≛do you.... still like me?≛

≛do you.... still like me≛

≛fluff / angst≛

Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro and I have been dating for over 2 years now. We met through our friend Inosuke. Everything was going great, there were no problems with our relationship. Until I told my parents....


Muichiro : Do you really think they'll like me?

Tanjiro : of course they will

We walked to my house and I introduced Muichiro to my parents. I haven't told them that he's my boyfriend yet. My mother walked up to Muichiro and said "oh you must be that boy Tanjiro is always talking about '' She was acting so kind to Muichiro ...until...

Tanjiro : hehe yeah... there's one more thing I want to tell you... he's my boyfriend

There was silence for some time. I looked at my father. He was looking at my mother with shock in his face. My mother was looking at Muichiro and Muichiro at her. He was really worried about what they'll think about him. Then I just saw my mother slap Muichiro across his face.


Tanjiro : STOP!

I screamed and walked up to Muichiro who was on the edge of crying.

Tanjiro : Why would you do that?! It's not his fault!

Tanjiro's mother : tsk. I can't believe you Tanjiro... I thought you were better than this...

Then she walked away as and my father followed behind her, as I lead Muichiro to my room. When I closed the door to my room and sat down on my bed next to Muichiro. He was looking at his lap still trying not to cry. I hugged him and he hugged back.

Muichiro : I told you ..... that they won't like me....

He said as he buried his face to my shoulder and cried. I didn't know what to say... All I could do was try to calm him down.

1 week later

Week later I was in the living room with Muichiro. We decided to hangout after school at my house because my parents are away for a day. We sat on couch watching movie. Then I heard my phone buzz, when I looked at it I saw a text from my father saying "Someone will come to meet you, she will be there in 10-20 minutes so get ready" She?... I didn't pay much attention to it and turned off my phone.

Some time later I heard a bell ring. Muichiro stopped the movie and asked me if I was expecting someone else. I answered with no and went to check if it's actually that girl my father was talking about. When I opened the main door there was a girl I had a feeling I seen before. She had a black hair with ponytail on her side tied up with butterfly pin.

/////: Hello, you must be Tanjiro, right? Nice to meet you

Tanjiro : o-oh nice to meet you too? May I ask who you are?

///// : your parents didn't tell you? Well, I am Kanao. Kanao Tsuyuri. Your new girlfriend.

Tanjiro - excuse me, what?

Kanao : Yup! They rented (like in rent a girlfriend) me as your girlfriend almost a week ago. I thought it'll be just like every time I get paid for hanging out with a random guy ....but when I saw you in the photo. I actually like you so I'll be happy to be your actual girlfriend!

Tanjiro : wait wha-...... Lets just say that I already have a boyfriend

Kanao : boyfriend?... Why did they rented me then?

Tanjiro : *sigh* come inside I'll tell you there.

I said and let her inside. I led her to the living room and I sat next to Muichiro on the couch as she sat in front of me.

Tanjiro : Okay so let me explain. In short. When I introduced Muichiro to my parents they werent happy that I am gay. They probably rented you to force me to break up with Muichiro.

Kanao stared at me in shock.

Kanao : Oh my.... I understand now...... but.. I do want to talk to you anyways.. we even go to the same school!

Tanjiro : Wait, we do?

Kanao : Y-YES! You never noticed me?! I did notice you a couple times but never paid much attention to you.... until I saw your photos and actually realized how pretty you are... so please can we at least be friends?

Tanjiro : ahah t-thank you and... I guess so...

Kanao : yay! I'll be going now. See you at school tomorrow!

She said as she woke up, grabbed her bag and I led her to the front door. She hugged me and I hugged back just not to be rude. She then walked away. I then went to the living room and sat down next to Muichiro but I noticed something was bothering him. He turned on a movie we didn't finish but some time later I paused it.

Muichiro : Why did you pause it?

Tanjiro : I know that something is bothering you, what is it?

He didn't answer. He tried to reach for the remote and start the movie again.

Tanjiro : Is it because of her?

He still didn't answer, I knew it was because of her. I pulled him into a hug.

Tanjiro : It is because of her, right?

He slightly nodded and hugged back.

Tanjiro : why?

I said as he pulled away from the hug.

Muichiro :.... you know I get jealous easily.... every girl stares at you and wants to date you.... you are attractive, smart, handsome, popular.... I am nothing like that...

I pulled him into a hug again.

Tanjiro : don't say that.... you are smart and handsome... maybe not popular but that doesnt matter.

Next day

I grabbed my bag and opened the front door and closed it behind me. I walked to school while listening to music. When I got to school I saw Muichiro already waiting for me. I took out my airpods and put them in my bag. We said hi to each other and walked into the school. We got to our lockers and placed our things there. I heard someone calling my name. I looked around but I didn't see anyone.


I looked to my right immediately and saw Kanao.

Tanjiro : God, you scared me.

Kanao : haha sorry, so I was wondering... I made some bento for my sister but she doesn't want it.... do you want it?

Tanjiro : w-wait really?

Kanao : of course!

She said as she handed me the bento.

Tanjiro : thank you... are you planning to hangout with someone on your second break? We can eat together

I said as her eyes widened. She then smiled.

Kanao : OF COURSE! I'll be on my way to class now. Let's meet at the rooftop for a second break.

She said and then walked away. I then looked next to me expecting Muichiro to be waiting for me. Nope. I was all alone. I closed my locker and headed to class. When I got to class I saw Muichiro already there. I sat down next to him and placed my books on the desk. I looked at Muichiro who was looking at the sky from his seat. I sat closer to him and hugged him from behind.

Tanjiro : Are you mad?

I said and hugged him tighter.

Muichiro : Why would I be?

Tanjiro : Because of Kanao? You normally wait for me but when Kanao came you just walked away.

I pulled away from the hug and Muichiro turned to look at me.

Muichiro : I am not mad... its nothing

He said but I knew that something was bothering him, but before I could say anything the teacher came into class.

Muichiro's pov

After Kanao talked with Tanjiro I couldn't help myself but feel jealous. I know how replaceable I am. All I could think about in class was how Kanao is everything I am not. My confidence is terrible, I get jealous so easily, I am not as pretty as her.... She's just... way better than me.

When the second break came. Tanjiro and I went on the roof to eat our lunch. We sat down and I took out my bento and I noticed Tanjiro didn't have his.

Muichiro : Where's your lunch?

Tanjiro : I kept it in my locker. Kanao said she got bento for me so it would be rude if I grabbed mine.

I didn't say anything after that. "She talked with him for the first time yesterday and she's already cooking for him?" I thought to myself as I heard someone behind me. I looked at who it was and I saw Kanao. She sat down next to me and handed Tanjiro the bento. Tanjiro opened it and tasted some of it.

Kanao : so?

Tanjiro : Wow, this is delicious!

Kanao : haha I am glad. I don't mind cooking for you again. Just tell me and I'll cook anything for you...... also what about your parents, what are you planning on doing?

Tanjiro : Oh about that... I don't know...

Kanao : your parents texted me last night... they said something about your relationship with Muichiro....

Tanjiro : What did they say?

Kanao : Wait, I'll show you.

She said as she took out her phone and handed it to Tanjiro. As he read it I could see he began to get more annoyed.

Tanjiro : this is fuxking stupid.

He said and handed her her phone back.

Tanjiro : Well I am not going to break up with Muichiro for sure.... I am sorry I know you like me but-

Kanao : nonono it's okay I understand.... I mean we can just pretend that we are dating?

Tanjiro : I guess so...


I lay in my bed texting with Tanjiro. The whole day I couldn't think about anything else but Kanao. Mainly after the second break. When they were talking about trying to just pretend they are dating, I couldn't stop myself from thinking that something bad would happen. "will he eventually start liking her?" "Will I get left out?".... That was all I couldn't think about. Suddenly tears filled my eyes and later I lay there crying. Crying only made me feel worse about myself "I am such a crybaby... why do I need to cry because of everything". Then I heard my phone buzzing and when I looked at my phone "W-WHY IS TANJIRO CALLING ME. SHXT SHXT." I thought to myself and wiped my tears.

Tanjiro : heyyy sorry for calling you- my mom forced me to go to shop and I am going alone.

We talked for some time until we ended up talking about that thing with Kanao again.

Tanjiro : Also about that thing with Kanao. I just want you to know that we are only pretending it's nothing more, okay?

Why did he have to mention it again? I finally forgot about it for some time.

Tanjiro : Mui?

Muichiro : o-oh sorry.

Tanjiro : You seem a bit down. Is something bothering you?

Muichiro : n-no I-I am.. I am fine

Tanjiro : Muichiro I know something is bothering you. Please just tell me....

Muichiro : I-Its nothing really. Dont worry about it

Tanjiro : If you say so, just... I am always here for you... you know you can tell me everything.

1 week later - 2pm

I sat in class eating my lunch. Everyone else from my class was hanging out around school.. including Tanjiro. Even though he always says things like he would never leave me out... but that begins to change. In school, after school, he would only be with Kanao. I tried to talk to him a couple times... he did talk back but when Kanao showed up... he paid attention to her only. It made me feel really sad... jealous... angry.. all those feelings combined..... I wanted to tell him about it.. I wanted to tell him that it bothers me and that he's leaving me out like that..... but I couldn't let myself do it. Everyday when I thought about it, I always told myself that he'll talk to me tomorrow for sure... but he didn't... I heard something behind me and just a second later someone tapped on my shoulder. I saw Kanao.

Kanao : Hey, can I talk to you for a sec?

I nodded and she sat in front of me.

Kanao : Soo about you and Tanjiro. You and him don't talk as much as you did a week ago. Did something happen between you two?

Muichiro : why do you care?

Kanao : because I want to get to know you better and I am worried about you and Tanjiro.... I know you love Tanjiro and Tanjiro loves you.... and for past week I barely seen you talking to him

Muichiro :... It's nothing... I guess he likes to hangout with you more than with me..

Kanao : w-what do you mean by that?

Muichiro : don't take it the bad way but since you started talking to him.... he's been lea-

Kanao : w-wait so its my fault?! I am sorry I really didn't mean to. It's not like I want to blame Tanjiro's parents but... I would never have talked to Tanjiro if his parents didn't rent me... I do want to talk to Tanjiro... I do have feelings for Tanjiro but I am not planning on stealing him away from you... I am just trying to do what his parents do... it's just pretending for me.... but I guess Tanjiro takes it like something more.... but I don't know....... just try talking to him.. I am s-

Muichiro : I tried!... I tried many times but he always puts you in first place...

Kanao : ...... I see... Well, thank you for talking with me... do you want me to talk with Tanjiro about this?

Muichiro : n-no it's fine... I'll try to talk to him...


I sat in my room on the floor resting my back against the bed. I was thinking about whether I should text Tanjiro. I do want to talk to him. I miss him... I miss his voice..his hugs...everything. I want everything to be the same as it was a week ago. Talking and spending time with each other almost everyday. I want that back.... I turned on my phone and opened chat with Tanjiro. I didn't know how to start the conversation.

Muichiro : hey Tanjiro, can we talk?

Tanjiro : Hey Mui, what do you want to talk about?

Muichiro : It's about Kanao... I don't want to sound selfish but you've been giving Kanao more attention than I have...

Tanjiro :... Muichiro we are just pretending we a-

Muichiro : It's not that! I am just saying that... I feel... left out I-

Tanjiro : I don't have time for this now. Let's just talk tomorrow

I turned off my phone and placed it next to me on the ground. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on top of it. "He seemed so annoyed when I mentioned Kanao...." I thought to myself. "Does he... still like me?" I thought as tears rolled down my cheeks. "w-what am I thinking? It's been only a week..."


It's been another two weeks now. We talked less day by day. Tanjiro...didn't seem to mind it at all. He spent more time with Kanao too. Kanao talked to me a couple times telling me that it's going to be fine but it was hard to believe...... I did mind it..a lot. I wanted Tanjiro back. I missed him so much and it made me feel horrible when I thought about the fact that he mind like Kanao more...than me. To be honest I had enough of this. I wanted to tell everything... How I feel and how much it bothers me.... last time when I said he kept on saying that it's only because of his parents. It started because of his parents but at the start he kept saying that he will only pretend in front of his parents...... but not now... After school I waited for Tanjiro next to his locker. I waited for a while but then he came.... and Kanao with him.

Muichiro : Hey Tanjiro, can we... please talk?

Tanjiro : Sure, what do you want to talk about?

He said as he opened his locker.

Muichiro : As I said a couple t-times... I-I don't like that you are spending this much time with Kanao.... I feel left ou-

Tanjiro : Muichiro we talked about this. Its because o-

Muichiro : NO ITS NOT!.... If it was because of your parents you wouldn't ignore me!

Tanjiro : I am not ignoring you

Muichiro : you are! and i-

Tanjiro : *sigh* Muichiro stop. I don't have time to talk about this again.

He said, took Kanao's hand and walked away. My eyes filled up with tears and before he left I managed to say.

"D-Do you.... still like me?"

I said as tears slit down my cheeks. Both of them stopped. He didn't say anything. More tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't stay there any longer so I grabbed my bag and ran away. I still could hear Tanjiro calling my name but I kept running.

At home I immediately went to my room and dropped on my bed. I didn't feel like doing anything else but cry. I then heard my phone buzzing. I looked at who was calling me. Tanjiro. I didn't pick it up... it just made me cry more.

I don't know how long it's been. I lay in my bed with dry tears on my cheeks. My eyes were all red and puffy from crying. I grabbed my phone and turned it on. 5 missed calls and 9 texts from Tanjiro. I didn't bother texting him back or calling him back.

Next day

It was around 9am. I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling. I didn't go to school today. I felt horrible and I looked horrible. In the morning I got another 4 texts from Tanjiro. I still didn't look at what he texted. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

I woke up around 2pm, I heard someone knocking on the door. I woke up and went downstairs. I walked to the front door expecting Yuichiro there. I opened the door and my eyes widened. Tanjiro. I tried to close the door immediately but he stopped me and let himself in. I didn't know what to say. Just seeing him made me want to cry again.

Tanjiro : Mui I was so worried! Why didn't you answer my calls?!

He said as he touched both of my shoulders. I pushed him away and looked on the floor still trying to hold back the tears.

Tanjiro :... can we ple-

Muichiro : So now you want to t-talk?! When I w-wanted to talk you were so busy with Kanao!

Tanjiro : I am sorry. I really didn't mean to....

Muichiro : DIDN'T MEAN TO!? I tried talking to y-you many times and you were just ignoring me!

I said and couldn't hold my tears back anymore.

Tanjiro : ... please just let me explain

Muichiro : What do you want to explain... are you planning on blaming your parents again? I d-

I didn't even finish and he hugged me.

Tanjiro : please just let me explain.... to be honest... I really do enjoy hanging out with Kanao... Every day.. before school... in school... After school I wanted to talk to you and hangout with you and not Kanao...

Muichiro : so why you didn't

Tanjiro : ... that's something I can't say... I am sorry ... I really am... and when you yesterday told me if I still like you... I felt horrible... I didn't know what to say... I was telling myself how much I messed up... I love you Muichiro... and only you

He said as he hugged me tighter. More tears slit down my cheeks and I buried my face into his chest.

Tanjiro : I am really sorry for ignoring you... Kanao said a couple times that I spend way too much time with her and leaving you out.... I knew that we used to spend more time with each other... and I didn't know that I gave her so much attention and no attention to you... I didn't know it would affect you this much...

He said as he pulled away from the hug and wiped my tears.

Tanjiro : I love you Mui...and I am sorry for everything

Muichiro : I-I.... I love you too...

≛word count : 3401≛

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