Chapter Three: Oh, What A Shame.
Gwendolyn Brooks
My palms still running with sweat, I kept walking as fast as I could. Much farther away from the enormous building and so far, Hart still follows me.
"What's going on with you?" Hart suddenly grips on my arm and forces me to halt for a moment. Well, that's not of your uncertified business there young fella, I just wrote down my information about Mr. Blue Eyes with his snarky girlfriend.
"I-i'm just leaving early. I'm tired here." I faked an excuse, and hoping I can try to manipulate Hart's dumbfounded brain that I'm exhausted with a weird sounding yawn.
"Oh, are you sure?" Hart sounds puzzled, confused.
Ugh, just hurry up an finish your nonsensical sentences and go back to enjoying with your lady friend!
And then, I felt something off.. something, not right.
And Hart stops talking, his face dripping down with sweat as he clamps the jaws together. I hate that feeling when someone's behind me even though there's nobody around the place. We're in a street, with no street lights on. How can we notice that we see a towering tall, random guy outta nowhere?
Turns out my instincts kept getting me chills down my spine.
"What's wrong Hart?" I glanced at him.
Hart gulps, and points directly behind me.
Alas, I was right the whole time.
Or was it just my body reacting to that? Wasn't it?
A tall guy, breathing heavily and limps towards us. We eventually got scared, clinging on to each other like monkeys.
"Well, well, well..." he spoke.
"Hart, stop chattering your teeth." I hissed at him.
He couldn't stop chattering and shivers. "No, you stop your shuddering freak." He glares at me.
And then, the random guy coughs loudly. "Excuse me for a second." Wait what? I recognize that voice anywhere..
There's only one person who'd say that almost every time..
Well, looks like my plan took a massive toll on him.
Now I'm scared.
"Gwen, isn't that Jake?" Hart whispers scared-like.
....duh. Who'd you think it was? The Queen of England?
I push Hart slight away from me, and I slowly take a step back. Kind of retreating back to the party would've been a nice idea, yeah?
"Don't. You. Dare. Move. A. Muscle..." Jake growls.
I couldn't make up the face reaction he's doing now, but he kind of looked like a shriveled rat that's about to die. What an ugly sight to despite of.
I hear a wince, from his heaved figure, breathing heavily up and down. All pissed, agitated and limping a bit unusual than before. Almost like he's about to run.
Jake rubs his arm and pinched his bruised, purplish elbow.
And the moment, he suddenly cracks his neck and down to his hands. Gross, I remembered when I tried to crack my neck, it turned into a major disaster. Couldn't move my neck the whole time and Mom took me to the ER, my head tilted as the doctor tries to help out with my injured neck.
That was the worst memory ever. It still haunts me to this date.
"Follow my lead." Hart yanks my shirt, pulling me a bit farther from Jake. His eyes make up the terrified expression he has towards Jake. So, without further ado, I followed Hart's instruction. Only because Jake's about to pummel us into smithereens.
How'd he get out of the closet? I'm sure I double checked on it before the plan began. I had the keys with me.
"You're dead meat guys. Once I lay a hand on both of you, you're finished." Jake grins devilishly.
Jake's a fast runner, compared to Hart. Hart's the exact opposite, a great hider. And well me? I don't have anything special—except being a great cook.
There's a fifty percent chance that Jake's going to pounce on us, and a merely twenty-five percent that we'll make it. According to my hypothetical case.
Plus, he's a 5'10 in height, so is Hart. I hate it how Jake would tease me directly because of my height and Hart giggling from his response at me.
Well guess what? I'm only 5'4, so HA! Take that! But, let's get back to the chase.
"Go, GO!" Hart suddenly bolts and I follow him behind.
Oh, how I hate running. Not my favorite thing to do actually.
Well, note to self: bring running shoes whenever you're prepared.
"COME BACK HERE!" Jake roared. Him gaining close to me and trying to grip on my jeans felt what most, terrifying. I'd remember back then how we'd get in trouble from fighting with Jake, and what he always do was grabbing me by my loose jeans and forces me to stop. So he could get payback.
Again, worst memory.
We decided to split and make our ways through the random neighborhood.
Jake stops, turns his head at Hart and I and goes after me, cliché. He thinks he can easily catch me. Oh, Jake. Okay, so let the games begin sucker.
I hid behind a random backyard, weird that it doesn't have any fences but a great spot to plot an idea. And poof! I found a long hose and if I can go into that shed, and try to scavenge for a rope, and I'm sure I need a trapwire, then it'll be a success.
Bruno and Boots who?
If you don't know that movie, then go jump off a cliff for all I care. It's one of the best on Netflix. Back in 2017, Fiona and I used to cuddle with blankets every rainy day and rewatch the movie, over and over again. And I know every scene from the bottom of my heart.
So, I recommend you to watch it—or good luck with your hopeless lives.
Hi! How are ya?
Finally, I'm finished with all of the stuff fully organized. What's so surprising is that the owner of the backyard isn't here, that's the good news.
What's the bad news? Well, I haven't seen Jake ever since he was hunting me an hour ago and maybe Hart's caught.
He's supposed to text me about twenty minutes ago and now, I'm not even be honest here.
A rustle came from the bushes, not far away and I jolted up with a hesitation to figure out whom or what it is.
"Gwendolyn!~" Yep, that sounds like Jake.
And Hart's nowhere to be seen.
I hid behind the tree, holding the hose that initials the whole place into a disaster.
Jake crept on his four, crawling and it's creeping me out. But one step—or crawl, can start the official game of hell.
You see, there was extra rope I found and decided to make a trapwire. Why? Well the rope's placed there where Jake's about to crawl in and he'll be pulled straight up into the air, dangling like some rag doll.
—And also, the rope's connected to the hose in case he tries to untie the knot on his foot. Trust me, It's kind of fun once you try it.
But I think he's going to easily untie it. I know Jake.
The trapwire snaps, Jake suddenly flies up upside down staring, with a confused look and up he already went, dangling around. "GET ME DOWN FROM HERE GWEN!!" Jake growls at me.
"Oh, what a shame." I click my tongue with satisfaction.
I walk out of the bushes, smirking with a huff and fold my arms over my chest. "So? What's the weather like up there?" I let out a slight chuckle and scoffed at him.
Maybe I shouldn't said that...sounds cheesy.
So just like what I've expect, Jake tries to untie the rope. "S-Stop this nonsense Gwen, I don't know what's going on with you lately. I've suffered enough from this morning." He grunts.
He suddenly stops, surrendered and stares at my shirt.
"You went to the party, did ya?" He glares at me.
I nod.
"W-Why? You know that parties are a waste of time. Why'd you go?" I shrugged, because I don't want to let out much more of my reasons why.
"I don't know, I just wanted to have fun." Okay, that's a lie. I never had fun, and had that weird feeling of some guys looking at me during the party. But, my courageous friend's beside, she'd beat those guys senselessly.
Plus, Mr. Blue Eyes' was there, how could I say no? do I sound like a creep.
Fiona's the type you don't want to mess from. One slap, could get you to faint. And by how furious she fights, you'll remember the day you were born.
Feisty for a cheerful girl like her.
She likes to show the good side of being the chirping girl she always been. But barely doesn't bring out the real pain from her opposite side. So, only remember her as the sweet girl, not a horrible devil that wants to pry your soul and devour it.
"Would you help me here? If I don't touch you?" Jake almost rolls his eyes annoyingly. With a tiring glance at me.
I shook my head, half smiling as I felt my hands quaking and literally felt nothing from my back pocket. My eyes grew wide all of a sudden, and my chest about to burst into millions of shreds.
Who took my notepad?
I stared at Jake and he gave me a confused stare, a careless one. "What are you looking at me like that?" He squints.
Jake starts to swing for a moment, then finally grab a hold on the branches.
Well, looks like he dodged the fall for a moment.
What a lucky guy, it could've been better if he fell.
"DID YOU STEAL MY NOTEPAD?" I said worriedly, heaving my chest up and down as I exhaled.
"Pfft, what notepad?" I don't know what you're talking about." He unties the rope from his leg and jumps off from the tree. And lands with a huge thud.
That could impact your legs right there young man.
"You, young lady, are coming with me." He grabs my arm tightly, dragging me away from the mess I've caused. "Where's Hart?" Jake's remorseful voice sounded clear and bold, big but not small. "I-I don't know.." I shrugged.
My mind kept trailing off to my precious notepad.
I wonder who took it.
Or maybe I dropped it somewhere!
The more I pondered about my thoughts, the more my anxiety came back. Hey, I don't have any disorder that leads to problematic things. I'm just worried.
"As long I have you, Hart's surely going to get in big trouble once he comes back." Jake grumbles
We arrived back to our home, and Jake opens the door. No offense, but the place looks like the first thing you entered hell for.
It's a tornado—no, wait! A ducking hurricane.
"Looks like you're cleaning." He hands me materials for wiping off the oil and untangling the wires.
The thick hose doesn't need anything, just taking back to the backyard. "Your punishment is.." He closes his hands and gestured with a demanding expression.
"Hand the phone." Jake said.
"What?" I shot back, "for what exactly? You can't take my phone!" My voice cracks. Bugged out by his annoying commandment, I hand him my phone.
"Good girl! Now, start with your cleaning and i'll go to sleep, thank you very much!" His voice pitches into a high note, a mischievous one he'd always use.
How freaking cliché.
As he walks away, about to step his left foot on the stairs. I called him again, plus—how did he got out from the closet? "What'd you use for... the closet?" I tap my fingers together.
A second was wasted, Jake's sly grin grew wider. "I've ways Gwenny." And there he went, marching back upstairs to his room.
That's weird..
And so I cleaned, wiping the slippery oil to who knows where the mop came from and so I did, grabbing all the threads and hose back outside.
Worst punishment ever.
It was Monday, back at school. The skies looked much gloomier than two weeks ago, and now it's my first time surviving without my phone.
And still, Hart haven't came back ever since we separated.
Maybe he's with his comrades and who knows? Maybe he's at the girl's house he'd been making out all the time.
What's surprising is that Jake's calm as usual, not even a shout from Sunday.
That's suspicious.
Walking to my locker, Fiona follows me and obviously babbling about the party. "You know, where'd you go after I was talking on the phone?" She raises her neatly brow and pouts a confused look.
"I left early. Because I had homework to finish." I lie.
Jake caught me.
"Ohh-gotcha." Fiona nods.
We then walked into our classroom, with our bags along and see the whole girls gathered into a circle, giggling and acting like bunch of showoffs. I personally despise people who'd try to get attention, wants or needs from others. It's like they're owners but they're not.
Hate to break the truth, but they need a life.
Teens these days can be filled with delusions and emotions which reacts to their ideal crushes. But trust me, the more in love, the more harsher things will come to 'em.
Fake love and dumb relationships are nothing but a waste of mere time for me. Can others just accomplish their goals before they get to romantically in love? Go to school, get good grades and have a great life.
Heh, get it? BTS? Because, fake lov—.......
Nah, just forget it.
I've something to say to you my imaginary witness, don't you DARE fall in love.
It's ducking stupid.
Fiona then rushes to the circle, edging herself in the corner closer to.. Mr. Blue Eyes—I think.
Yep, yes. It's him.
And now, without my notepad since I LOST it. I'm in some deep shit, and if someone finds out about my information about the whole school.
Then, wish me luck in hell.
So, I better find a way so I could try to find my notepad as soon as possible. Possibly faster.
"Excuse me, my bad." Pushing through the crowded girls, I finally reached to my spot.
And Fiona batting her eyelashes boldly at him. I let out a shudder. "All right students, let's start today with something unusual—something....interesting."
The girls excused themselves, and went to their seats, secretly saying "Bye Noel." And blowing a kiss.
The teacher writes the board, and stares back at the crowd.
"Mr. Sedaro? How about to move up and sit next to Olympia?" He raises his brows.
The lonely, weird girl in our class? Hell, she'll even fall in love dumbly at him.
Few of the girls growled under their breath, laying a deathly glare at her.
Sheesh, that desperate? I'd the urge to just go up there and teach those girls a lesson. I can't fight, but I can bring out a good comeback.
How pathetic of them.
"Okay," he stands up, voice deeper than Sam Smith and walks over to sit down.
Hey, Sam Smith's voice is lower than a loser's grade.
So what?
Fiona pouts, and puffers her lips up sadly.
"He moved." She sighs.
Poor Fiona, poor—poor Fiona. Oh, how I wish I could tell you that he's taken. By Jecella.
I haven't gave a good look at her since the party. And now? Maybe the name will keep me in mind whenever she's mentioned, by Mr. Blue Eyes.
"Anyways, what we'll be doing is speeches. Speeches are the most important in English or in other classes, it can depend on your own issues or what you're addressing it to. And that's why my students, we're going to pair up for the speech project." our teacher walks around the classroom, his heavy footsteps thunking, but firm.
Oh, speeches are the easy ticket to what your grades depend on.
And it could help with with your serious writing skills for essays whenever your writing an admission for college.
If they accept you to join, then great job!
If so, then you need to understand the system very precisely and carefully.
Why am I giving out advices about admissions?
I'm in AP English Literacy right now.
"So, students, I've the paper of what you and your partner have to write about and the system that's directed to it." The teacher hands down a sheet of single paper down to the aisle.
And here was the names. My future partner's name that'll enter my entire habitat. For short, I'm doomed.
"Yes! Fiona." A guy with greasy hair walks upto her, grinning like a doofus.
"Oh, Trent." Fiona sighs, staring back at me with a pout.
"It's okay Fiona, it's just a project." I replied.
"Yeah..a project.." she mumbles under her breath.
Seriously? You've gotta be kidding me.
How freaking cliché, Trent? One of the school's athlete? I swear this guy has a major thing for Fiona.
Now, maybe you're wondering "what do you mean by that Gwen?" Or, "oh gosh, you're making me wanna laugh but you sound quite creepy." Not only I'm thinking towards the fact that Trent, has a major thing for her. The question is, does Fiona know about it?
And well, my dearest buddy—or buddies. You're in luck. Remember when I explained about how I'm a sly fox when comes to sneak information? I remember last year, when him and I were in a same class for Geometry. He'd write small hearts of his name and under a huge heart with small, well drawn faces and a neat font of Fiona's name cursively.
As what I've said, "love is ducking stupid."
But, the bad side of Trent. He's kind of a player.
Like, you know what I mean. He dated a bunch of girls last year and literally nailed an epic combo to one of 'em until one of his girls founded out that he's cheating with another girl.
And that's how my friends, is what made him change.
Literally true, after that horrific fight—he never dated anyone ever again.
But still, he has a major thing for Fiona.
She'd better be careful.
Even if a person has a crush on you, make sure to stay attentive and hopefully on guard. Know any moment.
So a lot of partners were paired up, except me.
And lastly, I hear the teacher calling a name. "Noel? You're partners with Gwendolyn." He hands the paper to Mr. Blue Eyes.
His brow arched when he approaches me, my hand side clenched into a ball.
"Hey, Mello Yello." He sat down with a grunt.
Eyes from few students darted at us, with their heads up and their breath sucked in.
My head couldn't comprehend this, why are we partners actually?
I sense a bad feeling about this.
"So, we're doing the criminal justice system." He raises his neatly brow at me.
"Yeah, we are." I replied, cold and curtly.
He then scoffs, "what's with you Mello Yello? Being stiff and grumpy?" He nods with his chin up. His eyes reflected under the lights, creating a much bolder glow.
"Well, I'm not." I try to maintain as the calm being as I am. But clearly, I wasn't.
"Then, why you're wearing all yellow? I thought yellow's supposed to be a brightful and calming color. Turns out you're just the opposite." I then scoffed, at his dumbly response.
Umm—you're quite wrong.
Yellow's my favorite color and a good luck charm. Whenever I've a test to start or study upon, then I bring my lucky yellow chain bracelet. Yeah, yeah, you still see me as the cartoonishly Care Bears' Sunshine. But it's also a great thing because you know why?
I get an easy A on every single test. And now since I'm not the one whose a loser like this guy, I actually get the job done.
"Then, why are you wearing these ridiculously ripped clothing?" I point out at him.
Mr. Blue Eyes smiles, a rudely one. "Because it's fashion. If you don't like it then, the door Mello Yello." He grins, showing off his pearly white teeth.
But no offense, his teeth are looking mighty fine.
Mine's just white, but not TOO white. I naturally take care of 'em. Brush them three times a day and use teeth whitener for only once a month.
But then, what about Mr. Blue Eyes? Maybe he uses them for 24/7? Eh, I honestly don't wanna know about his dental care.
I gasped, surprised but clearly minded that the more we bicker, the more it'll cause a scene. And I don't wanna be in a scene.
Scenes from bickered partners to fights sounds a bit too out of hand.
Let's just keep this low key normal, mm'kay?
"Okay then, let's finish the work." I shrugged, carelessly ignoring the fact that our teacher's watching everyone.
Mr. Blue Eyes then moisten his lips, biting his lip tenderly. And I don't actually mind that I'm watching his actions.
He seems suspicious, but obviously an obnoxious person. "Nah, you write the facts about the criminal justice system and then we'll discuss about it at a later time." He stares straight, runs his hands through his hair.
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"Well, Mello Yello, maybe tomorrow." He stands up, all the girls laying him an eyeing glare.
I look at my left and see Trent, smirking as his brows wiggle at Fiona. She sighs annoyingly and deadpanned a straight face.
"Won't we just start working on our speech, Trent?" Fiona huffs tiredly.
Well, she better keep an eye on him. Who know what'll happen to Trent if he makes a move at her..sooner or later.
Now, everyone's gonna be complaining about me being partners with the most 'attractive' person in the whole grade.
Once the bell rang, I gathered my things. Being the capable person who'll might do half of the work, I decided to take out our short notes before writing the first practice draft.
"There she is!The girl who's partners with Noel!" A bunch of girls gathered with ushering voices.
I know that Mr. Blue Eyes has a... girlfriend??
I'm not so sure about it.
since that small make out session they were doing last time.
Never been surprised.
Kinda was surprised about it and clearly confused.
"Gwen!" A bunch of girls approached at me, holding their heavy binders and their straight yoga pants bolder as they sashayed.
"How about we switch?" One girl says flushing uncontrollably.
I bite my lip, my shoulder stiff and squared. I then replied, "well, if you want to the-:"
A voice suddenly interrupted me. Sounds recognizable to even think of, very familiar.
And there's only one kind of person whose voice sounds like that.
I turned around. It was Hart. "What do you mean switch?" He raises his brows questionably.
I knew it, he's alive.
By what I meant, he crept out of the locked darkness to pry his way to even arrive at school. Heh, surely he'll get in big trouble.
"Hart?" I choke a gasp, faker than last one.
"What? You thought I wasn't gonna come?" He chuckles with an easy tooth-wide grin.
"Um, no." I scoffed.
"Bye then..." the rest of the girls walked away, defeated.
Apparently he explained to me why he purposely disappeared. And he was obviously, at his lady friend's house.
The slight blush appeared on his face was easy to tell that he'd a major make out with her. Causing them to ditch together and went out for some stuff.
What's weird is how did her parents allow him to stay? I know that every kind of father must have some kind of trust issue with a guy who's a friend of a girl's—nope, make that her own boyfriend.
I raise a brow at Hart and suddenly burst into small laughs. "You're so stupid." I ruffled his hair and got a hold of it, made him yelp. "STOP THAT GWENNY!" He whines.
"Even though I'm your younger sister, I'm not foolish. I know what you've done with your lady friend." I grinned like the Cheshire Cat.
"Um, Wha-:" I lay a finger on his pinkish lips, pushing it harder.
"You've done her a great time until she liked it."
I tap my foot on the ground, waiting patiently for his response.
"Fine, we've done a good amount of time. Okay?" He grumbles.
I click my tongue with satisfaction, "Good." I huffed.
We then parted ways, to our own destinations.
It still felt like what-so forever, the day went a bit slower as I strolled down the gigantic crowd.
Suddenly, my head perched back. I hear a soft laugh.
"I'm doing good." A deep, husky voice murmurs.
That'd made me want to go and figure where the voice comes from. And so I did, tip toeing with my shoes softly thumping.
"And you?" I tilt my head at the corner, and guess what?
I finally see a recognized guy grinning softly.
"Yeah, yeah. It's a project I've to do with this annoying girl." He mutters.
Yep, it's Mr. Blue Eyes. His eyes fluttered, more likely his thick brows furrowed.
"Her name?" He clears his throat.
My brain's forcing me to leap out and tackle him for being a prick. How dare he? An annoying girl? I'm quite offended by his rude foul response.
"I call her Mello Yello." He squints.
Sorry guys it took more than a week to accomplish this chapter! Please forgive me! 🙏
Anyways, Gwen made a huge mistake—the bicker with Mr. Blue Eyes..
Make sure to vote and comment whether your busy or not. I'm not forcing you to like them, I want to hear your opinions about this chapter and the way I write.
Maybe one day, I'm gonna change—and also my writing skills ✍️.
So, please comment so I'll try to change! 😊
Before I leave, I'd like to say a happy day for Muslims. 🧕
Happy Ramadan and ugh, I know it's late—but it's worth it. 🤷♀️
I was busy with assignments and that's why I'm publishing this chapter a bit late. 🤦♀️
I promise you guys that i'll publish the next chapter as soon as possible!
Good bye and have a wonderful Evening (or great Morning) 👋!
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