


♡suggestion by : watsonr3432

(Part two)

Just some random info... ehm... I'll be going MuiTan smut shots too. There will be a whole book for that.

Tanjiro's pov

"Hey Kamado!" Someone called my name, I turned behind me to see one of the guys from my class. "Hm?" I hummed and stopped. He walked closer to me and laughed slightly. "What?" I said with an annoyed tone. "Woah, don't be so annoyed already. I just wanted to ask if you want to spend lunch with us."

I thought about it for a second "you can bring Muichiro if you want" he laughed at the end. I stayed. "It's your choice, you've been talking together for a couple weeks now huh? Still can't believe you last this long with him. I mean does he even talk to you?" He asked.

I shook my head. "Of course, don't you get bored with him? I mean you got everyone coming left and right asking you to hangout with them and yet you are still with him"

I sighed and looked him "look Muichiro may not talk but he's not like you this he is"

"Oh yeah? Prove it to me, lead him to me and I beg he will last like 10 seconds before running away"

"He just has some problems, okay? He's not ignorant or mean like others think"

"Problems huh?... Problems with talking to others? Pff that's stupid"

"It's not, just leave him alone for god sake, for some people it's hard to talk with o-"

"Oh look who came hey~ Mui~chi~ro~"

I turned around to see Muichiro standing a couple centimeters behind me.

"We were just talking about you, your friend Tanjiro tried to defend you but it didn't quite help" he said walking closer to him.

I put my arm in front of Muichiro and said "leave him alone"

"Aww defending him already? Are you in love with him or something?"

"HUH?!" I almost yelled out. He looked at Muichiro and laughed "well he is with you. Look how much he's blushing~"

I looked at Muichiro who then looked at me too. He covered his face with his book quickly and ran away. "MUICHIRO!" I called out for him but he didn't stop.

"Well... I guess I was right... no you were not, we are just friends, we have known each other for not even two months."

"Haha... who knows.." He said turning away from me "I'll be waiting for you at lunch on the rooftop, bring Muichiro with you" he then left.

Muichiro's pov

"Come on Muichiro calm down" I thought and clapped both of my cheeks. I looked at myself in the washroom mirror and saw my face that was colored in a dark shade of red. I kept on washing my face with cold water hoping the redness would disappear but no.

I sighed to myself and thought "like.. Tanjiro?... No that's stupid I can't even say a word to him ... o-or can I? Maybe I am ready, maybe I can say something to him!" My confidence suddenly rose up as I finally decided to say something to him.

"Muichiro? Are you here?" I heard as I turned around to see Tanjiro. "Ah shit shit shit-" I repeated in my head as I turned around to hide my red face "why now?! Why couldn't he come later.. oh god I am not ready I am so stupid how could I even think that I can talk to him"

"You okay?" He asked and touched my shoulder before looking straight into my eyes. I quickly nodded and turned away. "God that guy is such an idiot... have feelings for me how stupid right?" He laughed.

I forced a little smile and nodded quickly. "Alright, I'll go to class now, are you sure you're okay?" He asked one more time as I nodded. "Alright see you in class" he waved and I waved back.

Right when he left the washroom my smile faced. "Feelings for me how stupid right?" That sentence repeated in my head constentsly "why is it bothering me so much... I-I don't have feelings for Tanjiro... right?... "


While I sat in class I focused on a lesson before someone threw a piece of paper at me. I looked at and saw Tanjiro looking at me. I looked at the paper "give me your phone number so I can text you throughout the class or I'll die of boredom.'' I laughed slightly and wrote my phone number on the paper before throwing the paper back at Tanjiro.

In a minute I got a text from him. Throughout the whole class we texted with each other. It was nice to finally run such a conversation with someone after such a long time... but there was still that one thing that kept on bothering me.

It was that stupid sentence about feeling something towards Tanjiro. It was confusing... I couldn't even talk to him and yet I am thinking such things. Maybe the guy was right... maybe I do feel something towards Tanjiro...

But... as he said.. it's stupid... it's stupid to think such thing...

I sighed to myself and looked at my phone once more. "wanna hangout today?" Tanjiro texted. I thought about it for a while before texting "maybe" "alright, when you decide text me"


When the lesson ended Tanjiro immediately stood up, grabbed my hand and led me away from the classroom. When we turned the first corner at the hallway, Tanjiro finally stopped. I looked at him with a confused look as he sighed deeply

"Sorry about this, it's because of one of those guys from our class. When we met him at the morning he kept on saying BriNg MuIChiRo tO HaNGouT wiTH Us At LuNCh, I just want us to be alone with each other, so that's why I left so suddenly so he doesn't have a chance to stop us."

Tanjiro sighed before sighing deeply "well we can go now and eat out lunch together" he grabbed my hand and led me to his locker where he kept his food.

Tanjiro looked at me and asked "you okay?". I looked everywhere in my locker for my lunch but couldn't find it. "Did you forget to bring your lunch?" I nodded slightly.

"I see... well we can share if you want" he said kindly. I quickly shook my head and grabbed my phone to quickly type something "oh god this sucks, I never imagined it would be this annoying to type something every minute" I thought to myself and shoved him the text.

"No it's fine, I can be without lunch it's no problem" I typed. Tanjiro just sighed and led me somewhere. He led me to the school yard where we sat down. I looked down not knowing what to do.

"Hey Muichiro" Tanjiro said, making me look at him before putting a piece of his food in my mouth. My eyes lit up as I chewed the food Tanjiro gave me. "Do you like it?" I quickly nodded.

He pushed the food closer to me and said "well you can have it all, I am hungry anyways". I shook my head and pushed the food closer to him. "Come on, eat it, I don't mind," he smiled. I nodded and took another piece in my mouth.


"Wanna hangout today?" I stared at the text from before. "Should I text him? I am bored out of my mind... maybe I should..." I thought to myself preparing to text him.

My shaky hands made my phone fall on my face. I quickly touched my nose in pain as I looked at the phone. "Shit" I thought as I saw I accidentally called Tanjiro. I was about to end the call but Tanjiro picked it up.

"Yes Muichiro?" I heard from the other side, I picked up the phone and put it close to my ear. "Hello?" He said with a more questioning tone.

"Come on you called him you have to say something it'll be stupid to just end it now" I thought to myself and took a deep breath

Tanjiro's pov

"h-h..h-ha-hag" I heard from Muichiro before it stopped. "God his voice is so adorable" I thought to myself and blushed slightly. I heard him take another deep breath before saying quickly "h-hangout?". "You want to hangout?" "...y-yes.." "sure, let's meet in front of school in 20 minutes" I said before hearing a silent hum coming from Muichiro's side.

I ended the call and dropped on my bed. His voice kept echoing in my head constantly. I would never think that someone like him would have such a beautiful voice. "I mean... he is cute... the voice... fits his cuteness I guess" I stopped my thoughts I slapped myself across the face. "What the fuck Tanjiro, what are you thinking"


I waited outside the school for Muichiro to come. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder before Muichiro appeared next to me. I greeted him as he waved. "So what do you want to do?" I asked him, he looked at the ground and shrugged.

We stood there a couple seconds in silence but it felt like hours. "E-ehm.." Muichiro let out probably trying to say something. "T-the-there" he pointed to the right. I looked there not knowing what he meant.

Muichiro sighed and pulled out his phone. I looked at him and took his phone. "Nope no typing, try to say it, you did good" I said smiling.

Muichiro's while face was red at this point from embarrassment. He sighed deeply and looked at the ground. "Re-restau-taurant?" "Oh you want to go get some food?" He nodded "alright, let's go" he pointed at my hand. "Oh your phone, sorry" I handed it back to him"


We sat down at the restaurant and ordered our food... more like I ordered. We sat next in silence before I finally decided to speak up. "Try to talk again, you did great" I said looking at him. He looked up and nodded slightly, probably thinking what to say.

"Do you have any hobbies?" I said, waiting for his answer. "R-reading... eh-ehm... dr-drawing" he said quietly.

After that I asked his couple more questions, making him talk more. He one said one or two words before stopping and then talking again but he made progress and it made me happy to see him finally trusting me enough to talk with me.

1 month later

"Oh Tanjiro hi" Muichiro greeted me in front of the school. I greeted him too as we walked into the school.

For the past month I did anything to make him talk and it was worth it, Muichiro talks with me a lot now. He stutters a lot sometimes but it's still a big progress. Some people in school heard Muichiro talking to me and always asked how I made him talk.

From that point on, people walked up to Muichiro a lot, asking him questions and talking with him normally. Most of them did it for fun but some of them were actually interested in talking to him.

The first time this happened I was there with Muichiro. Two girls walked up to him and asked him something. He was about to run away but I grabbed his hand and forced him to stay.

He didn't say anything to them, he just nodded and shook his head but they were happy that he didn't run away at least.

There was also one thing that bothered me. Muichiro is acting... odd around me, almost every time I get just a little close to him his whole face turns red, he can't even look me straight in the eyes... so I finally decided to ask him about it.

I walked into the classroom and dropped my bag next to my seat before walking over to Muichiro. "Can you please follow me?" I asked him, he looked at me with a confused look but agreed anyway. I led him somewhere private and began to talk. "There is something that has been bothering me" I said simply "oh? what is it?" he asked me with a worried voice. I sighed "it's something about... you" I poked his chest.

Muichiro's face turned red again. "this is what I am talking about '' I took Muichiro's cheek and stared at him waiting for him to say something. Muichiro's face turned even more red as he struggled to keep an eye contact with me.

"I-I..." he said before pulling my hand away from his cheek. "Is there a reason you act like this? Your face is always so red and you always struggle to keep an eye contact" I said crossing my arms. Muichiro looked at me with confusion, almost a sad look. He grabbed his right arm with his left arm and sighed deeply.

"Can you promise me something?" He asked, looking straight into my eyes. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "If I tell you... promise me not to get mad... or leave me behind.." He said looking at the floor while playing with his fingers nervously.

I was a bit surprised by it but I nodded immediately and waited for him to say something. "Alright... I... I-I am in love with you..." he said quietly.

"you what?" I said surprised. He laughed slightly and looked at me with teary eyes "but that's stupid, right?... me having feelings for you... how stupid" He said smiling while tears streamed down his cheeks.

I stayed silent, I didn't know what to do.

Muichiro's pov

Tanjiro just stood there while looking at the floor with a look that confused me... was it a look of confusion? discussed? disappointment? Those questions circled my mind making more tears fall down my cheeks. I quickly wiped them off and began to walk away, not being able to look at Tanjiro for a longer time.

Suddenly Tanjiro grabbed my hand and leaned me against the wall. I let out a confused hum while looking at him. He grabbed me by my chin and kissed me softly. He pulled away after a while and wiped my tears away.

"Do you actually... feel the same?" I asked quietly. Tanjiro just nodded slightly. I smiled warmly and pulled him into a hug. He returned the hug and kissed my cheek softly one more time.


♡word count : 2504♡

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