The Battle Theatre really is like a cinema. Nadia watched as the screen above the entrance shuffled through battles of trainers lining up to battle Faust.
"Well. Let's go in then. Ready, Felver?" Felver, who had been by Nadia's side the whole time, nodded, and they both entered the theatre, pushing the doors open.
Inside the waiting room stood Musa, pacing around above a chain of sewer pipes covered by a glass pane.
"Hey, Musa,"
Musa looked up, Rabburn running to greet Felver. "Oh, hey. Did you finish what you needed to do?"
"Yeah," Nadia replied. "Dad suspects the next stone chunk might be in POLUT Corp. Although, I don't know how they managed to haul off something like that without touching it and becoming corrupt." She tapped her chin in thought.
"Maybe they used a wrapping of some sort and hauled it into a truck," Musa suggested. "If it only takes direct contact with the stone chunk, then touching it with a cloth over it shouldn't do anything."
"Yeah, you could be right."
"Excuse me, Musa?" A man called from the theatre entrance. "You're up for the last puzzle."
"Okay, thanks!" Musa called back. "I'll be right there." She motioned for Rabburn to follow her as she slipped through the door. "By the way, Zinx was definitely right about this one being tough." She said before she did, though.
"If you think it's tough despite having a type advantage, then I don't know what's in for me." Nadia deadpanned. "Well anyway, good luck!"
Nadia looked at her surroundings. Numerous other trainers lined the waiting room, some lounging on couches, others chatting with each other about mundane things. Nadia looked at Felver, and the Loomian looked back up at her.
"This one might be tough, from what Zinx provided," Nadia told him. "You and the others are up for it, right?"
Felver might've been speaking for the whole team when his head nodded violently, fire burning in his eyes.
"Alright, Nadia, you're up!" The same man called out from the stadium just as Musa returned, a Cyber Medal in her hands.
The Theatre's puzzle involved a Chompactor, and a bunch of crates and color coded boxes. She was supposed to guide the Chompactor to the goal, which was blocked by different colored boxes. Corresponding colored buttons littered the stage as well. Nadia had to push the crates onto the buttons in order to make the boxes disappear, so the Chompactor could get to the goal.
With each puzzle, a trainer came forth to fight. They were as tough as the puzzles, having enhanced gear to predict attacks and countered accordingly.
Finally, after healing her Loomians, Nadia was able to challenge Faust. She walked up to the stage the moment Nadia finished the last puzzle.
"I see you were able to make it this far after all. Good job." Faust complimented.
"It wasn't easy. Zinx and Musa were right." Nadia replied. Faust chuckled, but turned serious a moment later.
"I'll admit, after meeting you at POLUT Corp., I didn't think you had what it takes to get here. Although, I guess Zinx, and now Musa, proved me wrong on that too. But anyway." She tapped on her earpiece. "I scanned you using my cyber gear back at the lobby to look up your trainer history. It seems you only just recently started your adventure as a trainer. Records indicate you only have two medals."
She shakes her head.
"While that isn't an easy task, it's far from impressive. If you want to earn my respect, you'll need to beat me in battle. But a battle with me won't be easy, as you can tell. You see, after my accident, I could no longer do anything for myself. I lost both legs and an arm, but worse, I lost my will to do anything for myself.
"When I was given my life back by POLUT Corp., I swore to always do my best. That attitude is what I carry with me into battle today. So now that you know what you're up against, let's get started!" Faust then sends out her first Loomian, a large Loomian with a single tire wheel propelling it.
The LoomiWatch identifies it as Munchweel.
"Alright, then! Luxroar, go!"
Yeah, Twilat had evolved into Luxroar back in Route 6, so she's now the first Light-type on the team. She also came in with a fresh set of attack moves.
"Munchweel, use Oil Leak!"
Before Nadia could yell out an attack, Munchweel lifted its arm and shot out gloops of sticky dark liquid, coating Luxroar and slowing her down.
"Oh crap, already?! You okay, Luxroar?" Nadia yelled. When Luxroar affirmed that she was okay, Nadia yelled, "Use Luminous Roar!"
"Munchweel, dodge!"
Munchweel jumped up somehow, effectively dodging the rings of light that shot out of Luxroar's mouth.
"Now use Double Whack!"
"Use Swipe as a counter!"
Munchweel shot downwards, both arms up in order to hit Luxroar twice. It only managed to get one hit on Luxroar before the latter blocked the second and parried it.
"Not bad! Munchweel, use Bash!"
Munchweel rolled towards Luxroar at lightning speed again and managed to hit the Light-type. Luxroar was pushed back, stopped by a spare crate that hadn't disappeared with the rest of the puzzle.
"Use the crate as momentum! Go for Quick Pounce!"
"Munchweel, when Luxroar gets near, use Chomp on its body." Faust ordered the Loomian.
Luxroar jumped, pushing back on the crate and flying at Munchweel's head. The Metal-type opened its mouth to trap her in place, which was successful, and did significant damage. However, it left Munchweel more vulnerable.
"Now! Use Luminous Roar!"
The rings of light tore out of Luxroar's mouth again, hitting Munchweel close-range this time and pushing it back.
"Munchweel, you're alright, right?" Munchweel affirmed somehow, and Faust then ordered it to use Double Whack again.
"Use Stretch and dodge!"
Nadia wasn't sure how, but Luxroar stretching made it possible for her to ignore the oil still covering her body. When Munchweel rolled forward, arms up, ready to strike, Luxroar sped off in a different direction, causing the Metal-type's arms to hit nothing but the floor.
"Chase after it and use Bash!"
"Use Luminous Roar again!"
"Dodge it!"
Every attack from Luxroar, Faust found a way to counteract it, or she fought back with more fervor.
Those cyber equipment are no joke, Nadia thought.
Eventually, both Loomians' energy levels have completely depleted, so Nadia returned Luxroar and sent out her newly caught Operaptor.
"Oh? Using a type advantage, eh..." Faust tapped her earpiece, seemingly trying to find the best way to fight.
"Use Power Focus!"
Operaptor stood still,eyes closed, seemingly trying to concentrate. It then opened its eyes, now hyper-focused.
"Now, use Chomp!"
"Munchweel, use Double Whack! Keep it at an arms' length!"
"An arms' length on Munchweel is this entire stadium!" Nadia yelled.
Double Whack hit its mark before Chomp could, and it sent Operaptor flying. It managed to backflip and land in front of Nadia, though.
"Use Quicksand!"
Thankfully, Operaptor didn't have to come close this time because Munchweel used Double Whack again. Operaptor grabbed its arms and stomped one foot, trapping Munchweel in a mound of liquid sand. Munchweel tried to roll away, but sand stuck to its wheel, rendering it unable to move.
"Now use Headbutt!"
One bash on Munchweel's eye downed the Loomian, partly thanks to Quicksand.
"Alright! One down, who knows how many to go!" Nadia cheered. She held up both palms, one for Felver, who had been watching from the sidelines, and the other for Operaptor. Felver jumped up to high five with his paw, but Operaptor hesitated until it saw that both the Plant-type Loomian and his trainer were looking at him expectantly, so it high fived her too.
"Don't celebrate too soon, Nadia," Faust's voice interrupted them. "You still have two more Loomians to defeat before you have your party." She threw out her second capture disc, which contained yet another large Loomian with a color scheme similar to Operaptor's. One look at the LoomiWatch and it said the name was Concredon.
"Alright, Felver, you're up," Nadia said, beckoning Operaptor to return to his Loomidisc. Felver quipped a determined noise as he jumped into the battlefield.
"Use Scapegoat, then Power Focus!"
"Petal Pummel!"
Felver shot sharp petals at Concredon, who produced a plush to escape the move. It then concentrated, putting focus on its attacks.
"Keep using Petal Pummel!"
Felver continuously shot sharp petals at the subsitute, tearing it apart slowly. However, Faust had been stacking Power Focus while Felver was distracted.
When Scapegoat was finally destroyed, Faust yelled, "Use Headbutt!"
Concredon dashed through the scraps of fabric the substitute left behind. Without much warning, the Metal-Earth-type crashed right into Felver's torso, sending him flying, taking more damage than it normally would deal, with the stacked Power Focus.
"Felver, everything alright?" Nadia asked, since Felver landed on his back. However, he jumped back up, as if he hadn't taken damage equal to half his health.
"Use Nature's Rage!" She commanded, and Felver's senses get taken over, a mass of grass and petals surrounding Concredon.
"Use Quicksand!"
Concredon summoned the same sand that had helped defeat Munchweel, but stronger, at the rapidly growing grassland that is the battlefield now threw up the dust and wrestled Concredon, eventually over powering it.
"Oh, crap." Nadia muttered. "The stone piece wasn't collected before the challenge, does it correlate to Felver's newfound strength or something...?"
Felver then stumbled, having used Nature's Rage for far more power than he could handle. The attack caused him to become dazed, and lose some energy from using too much power. A half-eaten Powerfruit tumbled out of his scarf.
So that was it. Felver had scrounged up a Powerfruit and eaten it for...some reason.
Nadia looked over her choices. Then she had an idea. "Felver, return to rest a bit! Gumpod, get out there and use Water Bomb!"
She returned Felver to his disc and sent out Gumpod, who immediately shot a large orb of water at Concredon. The attack was so sudden that Faust was only able to yell out a Quicksand attack before Concredon got blasted with water. Two supereffective attacks weren't enough to knock Concredon out, but it got its health to the near red.
"One more Water Bomb should do the trick!" Nadia yelled, and Gumpod summoned another large orb of water. However, Faust was ready for this, hand over her earpiece, tapping on it tentatively.
"Dodge the attack and Headbutt it right back!"
That was unprecedented, but Concredon was able to do it anyway. It stepped slightly sideways so that the Water Bomb passed through harmlessly, then technically spiked it back at Gumpod with its arm rather than its head. Either way, the water orb was spiralling right at the Water-type.
When the orb burst right in front of Gumpod, Concredon shot forward again, Faust having ordered another Headbutt, this time at Gumpod.
Faust really likes the element of surprise, huh.
When Headbutt connected, Concredon stumbled back, a burn on its head. Huh?
Nadia looked at Gumpod, who was shining a bright blue. When the bright light dispersed, Gumpod was no longer a small bug-like Loomian, but rather a large being with a small blue vents around the head and a large one on the back.
"Ventacean," read the Loomipedia entry. It had also learned a new move, which Nadia assumed was what caused the burn. It was called Geyser.
"Interesting. Did you anticipate this happening, Nadia?" Faust inquired, eyeing the newly evolved Loomian curiously. Nadia shook her head.
"Nope. I knew it was gonna evolve soon, but I didn't think it would be this soon."
"Well, no matter." Faust dismissed. "It doesn't change the outcome any more. Concredon, use Scapegoat, then Quicksand!"
Concredon set up yet another substitute, jumping high up in the air shortly after creating more sand that stuck to Ventacean.
"Use Geyser to wash the sand out!"
Geyser was effective, drenching the battlefield even more as hot, steaming water burst from Ventacean's back vent. It also managed to wash the Scapegoat out of bounds, forcing Concredon to jump back in.
"Smart, but that won't be helpful, you let yourself open! Now Headbutt!" Faust ordered, and Concredon burst forward, drenching itself in water but ignoring it otherwise, and hit Ventacean right in one of its eyes.
"Ventacean, rest!"
"Concredon, you rest too!"
Both Ventacean and Concredon waited on opposite sides of the stage, both trainers realizing they've been ignoring their energy levels. Ventacean recovered first.
"One last Geyser should do the trick! Let's go!"
Finally, Concredon got knocked out with the third supereffective attack of the day, and Faust returned the fainted Loomian.
"Not bad, truly." Faust complimented as she got out her last Loomidisc. "But let's see how you fare on my last Loomian. If you can beat it, then you truly earned my respect. Stratusoar, go!"
She then sends out the largest Loomian she has, a huge indigo-and-lavender dinosaur-like Loomian with large wings protruding out of its back. The wings were bat-shape, and a single flap sent strong gusts of wind at its opponent. Nadia had to hold her hat in place to keep it from being blown away.
"Ventacean, this last Loomian's gonna be tough!" Ventacean nodded, and prepared a defensive stance. "Use Brace!"
"Use Gust!"
Stratusoar's large wings flapped again, a strong gale picking up and nearly blowing away Ventacean.
"Now use Body Slam!"
Stratusoar took to the air, flying itself to a point in the ceiling. It then dove, hitting its mark square in the vents.
"Use Eerie Stare!"
The glare Ventacean sent Stratusoar's way was enough to make the Metal-Air-type jump back, wings going into a glide as the Loomian set its legs on the ground.
"Use Metal Shriek!"
What came out of Stratusoar's mouth was a deafening screech that sounded like claws scraping against metal, but amplified. The entire audience, including Nadia and Faust, covered their ears so they wouldn't bleed out.
"Now Cyclone Slam!"
Stratusoar was then able to launch forward again, using the gust it created with its wings to propel it faster. Vestacean wasn't able to dodge in time and was knocked out.
"You did great, Vestacean. Now, Felver, get back out there!" Nadia sent out her Felver, who recovered from his daze and is now ready to fight.
"Felver, use Petal Pummel!"
"Stratusoar, use Gust!"
Felver shot sharp petals again, but Stratusoar just stopped them with one sharp flap of its wings.
"Stratusoar, use Cyclone Slam!"
"Counter it by using that crate over there!" Nadia pointed at the lone crate Luxroar had used two battles earlier. Felver ran towards it, frantic to escape the Cyclone Slam, when his tail glowed a murky purple. Felver then used his tail to flick the crate right at Stratusoar, who crashed right into it. The crate burst, becoming scraps of metal in just seconds.
"Use Petal Pummel again!"
Felver didn't send out petals this time; they were replaced by even sharper-looking leaves.
Has it ever been possible for Loomians to learn two moves at once? Maybe, because Felver apparently learned Toxic Tail and Leaf Barrage.
"Use Leaf Barrage again!"
More leaves pummeled the still recovering Loomian. When Stratusoar did recover, the leaves had cost nearly half its health.
"Now use Toxic Tail!"
"Not so fast! Use Metal Shriek again!"
The resulting noise almost deafened everyone in the audience again. Felver stumbled back, tail slowly returning to its light green color.
"Wait out this turn, then use Nature's Rage!"
"Are you really putting your Loomian's life on the line for this?" Faust questioned. "You and I have both seen the destructive qualities of Nature's Rage, are you sure you want to go use that move again?"
"Nature's Rage was never as destructive as it was the first time I used it here," Nadia clarified, as Felver stood stock still, trying to recover a little energy. "It would make Felver a little dazed, but it would never extend this far."
"Hm. I see. It's a faulty move then." When Nadia looked back in confusion, Faust explained further. "You see, faulty moves are completely usable for a short period of time, but then they start acting up, causing possibly harmful effects on the user, and they're usually affected by an outside source."
"I see. It might be the stone tablet chunk then..." Nadia murmured. Faust perked up at this, seemingly wondering what she could possibly mean by "stone tablet chunk", but before she could inquire further, Nadia had already unleashed a Nature's Rage...or so she thought.
What really came out was a Leaf Barrage sunk low on the ground, in order to confuse the opponent. When Faust ordered Stratusoar to blow away the leaves with Gust, Felver came out of the mass pile that is leaves, petals, and dust to deliver a hard Swipe at the larger Loomian. He then whacked Stratusoar in the face with a Toxic Tail.
"Stratusoar! Use Cyclone Slam!"
"Don't let it use that move! Leaf Barrage!"
Both attacks hit their marks. When the dust cleared, both Loomians were standing across from the other, having a showdown of who hits the ground first.
Felver wobbled first, which perked up the audience as several members leaned forward to see the end to the battle. And then Felver managed to pick himself up.
Stratusoar stumbled next, causing the announcer to lean forward from his spot as well.
Then both Loomians fell to the ground.
"Considering Challenger Nadia still had at least one Loomian that could fight, she wins the battle, and therefore, has defeated the Sepharite City Battle Theatre! Congratulations!" The announcer screamed, and the audience went crazy.
Faust returned Stratusoar after a soft pat on the Loomian's metallic head. "You fought well." She smiled at the disc.
"Felver, you okay?" Nadia knelt down to the downed Loomian. Felver opened his eyes slightly and nodded. "You're exhausted. I'll take you to the Loomian Center immediately." She returned the Plant-type and stood up when Faust walked over.
"Even after my best, you managed to succeed. You have surpassed my expectations. Congratulations on your victory. You have earned this." She said, and handed over a dark green orb, with the outside alternating between green and black. The inner orb had green triangles arranged to make a circle.
"The Cyber Medal is your third one in your journey, yes? Well, I congratulate you again." Faust said. "By the way, Musa's still in the waiting room, right?" Nadia nodded. "I asked her to wait there. Can you go back there too? I'll grab Zinx along as well."
"Uh, sure." Nadia replied, wondering what Faust had wanted with the three of them.
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