♡suggestion by : watsonr3432 ♡
♡Part 1♡
Also on my last one shot I got like 7 suggestions... God I- thank you but- man..
One useless random info - it's my birthday today ( ◜‿◝ )
"Who's that?"
"Oh him?" That's Muichiro, why?"
"Why is everyone looking at him and laughing?"
"Oh that, he doesn't talk to anyone, I never heard his voice... nobody did. They are laughing at him because he's a good target for bullying and stuff. He can't tell anyone or do anything about it. Well I think he's just ignoring everyone"
"Ignoring everyone? How about the teachers?"
"I asked them couple times, they don't want to talk about it, they say it's a PeRSOnaL tHInG"
Muichiro's pov
"Are they talking about me again?" I asked myself and looked behind me to look at them. They noticed and walked away while silently giggling. I sighed to myself and looked around as I continued eating my lunch. Everyone sat in groups.. while I was here sitting alone.. again.
"hey Muichiro" my heart dropped, I know that voice very well. I turned around to see three of my bullies behind me.
"You are sitting at out place" he said, crossing his arms. He says that every time... everywhere I sit... I am always sitting on there spot. I stood up and was about to walk away but one of them grabbed my hand and yelled "oh no you're not going anywhere, this is already the fourth time this week. You're coming with us".
They led me away as I kept on trying to run away but I ended up failing. They led me to an empty classroom and pushed me against the wall. My voice fitched as I felt a horrible pain in my back before falling on my knees.
"Tsk how pathetic" one of the guys laughed before he lifted my head up by my hair. "Just say something... tell us to stop" he said laughing as I faced the floor before feeling a horrible pain in my head.
"The class is starting soon, let's go" one of the guys said and walked away from the classroom and others followed behind him.
I slowly sat up and held my sleeve close to my nose which was bleeding. I sat against the wall trying to ignore the pain in my whole body but it was no use. I just sat there breathing heavily trying not to cry... but I failed.
"Why me... Why do I have to go through this..." I cried out quietly. "I didn't do anything wrong, I just... want to be left alone..."
The bell rang like 10 minutes ago.. but I couldn't care less... I only stared at the floor with small tears still sliding down my cheeks. I sighed and pulled away the sleeve from my nose, it finally stopped bleeding
I sighed to myself, woke up and headed to the washroom to wash my face. As I walked to the washroom I heard someone running and the noise was getting closer second by second. I turned to look behind me to see no one but still hearing someone running. Before I could do anything I bumped into someone making me fall to the floor.
"Oh god I am so sorry, are you okay?" They asked and helped me stand up. "Your nose is covered in blood! Did I do that?" They panicked. I looked them in the face to see a boy with crimson red eyes and scar on his forehead. Before he could ask me anything more I panicked and ran away.
"It's almost the end of the lesson! This is the third time this week you came late!" The teacher yelled at me in front of the full class. I looked at the floor and stayed silent as I listened to my classmates silently laughing at me. The teacher sighed and told me to go back to my seat. I nodded.
Tanjiro's pov
"Oh he's the guy I bumped into" I thought and kept looking at him as he sat down at his seat. Other classmates were looking at him the whole time, whispering and laughing. I couldn't help but feel bad for him.
After the lesson ended, I stood up and walked up to him to ask if he was okay. I tapped on his shoulder as he turned to look at me. "Hey are you o-" before I could Finnish he stood up and speed walked away. I was about to follow him but one of the boys from the class grabbed me and said "don't bother trying to talk to him, he won't listen."
"Why?" I asked, pushing his hand away "What do I know, almost everyone here tried to talk to him but he just ignores you or walks away. It's still better to make fun of him than trying to talk to him" he laughed.
"Well I am not going to give up that easily" I said walking away. I walked out of the classroom and started looking for him. As I walked through the halls I heard someone laughing from behind the corner. As I turned the corner I saw a group of girls walking past the guy from my class while laughing. "Why is everyone laughing at him?" I thought and followed behind him.
I tapped on his shoulder and asked "hey, why did you run away so suddenly?" He just flinched a bit before he turned to look at me. "Oh sorry, did I scare you?" I asked as he continued to stare before walking away.
Before he walked away, I looked deep into his eyes. It was like he was scared... or worried about something. "Is he scared of talking to people? He didn't seem to ignore me like others said... " I thought and walked away.
Muichiro's pov
"G-Good he finally walked away" I whispered to myself and looked at him leaving from behind the corner. I looked down at my hands that were horribly shaking. "W-Why did he talk to me? Why did he touch me?!" I asked myself and leaned against the wall.
I slapped my cheeks multiple times and thought "ugh get yourself together you can't keep being like this..." I clenched my fists and looked at the floor. "I can't be like this for the rest of my life... I don't want to hide in the shadows all the time... but.. I can't do it on my own... who would be willing to help someone like me.."
The last lesson finally ended, I grabbed my books and headed to my locker.
While I was putting my things in my bag I heard someone behind me. I turned around to see the crimson eyed guy. He waved at me and came closer. "I wanted to apologize" apologize? "I am sorry if I scared you somehow or was being uncomfortable to you, I just wanted to make sure you're okay" make sure I am okay? Is he worried about me?... Tsk that's stupid what am I thinking.
I grabbed my bag, closed my locker and began to walk away while still thinking... "I wanted to make sure you're okay... make sure I am okay... why would he be worried about me?" I thought...
"I am home!" I yelled as I entered my house. Then I walked into the kitchen to see my grandma washing the dishes "ah Muichiro, how was school?" She asked. "It was... good" I said looking at the floor.
My grandma came closer to me and grabbed me by my cheek. "Mmm you sure? You look a bit sad" she said worriedly.
"Yeah I am fine just... nevermind, I am going to my room"
"O-Oh okay, do you want something to e-"
"No thanks, I am fine.."
I walked into my room and closed the door behind me before dropping my bag on the floor. I sat down on my bed and stared at the ceiling thinking.
"What should I do... I don't want to live like this anymore... I can't keep doing this.."
I grabbed my pillow and buried my face into it
"Nobody will help me with such a thing... why would they..."
I felt tears slowly filling my eyes.
"Everyone in school is just making fun of me... they just misunderstood me.. I don't ignore them... I am just.. scared"
"Will that guy from my class help me?... He said he was worried... and tried talking to me a couple times... maybe this is my chance.. my chance to find someone who can help me.."
Next day - Tanjiro's pov
As I sat in class I felt someone looking at me constantly. I looked behind me to see the guy from yesterday look at me. He wrote something on his notebook and showed me. "I need help with something" it said as he held the notebook with his shaky hands.
When the lesson ended I looked back at the long haired boy who noticed and wrote something on his notebook again "Can we go somewhere else?". I nodded and followed him. The whole time we were walking somewhere else he kept looking on the floor while others around him were whispering some things.
"Wait, he found a friend?"
"Weird huh? I thought he planned on going through highschool without talking to anyone"
"I know, right? He's weird. I haven't heard a single word from him"
"Do you think he's bullied?"
"Oh I saw some guys beating him behind the school"
"Really?... Well he deserves it, he should have been so ignorant to everyone"
"Weird? Ignorant? Bullied?" I thought and kept on following him. "He's not being ignorant, if he was he wouldn't have asked me for help"
He walked into an empty classroom before he closed the door behind us.
He grabbed his notebook and started writing something again. I noticed how horribly not only his hands were shaking but his whole body. He took a deep breath and showed it to me.
"I..I ne..ehm.. ne..." I thought as I tried to read what he wrote. I couldn't read almost anything because of the way he wrote it, it was because of how much his hands were shaking.
"Sorry I can't read it haha" I laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of my neck. I didn't hear any answer, there was just silence before he covered his mouth and nose with the notebook and started crying.
"H-Hey why are you crying? I am sorry I couldn't read it? Can you just tell me what you need?" I said as he continued staring at the floor sobbing. "....I thought he planned on going through highschool without talking to anyone" I remembered.
"He didn't speak the whole time, he's terribly shaking like he's scared of something" I thought
"Does it have anything to do with your talking?" I asked calmly. He looked up and nodded slightly. He showed me the notebook and pointed at one word from the other sentences he wrote. "Help"
"Do you need help with talking?" He nodded slightly and looked at the floor. "Hmm I see"
He showed me the notebook and pointed at the same word but from a question mark next to it.
"Do you want me to help you with talking?" He nodded again. I thought about it for a second but they agreed. "Okay I'll help you" I smiled
He looked at me and bowed in thanks. "Haha no problem" I laughed slightly. "So let's start with our names, I am Tanjiro, and you are?"
He grabbed the notebook and started writing still with his hands shaking. "Lay it on one of the desks, it'll be easier to write" he nodded and layd it on the desk.
He then showed it to me. "Mu...Mui..Muichero?" I asked, he looked at the floor and sighed before writing it again. "Mui... Muichiro?" He quickly nodded and smiled brightly. "Alright, nice to meet you meet you Muichiro"
He just smiled slightly. "So I wanted to ask you something... I heard a couple people calling you ignorant... is there a reason for that?" I asked.
"It's because I always panic when someone talks to me, so I run away... they just misunderstood me and think I am ignoring them" he wrote.
"I see... I am sorry to hear that.. well as I promised. I will help you, I will help you prove those people you're not ignorant!" I said confidently while looking at Muichiro.
He smiled and nodded before bowing again.
"Hey Tanjiro! Wanna eat with us?" One of the guys from my class asked me. "Yeah sure" I said and followed the to the school yard. As we walked there I heard yelling from one of the classrooms before two guys walked out of there with Muichiro behind them.
We made eye contact as he tried to reach for my hand but failed as they dragged him away. I wanted to follow them but one of the guys stopped me.
"Don't waste time with him, let's just go"
"I can't let them hurt him!"
"He got beat up so many times already I think he care anymore"
"How could you even say something like that? How would you feel if someone bullied you?"
"I don't get bullied because I am not an ignorant freak, if you are worried about him then go and follow them"
I then left and went the way they left. I searched for them for a while before I heard laughing from the second floor. I walked up the stairs and saw those two guys laughing at Muichiro who sat on the floor covering his teary face.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" I yelled out coming closer to them.
"Pff Muichiro you found a friend?" He said grabbing Muichiro by his chin and looking straight into his eyes.
"I said, leave him alone!" I yelled out grabbing Muichiro by his hand and taking him closer to me.
He hid behind me and grabbed me by my hoodie tightly. The guys looked at me and laughed hysterically. "Ah Tanjiro... you picked the wrong person to protect and talk to, oh wait he won't talk to you... because he's an ignorant freak!"
"He's not ignorant! And he's not even a freak! Just leave me alone"
"Ahaha no sorry, but I can't do that... it's just so fun to make fun of him... just leave us do our job"
"I am not gonna let you hurt him"
"You have 10 seconds to leave, if you won't you'll see what will happen when you disobey me"
"Fine I'll leave, with Muichiro"
"Bye bye fuck face"
I waved and led Muichiro away. I still could hear him yelling my name and telling me to come back but I didn't stop or turn around.
"You okay?" I asked Muichiro who was still holding onto my hoodie. He nodded slightly and looked at the floor wiping his tears.
"Do they pick on you often?" He nodded. "Do teachers know about it?" He stayed quiet before waving with his hand as a sigh to follow him.
We walked into our classroom where Muichiro picked up his notebook and wrote "no, when I told them or.. wrote it to them, they sent them to the principal's office. The day after that the beating just got worse, I guess the teachers now think that the bullying stopped because I never dared to tell anyone about it again"
"I see, well I can tell them maybe then they will finally do something with it"
Muichiro just shook his head and wrote " it's fine". "No it's not fine, they hurt you on a daily basis. You can't then do such things to you"
Muichiro quietly sighed. "I just doubt that teachers will do something about it, even if I tell them the only thing that they will do is send them to principals office and tell their parents, nothing will change"
"Why are they hurting you like this anyway?"
"It's because they think I am being ignorant, that I always run away from everyone because I don't want to talk to them... and I guess it's because I am easy target.. because I can't protect myself, they are just way stronger than me"
"I see... but you can't let this keep going. Did you tell your parents about it?"
"I haven't seen my father in years and my mother is always at work... only person that's somehow aware of it is my grandma"
"Mhmm... I see... well I promise that I won't let anyone hurt you like that ever again.
"Thank you... thank you so much" Muichiro smiled slightly.
1 week later
"Hey Tanjiro!" One of the guys from my class called me. I stood up from my seat and walked up to them.
"You are friends with Muichiro?"
"Yes. Why is it such a problem for everyone"
"I guess it's not a problem, it's just weird. He always runs away when someone tries to talk to him."
"That doesn't mean he's being ignorant or rude. He got his own problems, okay? So leave him alone already"
"Geez okay, I was just asking"
I then walked back to my seat.
Muichiros pov
"He's going too far with this... he's going to ruin his own reputation because of me.." I thought and walked into the classroom before sitting down at my seat. Tanjiro looked at me and waved while smiling kindly. I waved back and looked away.
I immediately could hear people whispering and looking at me. I looked at my desk and tried to ignore the whispering.
"Hi there! Are you okay?" Tanjiro asked me as I slowly looked put. I nodded slightly and looked around me still feeling multiple eyes burning my back.
"Hey Muichiro!" One of the guys from my class yelled at me. I kept on looking at my desk in hopes of him leaving me alone but no, he grabbed me by my wrist and made me look at him. "Come on! Don't be so ignorant! When you are befriended Tanjiro it's clear you just don't want to talk to anyone else! Do you actually want to go thru whole high school while talking to only one person?!"
He yelled out as I tried to get away from him but failed miserably. I closed my eyes, still trying to get away. "Leave him alone!" I heard a familiar voice yell. It was Tanjiro, he was holding the guy's hand while looking at him. He let go of my hand and said "geez I just wanted to have a chill talk with him, no need to be so rude" He turned away from us.
Tanjiro tsked and looked at me "you okay?". I nodded slightly and grabbed my notebook. "You don't need to protect me this much.." I wrote.
"But why? I don't want them to hurt you! I want to show them how much they misunderstood you!" He said.
I sighed and wrote "I know but... I don't want your reputation to go down because of me"
"I don't care about my reputation, the thing I care about now is you. As I promised, I'll do my best to help you talk to people normally and we'll show them how much they misunderstood you, got it?" He said smiling confidently
My eyes lit up and I nodded happily.
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