♫mission with you♫
♫mission with you♫
Tanjiro's pov
I walked with Zenitsu, Inosuke and Nezuko, it was late so Nezuko walked next to me. Inosuke was running around randomly punching into trees and Zenitsu was trying to hug Nezuko but Nezuko always dodged him. We were walking to the butterfly mansion because Shinobu and others wanted to meet us after what happened with Rengoku. I was still thinking about Rengoku and what he said to me .... am I really going to be like him? ...I can't compare with him I am n-
Inosuke : ...BOKO OI KAMABOKO !
Tanjiro : yeah yeah sorry.
When we got to the butterfly mansion and we saw everyone was sitting at the table , we sat down and there were two free spots , one was Rengoku's and the second one was-
Mitsuri : Where is Muichiro?
Iguro : I bet he forgot about the meeting again.
Shinobu : *sigh* Tanjiro, can you please get him? I think he's in his room.
Tanjiro : okay.
I stood up and walked away. "I think this is his room" I thought to myself. I knocked on the door and slowly open them ,I walked in and I saw him sitting on floor while looking at me
Tanjiro : emm Shinobu is calling you...we have a meeting
I stood there and waited for some kind of answer but I didn't get one so I looked at him again and he looked really confused ,then I remembered "I bet he forgot again"
Muichiro : .... who are you again?... and what meeting? you're not a hashira.... right?
Tanjiro : That doesn't matter right now. No, I am not a hashira and the meeting is about what happened on the last mission with Rengoku, I was with him so that's why I'll be joining you today.
Muichiro : ... Rengoku
When the meeting finished, everyone spread out including Muichiro. I wanted to ask someone about Muichiro, I don't know anything about him and it just made me more confused when Obanai said something with him forgetting again. Before everyone walked away I came to Shinobu and asked her.
Tanjiro : Hey Shinobu, can I ask you something?
Shinobu : sure. What is it?
Tanjiro : It's about Muichiro, when I got here, Iguro said something like "I bet he forgot again" and when I talked to him about it he looked very confused. Like he didn't know about the meeting or even Rengoku.
Shinobu : oh about that... he has amnesia, he has a hard time remembering many things, it's due to a traumatic experience he's been through.
Tanjiro : traumatic ?
Shinobu : After his parents died and his brother was killed right in front of him.
Tanjiro :... oh I see... okay thank you for talking to me
Shinobu : you're welcome
Poor Muichiro...maybe I should talk to him. He seems kidna lonely. Even when we first met, he was very quiet and didnt talk to anyone. When I think about it... have I ever seen him talking to someone? I went to Muichiro's room and knocked on the door "come in '' I heard Muichiro say so I open the door and saw him looking at me. I sat down next to him and said.
Tanjiro: I was thinking if you're not lonely, I never saw you talking to anyone and when I come for a meeting or just hangout, you are always alone.
Muichiro:..ah...no I am not lonely ....I like to be alone.... its also a waste of time for everyone to talk to me... when I forget everything anyways.
Tanjiro: oh... I see ...
We sat there in silence until Muichiro spoke up again.
Muichiro : Anything else?...
He said he's not lonely but he can't be alone for the rest of his life!
Tanjiro : oh yeah yeah ....wanna be friends?
Muichiro: ....w-what?
Tanjiro: I asked if you wanna be friends
Muichiro:.... Just go ask someone else.... don't waste your time with someone like me..
Tanjiro : don't say that. It's not going to be a waste of time..
Muichiro : if you say so
After that when I came to the butterfly mansion I always visited Muichiro. One day I heard that Muichiro will go on a mission soon so I came to the mansion and tried to find Shinobu, when I found her I asked.
Tanjiro : Hey Shinobu! I heard that Muichiro is going on a mission ,right? Is it okay if I go with him?
Shinobu: Hey Tanjiro, sure I don't see a problem with it, I mean he needs some company. He's always alone and when he went on a mission last time he got hurt really badly so yes it would be nice if you'll go with him! oh and his mission is in two days.
Tanjiro : okay! thank you so much
Shinobu : you're welcome
Two days later
I was very happy that I will be on a mission with Muichiro I don't know why but everytime I hangout with him I feel different... I feel something I never felt before... but I never really paid attention to it. When I arrived I saw Shinobu and Muichiro standing in front of the butterfly mansion probably waiting for me.
Shinobu : Ara Tanjiro you're here! You are right on time .Oh Muichiro! I haven't told you yet, Tanjiro will go on a mission with you!
Muichiro: ....can't I go alone
alone....ALONE!? w-wait have I done something wrong or does he not like me?? °sigh° okay he just likes to do things alone.... it's not like he doesn't like me
Shinobu: Come on! It will be fun, just you and Tanjiro on a mission. I know you like to be alone and do everything by yourself but come on give it a try
Muichiro: *sigh* ...fine
After Muichiro and Shinobu finished talking we headed to train because we had a mission in Okutama. We went early in the morning, it was around 5:30am. We got to the train just in time when it was about to leave. We found our seats and sat down. After some time I looked at Muichiro and he looked really tired, like yeah we woke up very early in the morning so I don't blame him.
Tanjiro : hey Muichiro you look kinda tired if you want to sleep you can.
He didn't answer, he just looked at me and then looked away. I was just staring out from the window and after some time I felt something on my shoulder , it was Muichiro ,I laid him on my lap so he can sleep a bit better. After like 2 hours we finally got to Okutama, Muichiro was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up but it would be kinda weird just carrying him and walking around the town. The train stopped and I tried to wake up Muichiro.
Tanjiro: Muichiro wake up
He wakes up and rubs his eyes.
Muichiro: Were here?
Tanjiro : yup
We were walking down the town looking for a place to stay before the sun goes down. We were still looking for a place and I started to get a little hungry,maybe we should find a place to eat first. I don't know if Muichiro is hungry, maybe I should just ask him.
Tanjiro: hey Muichiro, I am starting to get a little hungry do you mind if we stop somewhere ? We don't need to if you don't want to or if you are not hungry
Muichiro : its okay, we can stop somewhere
We found a place to eat and we sat down and ordered. After some time of waiting I wanted to start a conversation.
Tanjiro : so Shinobu told me something happened on your last mission, can you tell me what happened I can't forget about it somehow
Muichiro :...I don't remember
He said and kept looking from the window. We waited for our food in silence, then our food came and we started eating. I was enjoying my food until for some reason I looked at Muichiro and he looked so cute...w-wait what am I saying?! Why am I thinking this I-
Muichiro: Why are you staring at me?
Tanjiro: Ah- em- I-I am sorry I-I didn't mean to I spaced out
Muichiro : ...k
Muichiro : Are you okay?
I heard as I turned to my right and saw Muichiro closer to my face . I blushed like crazy
Muichiro : You are really red ,are you sick ?
Tanjiro : Ahh I am fin-
I stopped as Muichiro put his hand on my forehead , I blushed even harder that I couldn't take it , I took his hand and just pushed it away
Tanjiro : I SAID I AM FINE
He said as he went back to his food. We were silent for the rest of the meal. We finished our food and tried to find a place to stay.
Muichiro's pov
Why do I feel this way? Why do I remember every moment when I am with Tanjiro? I normally forget everything ...and when he screamed "I SAID I AM FINE" from that moment I felt ....sad? confused?.... I don't know, I just felt different. I normally don't show any emotions because I just don't trust other hashiras or other demon slayers.... but there's something different about Tanjiro.... like I can trust him or anything. But it's still very weird that I remember every single moment I spent with Tanjiro....
Tanjiro's pov
We finally found a place to stay . We went into the small house where a very sweet lady greeted us and showed us our rooms ......it was a very nice room until....ONE BED !??? you must be joking. I already embarrassed myself enough and now I gotta sleep with him?? it's not like I don't like him and I don't want to be close to him but I just feel so weird around him, I don't know why I never felt this way...but this night I can still apologize because this is the night we go hunt the demons but tomorrow if he doesn't accept my apology it would be so embarrassing to sleep next to his cute f- I MEAN-
Some time passed and I was super bored. I didn't know what to do. I just sat on the bed and Muichiro was sitting on the floor resting his back against the bed reading a book, maybe now I should apologize ? Maybe I hurt his feelings ,maybe I didn't but, is he mad at me? ugh I'll just apologize..... I am overthinking this too much again....
Tanjiro: hey Muichiro
Muichiro: hm?
he said as he closed his book and looked at me
Tanjiro: I-I just want to apologize about what I did in that restaurant I didn't mean to d-
Muichiro : Its fine dont worry about it, it's kinda my fault anyway
Tanjiro: no no I-
Muichiro : Its fine I said don't worry about it
He said and took his book and started reading again . "DoNT wORry abOUt It" of course I'll worry about it. I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Some time passed again and the sun started to go down.....finally I was bored out of my mind .I got ready and went outside to wait for Muichiro. Muichiro came out and we headed to the nearest forest . By the time we got there it was already dark , we walked for some time and then I heard something behind us
Muichiro: is so-
Tanjiro: shh
I was looking everywhere but every time I looked somewhere the noise was always behind me , suddenly I looked at the ground and there were ..pots everywhere? suddenly something came out of it and I backed off very quickly.
( I am sorry but I dont know how to describe fight scenes so just imagine they fight this demon if you read the manga you know him)
after the fight I looked at Muichiro, he looked horrible he looked like he didn't sleep in ages and he looked just so sick
Tanjiro: Muichiro are you feeling okay?
Tanjiro's mind: That needles needed to be poisoned
Muichiro : Yeah .. I am okay
he said as he came closer to me
Tanjiro: you s-
I didn't even finish and he collapsed into my arms
Tanjiro : OH MY GOD MUICHIRO ARE Y- WHAT AM I THINKING OF COURSE HE'S NOT OKAY EM em what should I do ughh fxck this mission I am going back.
I picked Muichiro up and got him on my back . I ran straight to the house we were staying in, when I got there everyone was already asleep but I didn't know what antipoison he needed and other things , so I laid him down on our bed and went to get that lady who greeted us before. I woke her up and we went to get up right away and went to check on Muichiro. After some time Muichiro got his meds.
- - - : Okay he should be okay right now but how long are you planning to be here?
Tanjiro : until we kill all the demons in that forest.
- - - : okay but don't go tomorrow or at least him, he should be resting
Tanjiro : oh okay!
- - - : now get some rest you need it too
Tanjiro : okay good night
- - - : good night
When she walked away I laid down on bed and tried to fall asleep but then I felt something so I turned on my back but when I did Muichiro placed his head on my chest. He must be still asleep. I felt my cheeks getting warmer, I couldn't move, I didn't want him to wake up.
Tanjiro's mind: what now..... I should just go to sleep
After some time I fell asleep.
When I woke up Muichiro was still sleeping, but he wasn't sleeping on my chest anymore so I could wake up .When I did I went into the kitchen and I saw a letter on the table.
the letter : for Tanjiro and Muichiro
Good morning guys! My parents needed some help so I wont be here today. I wanted to tell you yesterday but I forgot and when I needed to go you were still asleep. Anyways if Muichiro feels bad I have medicine in my room on the table. I'll be back tomorrow around 1/2 pm. Have a nice day you two <3333.
I read it and smiled "such a nice lady" I thought to myself. I put a letter on the table and went to cook breakfast. After some time while I was cooking I heard the door open, when I looked that way I saw Muichiro.
Tanjiro: Good morning!
Muichiro: Morning...(he said as he yawned)
"He's so cute" I said to myself. He walked to me and asked
Muichiro : What are you making?
Tanjiro : eggs with furikake , do you like them?
Muichiro: mhm
He said as he went to sit down.
Tanjiro: oh and are you feeling okay?
Muichiro: ..yeah.. why ?
Tanjiro : yesterday on a mission while we were fighting one demon, he let on some kind of poison needles and they all hit you. After that you collapsed into my arms and haven't woken up since , so I am just making sure you're okay.
Muichiro : oh yeah I-I am fine...
After I finished cooking and set it on the table. While eating I was thinking about starting a conversation but I was still scared that I would embarrass myself or mess up like before.Like at least I can try..
Tanjiro : so the lady we met when we got here, I found a letter today that she wouldn't be here today because she need to help her parents so we will be here alone
We talked after that for some more time. After we finish our meals we headed to our room
Tanjiro : You should get some rest
Muichiro : I am feeling okay I don't need rest
Tanjiro : you can be feeling okay not but later you don't, so please go get some rest, you need it
Muichiro : *sigh*.... Fine
He said and lay down on bed, then I tried to walk away but
Muichiro : where are you going
Tanjiro : living room, do you need something?
Muichiro:.... Can you please stay here?
Tanjiro : I thought you like to be alone
Muichiro :... Yeah I do but I just like your company... So can you please stay here?
He said as I blushed
Muichiro: Come here
I came to him and sat next to him on the bed. He woke up and put his head on my lap. I blushed even harder. After some time he fell asleep and I put my hand on his head. It's been like 20 minutes and I was reading a book but then I heard Muichiro say something. "Did you say anything? '' I said and I looked at him..... he was still asleep.
Muichiro : I love you Tanjiro....
I blushed so hard and looked at him again.... still asleep. Does he really love me or not.... Like he said "I love you Tanjiro" maybe he really does.....if yes ...
Tanjiro : I love you too
I said as I gave him a little kiss on his forehead
Muichiro's pov
Did I fake the sleep, yes. Did I really love him, yes. Am I freaking out because he just said he loves me back, yes. I was trying not to blush but I failed, I buried my face into Tanjiro's lap to hide the blush.
Tanjiro's pov
I was still looking at Muichiro and I saw him.... blushing? Is he really asleep
Tanjiro : Muichiro?
I said while still looking at him.
Tanjiro : come on. Muichiro don't pretend
Muichiro looked at me with his face fully red.
Tanjiro :... As you said before.... Do you really love me?
Muichiro :.... Mhm....I was scared to tell you the normal way so I tried to say it in "sleep" to see how you react ...
Tanjiro : oh... when did you realize you are in love with me ? because when we started the mission you didn't even want to go with me you wanted to go alone.
Muichiro woke up and hugged me
Muichiro : it's because I always felt weird around you , I never fall in love with someone.. that's why I didn't know why I felt like that
Tanjiro :oh I see...I love you
I said and then kissed Muichiro as he kissed back.
♫word count : 3102♫
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