
The question most little kids are asked is "who do you want to be when you grow up?" 

Some might say an astronaut or a ballet dancer.

But Moonstone wanted to be a psychic. 

I guess having two moms, being adopted, being black, and having a light blue eye and a dark brown eye wasn't enough for her poor kindergartener soul. This was.

A few months into the new year one of her moms, named Ruby, died in a car crash. Which brought grief to the whole family.

But Moonstone smiled through it and cried on her own time. When he mama wasn't watching

Kids always pointed out her skin color, or her hair texture. But Moonstone always kept a smile on her face. She had a good aray of friends in kindergarten, not many though. The name's were,  Bracelet and gemstone.

But then Moonstones mom got married to this rich therapist named Rhinestone and they had to move to Pennsylvania.

That's when she met her neighbor, Diary. 

And she's been in love ever since.

                              *    *    *    *      *    *   *    *

Fast forward to orientation of Objects of Insanity Middle School. Moonstone had become much more shy and much more introverted, but Diary had always stuck to her side. Her and Moonstone were like peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, and all those cool friendship jazz.

But it kinda sucked that your only best friend is the person you had a crush on.

"OMG! Moonstone, are you even listening?!"

Moonstone snapped back to reality, immediately looking at Diary with rosy cheeks.

"S-sorry. Zoned out-- What were you saying?"

"Ugh, you need to pay more attention." Diary scoffed as she pulled out her pocket mirror and ajusted her lip gloss.

"You're so right Diary!"

"I know. Anyways, I'm TOTES excited for this new year! They'll prob be a WHOLE lotta cute boys!~"

Yeah. Boys. yay.

"Why do you always try to talk about 'dudes' when I'm around? You know I'm lesbian, Diary."

"My bad Moony."

Moonstone felt her face heat up at the nickname, and she desperately tried to hide her blush.


Moonstone just nodded and cleared her throat. 

The principle walked up on stage and gave some really long and boring speech, but Moonstone wasn't paying attention at at. She was stealing glances and just yearing to kiss diary. But she was always so close yet so far....

Especially when Feather came around. 

Feather was this rude jock, who never really cared about anyones feelings. Diary always swooned over him.

Well...Her. Only Moonstone knew that Feather was transgender and hadn't come out yet. What can she say? She's a psychic.

"OMG MOONSTONE! IT'S FEATHER!!" Diary jumped up and down, pointing at "him".

Moonstone looked up and rolled her eyes.

"She's, I mean, he's not even handsome!"

"Eh, you're lesbian, so you don't understand men."

"?!... Ya know what. Go hang with your "boy-toy" I'm gonna go find Gumball machine." Moonstone stomped away madly. It's like Diary didn't care that she just said something, like... THAT homophobic, and not apologise for it! 

Diary just ran up to Feather, and hugged 'him'.

"ridiculous..." Moonstone grumbled.

She eventually saw GBM, talking with Smartie.

She never understood why GBM talks to him?! He's such a--

"I say Gumball Machine! I absolutely adore those earings! Oh, little lolipops? Really brings out those hazelnut eyes!" Smartie said, complimenting her.

"Oh, stop it Smartie!" She playfully smacks him. "You're too much!"

SMARTIE?? The one that spoke like someone dropped him on his head?! Talking with such ease?!

"Whoa! Smartie! What happened ?"

Moonstone questions, bewildered.

"Oh hello Moonstone! Lovely orientation isn't it? And about my change, it's been lovely! Taking english classes...12 grade math and reading...I've grown quite a lot over the summer!"

"W-wow! Crazy!"

"Crazy awesome!" Gumball Machine ruffled Smarties hair.

"Oh!- HEY" Smartie pounted.

"So, how was your summer? Confess to Diary yet?"

"N-no...B-but, soon!"

GBM sighed. 

"You always say 'soon' then you never do it!"

"It's because she's all over Feather..."

"Oh..." GBM puts an arm around her.

"Maybe this'll be your year"

(on the 11th dayof Christmas , OSN gave to y'all , A NEW BOOOOOOOOOK! And new chapter coming out this week of "You Can't Catch me Now")

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