soon-to-be girlfriend.
JADA, ADRIAN, SMITH AND ADEBAYO SAT IN THE BACK OF THE TRUCK IN SILENCE. Unlike Jada and Adrian, who were able to basically "kiss and make up", that wasn't the same for Adebayo and Smith.
"I know I'm the last person that you want to hear from right now, Chris, and I—" Adebayo was cut off my Smith making a loud fart noise, making Jada arch a brow. "I can't apologize enough for—" he made the noise again, causing Adrian to laugh out loud. "I know that you're mad, but from the bottom of my heart—" Now Adrian joined in with making the fart noises with Smith. Jada and Adebayo glanced at each other, their brows furrowed.
Jada only knew about Adebayo putting the diary in his van, but she hadn't known the reason why. She honestly couldn't blame Adebayo for trying to frame him, but Jada had to admit that he didn't really deserve to be betrayed like that because of her morals.
Adebayo continued, "I really am sorry, I'm just trying to—" Smith and Adrian made more fart noises obnoxiously, Adrian pretending to chomp them in his mouth. Jada nudged him, giving him a look while she shook her head at him to get him to stop.
"What were you gonna say?" Smith asked once they had stopped, not being genuine about it.
"I was saying—" she then got cut off by more fart noises by him, making Jada sigh and roll her eyes. "I am just trying to apologize!"
"And I just thought you were my fucking friend!" Smith snapped angrily. "You set me up to take the fall and then you try to send me to prison, and you think 'I'm sorry' is gonna cut it?"
"'Cut it!'" Adrian repeated, making more fart noises.
"Dude, we're off it!" Smith yelled at him.
"We are?" Adrian asked disappointedly.
"Smith, lay off her, why don't you?" Jada spoke up, not wanting this tension to ruin their mission later on.
"Oh, really? Coming from the one who despises 'betrayers'? You know she's Waller's daughter, right?" Smith told her, making Jada visibly tense up immediately. "Oh, you didn't know...that's why you're defending her."
Adebayo looked at Jada, guilt on her face. "I'm sorry," she whispered.
Jada blinked rapidly, processing the information that was just given to her. She wasn't angry or sad or disappointed. She was...shocked because Adebayo was nothing like her mother, and Jada was sure of it. She had only ever shot someone once and it was fucking Judomaster, that little dipshit!
And honestly...Jada was starting forget about her whole revenge plot. It would only make her fall down this rabbit hole that she would never get out of. And besides...she met Adrian, which totally changed her perspective on things. She didn't need to keep on hating people.
"It's okay," Jada responded after a moment of awkward silence.
"Uh, what? You're supposed to be mad and taking my side here," Smith told her, his eyebrows raised.
Jada looked at him. "She's not her mother. I have no right to be mad at her," she explained, her growth as a person showing.
"What the fuck? You wanted to kill me after I was told to kill Rick Flag!" Smith pointed out.
"Okay, but to be fair, you did kill him and she didn't so..." she trailed off.
Smith rolled his eyes. "Yeah, but she's Waller's daughter, so that automatically makes her a conniving bitch."
"I am getting so many moral judgments from people who regularly kill people," Adebayo commented.
"I don't kill people for nothing, all right? When my brother died, I made a vow—"
"Right, 'the vow'," she interrupted sardonically.
"Anyone I'd kill, I'd kill for peace," he continued.
"Oh, Jesus."
"So, unlike Keith, no one would ever die for no reason," he finished.
"Well, that's fucking stupid! So, you're gonna make it so that death isn't meaningless anymore?" Adebayo questioned.
"Go fuck yourself!" Smith deadpanned.
"I read your file, Chris. It was an accident! You were a child! Don't forgive me, that's fine. But stop letting that shit define who you are!" Adebayo exclaimed.
Adrian scoffed. "Are you guys serious right now? We just had a really sick time murdering Peacemaker's dad, then all these hilarious fart jokes, just, like, an all-time classic run, with my best friend, my second-best friend, Eagly, my soon-to-be girlfriend Jada, my fifth best friend, Adebayo, and now you guys are ruining it," he complained.
"Did you just call me your soon-to-be girlfriend?" Jada asked with a smile, dumbfounded.
"Hm. Cool," she played it off like it was no big deal even though internally she was freaking out. It was one step closer to them actually being together. Adrian grinned goofily at her, causing Adebayo and Smith to both roll their eyes.
Harcourt then opened up the door, nodding her head to get them all to follow her out. Jada got up out of her seat, giving the blonde a warning look to tell her that Smith wasn't in a good mood. Harcourt returned the look, glancing back at Smith, who was glaring daggers at Adebayo.
Adebayo stepped out of the van, immediately calling her mother to try and get back up. "Mom, there are way more butterflies than we thought and the whole team is injured. So, I was thinking, like, maybe you could call in the Justice League?"
"The Justice League?" Jada repeated under her breath in confusion as she and Adrian shared a glance.
"No, I'm not kidding."
"Can you believe Amanda Waller is her fucking mother?" Economos whispered to Smith.
"Yes," Smith answered immediately, continuing to glare at Adebayo. Jada sighed quietly, wondering if that was how she looked when she was mad at Smith prior to this moment. If so...she looked really dramatic.
"Do we have time to wait for backup?" Adebayo asked Harcourt.
"No. They're teleporting the creature out of here!" Harcourt told her.
"Mom, they're teleporting the creature out of here."
"This is our only chance to stop them, then we're back to square-fucking-one," Harcourt continued.
"Then we're back to square one," Adebayo restated. "All right. All right, I will tell her. Fine. My mom says you're in charge and Economos and I should stay back in case anything goes wrong."
Harcourt crossed her arms, rolling her eyes as she nodded. Adebayo then took the phone away from her ear and showed it to Harcourt. "Copy, Mom," Harcourt mocked before she walked back over to the rest of the group.
Adebayo brought the phone back up to her ear. "Yes, ma'am." She then hung up the phone, walking over to help them all carry the supplies over to where they would stake out.
The team made their way through the forest, trying not to make too much noise but also not in complete silence either. "If Waller is your mom, why is your last name Adebayo?" Economos questioned her.
"I took my wife's name," Adebayo explained.
"Doesn't that make you the girl in the relationship?" Adrian asked, causing Jada to nudge him. "What?"
"Don't be dumb," she whispered, shaking her head.
"We're both girls in the relationship, Adrian. That's what being a lesbian is," Adebayo spelled out for him.
"Oh, right," Adrian replied, making Jada nod her head encouragingly at him. "Sorry for being dumb," he apologized.
Jada chuckled softly. "Don't worry about it," she assured him.
"Hey, Peacemaker..." Adebayo trailed off, holding up one of his helmets, "...what do these do?"
Smith begrudgingly walked over to her and took his helmets out of the bag, setting them up one by one on a log to showcase all of them. "This is Underwater World, allows you to breathe underwater," he gestured to the first one.
"Okay, not sure how we can use that," Adebayo said and Jada nodded in agreement.
"This one's Scabies For All. Upon activation, it gives everybody in a one-mile radius scabies, except, of course, the wearer of the helmet," he explained.
"That's disgusting," Jada commented, giving him a look.
"Disgusting, but useful," Smith corrected and she shrugged and nodded, having to agree since no one would want to get scabies. "This one is Anti-Gravity. Allows you to float."
"Aimlessly?" Harcourt asked.
"No. I carry a tiny hand fan to guide me," Smith answered, making Jada grin humorously at the thought of him doing that. "This one is Sonic Boom. It's the one I used to stop the rocker chick."
"How many booms does it produce on one charge?" Adebayo queried.
"I don't know, three, maybe four," he guessed. "This one, we should just throw away," he gestured to the last one.
"What is it?"
"Human Torpedo. So, you aim your head at whatever you want to destroy and become a—"
"Human torpedo," Harcourt finished for him.
"Sweet," Adrian said excitedly.
"Yeah, only sweet if you wanna risk shattering every bone in your body. It's just a prototype," Smith said.
"Who came up with these helmet ideas?" Jada asked before she realized who: his father. "Oh, wait, never mind, makes sense now."
"Okay, so let's say I want to get this Sonic Boom helmet onto the top of that barn over there without being seen," Adebayo pointed at the barn.
"Just the helmet itself?"
"No. I'm gonna put a walkie in it and activate it from here. And then maybe you can put Activate Anti-Gravity and just float it over there," Adebayo planned out, pointing over at the barn as everyone looked over.
"Uh, guys?" Adrian spoke up.
"Okay, I forgot my tiny hand fan, but, you know...once in the jungles of Cambodia, I used two oversized palm fronds as—"
"Guys!" Adrian said louder and they all looked up to see the Anti-Gravity helmet floating into the sky. Jada's eyes widened.
"Fuck! Deactivate Anti-Gravity! Deactivate Anti-Gravity!" Smith yelled, but the helmet was too far away for it to deactivate. They all groaned and cursed under their breaths since they now had to find another way to get the Sonic Boom helmet on the barn. "Did you say...'Activate Anti-Gravity'?" Smith asked Adebayo threateningly.
"No. Maybe. I don't know," she replied in a high voice.
"You can't fucking say that shit!" he shouted.
"I didn't know it was that voice sensitive!" she argued.
"Fuck it, no big deal. I didn't just kill the only man who knows how to make it," Smith commented sarcastically.
"You did just kill the only man who knows how to make it," Adrian told him, not getting the sarcasm.
"I know, bro! I was being sarcastic!" Smith snapped.
"Well, if you're gonna be sarcastic, you should really warn people so there's no confusion," Adrian suggested, making Smith and Economos give him a weird look. Jada's lips went in a thin line and she patted Adrian's shoulder awkwardly. "Oh, thanks."
"Okay, so how do we get the Sonic Boom Helmet over to the barn?" Harcourt asked, getting back on topic.
"Well, we can shoot a fishing line over to the barn from one of these trees here, and just let the helmet slide down," Smith proposed.
"Like Green Arrow?" Adrian said.
"No, not like Green Arrow. That dude goes to Brony conventions dressed as the back half of Twilight Sparkle with a four-inch-wide butthole drilled in the costume," Smith explained, making Jada furrow her brows in confusion since she didn't understand a word he just said.
"Maybe it's so he can breathe properly," Adrian came up with.
"Yeah, and what's a Brony convention?" Jada questioned slowly, not sure if she actually wanted to know or not.
"A My Little Pony convention for weird ass adults dressing up as ponies," Smith told her, making Jada grimace.
"You actually believe that shit?" Adebayo spoke up. "He has an insane story for every single superhero!"
"No, I actually heard that's true about Green Arrow. But that's the first thing he's said that's real," Economos came to defense, making Jada continue to cringe in disgust.
"And Aquaman fucking fish," Adrian added.
"Well, yeah, obviously."
"Look, it doesn't even matter, we don't have any bows," Harcourt said, rolling her eyes at the previous conversation.
"But we do have a team member capable of flight," Smith responded before they all looked down at Eagly, who began to squawk.
"Get the fuck out," Harcourt voiced slowly.
"That's right. Good. Okay. I need you to take that helmet...and drop it on top of that barn," Smith explained to Eagly slowly.
"No way can an eagle understand what you're saying," Harcourt told him, shaking her head.
"Oh, Eagly's no ordinary eagle," he replied before he placed the helmet on the ground next to the bird. Eagly then began to peck at it, not doing anything that Smith had said. "No, Eagly, take it. No, Eagly, just, take— Take the helmet. Take it! Take it." Eagly then began to screech at the blonde. "I know you don't like her. The mean, blonde woman has nothing to do with this. No, no. No. No. Eagly, take the helmet," Smith continued with Adrian now repeating his words. Smith looked back at Adrian in annoyance, making him back off.
"Maybe try it in Spanish," Economos suggested since he was being entertained.
"Excuse me?" Jada asked, arching a brow.
"Ooh, good thinking," Smith said since he thought Economos was being serious. Go ahead," Smith said to her, nodding his head.
"Are you ser — Ugh, okay, fine. Uh...Necesita que te lleves ese casco y déjalo caer encima de ese granero," she spoke slowly in Spanish, even though she knew that it wasn't going to work.
"So hot," Adrian breathed out quietly under his breath.
Eagly then began to jump on the helmet, trying to pick it up. Jada's eyes widened in shock, wondering if her Spanish actually worked. "Good, Eagly, good. Good boy!" He picked the helmet up and began to fly it over towards the barn, the group all watching him with a shocked smile on their faces. "Go to the barn. Go to the barn."
"I can't believe that actually wo—" Jada watched as Eagly swerved away from the barn and over to another part of the forest, dropping the helmet there. "Oh."
"Shit," Smith whispered.
"I knew there was no way he knew what you were talking about!" Harcourt snapped angrily.
"Peacemaker is a great guy in almost every way, but his biggest flaw is that he commonly overestimates Eagly's abilities," Adrian commented.
"Hey, maybe she messed up her Spanish!" Smith argued.
"Seriously? You think I don't know proper Spanish?" Jada questioned, tilting her head and crossing her arms. Smith backed down, knowing that he was wrong. "Exactly."
"Okay, they could be teleporting this cow at any minute. We need to fan out and look for the helmet," Harcourt told them all before they all began to fan out.
Sorry this took a few days and that this chapter is pretty boring! I had like a bunch of tests this week and I didn't have time to sit down and write, but it's finally the weekend!!
Also, did anyone listen to Harrys House? I loved it!!
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