25.Of Hypocrites and Liars

Is Swara good or not?
Is she really plotting against Ragini? I'm sure those are the popular questions by now. 😉😉😉

By the way, my exams are nearing. So kinda late on the updates.
And will be slow in the future updates as well. 😅😅 Sorry dears.

Moving on...💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 25 - Of Hypocrites and Liars

#Next day#

Sanskar collapsed on the chair with a tired sigh. His breaths came out in huffs and puffs, tired from his morning jog. He sniffed his tracksuit and scrunched up his nose. 'Ugh! I smell like a rotten egg with all this sweat. Better go get a shower.'

As he passed the kitchen, he saw Ragini standing there, with her back to him. He smiled on seeing her. He was about to give her a shout when suddenly he heard her sniff. He listened carefully and heard her sniff again. At once, he rushed to her and turned her towards him. "Ragini, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did someone say something? Did something happen? Who hurt you? I kill that person! Just tell me the name and I wi-" he paused when he heard her giggle.

"Oh Sanskar! Look." Ragini uttered, pointing ahead of her.

Sanskar looked at the counter. There lay some onions which Ragini had been cutting. 'That's what made her cry? Oops!' he let out a nervous laugh and looked at her sheepishly. "Guess I was worried for nothing."

Ragini chuckled. "That, you were. You're too over-protective for your own good. Wiling to kill for me, eh?" Ragini joked.

"I will. If someone hurts you in anyway, I won't hesitate to do it." Sanskar replied with a serious face.

This made Ragini's smile disappear. The way Sanskar said it, she knew he wasn't kidding. Ragini didn't doubt that he would take that path and this scared her. She didn't want him to choose such a path and ruin his goodness. 'He was determined to ruin the Maheshwaris because he believed they murdered Kavita. If he had done that based on a misunderstanding, I can't imagine what he would do if something really happens to me.' Ragini held his hands. "Sanskar?"

"Yes Ragini?"

"Promise me something."

"Anything! Just say it." Sanskar responded with a smile.

"Promise me that no matter what happens to me, you won't take the path of vengeance. Promise me you won't become evil and lose your virtues. Promise me you'll move on and try to be happy."

Sanskar's face hardened at her words. "I better go and take a shower. My sweat is starting to stink." saying so, he left, without giving a response to Ragini.

#Maheshwari Mansion#

Mani parked his car in front of the mansion and walked inside. After thinking the entire night, he came to the conclusion that he should try to convince Swara at least once. 'But I don't know her well. Parineeta will be the best person I could ask advice from in this case.'

He rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open the door. He looked up as an elderly woman opened it.

Mani smiled at her. "Hi there!"

Annapurna nodded. "Hello. May I know who you are?" she asked, looking at him critically. "I think...I think I've seen you somewhere."

Mani nodded. "Indeed you did. At the Gadodia house." Mani replied, recalling how he stood as an observer while the 'Big Bang' occurred in the Gadodia house. "I'm Manish. Manish Dobrial. Mani, for short."

"So you are Mani, the one Shramistha told me about. The good soul helping our Sanskar and Ragini." she said with a smile. "I'm Annapurna. Durgraprasad Maheshwari's wife. Come in please."

Mani nodded and walked inside beside her. "Sanky and Ragu are good people. They don't deserve to suffer. I was just helping them out a bit."

"You don't know how much it means to me Mani. I felt so terrible and helpless that day. I'm ashamed of myself for not being able to help them. But you did a great thing for us. Thank you Mani. In-"

"Jiji! Jiji!" came a shout from inside, interrupting Annapurna's sentence.

Mani watched as another woman came and pulled Annapurna into a tight hug. The woman was practically bubbling in happiness. 'If she was a balloon, she would have already gone 'boom!' out of joy.'

"What is it Sujata? Why are you so excited?" Annapurna questioned.

"Uttara! Jiji, she's coming home! She's here to stay Jiji. She said that she misses her family so much that she doesn't want to stay abroad anymore. She will come to India in a week Jiji." Sujata spoke in one breath, her eyes welling up with tears of happiness.

Annapurna's face broke out into a broad smile. "That's...that's great news Sujata. Does Ram know his daughter is coming home?"

"No. I want to surprise him with the news. But first, let's make some sweets to celebrate. Let's go Jiji!"

Before Mani could utter a word, Sujata pulled Annapurna away. "But I wanted to ask her where Parineeta is. *sigh* No matter. I guess I have to find it on my own. This will be my second time snooping around this house without permission."

He sighed to himself for his bad luck and went forward.

#RagSan's Apartment#

Ragini looked at Sanskar as he ate his breakfast. She was still troubled by what he told her earlier. Her mind was stuck on that matter.

Sanskar looked up from his food as he felt eyes on him. "Whwt wra uu wookein wak?"

Ragini glared at him. "Sanskar! Don't speak while chewing."

Sanskar drank some water and swallowed his food. "I meant what are you looking at? I mean I know I'm handsome, but you don't need to stare like I'll leave you. I'm yours." he said with a wink.

However, Ragini was in no mood for jokes. "Sanskar, you still didn't answer me."

Sanskar went back to eating, pretending like he didn't hear her.

"Sanskar I'm saying something here." however, she didn't get any response from him. "Sanskar, didn't you say every decision will be made by both of us? Then why won't you listen to me!?"

Sanskar put down his spoon and looked at her with a serious face. "Look Ragini, I do value your judgement. I will always consider it. But in this case, there is no we on it. There's only me. If something happens to you, I will do everything to have my revenge."

"Is this what I'm supposed to expect? That you become a heartless person if I ever disappear? Are you going to become an evil person striving only for revenge?!"

"Ragini, leave that topic." Sanskar picked up his plate and moved towards the basin.

Ragini refused to back down and walked towards him. "Answer me Sanskar. Is that what I am supposed to expect? Are you going to turn into a heartless monster!?"

Sanskar threw the dish in the basin in anger. "Don't talk about things you don't know about! Don't say things like you know what it feels like to lose the one you love."

"I had loved Laksh once and gave him up. Why won't I know?!"

Sanskar turned around and grabbed her wrist in anger, pulling her so close to him that their noses almost touched.

Ragini felt fear in her heart as she saw the anger in those eyes. Not only anger, but there was pain, hurt and sorrow evident in his look.

"The love you had for Lucky wasn't true. But what me and Kavita had was true. I loved her with my very being! The moment she was stolen from me, I felt like someone just carved my heart out. Like someone had stabbed it over and over with a knife and twisted the knife. The saliva in my mouth felt like acid while going through my throat. I was alive, but each moment I died, each moment I suffered, each moment I felt tortured."

Ragini didn't know how to respond to him. All she could do was look at him with tears in her eyes. She couldn't imagine how lonely Sanskar must have felt all the years which he had spent alone, hurting and suffering. She moved her hand to touch his face. "Sans-"

However, Sanskar grabbed it in his vice grip. "So don't act or try to empathize with me. You can't possibly understand what it feels like. What that pain and loneliness feels like. I don't want to go through it again. I'll do anything and everything to protect you...to keep you safe. Even if it means I have to kill. I don't care what you think of me. But if harming the ones who try to hurt you makes me a heartless monster, then so be it."

Sanskar let go of her hand and left the room.

Ragini could do nothing but stand there as she heard him walk towards the front door and leave the apartment.

#Maheshwari Mansion#

"I'm not joking Adarsh. It's true!"

"Are you absolutely sure Parineeta? If you're not, we could get into great trouble."

"I am! I heard it from that Mani. Trust me. Lucky is the one who tried to make Ragini love him back. He's the culprit!"

Adarsh smiled a sinister smile. "Then nothing can stop us from having the entire property now. Sanky is kicked out, Uttara is a girl and will be married off. And now...now, Lucky shall be disinherited by Baba as well." he moved forward and hugged Parineeta. "We'll own everything Parineeta. Everything!"

Parineeta smiled and hugged him back. "Finally! Sanskar and Ragini are gone. Now, Lucky will be gone too! We wi-ow!" she touched the back of her head as she felt something hit her. It was one of the little decorative stones that was near the vase beside the door. However, she saw no one there. "Then where did this come from?"

"Forget about silly things Parineeta. Let's discuss our further plans."

Parineeta nodded reluctantly and followed him towards the table.

If they had inspected further, they would have found Mani standing near the door, with another stone in hand. "I can't believe that woman! She said she cares for Ragu. But this was her true intentions." he shook his head, moving away from there. "I can't believe how pretentious these people are. They are from one of the most respectable family in town and yet, these are their actions? Unbelievable! I'm out of here!"

As he walked towards the front door, a voice interrupted him.

"Mani beta, I'm sorry I had to leave you in between. Come have something." Annapurna spoke as she came near.

"It's okay Aunty, no need. I was leaving anyway." Mani replied politely.

"Annapurna? Who's this?" came a voice from the inside.

They both looked towards the voice to find Durgaprasad standing there, with Sujata, Ram, Parineeta, Adarsh and Laksh standing there as well.

"He...he is a friend of Lucky." Annapurna lied, knowing Durgaprasad would be rude to Mani otherwise.

Sujata came forward. "Jiji, I've gathered everyone for a feast. He can stay for it as well. In fact, I'm so happy, I'm ready to feed anyone! My daughter's coming home!"

Mani looked at everyone there. 'Annapurna, a woman who can't go against her husband to fight for the right. Durgaprasad, a man who has so much pride that he can't judge right from wrong. Lucky, a guy who has no shame or values. Parineeta and Adarsh, vultures and parasites. And Sujata and Ram, parents who don't give their son a second chance. These are the Maheshwaris? The bloodline that prides itself for being righteous.' he shook his head of those thoughts and moved out without looking back. Probably because if he stood there any longer, he would end up puking.

#RagSan's apartment#

Ragini sat in her room in a solemn mood. Although she seemed calm on the outside, her mind was in turmoil.

Sanskar's words kept ringing in her mind. On one hand was his steadfast determination, and on the other was her own thoughts about his future. She feared for him. She feared what would happen if something happens to her. She remembers how Sanskar spoke to her. Although he sounded angry, his real cause was his fear of losing her.

'But this universe doesn't run how we want it to. What if...what if something happens to him in the future? I won't be able to bear it. But I'll live. Because I know Sanskar wouldn't want me to waste my life. I will spend the rest of my life with the happy memories we shared and try to find peace.' Ragini got up from her bed and went towards the pictures on the wall.

She looked at Sanskar's picture. 'But what about you Sanskar? Would you be able to give up on revenge? Sanskar, I don't want you to destroy your life seeking revenge. It won't ever bring you happiness. Even if you get it, it won't bring me back. Why won't you understand that? How am I supposed to make you understand? Revenge and violence isn't an answer to anything! It will only make you more lonely.'

From the corner of her eyes, she noticed the little alarm clock that sat innocently on table.

Seeing it, she got an idea. At once, she picked up her phone and dialed a number.

After sometime...

Ragini put down her phone with a satisfied smile. Finally, her work was done. Suddenly, she heard the doorbell ring. 'Who could that be at this time?'

She walked upto the door and peeped through the keyhole. Her eyes widened when she saw Swara standing there. 'Swara? Here? But I didn't call her. Nor did Sanskar or Mani. Then is she...is she here because she finally believes me?'

Ragini abruptly opened the door with hope. Before she could utter a word, Swara hugged her tightly. Ragini hugged her sister back. It felt good to hug her after such a long time.

Ragini stilled as she felt Swara sobbing on her shoulder. "Swara? Swara, what's wrong?"

"R-Ragini I'm...I'm so sorry Ragini. I'm so sorry I doubted you. I can't believe I didn't trust you. You, my own sister! For that wretched Laksh! I'm so sorry I didn't believe you."

Ragini smiled at her words and broke the hug to look at her face. "It's okay Swara. The only thing that matters now is that you know the truth."

Swara nodded. "I...I do. But still, how could I have trusted that Lucky over you? I'm so so sorry Ragini! So very sorry! Punish me Ragini. Hit me!" Swara shouted, forcing Ragini's hands to hit her.

Ragini pulled her hands back and held Swara by the shoulders. "Swara? Swara!? Calm down! Swara, calm down! It's not your fault, okay? It isn't your fault. The circumstances placed us in such situations." Ragini could feel herself tear up at their reunion.

"But Ragi-"

"No buts. If you want me to forgive you, then you shall promise me that you won't cry or apologize to me anymore."


"You want me to hit you in the head to make you understand?" Ragini asked with a playful smile.

Swara gave a teary laugh. She realized that her sister had already forgiven her long back. "You're so rude Ragini. Won't you even invite me into your new home?"

Ragini chuckled. "Of course I will. Come on! I'll make you a lemonade right away."

After sometime...

Ragini came back with the lemonade to find Swara looking at her room. "Here Swara."

"Thank you Ragini." Swara took a sip and sat down on the bed. "So what were you doing before I came?" Swara asked, trying to begin a conversation.

"Nothing much. Just making a call somewhere to give Sanskar a surprise."

"Are you giving it today? I can help you in your planning then."

Ragini shook her head. "Not today Swara. I'll send Sanskar the surprise when the time is right. But not now."

Swara nodded in understanding. Suddenly, her phone rang. Swara's face turned into one of anger on seeing the caller ID. "It's Lucky. That good-for-nothing moron!"

Ragini looked at her in concern. "Why is he calling you? What does he want?"

"He has been constantly troubling me with his calls ever since he got to know that I trapped him into revealing the truth to me. He has been threatening me ever since!"

"How dare he?!" Ragini shouted in anger. If Laksh had threatened her, she would pay it no mind. But him threatening her sister, she couldn't tolerate. "Give me the phone. I'll talk to him."

Swara shook her head. "He'll cause you more trouble. Ragini, I won't le-" before she could protest further, her phone was snatched from her by Ragini.

"Hello? It's Ragini Laksh. Why are you troubling Swara? How dare you!? Can't you just let us be in peace!?" Ragini shouted into the phone.

(Ah! Ragini dear. How are you? Do you miss me?)

"Never! I would have felt blessed never to have met you."

(Awww...that's harsh. I love you so much and you treat me that way babe?)

"Don't dare call me such names!" Ragini shouted in fury.

(Get used to it Love. After all, once you're mine, you'll want to hear me call you all those things.)

"I'll never be yours! And stop troubling my sister. She knows your truth and won't fall for you ever again!"

(She will have to pay for betraying and trapping me!)

"Don't you dare do anything to her!"

(Whatever. Tell her I want to meet her at the place where we used to met often. Bye Darling.)

Ragini looked at the phone in rage and worry. 'I can't let Swara go and get herself into trouble. But this Laksh needs to be taught a lesson!' Ragini picked up her phone and dialed Sanskar's number. She retried it when he wouldn't pick up. 'Maybe he's busy.' She tried it for a third time and he picked up. "Hello Sans-"

(I'm busy Ragini. Don't call again.)

Before she could say more, the line went dead. 'Well, I can't wait any longer.' Ragini got up from the bed and stood up in determination. "Swara, tell me the place where you usually meet Laksh. I'm going to have a talk with him."

Swara got up in shock as well. "No! Ragini, I'm not letting you go to the old warehouse alone."

"You mean the one near our house?" the way Swara's eyes widened revealed that Ragini was indeed right. "I got my answer."

Swara tried to stop Ragini as she walked towards the front door. However, Ragini wouldn't take no for an answer. "Ragini please! Don't do this!"

"Stay here Swara. And inform Sanskar about me, okay? I'll be fine." saying so Ragini left the apartment, leaving Swara to look at her go helplessly.

#Sanskar's cabin#

Sanskar tried to concentrate on his work. However, Ragini's sad face kept flashing in his mind. He spoke to her in anger in the morning. But now, he was regretting misbehaving with her.

After all, she was only thinking for his good. 'But she needs to understand that her life matters. She should know to value herself rather than only thinking of others. If I'm not strict about this, she will never understand this fact.' He looked at his phone as it buzzed. It was Ragini.

He badly wanted to pick up and say sorry. However, he restrained himself. 'No! I can't apologize. She'll never get my point if I do.' The phone rang again and he ignored it for the second time. The third time it rang, he picked it up.

(Hello Sans-)

"I'm busy Ragini. Don't call again." saying so, he cut the call without giving her a chance to speak. 'Don't feel bad Sanky. Don't feel bad. It's for her own good. It's for her own good.' he narrated the motto over and over in his mind, although he knew he wouldn't be free of his guilty conscience.


Laksh looked at his phone, Ragini's picture flashing on it. He kissed her face and took in a deep breath with a smile on his face. 'Finally, she will come to me. I'm waiting Ragini.' his thoughts were interrupted by a call. "Hello?"

(The plan going as planned.)

"Exactly! You're a mastermind."

(I know. But you're an idiot. This is the only chance. So make good use of it.)

Laksh chuckled. "You don't need to tell me that."

(Whatever! Bye.)

"Bye. And once again, thanks. Really, thanks a lot...Swara."


To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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