✘suggestion by : Helloworld830518✘
✘Part 2✘
Day 10 - Muichiro's pov
I woke up to someone shaking with me, I opened my eyes to see Tanjiro sitting in front of me.
Tanjiro : Good morning. I left some food on the table for you so eat it quickly before it gets cold. I need to go to the store to buy some things so you'll be here alone for a while.
I sat up and nodded as I rubbed my eyes. He smiled and kissed my forehead before he walked away. I sighed and dropped on the couch once more, tears built up in my eyes again as I stared at the white seiling. "I need to get out of here" I say that to myself for days... but I never get a chance to do so.
I stood up and went to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and looked down at the food that was placed on a table in front me. "I haven't eaten in days... I should eat something" I thought to myself and laid my head on a palm from my hand.
As I walked from the kitchen back to the living room, I stopped at the hallway and looked at the way the front door was. I looked around me before running to the front door. "It's locked..." I thought as I held the handle from the door. "Come on, there needs to be some spare keys." I immediately looked around the room.
10 minutes later, I found 3 keys... but none of them fit inside the front door. I dropped on the ground and pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head on them. I broke down again, I could have escaped. I could have finally reported him to the police and didn't have to worry about anything...
Tanjiro : I am back!
I heard Tanjiro yell. My hands started shaking as his footsteps got closer and closer to me. "What if he finds out that I tried to escape?!" I thought as I sobbed harder. Tanjiro noticed me sitting on the floor crying, he dropped the groceries on the floor and sat down in front of me.
Tanjiro : What's wrong? Are you okay?
He asked blankly as he touched my cheeks covered in tears. I pushed his hands away and laid my head on my knees again to hide my face. Tanjiro then left.
1 hour later
Tanjiro : Muichiro, can you explain this to me?
Tanjiro said, sitting in front of me while showing me his phone. I looked up and looked at the phone. My heart stopped when I realized what he was showing me. It was a video of me trying to unlock the front door.
Tanjiro : You promised.
He said blankly before his expression changed to anger. I tried to back away but before I could, Tanjiro grabbed my hand and led me somewhere. I cried and apologized multiple times but he didn't listen. He opened the door to a basement and pushed me down the stairs.
He yelled and slammed the door. I laid on the ground gasping for air. I kept on apologizing even though I was alone in the room and nobody could hear me.
Day 11
I laid in the corner of the room curled up in a ball. It was so cold. I tried to find something to warm me but there was nothing. I heard a door to the basement open. My whole body immediately started shivering more not just from the cold but from the fear. Tanjiro walked down the stairs and looked at me. He started walking to me. I covered my face and started apologizing once more.
Tanjiro : Sit up.
Tanjiro said as I slowly sat up while still looking at the ground. He placed a plate with food on my lap and began to talk.
Tanjiro : You know what you did wrong right? I told you to not try to escape... it's your fault that you are now here... I actually believed that you wouldn't try anything... but I guess I was wrong..
Tanjiro said while grabbing my cheek that was swolled from the punch. He looked at me with a blank face as I stared at the food on my lap. I tried to keep myself calm as much as possible but it was harder than it seemed. First my hands started shaking, then my whole body and before I could know tears were rolling down my cheeks. Tanjiro stroked my hair as he pulled me closer.
Muichiro : I-I am sorry... I am s-sorry...
Tanjiro : Shhh crying won't solve anything...
He pulled away from the hug and looked me straight in the eyes.
Tanjiro : I love you Muichiro.... but if you keep acting like this. I don't think I'll be able to control my anger.... I thought you were better than this. I thought you wouldn't be so stubborn.... Well, I should go now.. or I'll be late for school.
"If I want to get out of here... I can't let any of this happen again. I need him to trust me... I need him to think that... I... love him..." I thought and grabbed Tanjiro by his hand. I was so worried that I would mess up. My body was still shaking, the worry and fear just raised when I held his hand.
Muichiro : D-Don't leave m-me here... I don't want t-to be alone...
Tanjiro smiled and kneeled down next to me.
Tanjiro : Sorry love, but I need to go. I'll come home as fast as I can, alright?
He said and kissed my forehead before walking away.
Day 15 - Tanjiro's pov
I walked into the school and started looking for Kanao. We normally meet at the entrance to the school but she wasnt there this time. Just a while later I heard Kanao talking with someone. I looked behind the corner to see Kanao talking with a guy probably from her class.
Kanao : Don't worry, I am sure they'll find him...
//// : How can you know that... it's been fifteen days already
Are they talking about Muichiro?
Kanao : There is still a chance
She said and hugged him. Normally when someone just touched or spoke to Kanao, I tried as much as I could to get them away from her but... why can't I feel anything now...
//// : I should go now. Thank you for the talk though.
Kanao : No problem, see you in class.
Kanao waved at him before they both went their separate ways. I walked up to Kanao and said,
Tanjiro : You didn't wait for me.
Kanao : God you scared me. Haha yeah sorry
Tanjiro : Who was that guy you talked with?
Kanao : Oh that was Genya. He's in my class.
Tanjiro : What were you talking about?
Kanao looked at the floor and sighed.
Kanao : It was about Muichiro... Genya really liked him... I thought it would be a good idea to talk to him...
Tanjiro : What do you mean by "really liked him"?
Kanao : Oh Genya has a crush on Muichiro.
Kanao said smiling. "He what?!"
Tanjiro : haha how sweet.... I'll go now....
I said and walked away.
3pm - Genya's pov (I am sorry-)
Kanao : We can go to school together if you want.
Genya : No thanks... I'll go alone.
Kanao : O-Oh.. Okay then. See you tomorrow
Kanao said and I walked away.
"Hey you..."
I turned around to see one of the guys from another class.
Genya : What do you want?
I said blankly.
"I need help with something, can you follow me please?"
He said with a smile. I sighed and walked in the direction the guy stood. He walked behind the corner as I sped up. I turned the same corner to see no one there.
"Good night"
I woke up in an empty room. Only thing that was there was stairs leading upstairs, a matrace, small table and a chair that I was tied to. I heard someone opening the door and just a second later two figures walked in. I walked to rub my eyes and look again at who it was but my hands were tied too.
That voice was familiar.
"W-Why is he here?"
I then realized why it was.
Genya : M-Muichiro?
My eyes widened as I looked up again. It was really him. My eyes filled with tears as I smiled. Muichiro started walking to me but the taller figure stopped him. It was Tanjiro.
Tanjiro : Stay here love
Tanjiro said, kissing Muichiro's cheek before grabbing a knife that was placed next to the stairs. He then began to walk towards me as Muichiro stood there shaking.
Genya : M-Muichiro, you were here all the time?! Are you okay? I was worrie-
Tanjiro : SHUT UP!
Tanjiro yelled pulling my face closer to his.
Tanjiro : So you have a crush on Muichiro, huh?
Muichiro pulled his gaze away from the floor and looked at me immediately.
Muichiro : You..what?
Genya :... I do... I really do have a crush on you... from the first day I saw you...
I said and kept looking at Muichiro. Muichiro stared at me with a shock look before slowly walking closer to us.
Tanjiro : I said STAY THERE!
Muichiro backed away once more and pulled his hands to his chest before looking on the ground again. I turned to look at Tanjiro who was staring straight into my eyes.
Genya : Why the heck am I here?
Tanjiro laughed and wrapped his hands around my neck.
Tanjiro : About that crush on Muichiro....
He took the knife and slowly placed it on my neck.
Tanjiro : Muichiro is mine... and I won't allow anyone to steal him away from me....
Genya : That's why?! You locked me and Muichiro here just because you feel something towards him? Isn't this about Muichiro?! Who will HE pick?!
Tanjiro : You are getting really annoying...
Genya : You actually think t-
Muichiro's pov
My eyes filled up with tears as I kept staring at Tanjiro and Genya. Tanjiro took the knife and slit Genya's throat. Genya looked at me one last time before his head dropped. My breathing was getting faster as I leaned against the wall behind me. Tanjiro made his way from his neck to his stomach and started stabbing over and over again. A big puddle of blood was forming under Genya and it was getting bigger second by second. Tanjiro dropped the knife on the floor and turned to look at me before walking to me. I tried to run away but I couldn't because my legs felt so weak. Tanjiro came closer to me and stroked my hair. The blood on his hands slowly colored my hair. Tears were falling from my cheeks unstoppably.
Tanjiro : Shh it's okay..... now I can have you all for myself right... no one will bother us now..
Tanjiro said looking back on Genya. I looked at him one more time, which also just made me more sick. I dropped on my knees and covered my face with my arms. Tanjiro kneeled down next to me and kept on stroking my hair.
Day 22
It was around 9pm. I laid on a couch wrapped in a blanket while Tanjiro kept stroking my hair. That incident with Genya kept on repeating in my head for days. After that happened the fear of Tanjiro just rose day by day. I was scared to do something, one wrong move and I could end up dead.
Tanjiro looked down on me and smiled. He moved away the hair that was covering my face about to say something but the doorBell stopped him. He woke up and walked towards the door as I followed behind him.
He looked through the peephole before Opening the door. There was a bakage laying on the doorstep. He kneeled down next to it, not paying attention to me. "This is my chance! I can finally get out of here" I thought and quickly ran out of the door.
Tears of joy build up in my eyes but... just a second later I tripped and fell on the ground. The raindrops were falling on my body as I tried to wake up again but the pain in my chest stopped me. Tanjiro stayed quiet and just walked up to me. "HELP! PLEASE SOMEONE! ANYONE!" I yelled.
Tanjiro smiled and yelled "SOMEONE HELP HIM!!". I turned to look at him as he kept on yelling. I tried to crawl away but Tanjiro kept following me. I looked around hoping I'd see someone running towards me but no, no one was there.
Tanjiro grabbed me by my collar and lifted me up."it's no use... nobody will help you." He said before going back inside with me in his hands. I tried so hard to push him away but he kept holding onto me.
"You will regret this.." He said before walking into the room I woke up in the first day. He dropped me on the bed and tied me up with the handcuffs. "Just wait until tomorrow..."
Day 23
I couldn't sleep all night. Everytime I just closed my eyes, all I could see and hear was Tanjiro. I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to the room where I was. The door slowly opened as I looked up. It was Tanjiro. He was holding something in his hand but I couldn't recognize what it was. He came closer and then sat down next to me. I backed away and covered my face waiting for the worse to happen. Tanjiro pulled my hands away from my face immediately and made me look at him. "It's time," He said, smiling.
I looked at what he was holding. It was a small pocket knife. Tanjiro pulled my sleeve up and laid the knife on my arm. I quickly shook my head as he smiled. I pushed his hand away making him drop the knife. Tanjiro stared at the knife before slowly looking back at me. He got on top of me and grabbed me by my neck making my voice hitch. He grabbed it tighter making it hard to breath.
"P-Please l-let go-" I managed to say still gasping for air. Tanjiro smiled and let go of my neck before pulling my shirt up. Before I could notice he started taking my pants off also. I tried to kick him but I couldn't. "You have such a beautiful body..." He said before licking my chest. I didn't say anything, I just laid there crying and panting. I was scared to make any wrong move again.
Tanjiro grabbed me by my hips and turned me around making me lay on my stomach. I could hear him unzipping his pants before seeing them being dropped on the floor next to the bed.
My eyes build up with tears as Tanjiro kept going harder and harder. He lifted up my head by my hair and yelled "Louder! I want to hear you moan!" Second by second my moans were getting louder. I tried to hold them back but it was like my body was reacting on its own.
"This will happen everytime you try to run away... so consider your actions next time" Tanjiro said sitting next to me as he stroked my hair. I laid on the bed with my knees to my stomach while sobbing. Tanjiro laid down next to me and pulled me closer. "I love you so much..." He said while I sobbed into his chest.
(Sorry for skipping so many days- this is supposed to be one shot and I am already making part two- I am not even sure if I'll be able to complete this in only 2 parts T__T)
Day 40
I heard someone screaming from upstairs. It was a woman who was screaming. I sat up and rubbed my eyes before I saw Tanjiro opening the door to the basement. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, LEAVE ME ALONE!" The woman screamed before Tanjiro pushed her down the stairs. He walked down the stairs and looked at me.
Tanjiro : Oh you're awake. Come here please.
I nodded and quickly walked to Tanjiro.
Tanjiro : You remember her?
Tanjiro said smiling. I took a quick glance at the woman who was laying on the floor. She was one of my bullies.
Muichiro : What is she doing here?
Tanjiro : I didn't know you had bullies until two days ago. I decided to deal with it.... more like make you... deal with it...
Muichiro : What do you mean?
Tanjiro didn't answer. He just took her by her hand and led her to the chair that was in the middle of the room. She screamed at Tanjiro to let her go but Tanjiro didn't listen, he just sat her down on the chair and tied her.
Tanjiro : Come here love.
I came closer as he took out something from his pocket. "Here." Tanjiro said before handing me a small knife. I took it and held it tight as I looked at Tanjiro.
Tanjiro : Make her suffer... make her regret every single punch she and other bullies did to you... First rip out every single one of her nails... then take the knife and slowly cut her arms before moving to her stomach and finally... stabbing her to death..
Tanjiro said while touching her around her body. "N-No please... I'll do an-anything.. Muichiro I-I am so, so sorry f-for everything I've d-done.... p-please just don't hurt me" She cried.
Tanjiro : Don't let her stop you... just do it...
He said placing my hands on hers.
Tanjiro : Do it!
Tanjiro yelled in my face. I looked at her hands before looking her in the face. She looked so scared, her eyes were filled with tears and fear. I couldn't do it, so I dropped the knife on the floor and backed away. "I am sorry I can't do it!" I yelled. Tanjiro looked at me as his smile faded.
"haha can't do it?" Tanjiro said, pulling me closer again with my hand. He kissed my cheek before grabbing the knife from the floor and handing it to me. "I'll help you" "N-No I-I can't please I-" I didn't even finish, Tanjiro grabbed my hand I was holding the knife with and stabbed the middle of her hand. She yelled out in pain as I let go of the knife.
"Now it's your turn... " Tanjiro said and took out the knife from her hand. "P-Please... I'll d-do anything..." She said desperately. "Don't listen to her.... just do it...."
"HAHAH JUST LOOK AT HIM HOW PATHETIC" She yelled. I laid on the ground with my hands covering my face. One of the guys lifted up my head and made me face him "Oh my god look he's actually crying!" He said laughing.
"Aww does it hurt Mui?" She said kneeling down next to me before pulling my hair away from my face. "Why don't you go cry to your mother... oh wait I forgot... she's dead" She burst out laughing at the end as other guys around her started laughing also
"Heyyy Mui, do you have any plans for today?" One of the guys asked me. I tried to ignore them and just take my books from my locker. One of them groaned before pushing me inside the locker and shutting it right behind me. "Don't you dare ignore us like that.... Good luck getting out" They laughed before walking away
"See... it wasn't that hard" Tanjiro said sitting next to me. I sat on the floor looking at her dead body while shivering. "I did it... I actually did it..." I thought to myself and buried my face in my hands and cried. Tanjiro placed his hand in the puddle of blood that was forming on the floor and said, "Look how nicely warm the blood is..." He said rubbing the blood on my cheeks.
(No... I wasn't able to finish this in 2 parts- sorry Q__Q... I promise the next part will be the final one-)
✘word count : 3358✘
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