save some water" Ashla nodded, I waited for the explotions to stop, so went It stopped I went directly to that room, other stoners came, most of them were grown ups, we didnt saved that much, we would have to be carful with it, I heard one of them say "This was made by a Stoner"
"There must be a spy"
A spy? That would explain why so much bombs were missing
I tryed to calm down. What was I supposed to do now?
Ashla's POV
I went out of the base and rided my... thing, I have no idea how this is supposed to be but it has 4 wheels
I putted a song, as I went downtown, or whats left of it, anyways I sang in the road
(If u want to know what Ashla heard just look for Devils advocade of the neighborhood)
I see the town close, and I hide my whatever-this-is in a destroyed house, then I see my pretty pidgeon, Kosaskian, in the house "K! I missed you my little pidgeon baby, I'm sorry Karl is alergic to you" I told him, to be a pidgeon its pretty intelligent, "lets go to the market place" I said, and we walked to it, "Its Star-girl!" A guard of Topo excavations shouted and then all of them started following me, It was pretty fun, they never catched me, "Helooooo, You guys missed me?" I said, they started following me throught the shops, "Whoo!!" I exclamed as I passed under a table, they had to jump, then Kosaskian started to bite on3 of them, I chuckle, I saw stairs, leading to the roofs, and I got in them and gor to the roofs, jumping from one to the other, there were 6 at the beggining, now only one remained, "STOP! NOW!" He yelled "Uhh, why?" I answered
"BECAUSE WE ARE THE LAW! YOU HAVE TO OBEY!" He Shouthed really angry, but he missed the jump, I just looked down to see the guard trying to get up "Are you OK?" I asked him "Uhhh Yes" He answered "Bye!!!!" I yelled as I ran more to get to my favorite street, I jumped once more to the street. Then I had a coughing attak :)
"Hii!!" I said to each of the people selling as I
"Hi Ashla!"
"Hello Ashla"
"Good afternoon girl, hows the girls?"
"All fine!" I answered
"Hola Ashmila! Como está?
"Muy bien señor Rodrigo, y usted?" I answered
"También mi niña! Pero Katarina anda enferma"
"Hay no! Si ocupa cualquier cosa háblame"
I contiued like that till I got to Ingrid's place, where I stopped to see her, I was really worried, she had a deasese, wich one? We didnt knew, we could never check her, there was her dad with her today "Good afternoon Mrs. Ingrid, and Mr. Gregor" I greeted them, "Ashla! Hii!" Ingrid said "How are you?" I asked her "Better every day, I want you to meet my newphe, Oliver-" she coughed "Uhh, hello be here later" she coughed again, I got worried, "Are you OK?" I asked "Yeah, Ummm Acctually, I dont feel so well" she said, almost falling, but I catched her. She coughed, this time, blood, now there was bood in my hoodie. She was dying, DYING! I panicked, I had fear, and "Girl... listen to me... the water and air is all polluted, the vedgetables are all bad and there is nothing I can do... My- my daughter, Ariadne, she-" Ingrid started crying, I knew what she was going to say, I wanted to go home now, the feeling was horrible, ai wanted to shout and scream and... "But you can do something" she interrupted my thoughts with that "You are a stoner, your people are all heroes, please promiese you will stop them, please" she begged me grabbing my arms towards me, the feeling only grew, and it got words when she coughed again, "I- I promess" I said, and looked at her, she smiled, and letted me go "I'll come with a doctor tomorrow" I said, then she let me, I ran as fast as I could to the machine, and took Kosaskian with me, I realized I was crying, terribly crying, as soon as I got I hitted it and yelled, "WHY?!?! WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO DIE?!? HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO HELP?!? WHY CANT I BE AS THEM?!?" I yelled to nobody, if I am honest, I want to be Selfless like Ry, strong as Aiko and nice, just like Celeste, but I wasnt, and I hated that, I hated how I am.
I took Kosaskian into my bag so he wont get hurt in the way back to the stoners, as I got closer the air was cleaner, then, I heard explotions, a lot of them each one after the other. "What the-" I got in as soon as I could, and a man was yelling "EXPLOTION IN ZONE 4!!"
And I went directly to zone 4, there I saw a red haired girl ran towards the fire, and the only red haired girl in all of the stoners is "AIKO!" I yelled, and started following her, then "Look! Its Ry!" Yelled Johana, and Ry started going out of the part with more smoke, I had a lot of fear, today was terrible, and it became worst when Ry passed out "RY!" I yelled, "Go get Karl Ashla" Johana ordened me "But-"
"GO!" She yelled, I nodded and Ran to get him "Karl! Karl!" I looked for him "Yes?" He said "Ry- Ry is in the smoke, and she passed out! We-" I looked at him hoping that he would understand better that way, "OK, lets go" He told me and ran towards the smoke, I followed him "Ry?" He asked "We are here!" Aiko said, Karl carried Ry and Johana carried a boy, "Are they going to be OK?" I asked Aiko, she looked at me worried "Yes"
"go with Ry, take care of her, I'll go and save some water" I nodded, and went with Karl, I waited for him to go out and waited sitting by Ry's side, then she coughed, I gasped with horror, "no please Ry, dont get sick" I cried, I had to wake her up
"Ry! Ry! Are you OK?" I shouted grabbing her hand, Ry blinked fastly "Where is Micah?!" She asked altered "At the nursery, you saved him Ry, you are a hero" I said to her as I hugged her, she sighed in relief, "Celeste is asleep and Aiko is helping to save water" I said, I was afraid and worried "Can we bring a doctor tomorrow to the market place? Its sunday, its grocery day" I asked
"Yes, of course" shw answered "OK, I'll let you rest some more" I said as I went out, and went looking for Aiko
"Ashla! How's Ry?" She asked me as soon as she saw me
"She is fine"
When Aiko was blood in my hoodie she got afraid, "Ashla!!"
I started crying "INGRID IS DYING, I AM USLESS AND CANT HELP" I got my hand to my face and Aiko hugged me, "You are not usless Ashla, And you are still growing, someday you'll be able to help" she told me. I hugged her, and cryed as I did, she did the same, we sat and continued,
'I will destroy them'
Word account: 4150 words
Phew, finally finished the chapter! I wanted to show the dark side of things and Ry's importance, also the loss of water will be important for the story, same as Ingrid and Oliver. Hoped you like this and If you rather shorter charapters just comment please :)
See ya!!! ✨️✨️
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