47. From Bad to Worse

Hello, hello, hello! Good morning! 🤗

Was thinking of updating yesterday, but got occupied lol.

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 47 - From Bad to Worse

Sanskar locked the car and turned to look at her. "Here we are. What are you waiting for? Let's go inside the mall."

Ragini had quite a choice if words that she wanted to hurl at him. However, she didn't want to create a scene in public. Hence, she just nodded and came around the car near him, opening her palm towards him. When he looked at her clueless, she glared. "My salary for the month. I can't buy just by showing my face."

"I'll be with you, won't I? I'll pay. You don't need to cut this out of your salary. After all, I want to buy Mani something too."

"I doubt Mani would want anyth from you."

Sanskar flinched. Oh he knew Mani hated him. And for valid reasons as well. Sanskar didn't blame him. "But I want to. Besides, he's getting engaged to Uttara who's my sister. I can at least gift my sister and my sister's husband as a family member, if not his friend."

"Then buy him your gift and let me buy him my own gift from my own salary which is mine by right!"

Sanskar sighed. He was tired of arguing with such a stubborn girl. He hates her stubbornness.

And yet...it was this stubborn nature that made him all the more fall in love with her.

"Fine!" he opened his pocket and handed her the money. "There's your 6000 for the month."

"Thank you." Ragini huffed out and walked away towards the mall with a satisfied smile.

Sanskar looked at her go with a confused frown. 'That's funny. Her salary is 4000, but I always pay her extra. She argued with me to no end till she can't find anything to retort with until she accepts the rest 2000. But she didn't argue today?' shaking his head, he simply followed her inside. 'I won't be the first man who can't understand a woman's mind I guess. The-eh?' blinking as he stepped inside the double doors, he found no Ragini there.

#With Ragini#

"Finally some peace!" Ragini sighed to herself and leaned on the wall. "Glad I escaped that jerk in time. Now I can shop without having an annoyance nearby."

"Um...ma'am, may I help you?" spoke one of the employees as she spotted Ragini mumbling to herself.

"Oh yes please. Can you show to me some good shirts that I can gift to a friend?"

"Of course ma'am! I'll lead you to the latest collection right away!"

"Thank you."

#With Sankar#

"I bet she took the chance to escape me. Am I that annoying to her?" Sanskar didn't want the answer to that since he knew what it would be. "I guess I haven't been a good friend or support to her these days, have I now? No wonder we've drifted apart." he looked down in sorrow. 'There used to be times when Ragini would want to spend all the time with me. But now...she wants to be away from me...always!' a clinging sound broke him out of his thoughts.

The sound was so smooth and sweet. Hearing it once more made him close his eyes unconsciously. It felt so peaceful.

He looked up as the sound rang again.

Far off to the side of the mall, there was a tiny mini store. It held all sorts of wind chimes and several other tiny musical instruments. With a smile on his lips he walked forward towards it. 'I wonder if he has any gift able accessories.'

#With Ragini#

"Here we are ma'am. This entire row consists of the latest brands. Take your time.

"Okay. Thanks again."

"My pleasure." saying so, the employee went away to help other customers.

Ragini watched the clothes and walked closer, examining each one carefully. "Hmm...what kind of shirt would Mani bhai like? Plaid? Nah...too plain. He doesn't wear plaid shirts. Or...or does he?" Ragini looked down in thought.

It had been quite some time that she talked freely with Mani. Mostly, they met once or twice in three months, but that too was cut short.

The reason?


'Another close person who was pushed away from me because of Sanskar. And to think that all he ever wanted was the good of me and Sanskar.' Ragini reminisced the last time they came shopping together...the three of them.


"I'm telling you! This is the best mall in the entire town! Infact, in entire India I suppose!"

"Like you've visited every mall in India Mani."

"Oi! Don't mock me. I can if I want to!"

"Yeah. Since you don't do any work in office either."

"Sanky, shut up. You're just jealous you have to do more paper work than me."

"As if!"

"Oh ho you two! Can you at least try to act like adults for the public and stop bickering like kids!?"

"No!" came the collective response from them to Ragini's question.

Sighing to herself she stormed off without them to the clothes section muttering about irresponsible boyfriends and annoying brothers.

*flashback end*

Ragini smiled to herself at the memory from the past. That day at the mall was a typical day then. But who would have thought it was the last time they would be shopping with such light hearts together? 'Things used to be so simple those days. Although I wanted them to stop, now...now I would do anything to have them the way they were before.'

Shaking herself of those thoughts, she got busy looking at the shirts lined up. One by one, she checked each one carefully. "This one would look good on Mani bhai I'm sure." smiling to herself, she took it off the stack.

As she was about to walk away, a black shirt caught her eye. Ragini didn't now why, but it was as if it was beckoning her to come to it.

Slowly, but gradually, she came near and looked at it closely. Now she knew why it was attracting her.

It was a shirt she would have brought for Sanskar since he looked amazing in black. The shirt just screamed of class and elegance. Sanskar would no doubt look amazing in it. 'And it's nearing his birthday too. But does he even deserve a gift from me? After everything, do I really want to gift him anything at all?!'

But she already knew the answer.

Although she hated him, she still loved him. It was too complicated for even her to explain. "But I can't let him see that I still care for him. He's nothing but a jerk to me." turning around, she walked off without a glance back. "Now to look for something for Uttara. What to buy?"

#With Sanskar#

Sanskar kept looking at the tiny wind chime as if in a trance. There was no looking away on his part for over the past minutes.

"Sir? Excuse me sir?"

The shopkeeper's voice finally managed to cut through his thoughts. "Yes?"

"Sir, are you going to buy it?"

"This cute little thing reminds me of someone. Someone who is just as delicate as this tiny chime, but her voice and the goodness of her heart echoes so loud...its almost irresistible."

"Ah, it's a good choice Sir. Shall I pack it for you then?"

Sanskar smiled wryly. "I want to gift it to her. But I fear she might not like it. It's better to not gift than get it rejected."

"But sir, she won't. I'm sure." the shopkeeper smiled at him encouragingly. "No one can stay mad at someone after they are gifted such a beautiful gift. Whatever argument you have had with your wife or girlfriend will be solved if you gift this to her. I'm 100% sure!"

Sanskar looked from his face to back at the chime. It was indeed unique. Made into the size of a tiny showpiece, the wind chime was simply beautiful. It reminded him of Ragini's words when they hung a bigger one at their apartment where they lived after Sanskar got the job as the MD of Mani's company.

"You know Sanskar? When this chimes, just remember that I'm remembering you from wherever I am. And when I'm at home without you, it's chiming will remind me that wherever you are you're thinking about me."

Sanskar felt a deep ache in his heart at the memory. 'Now, I've got a big mansion. But it's more suffocating than the apartment could ever be. The tiny apartment was a blessing for us. Maybe...maybe it's true. Money can't ever buy you happiness.' no sooner the thought popped in his head he grit his teeth. 'But money is what runs the world. Happiness doesn't always mean safety. Money does. And that's what matters most!'

"Sir? So, have you decided?"

"I th-"


Sanskar looked to the side when he heard his name being called. To his surprise, it was Ragini who was approaching him herself.

Without him having to force her, follow her, threaten her or cling to her. "Y-yes?"

He could see her biting her bottom lip. She only did that when she was unsure or confused and angry. It looked as if she was contemplating whether to do what she was there for, or run away.

"Sanskar I..." finally making up her mind, she reached for one of the bags she was carrying. "I thought that ma-"

"There you are!"

Both looked up at the shrill voice that cut through the air.

At once, Ragini's demeanor changed from the unsure girl to a completely pissed off one.

Sanskar was no different. He halted at the person approaching him. "What are you doing here Manisha? You shouldn't be here."

Without a concern for personal space and whatsoever, she came near him and wrapped a hand around his arm. "Hello Love! I missed you so much!" she shouted once more, making a few heads turn.

Sanskar looked at her in bewilderment and disbelief. "Are you nuts? What the heck is this?!"

Ragini, despite knowing she shouldn't feel good seeing her getting insulted, felt like giggling. She was glad Sanskar didn't want Manisha there. It made her feel important.

Manisha squeezed his arm harder as a warning. "Malcoms." was the only thing she uttered.

However, it seemed to have a large impact on Sanskar as his eyes widened and his expression changed from annoyed to alert.

To her shock and disbelief, Ragini saw him wrap a hand around Manisha's waist and pull her closer. He put on a charming smile, which Ragini knew was fake and winked faked a laugh. "Missed you too dear."

The bag that was held by Ragini fell to the floor from shock. It was as if a nightmare was playing right in front of her eyes and she could nothing but watch as it escalated. She was frozen to the spot with her eyes glued to the scene.

"Ah! So this is Sanskar you spoke of to us." spoke a woman coming near. She had a British accent although she was Indian. However, the person with her was British. "My husband and I had been waiting to meet you Sanskar. We've heard so much about you from Manisha."

'So that explains her British accent. Her husband is British.' Sanskar nodded and greeted them politely. "It's nice to meet you as well Mrs. Malcom and Mr. Malcom."

"Ah! A man who knows to place a woman's name first! What a gem!"

'Or maybe Manisha's already told me all about you so that I can impress you and get the deal. Anything for good business.' Sanskar thought in his mind with a smirk. "I hope you both had a wonderful flight. I wish I could meet you at the office but I had an important thing to do."

"Like spend time shopping?" questioned Mr. Malcom with narrowed eyes. "I thought you took business seriously."

'Shit!' Sanskar felt like glaring at Manisha. He told her he couldn't come and thought the meeting would be postponed. And yet, here she was bringing them here. Now, if Malcom doesn't think he's responsible, the deal's gone forever.

Manisha, on the other hand, was internally smirking. 'That's what you get for ditching me for this Ragini behenji.' rolling her eyes, she faked a giggle. "It's all my fault actually. I wanted him to surprise me with a nice gift so much that he decided to cancel everything for me!"

"She's right." Sanskar decided to play along.

Mrs. Malcom clapped her hands in excitement. "Oh how romantic!"

"So this is the lady you wanted to gift this?" spoke the shopkeeper suddenly, interrupting them. "Ma'am, your boyfriend got an excellent eye for precious things. Look what he got you!" he showed them the chime.

'But it's for Ragini. No way Manisha's ever deserves this from me.' Sanskar thought miserably. From the corner of his eyes, he risked a glance at Ragini.

However, he wished he didn't.

Ragini looked so devastated. She was completely silent, except for her eyes that spoke so much. One look was enough for him to know how much all of this was hurting her. 'I'm so sorry Ragini. But if I don't do this, than the deal is gone. I'm sorry.'

"But why choose this? How is this unique to you?" Mrs. Malcom questioned.

Sanskar was in a fix. 'I guess she isn't as much shallow as I thought. The way she's calculatively looking at me...if I don't convince her that Manisha is my girlfriend, the deal is gone. But...' Sanskar swallowed hard. 'But the more I'm getting into this, the more I'm hurting Ragini. She looks so broken. How can I do this to her!? I...I shouldn't!

Manisha could see the tiny glances he was making at Ragini and decided to take matters into her own hands. "Aww...please explain it to me too! I want to hear as well!" she hugged him so as to bring his ear closer. "Listen Sanskar. Don't be fooled. Yes, Ragini is hurt, but don't you say you two have a bond of love or whatever crap that you speak off? Than she would understand when you get this international deal and be happy for you. A moment's unhappiness now but a joy forever, no?" she whispered only for him to hear and stepped back.

Sanskar thought over her words and came to a decision. Seeing the determination in his eyes Manisha couldn't help but smirk. She knew she played the 'love' card right. 'He's so easy to manipulate when his heart is concerned. He thinks Ragini would understand, but I wonder if she ever will knowing how cold he acts recently. Whatever! At least I'll get my share of the deal.'

Squeezing his eyes shut, Sanskar silently apologized over and over to Ragini in his mind, as if hoping she could somehow hear him. "I brought this because we're business entrepreneurs. An we might not have time to be home all the time. So, whenever this chimes, it will make you realize that I'm thinking about you. And when you're not there, it's chime will remind me of you."

Mrs. Malcom's eye lit up hearing the response. "That is so lovely! You got yourself a true diamond dear!"

"Haha...I know." Manisha's replied in glee.
A loud sound made them look outside.

"Oh don't worry. It's just the construction workers outside. They broke some glasses I think." the shopkeeper provided helpfully.

However, for Ragini, the glasses weren't the only thing broken. The sound resembled the broken pieces of her heart. It was the echo of the shattering that her heart was going through over and over as she recalled his words.

Words that she remembers telling him.

Words that were meant for them. But now...now they were not for Ragini and Sanskar. But Sanskar and Manisha.

Seeing Sanskar glancing her way as the rest chatted, Ragini gritted her teeth. His eyes seemed apologetic.

He seemed to expect her to understand and forgive him? To understand that he had his reasons for ripping out her heart? To understand and be okay with it? Even if she knew it might be an act, did it explain why he had to lie so much as to use words that held deep meaning for her? Things that she said from her heart once to him...which now he used as a ruse to convince a fake relation? Does her words hold no respect?

Sanskar couldn't read her eyes. It was the first time they looked so empty. So very empty. 'I didn't want to do this Ragini. But it's for the best. I'm doing this so that I can rise further up the ladder in the business world. And when I do, I can have more power. With power, I can protect you and my family better! I can keep you all safe! Everything will be back to being best again!' he wished he could speak out the words to her. To be near and hold her because right then, she looked on the verge of collapse. However, situations held him back.

Ragini looked down, tears glistening in her eyes. But she refused to let even one fall. She wouldn't let him see them. 'Would he even care? Or would he just scoff off saying I should have expected it?' she crouched to pick up the fallen bag. As she did so, the other two bags, slipped off her shaky hands as well.

"Let me help you." Sanskar took the chance to get near Ragini.

Manisha's tried to hold him back, but couldn't.

"Who's she?"

"Oh no one. She works at Sanskar's. She's his father's caretaker." Manisha's snidely remarked. "Sanskar gives her too much freedom I tell you. She lives like a queen in his house. My man is too generous for his own good."

Sanskar, as he helped Ragini, knew Ragini was hearing everything. After all, Manisha's wanted her to hear it. "Ragi-" he began to whisper, but was cut off by Ragini's harsh glare as she abruptly looked up.

Sanskar felt as if he was hit physically. Her red eyes and the pain and anger in them was strong enough to shudder.

"If you wanted to kill me Sanskar, you should have done it right. Not kill me over and over with words."

"Ragini I di-"

Without a word, she rose up and cleared her throat aloud. "I'll be waiting at your car Mr. Maheshwari. Thank you being so generous and allowing me to shop on my own."

In front of everyone, Sanskar felt helpless. He wanted to convince her otherwise, but couldn't when the Malcoms were there. With his eyes, he tried to make her understand. But she didn't look into them. Instead, she turned around and left.


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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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