❣..you did it..❣
❣..you did it..❣
❣ fluff ❣
❣ suggestion by : Riley_Lexi08 ❣
Muichiro's pov
I woke up due to my alarm around 7am. I turned off the alarm and groaned, sitting up slowly. Yuichiro walked into the room "you awake?" he asked. I slightly nodded and stood up, suddenly losing my balance.
Before I could hit the floor Yuichiro caught me and sat me back down on the bed. "I told you to take things slowly, if you feel well enough to go to school, I'll tolerate it but you will take things slowly, understand?"
I nodded slightly "s-sorry.." I said quietly, not being able to talk louder anyway. "It's fine, do you need help w-" Yuichiro started but I stopped him "no.. I am fine, I-I'll do it myself"
"Alright then, but call me if you have any trouble" Yuichiro said and I nodded before we walked out of the room.
I slowly stood up and grabbed onto the desk, being harder for me to stand during mornings. I took a deep breath and walked over to my closet.
I took my uniform and walked over to my bed, sitting down immediately. I was already out of breath, my legs were hurting a lot.
I rubbed my eyes and sighed, taking my uniform off. I am was scared… a lot. This is my first time going to school after 3 years.
After an incident that happened a while ago, I was bedridden for a couple years. I couldn't talk, walk, write, draw, I could barely stomach any kind of food and now I still need to have a specific diet.
Yuichiro knocked on the door and peeked inside "are you done?" he asked and I nodded, grabbing my bag and walking slowly towards him. He grabbed me by my shoulders trying to help me.
"Yui don't.. I need to try to do this alone" I said. Yuichiro let go of my shoulder "are you sure? I can see you are clearly hurting"
I nodded "you know it's always like this in the morning, I'll be fine soon"
Once we got to school Yuichiro led me to class and asked one of his friends if he could move seats so I could sit next to Yui. He nodded and moved seats.
I sat down at the seat, finally able to relax my legs. I looked around the classroom, seeing everyone looking at me.
"Y-Yui.. w-why is everyone staring a-at me..?" I said with a shaky voice, with my hands starting to shake as well.
"Muichiro calm down, you are here after a while, it's normal, alright?" Yuichiro said, trying to keep me calm.
"Don't panic, okay? Take deep breaths, you know what happened last time" Yuichiro said and I nodded slightly, trying to stay calm.
I looked down and took deep breaths, laying my head down on the desk. "Better now? Are you feeling okay?" Yui asked me and I nodded slightly.
When the lesson started the teacher just looked at me and then at Yuichiro "Yuichiro maybe it would be good for your brother to introduce himself, we have new students you know, some people here never met him before, is that okay?"
Teacher asked, making me look at Yuichiro immediately, shaking my head "don't worry, Mui, it's okay, just say your name, age and maybe your hobbies, alright?"
Everyone was staring at me when I stood up, looking down "I-I am Mu-Muichiro.. Tok.. Tokito.. I-I" I stopped for a second and coughed "I-I am s-sixteen.."
Before I could finish the whole sentence someone opened it immediately, making a loud sound. "I AM SO SORRY I AM LATE!" Someone yelled out.
"Oh you must be Tanjiro Kamado, it's okay no need to apologize, we just started… so class, this is Tanjiro Kamado, he is a new student here"
I sat down, grabbing my pants while looking down at my lap, shivering. "Mui calm down, it's okay, you did great" Yuichiro said trying to calm me down once again.
After the lesson ended it was PE. My condition was too bad to participate in PE so I just stayed in class, finally getting some rest. I sighed in relief and buried my face into my arms.
Soon my peace was interrupted by that new guy. He walked into the class and spotted me, walking over to me.
He sat down next to me and asked "skipping PE too?"
I just wanted to roll over and ignore him but I didn't want to be rude, it's his first day after all… and mine too.
I just silently hummed. "Well wanna maybe take a walk throughout the school? Talk about something maybe? It's boring just sitting here waiting for another lesson"
"I-I can't…" I said quietly. He slightly laughed "what do you mean you can't? Are you that lazy?"
I just looked away, it was a mistake talking to him in a first place.. he's mean
"Well I'll go alone then" he said and stood up, walking out of the classroom soon after.
Couple days later - Tanjiro's pov
That Muichiro guy is interesting. He barely says anything, he's always skipping PEs, he can sleep in class without the teacher yelling at him.
So I decided to ask his brother about it because Muichiro refuses to talk to me in any way.
I sat at my seat which was right behind Muichiro and Yuichiro. I tapped on Yuichiro's shoulder and he turned around "what do you what?" He asked.
Muichiro was sleeping again so I knew it's the right time to ask "So about your brother, is he like… sick or something?" I asked.
"Why do you care?" Yuichiro asked once again, now sounding more annoyed, clearly being overprotective over his brother.
"I am just asking, he's just skipping a lot of classes and sleep in most of them anyway"
"He has some health problems"
"What health problems?"
"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?"
"Yea yea I will"
"Well Mui got into a terrible incident a couple years ago and only just on the day you came he was able to come to school after a couple years. He has trouble walking, speaking, writing, drawing anything like that"
"Oh I see"
"Why did you want to know anyway?"
"Muichiro seems interesting, I wanted to ask him myself but he refuses to talk to me"
"Oh yea he talked about that, he's scared of you"
"Scared of me?!"
"Yeah, the first day you apparently called him lazy and laughed at him, it was his first day after so many years after being bedridden, it's hard for him and you just made it worse"
"Oh god I didn't mean it like that! I didn't know he had health issues like that. I asked him if he wants to take a walk around school because we both skipped be and he said he can't so that's why"
"Mhm.. well if you want to talk to him that badly go ahead, just be slow with him"
2 days later
I skipped PE again just to meet with Muichiro, most of the time it was only us skipping so it was the only time I could interact with him somehow.
I walked into the classroom to see Muichiro sitting at his seat, eating something. I sat down next to him and he looked at me with a confused, almost anxious look.
"I want to apologize for what I said before and how I laughed at you, I didn't know about your health problems"
His eyes slightly widened.
"H-How do you know about them now?"
He asked quietly.
"Your brother told me, I asked him"
Muichiro sighed "it's fine"
"So we told you you have trouble with a lot of stuff… I was wondering if I can help somehow"
"Why would you help me.."
He asked, looking away from me.
"Why not? I can see how much you are struggling with everything, it's sad to see someone like this.. I want to help"
Muichiro laughed slightly "it's a waste of time for you"
"It's not! Hey even if I won't do any progress I.. want to be your friend"
Muichiro looked at me "w-wait.. a friend?"
I nodded
Muichiro smiled and giggled "well… that was unexpected.. b-but sure, I would.. love to be your friend"
I smiled as well and nodded. "So about your brother said, you are struggling with many things, am I right?"
"It's not that many things, it's just a couple things but they are really annoying to deal with.. like walking… I can walk for some time but I can't run, it hurts a lot"
"Mhm I see"
"I used to draw a lot, it was my favorite thing to do back then but now I can't even write properly"
"Can you show me how it looks when you do?"
"I guess.." Muichiro signed and look out his textbook "most of the things Yui writes for me because I can't even fit the words in lines"
He said and grabbed his pen, trying to write something. He was right, he couldn't fit the words in lines, the words were barely readable.
Muichiro looked at it sadly and signed before closing the textbook. "It makes me feel so pathetic…t-that I can't even do such a simple thing.." he said quietly, looking down at his lap.
Soon after he started quietly sobbing tears falling on his lap, slowly coloring his pants.
He slightly laughed and wiped his tears "sorry.. I didn't expect I was gonna cry"
I shook my head "no no, it's okay, it's understandable"
"Hey maybe if you try to write words bigger it'll be better for you"
Muichiro shrugged "I tried many times… it just won't work.."
"Hey it's okay, if you practice I am sure sooner or later you'll manage"
Muichiro smiled and slightly nodded "y-yeah.. thanks… I would prefer to be able to walk properly… it's such a bother"
"Maybe we can practice, every day you or we will go for a walk, maybe it'll make some progress"
"Y-you would do that for me?"
"Of course! I can't imagine how miserable you must be.. it must be difficult"
Muichiro nods and smiles slightly "yeah it's a pain.. but I'll try.. I want to get better"
"Alright, give me your phone number, we can start tomorrow right away, it's Saturday anyway so we can hangout" I said and Muichiro nodded.
Next day
I was waiting outside of Muichiro's house for him to come out. It was taking him a while but eventually he came out "sorry if I kept you waiting… I had some difficulties.."
"That's okay, let's go now" I said and Muichiro nodded, beginning to walk "so where do you want to go? Wanna take a walk through a forest? There's a pretty place at the end of it"
"Oh sure, how far is it?" Muichiro asked, clearly worried. "Don't worry, it's not that far, we will just turn left here and there the forest starts"
"Oh okay.." he said quietly. I nodded and kept walking.
Not even half through the forest Muichiro stopped walking and leaned against a tree "are you okay?" I asked.
"Y-Yeah, I-I am f-" he tried to walk again but dropped on his knees, groaning in pain. I ran over to him and kneeled down "are you sure?! Was it too far for you?" I asked.
He slightly nodded "I am sorry, I should have said it earlier.. my legs were already weak when we got to the forest… I am sorry.." he apologized, looking down.
"Hey it's okay, we can rest and then continue" I said and Muichiro nodded before sighing.
Almost an hour later we got to the end of the forest. I had to carry Muichiro piggy back style because he felt exhausted.
"Woah.. it's really pretty here.." Muichiro said, looking around. "It is, I told you so" I sat Muichiro down on the ground and sat down next to him.
We talked and laughed with each other, not noticing the time going by so fast. It was already getting dark when I decided to check my phone on what time was.
We decided to finally head home, I picked Muichiro up once again, not wanting him to overwork himself again.
"You know… I want to be able to walk here on my own sometime… I really do.." he said, smiling slightly.
"I am sure you'll manage to one day"
"I'll practice every day.. I will really.. I always wanted to be able but I couldn't force myself to do so because I always ended up failing and eventually had to stay in bed for even longer"
"I see.. well just don't overwork yourself, alright? And if you ever need help just call me up, I'll be happy to help again"
"Yea, I will.. thanks"
"It's no problem"
Muichiro's pov - next day
It was the next day, I texted Tanjiro if he wanted to go out again but he didn't answer, so I decided to go alone.
I didn't tell anything to Yui or my parents, I just left, thinking I won't be out for long.
I walked for some time, looking around the forest before feeling the weakness in my legs. I tried to ignore it but soon my knees started to get even weaker, not allowing me to take another step.
I sat down on the ground and started to panic "what now?! How am I going to get home?! I should have told someone!" I covered my mouth with both of my hands and started sobbing.
Soon I stood up slowly and even slower began to walk out of the forest, feeling unbearable pain in my legs.
I had to hold onto a tree, bush, anything just to keep my balance.
The pain was getting worse, my legs were shaking, they were weak and in so much pain it made my whole body shiver.
I turned the corner and walked towards my house that was finally in my sight.
I opened the door to my house and immediately dropped on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.
Yuichiro immediately ran out from the other room towards me, helping me sit up "where were you?!! What the hell has gotten into you?!" He yelled out in panic as I kept on sobbing.
1 week later
"I-I can do this" I thought to myself and left the house, trying the route. The walk went fine until I walked to the entrance of the forest. There it was, the feeling of weakness once again.
I took a deep breath and tried to relax my body a bit, closing my eyes slightly and taking other slow steps.
I continued on walking before feeling pain in my lower part of my legs, that's when I knew I had to head home.
I made progress, I really did, I went farther than last time for sure. I smiled to myself and turned around, walking slowly back home.
1 month later
I was walking through the forest once again, this time it was much better. I kept on training every single day, walking the same route over and over again.
The weakness was appearing in the deeper places of the forest and not just the beginning. I wanted to make Tanjiro happy, I wanted to make him proud, he's been cheering me on every single day, telling me to keep going.
And I kept on going, wanting nothing but to get better each time I walked the you're again, eventually reaching the end.
2 months later
This was the day, I felt it, I knew I would be able to reach the end. This time Tanjiro was with me too.
The start was going smoothly and after we reached the half I still felt great.
Tanjiro kept on making sure I am feeling fine and I kept on nodding, saying that I am feeling great.
There it was, I saw it, the end of the forest, I saw the river, the clear sky.
My legs were feeling great, my heart was beating so fast, I was so excited.
We got out of the forest and I just looked straight in front of me, feeling happy tears forcing themselves into my eyes.
Tanjiro pulled me quickly up and into a hug "you did it!" He yelled out. I returned the hug, wrapping my legs around his torso.
I nodded and laughed, crying happily "I did it!" I yelled out happily, hugging Tanjiro tightly.
❣word count : 2767❣
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