


ღsuggestion by : jiminiepab0000

Tanjiro's pov

I was at the butterfly mansion looking for someone to train with. I asked almost everyone but when I asked someone they told me to ask the other person and the other person would tell me to ask someone else. The last people I could ask were Mitsuri and Giyuu. I was walking around trying to find someone and then I spotted Mitsuri. She will totally help me!

Mitsuri : sorry but I can't

Tanjiro : what why?

Mitsuri : I can't tell but you can go ask Muichiro if he can help you, he's really good at training people and explaining stuff

Oh god Muichiro I totally forgot about him well how could I not he's always so quiet.

Tanjiro : *sigh* Fine, where can I find him?

Mitsuri : mm I am not sure. I saw him a couple times hanging out around the garden. If he's not there then I don't know.

Tanjiro : okay thank you Mitsuri

Mitsuri : No problem!

I walked around the garden, looking around if I spot Muichiro somewhere and I did. I saw him sitting under a tree so I walked up to him and...he was sleeping . I didn't want to woke him up so I planned on walking away and accept I need to train with Tomioka but then

Muichiro : What do you want ?

Tanjiro : o-oh sorry did I wake you up? I just wanted to ask if you can help me with training

Muichiro :Yes you did and no. Go ask someone else.

Tanjiro : oh I-I am sorry I didn't mean to ...and why? It'll be just once, please I'll do anything you want. I already asked everyone except Tomioka.

Muichiro : Then go ask him.

Tanjiro : No please, I trained with him once and I don't want to ever again! PLEEEEASE

Muichiro : why

Tanjiro : When I trained with him and I did something wrong he always got so mad and screamed at me for not being good enough haha- soo? Will you help me?

Muichiro : *sigh* I guess

Tanjiro : yay thank you

Muichiro : mhm ,now can you leave me alone?

Tanjiro : oh yeah yeah but when we will start

Muichiro : tomorrow 11 am

Tanjiro : okay thank you again bye

The next day

I was running to the butterfly mansion and well.... I overslept and now it's 11:45. When I got there I saw Muichiro standing on the training field with his hands crossed. I tapped on his shoulder and he turned around. Normally Muichiro has that emotionless face but now he looked really annoyed.

Muichiro : You're late

Tanjiro : I am sorry I overslept

Muichiro : if it happened again go ask that depressed idiot to train you

Tanjiro : don't worry it won't happen again

One month later

Muichiro's pov

It was around 1 pm when I was on the training field with one guy. I didn't really pay attention to him because for some reason I was thinking about Tanjiro. There's something about him that makes me feel different around him. Why do I feel like this? Why do I remember almost everything I did with him...

?? - so? Did I do it well ?

Muichiro : no again

?? : COME ON ! I've been doing the same thing over 2 hours

Muichiro : yeah maybe if you do it well it wouldn't take you over 2 hours

?? : why are you acting so differently ? Yesterday when I watched you train with that freak who carries demons around, you were so polite but when you train someone else who isn't him you're so cold.

Muichiro : First, don't you dare call him that again. And second why do you care.

After another hour the training was finally over. Shinobu yesterday told me that Tanjiro will come today. For some reason I was very excited and happy that I will hang out with him again. I love his company, normally I like to be alone but when I have a chance to hangout with Tanjiro I'll take advantage of it. I walked into the butterfly mansion and the first thing I saw was Shinobu talking to Tanjiro.

Muichiro : hi Tanjiro

Tanjiro : oh hey Mui

Muichiro : do you wanna hang out?

Tanjiro : oh sure just wait outside I need to talk with Shinobu about something

He said and I walked outside. I would lie if I say I didn't listen to their conversation.

Shinobu : So is it okay with you?

Tanjiro : yeah yeah I don't mind , oh and where is the mission at ?

Shinobu :Setagaya

Tanjiro : wow that's kinda far

Shinobu : yeah that's why I am asking if its okay with you

Tanjiro : yeah it is , so tomorrow 9am here?

Shinobu : mhm

So he's going on another mission ....and its in Setagaya ... why him, why can't it be someone else go on a mission ...wait wait why do I care anyways its n-

Tanjiro :.....chiro...Muichiro are you okay ?

Muichiro : oh Tanjiro, s-sorry I spaced out

Tanjiro : hehe that's fine so what do you wanna do?

Muichiro : ..mm we can go to that place we always go

Tanjiro : of course

8 pm

Tanjiro decided to stay at my place tonight so we made some onigiri and went outside and talked for some more time. I was still thinking about what feelings I am having around him. I never had this feeling before. When I am around him my heart starts beating faster ,my face gets all warm and I get really nervous all of the sudden... It just confuses me so much.

Tanjiro : oh I forgot to tell you I am going on mission tomorrow, its in Setagaya which is kinda far so I don't know when I will come back

Muichiro : mhm ...okay

Tanjiro : *yawn* I am kinda tired ...maybe we should go to sleep it's late

Muichiro : yeah I am getting kinda tired too

We went inside and I changed into my pjs and Tanjiro did too. I was changing in the bathroom and Tanjiro was changing in my room, then I realized that we need to sleep next to each other because I just can't make Tanjiro sleep on the couch. I looked in the mirror and my face was like a tomato ."why- why am I blushing we will just sleep next to each other nothing more" I washed my face with some cold water and then went into my room. Tanjiro was sitting on the floor folding his clothes as I sat on my bed and then Tanjiro sat next to me

Tanjiro : god I am so tired

He said and layed down on bed

Muichiro : y-yeah same

Some time later Tanjiro was already sleeping but I couldnt for some reason. I laid there for like 30 minutes and I still couldn't sleep . "Why can't I sleep? normally I fall asleep right away .... is it because of Tanjiro ?..no why would it be because of Tanjiro" I thought to myself and I turned around to face Tanjiro and I immediately blushed again , I looked at Tanjiro he was sleeping so peacefully, "he's so handsome ...WH- WHAT AM I SAYING AGAIN..ugh I just try to sleep again "

Next day

I woke up and Tanjiro wasn't there. I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast and I saw Tanjiro already making one

Tanjiro : Good morning ! How did you sleep ?

Muichiro : Oh good morning...I slept well. Thank you for asking ..what about you?

Tanjiro : I slept well too (he smiled)

Muichiro : what are you making

Tanjiro : (food of your choice)

After some time Tanjiro finished making food and took it to the table.

Muichiro : ...thank you

Tanjiro : no problem

We finished our food and...

Tanjiro : Oh, it's almost 9 am I should be on my way to butterfly mansion

oh right he's going on a mission...I begin to feel sad but I tried to hide it but Tanjiro being Tanjiro noticed.

Tanjiro : aww don't be sad I'll be back soon.

Muichiro :...yeah ..right.

10 minutes later

Tanjiro : Okay I'll be going now .. I am going to miss you (he said and hugged me and I hugged back) okay bye Mui (he said and walked away)

I waved at him before closing the door. I sat down on the floor and leaned against the door then I pulled my knees to my stomach . Suddenly I felt like crying and without noticing tears were falling down my cheeks "w-why am I crying? He'll come back soon.......but I already miss him ... I never felt like this , I never felt so attached to someone .." I sat there crying into my knees still trying to figure out why I feel different around Tanjiro ....Then I remembered something that Mitsuri said to her friend "mm maybe you got a crush on him .....oh what crush is? you don't know ? ....mm how should I explain it hmm when you have a crush on someone you feel different around them your heart beat changes, your face is all blushy blushy " "crush ...do I have crush on Tanjiro ? I do blush around him and my heart beat changes.....maybe I do have a crush on Tanjiro "

10 minutes passed, I was still sitting on the same spot with dry tears on my face ,I wasn't crying anymore but I was still feeling very sad. I woke up and went to my bedroom and laid on my bed and slept. I just wanted to sleep and woke up with Tanjiro next to me.

Next day

I woke up and went to change my clothes to my uniform and went to butterfly mansion because we had a meeting today. I got there and almost everyone was already there , the only ones left were Mitsuri and Sanemi. I sat down and just waited . When everyone got there I just sat there spaced out looking at my lap.

Mitsuri's pov

I got to the meeting and everyone was already there. I sat down and we started the meeting . We talked about some stuff and then I looked at Muichiro. He looked ...sad, it bothered me the whole meeting I didn't want him to be sad ..Meeting ended and Muichiro woke up and was ready to leave but I tap on his shoulder

Mitsuri : Hey Muichiro, I noticed you were looking kinda sad ,a-are you okay?

Muichiro : I am fine

He said and he walked away , there's no way he's okay, maybe I should spend some time with him? Maybe he's lonely ? ma-

Shinobu : Mitsuri?

Mitsuri : oh S-Shinobu

Shinobu : you okay?

Mitsuri : Yes I am okay but I don't think Muichiro is

Shinobu : What makes you think that?

Mitsuri : he has been looking sad the whole meeting ,his eyes are all puffy and red.... he got bangs under his eyes too. It's like he's been crying.

Shinobu : Muichiro? Crying ?...but when you say it like that, he really looks like something happened to him .....maybe we can try to find out what's wrong with him.

Mitsuri : mhm

Then we went into Shinobu's room and sat down at the table . We were talking for like 10 minutes and the Shinobu remembered

Shinobu : oh I know I was talking with Tanjiro and then Muichiro got there and asked him if he want hangout and Tanjiro said yes ,then I didn't saw him since ....maybe it's because Tanjiro left , do you think Muichiro miss Tanjiro ?

Mitsuri : yeah that would make sense but are you sure he just misses him ?

Shinobu : what do you mean?

Mitsuri : every time I saw Muichiro and Tanjiro he was always so happy ,when he's training with him he's so polite even if Tanjiro can't make it after 2 hours. He's not like that with other people that he trains with . Also ....last time I saw them together I saw Tokito-kun blushing a lot

Shinobu: ...so you think Muichiro have crush on Tanjiro ?

Mitsuri : yes I think so ...but not gonna lie they would be such a cute couple

Shinobu : ...when I think about it you're right , they would be a cute couple

Mitsuri : mm should we tell others to help us get Tanjiro and Muichiro together?

Shinobu : I don't think they would care , they don't talk with Muichiro or Tanjiro that much so I think they would just say "ItS JusT A WAstE of tIMe"

Mitsuri : ...right ...oh what about Inosuke and Zenitsu? They are very good friends with Tanjiro, right?

Shinobu : mmm yeah they are but they don't know Muichiro that much

Mitsuri : okay I guess we are alone for it

Muichiro's pov

I was on my bed just trying to sleep because I had nothing to do , I wasn't training anyone today and everything seemed boring without Tanjiro. Like I said previously, I just want to wake up and see Tanjiro sitting next to me...

9 days later

I was outside training someone but wasn't paying attention again because I was thinking about Tanjiro ...again. "What if something happened to him? What if he won't come back? What if he fails the mission and dies!?" I started getting even more worried.

?? : e-em Mu- ehm Tokito-san ,are you okay? you look kinda sad

Muichiro : Yeah I am fine ,why?

?? : Normally you have that emotionless face but now when I see you , you are always looking sad ....

Muichiro: I am fine

After the training I went to my house again because I had nothing to do . I sat on my couch and just closed my eyes and thought about Tanjiro, after some time I fell asleep again.

When I woke up I felt something under my head , when I looked I noticed it was someone's lap so I looked whose lap was it and

Tanjiro : oh you're awa-

He didn't even finish and I hugged him. He hugged back and I started crying.

Tanjiro : o-oh you missed me that much ?

Muichiro : m-mhm

He pulled me away and wiped my tears.

Tanjiro : come one there's no need to cry

Muichiro : b-but...I missed you

Tanjiro : hehe I missed you too

He said and pulled me into hug one more time

1 month later

Tanjiro's pov

After I came from a mission, me and Muichiro have been hanging out more and more and.....I think I started falling for him. Just the way he smiles and laughs just makes me feel different about him ....but I don't know if he will feel the same way ...maybe I should just keep my feelings to myself.

Mitsuri's pov

It's been almost a month since Tanjiro came from mission and he has been hanging out with Muichiro a lot and I noticed ....Tanjiro has been acting differently around Muichiro ..... when they were hanging out yesterday I noticed and Tanjiro was blushing when Muichiro laughed .....*gaps* I BET TANJIRO HAS CRUSH ON MUICHIRO . I NEED TO TELL SHINOBU


Shinobu : M-Mitsuri ,what happened?

Mitsuri : You know how we talked about Muichiro having a crush on Tanjiro?

Shinobu :o-oh emm yeah

Mitsuri : I think Tanjiro has a crush on Muichiro too! I saw him blushing multiple times when he was with Muichiro

Shinobu : Are you sure he has a crush on him ? maybe you just misunderstood

Mitsuri : NO! I am 100 % sure but I think we need to do something to make them confess to each other

Shinobu : mmm....I have an idea its a typical trick ,we just lock them in one room and wait for them to confess

Tanjiro's pov

I was with Muichiro, we were talking about some stuff but then we heard something behind us and when we turned around we saw Shinobu and Mitsuri running up to us. They got here and Shinobu took Muichiro's hand and Mitsuri mine and dragged us somewhere . They then locked us in one room.

Tanjiro : Shinobu, what is this?

Shinobu : ohh its nothing

She said and I sighed and turned around to see Muichiro sitting on the floor so I sat next to him. For some reason we didn't talk ,before we got here we were talking and laughing but now we are just sitting here.

Mitsuri's pov

Mitsuri : They are not talking ...

Shinobu : Are you sure they will confess ?

Mitsuri : maybe we should just wait a little longer

10 minutes later

Mitsuri : ...still nothing

Shinobu : maybe we should just let them go and just think of another idea

Mitsuri : yeah you're right

So I unlocked the door and we went into Shinobu's room . We were thinking about some ideas and then I came up with one that could work

Mitsuri : Maybe we should just ask one of them if they love the other one , you ask Muichiro and I wait outside the room so Tanjiro can hear Muichiro. I can't come up with anything else...

Shinobu : this can work .....yeah lets try it... if it doesn't I guess we can't do anything about it.

After some time Shinobu took Muichiro and led him to her room while I followed Tanjiro after some time.

Shinobu's pov

Shinobu : so to the point .....are you in love with Tanjiro

Muichiro : w-wait how do you know-, am I being that obvious ??

Mitsuri's pov

I was outside Shinobu's room with Tanjiro and I waited for Shinobu to ask Muichiro when she asked and Muichiro answered I looked at Tanjiro. He looked shocked but happy at the same time . He walked into Shinobu's room while Shinobu left and closed the door . I would lie if I said we didn't listen to what they were talking about

Tanjiro's pov

W-What Muichiro loves me ? I liked him too. I walked into Shinobu's room while Shinobu left.

Muichiro : ....you heard what I said ,right?

Tanjiro : yeah..

Muichiro : ...i-if you don't feel the s-same it's fine

He said while his eyes started to tear up. I didn't want him to cry so I came up to him and..

Muichiro : w-what are you doing ?

I took his chin and kissed and he kissed back

Tanjiro : Of course I feel the same...

ღword count : 3007ღ

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