Chapter 7: The Power of Music
(The above video pretty much explains this whole chapter)
"Excuse me! Watch out! Pardon! Hobbit coming through! Please look out!" Pippin pushed his way through the crowded Bowling Alley trying to reach Lindir who was leaning against the wall trying to look cool.
"Phew! Being a hobbit in the midst of a large crowd is terrifying." Pippin shuddered coming to stand beside his elven friend.
"I would think that being in a battle with thousands of orcs would be scarier." Lindir commented. Even though the two appeared to be having a normal conversation, there was something else going on behind the scenes.
Where's Phoenix? Did he not feel the disturbance?
I don't think he did, he's not that attuned to the Force yet Lindir.
But you could have asked him to come with us.
I told him that we could handle it ourselves.
Seriously?! Pippin, it's US.
We tend to make things like this worse, get ourselves into trouble, and then Master Thranduil has to come save us. I think he's getting tired of it.
We can do this Lindir!
No we can't!
We can!
While this was going on Phoenix and his crew were starting to initiate Operation: Let the Ship Sail much to annoyance of a certain elf and hobbit who were both feeling very uncomfortable and awkward.
"Now you two just go about your business and have fun!" Caladhiel smiled before she, Piper, and Pely raced off laughing and speaking excited gibberish (which I happen to be fluent in by the way) leaving Phoenix and Shazad with Legolas and Esmerelda.
"Wait a minute, I thought you guys were planning everything?" Legolas turned to Phoenix who grinned reassuringly.
"Of course we are! But it wouldn't really be a date if we were hanging around you the whole time now would it?"
"Actually I'd feel safer if you guys were in our field of vision at all times." Es said crossing her arms.
"Sheesh, you both are so distrusting." Phoenix sounded offended for a moment before adding, "Which is yet another thing you have in common."
Both elf and hobbit groaned and their eyes in sync which only made things better/worse.
"Well, I'm going to enjoy myself. Have fun! Come Shaz, our destiny awaits!" Before leaving Shazad wished the two luck before following after Phoenix.
Legolas and Es were standing stiff and quiet side by side. Neither had actually been on a date before and the latter of the two did not want to be there at all which only made things even more awkward.
"Um, so are you hungry Esmerelda?" Legolas asked trying to break the silence. "If you want we could grab something to eat."
"How can I eat when I feel sick to my stomach?" Es replied.
Legolas sighed and for the first time since revealing his true feelings for Es, he decided to say something about her attitude and treatment towards him.
"Listen Es, I-"
"No really I don't feel very good, I think I ate too many buckets of ice cream before I came here."
That was when Legolas noticed her face, she looked kind of pale.
"Oh. Well, do you need to um, you know..."
Es nodded putting a hand over her mouth.
"Eesh, well come on then wait-did you say buckets of ice cream?"
Es nodded.
"How many?"
"3,847 and 1/2."
"Es you know that 3,846 is your limit!"
"I know, I was weak." Es moaned as Legolas patted her gently on the shoulder.
"Are you going to make it or-"
"I should be fine." Es straightened herself and smoothed out her shirt. "Yeah, I just need to will it away, that's all I need to do."
While Esmerelda willed her stomach sickness away Berylla and her group of hobbit friends arrived and were enthusiastically greeted by Jayden and Jenrail.
"You made it! Welcome to the party!" Jayden smiled.
"Uh Jayden?" Berylla asked nervously.
"Why is there a turtle on your head?"
"Oh you mean Pita?"
On hearing his name the little turtle poked his head out his shell and opened his mouth in a wide smile at the hobbits.
"Yeah, what's he doing up there?" Berylla asked again.
"I'm actually not sure, he just sorta climbed up and has been sitting there ever since." Jayden grabbed Berylla's arm and dragged her forward. "Come on! Jenrail and I started a bowling match! We've been waiting for you guys!"
The five hobbits struggled through the crowd of people, trying not to get trampled in the process. Listal was grumbling about someone not watching where they were going when Prisca whispered, "Do you see him?"
"See who? I can barely see anyone in this crowd!"
"Frodo! Do you see Frodo anywhere?"
"I already told you Prisca! I can hardly see anything! I've even lost Berylla and the others."
While the two friends struggled to locate their missing companions Losider was coaching Thaladir on-
"Alright Thal, lemme show you how to properly ask an elleth if she would like to hang out."
"Can't you just walk up and ask them politely and if they decline respect their decision and leave them alone?" Thaldir suggested.
"Ha! Like that ever works. Now watch and learn from the master." Smoothing his light colored hair down Losider approached a group of elleths who were standing together and talking.
"Evening ladies," Losider said coolly. Lerinde (who was in the group) was the one to speak up.
"Get lost creep."
Without hesitating Losider smoothly turned around and headed back to Thaladir who watched the scene play out with a smirk.
"Wow, your skills are most impress Master Losider, please teach me more of your sacred ways." Thaldir bowed in mock reverence while Losider scowled.
"Go ahead and laugh. She was just a little shy is all, she would have done the same to anyone."
Thaladir arched an eyebrow and before he realized that he was doing it, was walking over to where Lerinde stood.
What are you doing?! FALL BACK!
It was too late, by then he had already approached Lerinde and was saying, "Hello."
Lerinde turned to him and smiled. "Hi, do I know you?"
"I don't think so, I'm Thaladir." He extended his hand for her to shake and she took it.
"Lerinde, nice to meet you."
"So I was wondering if you'd like to, I don't know, hang out with my friend and I?"
"Is he the one who just came over here earlier?"
"Yeah he is. I know he's a little strange but he's a nice guy."
Lerinde thought about it for a moment, brushing a wayward strand of her golden hair out of her face.
"Thanks for asking, but I'm actually waiting to meet some of my friends here."
"Alright then, bye then." Thaladir waved before turning around and rejoining Losider who was staring at him in disbelief.
"How did you-"
"I have no idea! I was panicking the whole time!"
"But you were so calm!"
"Not on the inside!"
"Argh, why are these things so complicated?!"
"I don't know!"
"What is life?!"
"I don't know!"
"Wanna go eat nachos?!"
As the two raced off to obtain some nachos, Phoenix and co. were about to unleash what they called their "secret weapon."
"Are you sure that this is a good idea guys?" Shazad asked them. "I think we should just let them do their own thing."
"If we do that then my ship will never sail!" Caladhiel argued sounding very distressed as the possibility of her ship sinking entered her mind. "We have to do this! It's the only way!"
"Okay, I just don't see how this CD is going to help." Shazad handed the said CD to Phoenix who was about to put it in the CD player.
"Trust me Shaz, music is the number one leading cause of people falling in love. Legolas and Esmerelda are no exception." Phoenix delicately placed the disc in the player and closed it.
"The fact that she isn't screaming for joy while being on a date with Legolas should be enough evidence to prove that they could be the exception to that rule of yours." Shazad replied not convinced in the slightest that their plan was going to work.
"Watch and learn Shazad, the guy who recommended this song to me said it was guaranteed to make people fall in love." Without further hesitation Phoenix hit play.
*music starts to play and several people start making their way to the dance floor as the song starts to warm up*
After Es had gotten over her sickness the two had resumed standing side by side in awkward silence. Finally Es couldn't take it anymore.
"That's it! I'm going home."
Legolas, startled, looked down at her in disbelief.
"What? You can't be serious!"
"More than I've ever been in my life! This "date" is going nowhere. It was a dumb idea and I'm calling it quits. Adios cinnamon toast." With that Es started to push her way through the crowd. Legolas' eyes widened in panic and he started to go after her.
*suddenly the chorus plays and everything enters slow motion. Esmerelda dramatically stops and turns around, eyes wide as she looks back at Legolas who is standing with his hand outstretched towards her. Without knowing why she goes over and takes it, light seems to be emanating from the two beings as they gaze deeply into each other's eyes*
"Please don't leave me," Legolas begs softly taking hold of Esmerelda's other hand.
"Never," Es squeezes his hands.
*chorus ends the scene is abruptly ruined*
"Whoa whoa whoa! What the freaking Mordor was that?!" Es shrieked jumping away from Legolas and looking around frantically.
"I don't know!" Legolas was just as freaked out as Es was.
"I suddenly felt like I was going to live forever with no consequences!" Es shuddered.
"I felt like that too! Except for the living forever part."
"I'm getting out of here before it happens again." Esmerelda was about to run when the chorus started up again.
*Esmerelda suddenly wears a beautiful green dress, her hair is brushed and no longer wild and crazy. Legolas is dressed in in white and has all his hair hanging loose no braids. The light that had been around them before returns. As the two walk slowly towards each other again other things are taking place around them in slow motion.*
*Pita flies through the air*
*Infinite confetti falls from the ceiling*
*Merry and Vili are k-i-s-s-i-n-g"
*While trying to push his way through the crowd Pippin has tripped and fallen at the same time as Listal tripped and also fell. As they fall in slow motion their eyes meet and suddenly they're in love.*
*Prisca tries to get Frodo's attention but he's too busy dancing like he does in Fellowship of the Ring*
*Sauron hula hoops with a giant replica of the One Ring*
*Boromir laughs and holds up a sign that says "Ha Ha not rly dead!"*
*Eowyn slays the Witch King of Angmar and Faramir cheers enthusiastically*
*Esmerelda and Legolas have finally reached each other. Legolas kneels on one knee to where he's eye level with Es who is gazing lovingly into his eyes. Gently he strokes her face and she leans into his hand smiling*
*chorus ends again and everything abruptly returns to normal*
"AHHHHHHHH! SO WEIRD! SO SO WEIRD! BLEAUGH!" Es shook herself and continued to shudder.
"It's this song!" Legolas shouted.
As fast as they could elf and hobbit pushed their way past the crowd and made a mad dash for the doors.
"THEY'RE LEAVING!" Caladhiel shrieked hurting both Piper and Pely's sensitive ears.
She dashed out of the music room with Piper and Pely racing after her.
"Okay Phoenix you should probably stop that song now, it's doing some really weird stuff." Shazad said.
"What?" Phoenix asked. They had all been wearing ear muffs as to not be affected by the music.
"I said turn off the music!" Shazad repeated yanking off her muffs in frustration. Copying her Phoenix removed his and asked, "What?"
*chorus starts again*
*Phoenix rises from where he was kneeling on the ground. Fire surrounds him and engulfs the room but does not cause damage. Shazad is surrounded by flames and putting Katniss Everdeen Girl on Fire to shame. They gaze into each other's eyes. Their hands touch and in that moment nothing else matters to them except each other*
*chorus ends and both spring away from each other*
Phoenix lost his footing and ended up crashing into the CD player ending the music once and for all. Shazad quickly backed away, looking both startled and fearful. Without warning she turned around and fled.
"Shaz! Wait a minute! Gosh darn it." Phoenix finally freed himself from the mess he was in and was about to go after her when something caught his eye. Shazad's duffle bag was lying on the floor, she had forgotten it.
Phoenix grabbed it and raced out of the room and quickly passed through the crowded building. Bursting out of the doors he found Caladhiel standing with Piper and Pely.
"They're gone! They vanished!" Caladhiel moaned.
"Who?" Phoenix asked, the events from earlier confusing him.
"MY SHIP! MY SHIP IS GONE!!!" Caladhiel wailed while Piper patted her shoulder sympathetically.
"Oh, well, I'm sure it'll turn up soon. Anyway I gotta go catch you guys later bye!" Without further hesitation or explanation Phoenix dashed away with Shazad's duffle bag secured in his grip. His three friends looked on in confusion as he disappeared. This had been a strange night indeed.
"That was a nightmare." Esmerelda said once she and Legolas were far away from the Bowling Alley.
"Strangely, I agree with you." Legolas replied shaking himself.
The two stood in silence for a moment before Es asked, "Well, now what? Do we go home?"
"I guess," Legolas lowered his head.
"Okay Legs, spit it out. What's on your mind?"
Shuffling his feet Legolas looked up and met her gaze.
"Do you just, wanna hang out? No date, no weird music, just you and me hanging out like we used to?"
Es' lips stretched into a thin line. Her first impulse was to scream "NO!" and run off leaving Legolas alone, but instead she shrugged and said, "Sure, what do you wanna do?"
Legolas shrugged and glanced behind them. "Knowing Phoenix and his friends they'll be after us soon, they won't just let us run out."
Es nodded. "To the woods then? Our spot?"
"Lead the way Es."
Later that night....
"I'll be honest Legs, tonight wasn't that bad." Es commented tossing a stone in the air and catching it again in her hands. "Spending a few hours in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees and skipping stones while talking about pointless subjects such as why Sauron didn't post guards at the entrance to Mount Doom can really do a lot release stress."
"Couldn't have said it better myself." Legolas replied as they neared the Shire. All was calm and quiet as the hobbits slept. Before leaving Es tossed her stone aside and turned to face Legolas.
"To be honest, I've missed hanging out. I've been acting like a jerk lately and I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologize, I can sort of understand why you freaked out."
Es smirked and then motioned for Legolas to kneel down which he did, though he was confused by her request.
When she moved forward he immediately jerked back.
"What was that for Legs?!"
"Sorry, usually when you ask me to kneel it's after I've done something to annoy you and you want to slap me in the face."
"It was only three times Legolas."
"Tell that to my instincts."
"Can you just stay still please?"
Sighing, Legolas closed his eyes and prepared himself for the slap he knew was coming. So it came as a complete and utter shock to him when she kissed him (no not on the lips, gross) on the cheek. His eyes flew open and he stared at her in shock. Es however dipped her head and with a quick, "Goodnight" headed towards her house leaving Legolas where he was while his ears turned a very bright shade of strawberry red.
That-that didn't just happen, did it?
Legolas remained where he was for a good two hours before finally standing up and started the return journey home, his mind unable to comprehend what had just happened.
Okay people, before you all start freaking out the only reason I threw the kiss in was because it's Valentines Day, that was for you Legorelda shippers but DON'T for one second think that they're going to end up together.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this little "Valentine's Day Special" of the chatroom and I'll see you all in the next chapter. Things are going to start getting real crazy soon.
Alright I'm Out.
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