


suggestion by : Helloworld830518

Part 3

1 - Thank you for all the positive comments on these one shots, mainly for "countdown", that it's really that good I should make a whole book for it... well I am sorry but that's not happening. I decided to make this into a "one shot" because I had this idea in my mind for a long time and when I got this suggestion I thought it would be great to combine these two ideas. Also because I didn't have enough ideas to make this into a whole book. 

2 - Also ehm... I just finished Oyasumi Punpun(pain:)) .... like 1 hour ago and it kinda made me forget that I haven't uploaded in a long time so I am here finishing this thing TODAY even though I have literally nothing written (useless information I know-)

3 - I am working on a new book, when I finally finished that mistake called "Love in the apocalyptic world". I don't know when I'll post the first chapter but probably in the next two-three days? cuz I have already finished six chapters O-O

Day 114 - Tanjiro's pov

Tanjiro : something wrong?

I asked Kanao who sat in front of me with her head laid on the table. She sighed and lifted her head to look at me.

Kanao : It's just... I feel like the police already gave up on Muichiro... It's like they are not even trying...

/// : Of course they already gave up since it had been weeks since he got kidnapped and they have no trace whatsoever.... who even cares about him.

Kanao : H-How could you even say that?! Of course there are people who care about him!

Kanao said waking up from her seat. "Who is that guy anyways?" I thought and looked at him. He had black hair that were tied up in a messy ponytail in the back with bangs in the front that were slightly covering his dark blue eyes.

/// : Yeah right..... name five people then

Kanao : O-Oh me, Tanjiro... Yuichiro... you?

/// : Pff me? I only pretended to care... I was just playing with him, you really thought someone like me, would hangout with someone like him? How funny.... back to the naming of the five people, so we have you, Tanjiro and his brother.... can't think of anyone else?

Kanao stopped and looked at the floor. "I-I ehm" that's all she could say before tears started to form in her eyes. The taller male laughed before walking closer to Kanao.

/// : See? No one cares about him. Jus-

+++ : Giyuu?

Giyuu : Oh Sabito

Sabito : Ready to go?

Giyuu : Yes, let's go.

Giyuu said grabbing onto Sabito's hand before kissing his forehead. "s-stop... not here" Sabito said blushing slightly before they both walked away. Kanao dropped back on her seat with tears rolling down her cheeks "N-No they care! They w-will find him!" She cried.

I stood up from my seat and sat down next to Kanao. "They will find h-him... You b-believe them too... right?" She said and laid her head on my shoulder. I pulled her closer and sighed "Of course I do..." I said before looking in the direction where Giyuu and Sabito left.

"You're going to regret this"

Giyuu's pov - 8 pm

Sabito : Thank you for helping me with studying, I appreciate it.

Giyuu : No problem, do you want me to lead you home?

Sabito : If you want to.

Giyuu : Okay then.

I said and grabbed a jacket and put it on.

As we walked we kept on talking but then something stopped us. It was the noises coming from the other side of the road. I was curious what it was while Sabito thought it was a bad idea to go there. Soon we went to look anyway. We got to the other side and kept on walking until Sabito stopped. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" He asked "Why wouldn't it be? We'll just check what it is" I said and let go of Sabito's hand. "I'll just wait here," He said as I nodded and walked through the bushes that were growing next to the road.

The noises suddenly stopped. I looked around to see nothing but I still walked farther. Suddenly a huge noise could be heard behind me. I ran back to look for Sabito. He wasn't there. "SABITO!" I yelled and looked around in panic. "SABITO.... shit" that was the last thing I could yell before feeling a huge pain in my head and then everything going black.


".......ke up....wake up....WAKE UP!" Someone yelled before hitting me in the face. I quickly opened my eyes and looked up. "God finally, took you long enough" It was Tanjiro. My eyes shot wide open as I looked around to see where I was. It was an empty room with only a chair I was tied to. Then I remembered "Sabito.... SABITO! WHERE IS HE!?" I yelled Tanjiro in the face.

He laughed and called out, "You can come!". Soon after two figures walked into the room. It was Muichiro and Sabito. Muichiro sat Sabito down on the floor and tied his hands and legs. I had so many questions "Why am I here?" "What the heck is Muichiro doing here?" "Is Tanjiro the one who kidnapped Muichiro?!" "Is Sabito okay?!"

Tanjiro : Thank you love, now come here

Muichiro came closer to Tanjiro and clung to his arm. Tanjiro ruffled his hair before turning back at me.

Tanjiro : So... about what happened in school... I just want to show you how painful it can be to lose someone you love... then let's see who will be laughing

He said turning at Sabito. My eyes widened as I yelled "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM!" Tanjiro laughed and told Muichiro to grab something. Muichiro nodded and walked away from the room.

Soon he came with something behind his back. He walked up to me and showed me two knives. "Pick one," Muichiro said blankly. I kept being quiet. "Fine then... you may pick Mui" Muichiro nodded and handed Tanjiro one of the knives. Tanjiro grabbed it and began to walk towards Sabito.

Muichiro taped my mouth and whispered "I am sorry... I don't want to do this.." before backing away. Sabito finally looked at me but still didn't say anything, he just sobbed.

Tanjiro laid Sabito down on the floor and took off his shirt.

Tanjiro : So what should I do with you.... maybe first do cuts on your arms then your chest.... and then stabbing your stomach? .....is this enough suffering? What do you think, Giyuu?

I didn't say anything, I just stared at Sabito who still laid on the floor with his eyes closed preparing for the worst to happen.

Tanjiro : Okay then... let's start.

Tanjiro said and placed the knife on Sabito's arm. He cut his arm multiple times before moving to the other one. Sabito's sobbs were getting louder by second as I kept on trying to free myself, but Muichiro walked up to me and touched my shoulders with his shaky hands probably trying to stop me from doing so.

I looked him in the face. His eyes were filled with tears as he kept looking at Sabito and Tanjiro. I heard Sabito yell in pain as I immediately looked back at him. Sabito had a knife stabbed in his arm as Tanjiro held the knife and cut Sabito's arm from his shoulder to his palm.

He took out the knife and slowly went to Sabito's stomach as he looked at me. My eyes filled with tears as I tried to scream but I couldn't because my mouth was taped.

Tanjiro looked back at Sabito and stabbed his stomach over and over again. Muichiro let go of my shoulder and turned around to not look at what Tanjiro was doing. I cried and kept on staring at Sabito who wasn't responding to anything by now.

Tanjiro stood up and walked up to me leaving Sabito behind. "So how does it feel? Losing someone important to you? Why are you not laughing?!" He yelled at the end. I stared at the floor, with tears rolling down my cheeks.

Tanjiro pulled Muichiro closer to him "Don't cry... you know why I have to do this.." he said wiping Muichiro's tears. "Now you know what to do," Tanjiro said, handing Muichiro a knife. Muichiro nodded and placed the knife on my neck. I looked him in the eyes and said "Just do it already... I have nothing to lose..." I said and closed my eyes.

"You heard him.... do it.."

Day 182 - Tanjiro's pov

Muichiro : Where are you going?

Muichiro asked me while I was putting my shoes on.

Tanjiro : Just for a walk, why?

Muichiro : Can I go... with you, please?

He said walking closer to me.

Muichiro : I haven't been outside in months....

Tanjiro : I know love but I am not sure if I can trust you... and what if someone recognizes you?

Muichiro grabbed me by my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Please? I promise I won't do anything.." He said. "God why are you so cute-" I thought and ruffled Muichiro's hair.

Tanjiro : Fine...

Muichiro's eyes lit up with excitement as he came closer and hugged me. My eyes widened before I hugged him back.

Tanjiro : That's new.

I said laughing. Muichiro just smiled and took on his shoes. I grabbed a jacket and handed it to him. He took it on as I pulled a hood over his head.

Tanjiro : Can't risk anyone recognizing you. You've been missing for so long that the full city must know your name and how you look.

Muichiro nodded.

Tanjiro : Shall we go now?

I said and opened the door. We walked outside and I closed the door before locking them. I heard sobbs coming from next to me and when I looked, I saw Muichiro trying to stop more tears from coming.

Tanjiro : What's wrong?

I asked him and grabbed him by his chin with both of my hands.

Muichiro : N-Nothing it's just... I haven't b-been outside in so long... I am just...really happy r-right now.

He laughed at the end as he wiped more tears from his cheeks. I smiled and kissed his forehead before taking his hand.


As we walked through the city there were missing posters of Muichiro everywhere. Muichiro stared at every single one of them. I moved closer to him before saying "Keep your head down, understand?" He nodded and looked down at the ground.

"Oh I just remembered we ran out of some groceries, we should stop at the store on our way back" I said and looked at Muichiro who kept looking on the ground. "A store?" He asked. "Yup, I mean... I can lead you back home and then I can go to the store by myself." "N-No it's fine".


At the store, I pulled Muichiro closer to me and held him by his shoulder worrying he would try to do something again.

Muichiro's pov

As we walked around the store, Tanjiro was picking groceries while I walked close next to him staring at the floor. Tanjiro stopped and told me to wait here. I nodded as he walked away. I could finally pull my gaze away from the floor and looked around the store. "I-Is this my chance to finally tell someone!" I thought and turned to look in a different direction. There was a woman picking groceries from the same isle where I was. I ran to her and tapped on her shoulder. She looked at me and asked "Do you need something?" I stopped for a second before finally saying something. "I-I am Muichiro T-Tokito. I've been m-missing for 6 months'' I said with a shaky voice. She just looked at me with a confused look before walking away. Before I could do anything else I felt someone touch my shoulder. I slowly turned around to see Tanjiro. My heart dropped as Tanjiro grabbed my hand aggressively and led me away.


Tanjiro's pov

"WHAT HAPPENED IN THAT STORE!? WHY WERE YOU TALKING TO THAT WOMAN?!" I yelled at Muichiro pushing him against the wall. He covered his face with his arms and dropped on the floor. "I-I am sorry... I am s-sorry" He kept on apologizing over and over again. It made me lose the control of my anger. I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him on the floor before getting on top of him. "STOP APOLOGIZING, YOU ARE SO FUCKING ANNOYING!"

Muichiro kept his hand close to his face as he sobbed. "Now tell me, why did you talk to her and what did you tell her." I said and pulled his hands away from his face and pushed them on the floor as I held them. He didn't say anything, he just kept on sobbing. I groaned and woke up.

Muichiro's pov

I still laid on the floor sobbing. "I hate this... I hate this so much...." I thought and sat up before wiping more tears that were falling down my cheeks. "That woman knows who I was, right? She knows how long I've been missing... she must have called the police by now...right?"

Tanjiro : Are you just going to sit there and cry? You are lucky I won't lock you in the basement again.... but if this will repeat... I won't be this kind to you...

Tanjiro said before walking away again. I sighed and stood up.

2 hours later

Tanjiro was making dinner while I sat at the table behind him. He stopped for a second and looked at me. "Come here love". I stood up and walked up to him as he handed me a knife. "Please cut these vegetables while I'll take something from storage," he said before walking away. I sighed and started cutting the vegetables.

Soon after I stopped and looked at the knife. "If I can't get out of here.... and no one will help me... " I grabbed the knife thighter "why don't end this the other way..." I thought and moved the knife closer to my neck. My hands started shaking as I gulped. I grabbed the knife with both of my hands and felt the knife touch my neck.

Before I could do something more Tanjiro pushed the knife on the floor. He grabbed me by my shoulders and yelled in my face "WHAT THE FUXK WERE YOU DOING?!" Tanjiro punched me in my face making me fall on the floor before getting on top of me "DON'T YOU EVER TRY TO KILL YOURSELF AGAIN!" He yelled and stopped. Then I felt something falling on my face. It was tears, Tanjiro's tears. I was shocked, I had never seen him crying. He touched my bruised cheek and buried his face to my shoulder.

"Why?....why did you try to do such a thing?..." Tanjiro said sitting up. I sat up as well and looked at the floor without answering. Tanjiro pulled me into a hug and said "Just.... don't do it again... okay?" I nodded.

Day 185

I sat on a floor resting my back against the couch. Tanjiro was sitting behind me while playing with my hair. "Oh I forgot something, wait here" He said and stood up quickly before running to his room. When he came back, he sat down on a couch behind me and told me to close my eyes. I pulled my hands closer to each other before pulling my gaze on the floor and closing my eyes. Tanjiro grabbed my hair and lifted them up before putting something on my neck. "You can look," He said, laughing at the end. I looked at my neck to see a necklace. "Do you like it?" Tanjiro said, wrapping his hands around my neck. I grabbed the necklace in my hand and nodded. "I am glad," He said and kissed my cheek.

Muichiro : But why?

I asked.

Tanjiro : What do you mean?

Muichiro : Why would you buy this for me?

Tanjiro : because I love you

Tanjiro said and smiled. Before he could do anything else we heard banging on the door. Tanjiro told me to go to his room as he walked to the front door. I stood up and ran to the room. When I got to the room, I shut the door behind me and sat down on the bed. I looked from the window that was next to the bed and my heart dropped. Police. Tanjiro ran into the room and locked the door. He leaned against the door and looked at the floor "In that store.... Did you tell the woman about this?" I didn't answer "How could you.... you promised.." His expression changed from sadness to anger as he took something from under the bed. It was a box. He opened it and took out a gun. "Go back" Tanjiro said walking to the window.

"W-What are you planning on doing?" I asked. "Killing them and then running away" He said peeking from the window. "There a-are so many o-" "I KNOW! NOTHING LIKE THIS WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING!" He yelled and loaded his gun. "Now we have nothing else to do besides this"

I covered my ears and pulled my knees closer to my chest. "He's right it's my fault.... but I can finally get saved... why don't I run away... why am I still sitting here and not doing anything?" I thought and closed my eyes. All I could hear were shots and sirens but suddenly the shots stopped. I slowly opened my eyes and looked in the direction where Tanjiro was.

My eyes widened and filled with tears when I saw Tanjiro laying on the floor with a puddle of blood slowly forming under him. I quickly woke up and ran to Tanjiro. My mind was overwhelmed with questions "Why is my body acting like this?!" "Why am I crying?" "Why do I care so much and not run away?!".

I kneeled down next to Tanjiro and looked at his shirt that was already soaked up with blood. I started panicking because I didn't know what to do. "I am sorry," Tanjiro said with a weak voice. "T-Tanjiro! W-What am I s-supposed t-to do I-I don't k-'' I cried

"Shh it's o-okay" Tanjiro said reaching for my cheek. "I-I have t-to do something y-you can't d-die!". Tanjiro laughed a bit before saying "... so you do c-care.." I nodded, still with tears rolling down my cheeks on Tanjiro's chest.

"I l-love you Mui... d-do you... love me..too?" Tanjiro said looking straight in my eyes. I touched his hand that he touched my cheek with and said "I.... I love you too..." Tanjiro's eyes fit up as he asked "e-even for w-what I've d-done?" I nodded. "I-I am glad..." Tanjiro said before his hand slid down my cheek on the floor. "Tanjiro?.....T-Tanjiro!" I said and shook with him. Nothing.

"COME ON WAKE UP!" I yelled and shook with him once more. Nothing. I buried my face into Tanjiro's chest and grabbed the necklace he gave me.

"...Tanjiro.... I-I love you.."

✘word count : 3220✘

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