✧what does she have and I don't✧

✧what does she have and I don't✧

✧fluff / angst✧ 

Muichiro's pov

I woke up around 6:50am because of my alarm. I fell asleep on my desk because I was working on my project. I stood up and went to change my clothes and other stuff. After that, I prepared my bag and went to prepare breakfast for me and my brother. After we ate our breakfast we headed to school. 10 minutes later we got into school, my brother went to his locker and I tried to find Tanjiro and Mitsuri. I was walking around trying to find them and I finally did. I walked up to Tanjiro and hugged him from behind and when I looked at Mitsuri she had the ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) expression on her face.

Tanjiro : Hey Mui- ..did you get any sleep last night

Muichiro : no

Tanjiro : why?

Muichiro : I was working on my project

Then we talked for some time before we went to class, then a girl I had never seen before walked up to us. She had thin black hair, worn tied into a ponytail on the right side of her head and fastened by a pink and green butterfly.

Kanao : Hi! My name is Kanao, I am new here. Could one of you please show me around?

Tanjiro : Sure! follow me

Tanjiro said and they walked away. I crossed my arms and looked at the floor.

Mitsuri : JeaLOus?

Muichiro : Shut up, Mitsuri

I just don't like when he's around other girls/boys. It's been 2 years now since I realized I have a crush on Tanjiro and only Mitsuri and my brother know. After that we talked for a bit longer before we heard a bell ring. In class I am sitting with Tanjiro but that new girl ...how was she called again..Ka..Kan..who cares anyways. She was sitting right in front of Tanjiro ,so they were talking the whole class. Mitsuri was right, I am jealous but...but ...he can't fall in love with her, right? They just met..

Mitsuri : Mui psst! hey!

Muichiro : what!

I whispered so the teacher couldn't hear us.

Mitsuri : I noticed you were looking kinda sad, is it because of that new girl?

Muichiro :...maybe, it's just Tanjiro looks very happy with her....even though he just met her.

Mitsuri : aw don't worry about it, you know how Tanjiro is. They are probably just a good friends

Muichiro : yeah...thanks Mitsuri

Mitsuri : no problem

After class I went to get my lunch while Mitsuri went to get hers and headed to the roof to get our spots to eat lunch. I got my food and headed to the roof also. When I got there I saw Tanjiro with Kanao , I walked up to them and I asked Tanjiro if he will eat lunch with us , he said

Tanjiro : oh I am sorry I promised Kanao I will eat with her

I just replied with "okay" and tried to find Mitsuri . When I found her I sat down and opened my bento . "where is Tanjiro?" Mitsuri asked and I told her he wanted to eat lunch with that other girl . Mitsuri tried talking with me but I didn't feel like talking ,what's wrong with me...I felt sad?...angry?..jealous? ... probably all those feelings mixed up...After we finished our food we decided we would go inside and hangout there, we picked up our empty bentos and headed inside. Before we did I saw Tanjiro with Kanao so I stopped and stared at them for some time and Mitsuri did too. They were talking and laughing and when I looked at Tanjiro he was....blushing? After I saw him blushing I felt sadder and didn't want to watch them anymore. I walked inside with Mitsuri behind me.

After school

I put my books to my locker and walked out off school. I was waiting for Tanjiro, I wanted to ask him if he want to hangout because Yuichiro went with his friend and Mitsuri needed to go home because of some "family problems". I waited for some time and he....I mean they finally come out. He looked really happy and he was blushing again...."does he really like her?.....nonono they just met I am overreacting."

Muichiro : hey Tanjiro, I was wondering if you wanna hangout?

Tanjiro : I would love to but- I am with Kanao

Muichiro : oh okay then

Then I walked away but before I really did I could hear

Kanao : dont you think you should spend more time with him? He seemed kidna upset

Tanjiro : he'll be fine

I walked home...alone...I am not really used to walking home alone, I normally walk with Yuichiro or with Tanjiro or Mitsuri..."why does he choose her over me? s-stop it Muichiro ...you should be happy for him..not jealous"

Next day

I was eating my lunch with Mitsuri and Tanjiro, they were talking about some stuff but I didn't listen. I was thinking about Tanjiro...how happy he seemed when he was with that new girl..maybe he does like her..

Muichiro : Hey Tanjiro, can I ask you a question?

Tanjiro : sure, go ahead

Muichiro : ...do you like anyone?

Tanjiro : mm I don't think so

Muichiro : ...what about that new girl

Tanjiro : oh Kanao.. ...I guess I kinda do

Muichiro : o-oh...what do you like about her anyways

Tanjiro : she's really pretty and kind. She also have a good sense of humor

Muichiro :....what about me?

Tanjiro : what?

Muichiro : nothing

Tanjiro : ...okay

He said and then talked with Mitsuri again. I just looked at the ground and ate my food.

Kanao : Hi Tanjiro!

Tanjiro : oh hey Kanao

Kanao : yesterday was fun! we should do that again and Muichiro can join too if he wants

Muichiro : oh no.....I wouldn't want to interrupt your date

Kanao : d-date !? o-oh no no no it wasn't a d-date

She said and blushed. "yeah sure ...not date" I thought

Kanao : okay soo Tanjiro do you wanna meet at the park again...at 5?

Tanjiro : yup!

He said as Ka-...Kanao yes, finally walked away. "Isn't she so pretty? '' I heard Tanjiro say. Mitsuri being Mitsuri agreed and I just replied with "I guess "....I finished my food and planned walking away but then I heard Tanjiro say "Mitsuri you are good with confessing to people ,right? Do you mind if you help me confess to Kanao?" Mitsuri agreed and Tanjiro left to class. I suddenly felt like crying and without realizing tears were falling down my cheeks.

Muichiro : I-I don't understand...what does s-she have and I don't..

I tried to wipe the tears but they kept coming. Mitsuri woke up, walked up to me and hugged me. Later that day Tanjiro asked for advice from Mitrsuri. I just stood there behind Mitsuri looking at the floor. I still didn't understand how he fell in love with her in 2 days...I have known Tanjiro for over 8 years. Tanjiro then walked away and Mitsuri looked at me.

Mitsuri : come on......it doesnt mean he can't move on from her

Muichiro : he probably doesn't even like guys..

After school I placed my books into my locker and went outside to wait for my brother. While I waited I saw Kanao walk out of school "she's probably waiting for Tanjiro.." I thought, but she walked up to me.

Kanao : Hey Muichiro, I wanted to ask you something.....you like Tanjiro, right?

Muichiro :..... how do you-

Kanao : don't worry, I won't tell ...you really shouldn't assume he doesn't like you

Muichiro : he already likes someone else

Kanao : it doesn't mean he can't like two people at once...just be straightforward with him, he's been your best friend for so long. A little crush wouldn't ruin your 8-year friendship

Muichiro : I'll think about it....thank you though

Kanao : you're welcome

she's so nice....no wonder Tanjiro likes her.

Next day

I was on the roof, looking at clouds. Tanjiro was probably with Kanao again and Mitsuri isn't in school today. I sat there alone until I heard someone calling my name. I looked at who it was. It was Tanjiro.


When he was right next to me he hugged me. I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

Tanjiro : I've made up my mind, I'm gonna confess to Kanao today so wish me luck!

Muichiro : yeah...good luck

He then ran away. The blush on my face disappeared and tears appeared instead.

Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro has been acting weird lately...I should ask him what's wrong, I am getting kinda worried....I looked around the school to find Kanao. After some time I finally found her with her friend.

Tanjiro : Hey Kanao, can I talk to you in private ?

Kanao : oh sure


Kanao : so?

Tanjiro :..well em...I like you ..more than a friend

Kanao : E-EH!? Y-You do? I-I....I am sorry Tanjiro... but.. I only like you as a friend...but I know someone who like you

Tanjiro : Wait, really? who?

Kanao : think about it.....it's someone who always been very close to you

She said and walked away. Someone close to me.....Shinobu?...no no she probably likes Tomioka...Misuri?....no she's with Iguro.... maybe I should ask Muichiro......MUICHIRO! i-is he the one?.. he has always been very close to me... yeah I'll ask him ..or wouldn't it be better if I ask Mitsuri? He probably told her

After school

Texts with mitsuri

Tanjiro : Hey Mitsuri, can I ask you something?

5 minutes later

Mitsuri : Hey Tanjiro, sure you can and how did the confession go?

Tanjiro : oh well...she rejected me (╥﹏╥) but she told be something like "I know someone who like you, its someone who always been very close to you"

Mitsuri : TANJIRO!

Tanjiro : WHAT


Tanjiro : NONONO you got it all wrong, I've just been thinking about it and I thought that u mind help me?

Mitsuri : oh- ..well that was embarrassing..... anyways- okay who do you think it could be?

Tanjiro : I was thinking it's maybe Muichiro ? so I am asking u because he probably told u?

Mitsuri : ohhh.....

Mitsuri's pov

S-Should I tell him?! Muichiro told me not to...but now Muichiro have a chance and surely he won't tell him himself....uhhh I souldnt tell him

Mitsuri : yeah he likes you, you really haven't noticed?


Tanjiro's pov

Tanjiro : w-wait really !?

Mitsuri : yuhh....how do u feel about Mui? Do you still take him only as a friend?

Tanjiro : I don't know....let me think about it...I'll text u later

Mitsuri : okee

Then I turned my phone off. "do I feel the same?...I don't know....". I've been thinking about it for hour now...maybe I do have feelings for him....or...sometimes when I hang out with him I find myself blushing and other other things like my heart beat changing but I never thought about dating him......After some time I got text from Mitsuri

Mitsuri : so?

Tanjiro : I am still not sure....but when I am with him I sometimes find myself blushing but every time I did I never really thought about it. I thought it was just something random

Mitsuri : mmm is that so?...maybe you just need some more time to think it through...

Next day

I was waiting in class for Muichiro. I haven't gotten much sleep because I was thinking about him... "do I really have feeling for him?" I thought to myself the whole night. It was kinda weird that on the first day I fell in love with Kanao and now I am thinking if I am in love with my childhood friend that I have known for over 8 years. After some time I saw Muichiro walk into class.

Muichiro : Hi Tanjiro, Hi Mitsuri

Mitsuri : hello

Tanjiro : hi Mui

Muichiro : h-how did the confession go?

Tanjiro : well....I got rejected

Muichiro : aww that's sad..

During the class I wasn't paying attention again because I was still thinking about the same thing. "maybe I do like him.." I thought and looked at him, those long hair and beautiful mint green eyes .... "c-cute...yeah.. I guess I do like him....s-should I tell him after class? or wait for better moment?....yeah I should...I am soo stupid how did I realize it this late" After school I placed my books in my locker and tried to find Muichiro, maybe hes already outside waiting for his brother.

Kanao : Tanjiro!

Tanjiro : oh hey Kanao

Kanao : wanna hangout?

Tanjiro : mm not today sorry..maybe tomorrow

Kanao : oh okay then! bye bye

After I walked out, I saw Muichiro and Yuichiro already walking away.

Muichiro : Oh Tanjiro, you need something?

Tanjiro : oh yeah, Yuichiro can you please leave us alone for a sec

Yuichiro : geez


Muichiro : so?

Tanjiro : We have known each other for over 8 years but there's something I realized today....

Muichiro : get to the point Tanjiro

Why am I feeling so nervous all of the sudden...I know that he likes me too so why does it give me such a problem to confess to him.

Tanjiro : *sigh* okay....I..I LIKE YOU

Muichiro : w-wha-

Tanjiro : I am sorry it took me so long, yesterday I thought about it and today when I looked at you... I realized I really do like you.....

Muichiro : b-but why me....I don't understand just yesterday you were in love with Kanao

Tanjiro : I know but .... yesterday after Kanao rejected me she told me that she knows someone else who loves me and that it's been someone who was with me all the time ... I thought about it all night and I thought it would be you...so then I texted Mitsuri so asked her ...she told me that you do have feelings for me... after that I thought about it even more and next day when I looked at you I realized that I do have feelings for you too..... I am sorry it took me so long to realize

Muichiro : T-Tanjiro....

Tanjiro :....I love you...

✧word count : 2302✧

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