Episode 4: Martian Calamity!

Seems like a normal day in Acmetropolis, people going about their daily lives, the Loonatics training and getting  even more skilled with their abilities.

Ace and Lexi were out together, just chilling. Slam was where he usually was training in the gym room, Tech was busy tweaking Rev's rocket boots to make them better and allow him to land more safely. Duck in the meantime was just waiting for a parcel to arrive.

Rev: Yo, Duck *sits and chills next to him*

Duck: Hi, Rev *watching TV*

Rev: How ya doing?

Duck: I'm good. Where the heck is that package??

Rev: Take it easy, stuff takes time ya know. Hold on, did you tell the delivery to be brought here??

Duck: Yeah, a problem?

Rev: Duck this is our hideout! 

Duck: So, the people of Acmetropolis may soon know that and---

the doorbell rings at the elevator.

Duck: There it is!

Rev: *sighs* Next time, when you order something. Tell them to take it to your home rather than here

Duck: Oh relax Road Runner.

Tech: I'll get it 

He opens the door to reveal a green Toon reticulated python with black spots and a yellow underbelly

Toon Python: Special Delivery!

Duck: *Shoves Tech aside* Yeah, yeah yeah *takes the package* thanks, cya *shuts the door*

Toon Python: Wait-- *the door shuts on him but it opens again*

Rev: Jonathan!

Duck: What--??

Rev: Come in, Jon. *smiles seeing his old pal*

Jonathan: Oh uh okay, thanks Rev!

Duck: You know this guy?

Rev: Yeah, this is Jonathan Python. My great great great great grandfather and his great great great great grandfather are friends so that explains us too. He works at my families delivery service like my brother. He helped us deliver these packages

Jonathan: Hey there!

Duck: Hi

Jonathan: So, Rev. How's the superhero stuff?

Rev: Little tiring but fun.

Jonathan: I'm so jealous, wish I got powers from that meteor! All I'm doing is just deliver packages like normal.

Rev: It's okay, Jon. Btw, how's Rip?

Jonathan: Oh! Rip's doing good. He says "Hi"! *smiles*

Rev: Hehe, go back and tell my family I said hi.

Jonathan: Consider it done, I suppose I'll go and leave saving the world to you guys, bye! *leaves*

Meanwhile down in the streets, Ace and Lexi were walking together towards Pierre's shop, Ace just amusingly chuckled. He and Lexi had been really hitting it off lately

Ace: back here again, Lex? 

Lexi: Hey, ran out of perfume Okay? I'm sure Pierre's got a nice rose-smelling one *smiles entering* Hey, Pierre!

Pierre: *looks up* Hm, Hellooo my bunny friend, how may I be of service today my beux friend?

Lexi: Yeah, you have any rose-smelling ones? 

Pierre: Ah! I've received a new delivery of fresh ones. I'm sure you'll like them.

Pierre then placed a bunch of perfumes on the counter for Lexi to choose.

Lexi: *Takes a bottle and sprays sniffing* Ooh, instant win! 

Pierre: Wonderful choice, Lexi.

Ace: *sees Lexi purchase her bottle* So, where next?

Lexi: Eh, i'm not sure. You can decide.

Ace: Hmm, how bout bowling?

Lexi: Bowling? 

Ace: Yeah, I mean. If you wanna?

Lexi: Sounds random, but okay. Sounds like fun.

At that moment, the two got a call from Zadavia

Zadavia: Ace, Lexi. I need you both to return home, there is a situation afoot.

Ace: Guess bowling can wait, sure Zadavia we're both on our way back.

The two then left back home.

Later the team were gathered by Zadavia who had an announcement

Zadavia: Loonatics, our recent achievements have naturally caused popularity for us across the planet and other parts of the galaxy. Not just thwarting illegal nanotech and stopping Ophiuchus Sam, but also gaining allies in the form of Sylth Vester and thwarting many dangers. I think we may nearly be ready to take the fight to Optimatus and finally end the tyranny.

Tech: First we gotta take care of Electro Fudd, he's still a problem for us, the sooner the next time he attacks we've got to nab him and take him to custody for good.

Duck: Not to mention the other pawn under Optimatus' thumb: Melvin. Whoever the heck he is.

Zadavia: That brings me. A spaceship belonging to one Melvin The Martian is on it's way here. Sounds like Optimatus has ordered Melvin to take you out.

Slam: Me say we stop Martian and kick Fudd butt!

Zadavia: Precisely, Slam. Be prepared, Melvin must've been warned about you each.

Out in space not too far from Acemtropolis, Melvin and his robotic canine Sergeant Sirius were approaching in his spaceship.

Melvin: Optimatus will reward me handsomely for assisting Fudd in capturing the Loonatics and destroying this planet, hahahaha!

Melvin sent a robotic drone to pick up Electro Fudd and bring him to Melvin, after meeting the two hatched their plan to attack the Loonatics.

Electro Fudd: So, Optimatus wants me to just capture the Loonatics instead?

Melvin: Yes, and if they refuse to turn in, we destroy this planet together.

Electro Fudd: Heh, sounds like a pwan, but the Loonatics aren't ones to give up from experience

Melvin: Indeed. We must first attack key points of the city first to get their attention. Drones, away!

Melvin's ship launched a few attack drones towards the planet, the first few destroyed up a few highway bridges while others blasted at streets, it didn't take long for the Loonatics to be alerted of the drones attacks and immediately mobilized.

Ace: We've got to take care each of these drones, spread out!

Each Loonatic spplit up and went to destroy the enemy drones.

Ace: *blasts the first one with his laser vision* One down!

Lexi: *dodges laser beams from the drone and then jumps on the back* I've got it *zaps the second with her brain blast*

Duck: *teleports out of harms way and tosses a power orb at the drone* gotcha!

Slam: *tornadoes up to the drone and crushes it* Me got drone!

Tech used his magnetic ability to crush the drone by warping it's shape

Tech: Easy, maybe too easy.

Rev: *dashes fast in circles around the last drone which completely melted it's armor and shattered into pieces* There, that's the last one.

Tech: There could be more, this felt way too easy

That was when an electric grenade rolled in under their feet.

Rev: GRENADE!!! *Dashes away*

Tech also managed to avoid but for t others it was too late the grenade went of, electrifying each Loonatic except for Tech and Rev who managed to evade.

Tech: Crap..it's Fudd

Electro Fudd: *Walks over to the Loonatics knocked out* Hehe, these Woonatics ain't no match for us.

Fudd then with the help of a few of Melvin's drones, grabbed the unconscious Loonatics and flew up to Melvin's ship.

Melvin: Ah, you were successful

Electro Fudd: Yep, got wasn't too hard, had to distract em and be vewy caweful when tossing the gwenade hehe.

Melvin: Hold on, you've only got four of them! 

Electro Fudd took a look at the unconscious Loonatics notifying that indeed, he missed Tech and Rev.

Electro Fudd: Damn, guess i better get back down there and gwab em.

Melvin: Not necessarily, we'll just destroy the planet. Hahaha *receives a sloppy lick from Sergeant Sirius* Hey!

Back in the streets, Rev was going crazy with how they failed to save their friends. And for a while, Rev became old school Rev.

Rev: ohnoohnoohnowevegottadosomethingfastifMelvindoesthingslikemaybetortureorkillwe--

Tech: Rev

Rev: wereallyreallyreallyneedtodosomethingorelsethey--

Tech: Rev!

Rev: maybesetupatrojanhorseorspacearmourtokickFuddandMelvinsbuttsbutwegottahurryhurryhurrybequickabout--

Tech: REV!!!

Rev: Yes?

Tech: Calm down! Let's get back to my lab in the skyscraper. I'm sure i've got a couple things we can use!

Back in the skyscraper, Tech, Rev and Zadavia were busy constructing space armour to get up into Melvin's ship.

Tech: We're sorry we didn't try to rescue them we just..

Zadavia: Sssh, we make mistakes Tech. It's alright, right now we need to be quick with this armour to rescue the others *helps ready an arm part of the armour*

Rev: We've already finished making mine and Tech's

That was when the TV came on showing Melvin with Electro Fudd behind him.

Melvin: Citizen's of Acmetropolis, because the Loonatics have only...partially turned in, we will now destroy this planet instead! You have one hour to do whatever you wish before this place is blown to kingdom come! Hahaha!

The message ends.

Zadavia: We have one hour, we must hurry!

Tech: Me and Rev will use our suits to go up and rescue the others! 

Rev: But what about when we run out of time and Melvin makes his doomsday move?

Tech: Zadavia, Boss? You don't mind getting your royal hands dirty?

Zadavia: Not in the slightest, Tech, what would you need me to do?

Tech and Zadavia went down to the ground level and to the backyard area outside of the skyscraper

Tech: I modified this space fighter I took from a scrapyard *he points a to a large multi seater space fighter* should be fitted with weapons good enough to destroy anything Melvin sends

Zadavia: This should hopefully do the work just fine.

Tech: I'd say we're ready to get up there. Let's Jet!...Sounds better when Ace says it

Tech and Rev suited up in their spacesuits and got on board the space fighter with Zadavia. Tech took the controls as they flew up into space towards Melvins ship.

Sergeant Sirius: *checks rader* Woof, woof!

Melvin: Not now, Sirius. I and Fudd are gloating in imminent victory!

Sergeant Sirius: *Whines tugging his foot*

Melvin: I said not now, Sirius!

Electro Fudd: Melvin, the pooch is upset because o'this *points to the radar where the ship is approaching*

Melvin: Oh dear...

The fighgter flew down underneath Melvin's ship, Zadavia took the controls while Rev and Tech got their helmets on and left the fighter.

Rev: Let's do it! 

Rev and Tech flew to the underbelly of the ship, Tech used an arm mounted laser cutter to cut a hole into the ship, they entered and attack enemy drones

Drone: Intruder *shoots a photon blast but Rev dodges and kicks it down destroying it*

Tech: The others must be guarded, let's hurry!

Tech and Rev made their way to the back area of the ship where they found the other Loonatics in a large reinforced prison cell, each had cuffs and restraints to prevent them using their abilities.

Ace: *hears* Tech? That you, doc?

Tech: It is, along with Rev. Hold on! *Uses his magnetic manipulation ability to rip the door away along with the restraints and cuffs* Boom!

Duck: Finally! It was so uncomfortable with that thing on my head!

At that moment, the team saw an entire squad of drones looking at them.

Slam: *eyes glow* Less talk! More fight! *unleashes lightning mode and sends tornadoes at them*

Meanwhile back in the control room, Fudd and Melvin felt explosions from the back of the ship.

Melvin: They must've escaped! Now is the time to destroy the planet while they are at least distracted! This will be a fine planet to blow! Lord Optimatus of Freleng may reward me with perhaps--


From Melvin's ship came multiple planet destroying missiles, that was Zadavia's signal, she flew the space fighter out from under Melvin's ship and opened fire on each and every missile.

Zadavia: *barrel rolls and blasts a barrage of blaster bolts and rockets* It's  a good thing my father gave me some military experience when i first became princess, even if i wish to be a peaceful ruler.

Back in Melvin's ship, the Loonatics clashed through more drones making their way to the control room, but on the corridor before it waiting for them was Electro Fudd himself armed with...a plasma minigun!?

Electro Fudd: Not another step ya stupid twerps, i got you all in my sights!

Lexi: *whispers* Any ideas..??

Duck: Hmm, think, think think.

Electro Fudd: Quiet!

Sergeant Sirius who was looking for his lost bone, was wondering around and saw what he thought was some squeak toy in Electro Fudd's back, immediately running for it.

Electro Fudd: Shame you wascals ain't gonna succeed in saving your planet! Perwaps if you were more like me in hunting and skill, you'd---AAIEE!!

Sergeant Sirius was going for the retractable small knife which he thought was a squeak toy, but had inadvertently bit Electro Fudd right in the butt.

With him distracted, Ace fired his laser vision straight into Electro Fudd's chest which blasted away his armour and sent him crashing into the wall.

Rev: *Passes by Sirius still chewing on the handle* Good doggy.

Tech took the handcuffs that were on his teammates back in the cell and placed them on Fudd's wrists.

Lexi: On our way to the cells, i saw an escape pod hatch over there *points and smirks*

Tech: Good eye, Lex

Electro Fudd: whaddya doin??!

The Loonatics stuff him into the pod and send it down to Acmetropolis

Electro Fudd: You ain't seen the last o meeee!!!! *lands on the planet*

Slam: We leave him to police.

Duck: Right, big guy. Let's get that Melvin sucker!

Outside, Zadavia had finished destroying the last couple of rockets saving Acmetropolis in the process much to Melvin's annoyance.

Melvin: What?? Where's the kaboom?! There should be a world shattering kaboom!!

Ace: *behind him* Sup doc!

Melvin looks behind him to see the Loonatics looking at him.

Melvin: Drones! Get rid of them!

More drones appeared to attack, Lexi blasted away some with her Brain Blast, Duck teleported on top of one and ripped out the wires, Slam just grabbed two of them and smashed them together, Rev used his speed to dash through some while Tech used magnetic manipulation to rip them to pieces. Melvin readied an armed explosive and flew up to Ace.

Melvin: Here, take this! *gives it to Ace*

Ace: Oh no, i won't! *passes it back*

Melvin: Oh, yes you will! *gives*

Ace: Oh no, i won't! *passes it back*

Melvin: Oh yes, you will! *gives*

Ace: *takes it* Oh yes, I will!

Melvin: *Snatches it back* Oh no, you won't!

Ace: *Takes it* Oh yes, I will!

Melvin: *snatches* Oh no, you won't!

Ace: Hmm, okay doc. You win! *Gets clear*

Melvin: Heh, I must've showed him-- wait..that's not right! *Checks the bomb it was about to go off* Oh dear...


The smoke cleared revealing Melvin wounded and tired, he really couldn't fight back anymore.

Melvin: I cannot...give up..I can't surrender...Optimatus will be very angry...

Ace: *Knelt down and held his hand out* Come with us, Melvin. We have something to show you.

Melvin: But I-

Slam: We know, come with us.

Ace: We'll explain that Optimatus is not who he says he is and that Acmetropolis isn't worth destroying

Though reluctant, Melvin decided to go with them, the ship landed back in the planet and the team saw the space fighter land with Zadavia stepping out.

Ace: Me and Lexi were gonna go bowling together til this whole thing went down. How about we do that first, have a little fun.

Melvin: Very well, if you say so.

Melvin and Sirius followed the Loonatics and Zadavia around the city, the people were surprised how the heroes are just showing the person who just tried to destroy their planet places of interest.

Zadavia: *While walking* Optimatus, my brother is only using you just like he did with Vester.

Melvin: *Walking near her* Surely you jest, he's given me that Fantastic starship and tools of my own to use.

Rev: Which he can take away in the blink of an eye.

Slam: Optimatus only see you useful for now. When you no longer useful, he get rid of you and dog.

Melvin: *To Tech* Is your big friend bluffing?

Tech: Nope, telling the truth.

The team arrived at the bowling alley and prepared to play. People who were there were still amused and surprised that the Loonatics, the planet's very own superheroes, are playing bowling!

(To anybody curious: Yes, their still in their outfits)

Duck: *looks at a group looking at them from a different row* No autographs.

Slam: *Elbows passing him a bowling ball* Your turn.

Duck: Oop, sorry *bowls and only knocks over 8 pins* This is rigged right?

Tech: *Chuckles grabbing a ball* Nope, just need precision *bowls*

Melvin: It seems despite their attention towards us, these people are having fun. I..don't truly recall having fun in a long time.

Sergeant Sirius: Woof! *Licks*

Melvin: Well, aside from company with my robotic canine companion.

Ace: Hey, doc. Your turn!

Melvin: Wha? Oh, yes! *Takes a ball*
Sooooo, like this right? *Tosses the ball and it manages to knock over 6 pins*

Lexi: *Whistles* 6/10 first try ain't so bad.

Melvin: Why um, thank you.

After bowling, they went off to see a street race nearby. A short pig was the organiser. Pinkster Pig

Pinkster: I-I-Is everybody ready?

The driver's pulled a thumbs up from each of their cars.

Pinkster: Alright! *Raises arms* Three, two, one! G-G-Go!!

Two cars raced off passing by the group.

Rev: Heh, I could pass them both with my eyes closed. Maybe.

Melvin: All these people just having fun and I was trying to destroy it all for the sake of someone who would get rid of me when I'm of no further use to him and then I'd--

Duck: Hey, enough. We know.

Melvin: Right, apologies.

The Loonatics later went down the street again, they went to a milkshake bar to have a shake.

Rev: C'mon, you don't know unless you try it.

Melvin: *Sips his shake* It is delicious.

Rev: Boom, you like it *drinks his own*

Slam: *Sirius licking him* Me like your friend.

Melvin: Sirius, down my canine friend.

Sirius didn't listen, he liked the Loonatics. Licking at each of them, including Zadavia.

Lexi: *Giggles* I think he just likes us, or the shakes.

Later, Melvin had finally understood Optimatus' lie and why Acmetropolis was indeed a good planet. To add the icing on the cake, some stray puppies curiously walked up to Sergeant Sirius, he happily barked at them.

Melvin: I have to say this Ace, I actually like this planet, it has so many wonderful things!

Ace: see? it ain't a planet worth taking over or destroying

Melvin: I know, plus, these puppies are adorable! *cuddles some of them* Sergeant Sirius would love his new play mates

Ace: looks like he already does! *chuckles scratching his head*

Melvin: *After placing them down he turns to Zadavia* Zadavia, is there anything i can do, to repay my heinous acts?

Zadavia: There is, go to Blanc and join with Grannicus, from there you will help Deuce and his rebels on Freleng.

Melvin: Consider it done! Sirius and my new adorable companions, come! 

With that Melvin, Sirius and the puppies headed back to the ship and waved goodbye to their new found friends and took off heading for Blanc.

Duck: Aaaand, crisis averted.

Slam: Me say let's go home!

Zadavia: Very well, Slam. Let's return home my dear-- I mean, fellow friends

The Loonatics each blinked.

Rev: You good, boss?

Zadavia: Yes, I'm perfectly alright.

Rev: Well okay.

The Loonatics as they returned home with Zadavia felt like she was slowly becoming some mother figure to them, after all she gave them their training and home care, not to mention advice and consultancy. 

Ace: At least i think after all this Freleng stuff, we can finally chill for a bit before we go after Optimatus.

Meanwhile however, deep below the city, was a shadowed figure walking up to a control switch, he pulled the switch revealing a large mech suit and an army of robots.

???: Soon all of Acmetropolis will pay for exiling me from the university and exiling me from this planet, forcing me to be a recluse...Hahahaha!! Robots, AWAKEN!!!


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