✦4 months✦

4 months

fluff / angst

Tanjiro's pov

First month 

I sat at the table with some of my friends talking about stuff. I was minding myself before they started laughing at something, I looked at them and they were laughing at one guy. He was from my class but I haven't paid much attention to him. I still didn't understand why they were laughing at him.

Tanjiro : Why are you laughing at him?

Inosuke : Oh yeah haha how can we not. He's that freak from our class. He's always on his own and gets bullied. Its because hes gay. Disgusting.... let's do a little challenge for you.. 4 months to make him fall in love with you

Tanjiro : W-What why me?

Inosuke : because Zenitsu would mess up, He knows I hate him , Kanao and Mitsuri are girls and Iguro has Mitsuri soo yeah there's only you left

Tanjiro : I...*sigh* fine... what if he does and what if he doesn't

Inosuke : If he does that means you win and if he doesn't that means you lost

Tanjiro : what is the prize

Inosuke : anything you want

Inosuke told me that I can start right now, just try to talk to him. I agreed, woke up, grabbed my food and walked to him. I sat in front of him and said hi, he looked a bit confused and didn't say anything.

Tanjiro : You are Muichiro, right? I was wondering if you want to be friends. You seem a bit lonely

Muichiro :... r-really?..

Tanjiro : of course

Muichiro :....okay then..

Tanjiro : You are the quiet one I see.... anyways tell me about yourself.

We talked for some more time until we heard the bell ring. I said goodbye to Muichiro and asked him if he wants to meet up at next break. He said yes. I know I talk to him just for the sake of challenge but he's not bad. I kinda enjoy talking to him even though he's really quiet and barely talks, but he's actually nice.

The next break I met up with Muichiro again but now something else happened. We sat at the bench at the roof before some other guys come up to us

/// : Hey Muichiro, finally found a friend? Do you really think he's really your friend or just feels bad for you? That your always by your own

Muichiro :...

Tanjiro : Leave him alone

/// : what did you say .... \\\ grab him

\\\ : fine

All I could remember was him grabbing me by my hand and then huge pain in my head before everything went black.

I woke up at the nurses office, I looked to my right to see Muichiro sitting there.

Muichiro : y-you're awake... Are you okay?

Tanjiro : I am okay, but are you? Also what happened?

Muichiro : I am fine... When they grabbed you they slammed you on the ground. I tried to stop them but I couldn't..... It would be better if you don't hangout with me... You see what happened I don't want that to happen again...

Tanjiro : oh... But I don't care what they did to me... I still want to talk to you

After I said that, I could see Muichiro tearing up. I sat up and hugged him.

Muichiro :.. T-Thank you...

After school I meet up with Inosuke and Kanao to walk home with them. First thing Inosuke asked was " SoOOo hoW's It goINg wiTH MuIChiRo" right... I completely forgot I was talking to him because of the challenge.. I had really nice time talking to him tho.

Ať home

I was home bored out of my mind. I wanted to hangout with someone but everyone had some plans. Inosuke wanted to train his breathing, Mitsuri was with Iguro and Kanao was with Aoi.... then I remembered Muichiro... It's a shame I didn't ask for his number... I should just tell Inosuke that I want to end it and hang out with Muichiro normally without feeling guilty.. But what if Inosuke gets mad because I am hanging out with someone he hates.. I am just not gonna think about it, after 4 months I'll just take my prize and keep hanging out with Muichiro, easy.

Then I went on my phone to check instagram.... WAIT DOES MUICHIRO HAVE INSTAGRAM, maybe I can find him there. After some time I finally found him.

Tanjiro : hey Muichiro it's me! Just want to ask if you want to hangout? :D

Muichiro : Oh hey. Sure but where do you want to go?

Tanjiro : Maybe we can get some food or OH I know I'll take you to my favorite place!

Muichiro : okay then, where do you wanna meet?

Tanjiro : let's meet at the park

Muichiro : okay

I woke up and started getting ready. After 10 minutes I was on my way to the park . When I got there I sat on a bench. I waited for like 5 minutes before I saw him, I woke up and walked up to him. We said hi to each other and I suggested we can go get some food before I showed him the place. We walked around to town to find some place to get food. We stayed quiet the whole time but I guess I should get used to that because he is really quiet. I wanted to ask him something but I didn't know what, it's hard talking to him. I am used to talking to extroverted people who just can't stop talking .

Muichiro : ...I-I am sorry I don't know what to talk about. I am not used to talking with people. You must be bored

Tanjiro : ah no no no I am not ,its fine

After we got our food we went to my favorite place. We still didn't talk. When we got there we sat down on the grass and laid back against the tree.

Muichiro : it's really pretty here. Now I understand why its your favorite place.

Tanjiro : I know right . Me and my sister found this place

Muichiro : You have a sister ?

Tanjiro : Yeah, I have more siblings. I have three more brothers and one sister..you got any siblings?

Muichiro : oh I see...I had brother

Tanjiro : had?

Muichiro : ....before he died

Tanjiro : o-oh my sorry..

Muichiro : it's fine

Tanjiro : What about your parents ?

Muichiro : dead

Tanjiro : I-I am sorry...who do you live with then

Muichiro : alone

Poor Muichiro... must be hard for him.. being alone all the time.. he must be lonely.

second month

I woke up around 5 am feeling sick. I tried to wake up but the whole room started to spin. I decided to stay in bed without moving. Before I tried to fall asleep again I texted Inosuke that I probably won't go to school because I feel sick. He only answered with ok and then went offline. I then turned off my phone and went to sleep. My parents and siblings were also at grandmother's house in another city, I just don't like it there so I stayed at home.

Around 3 pm I heard knock on the door so I woke up and went there. I was still feeling the same but it was probably Inosuke or someone else to bring me homeworks. I walked to the door and when I opened them there was Muichiro.

Muichiro : o-oh hey, sorry for bothering you but Inosuke told the teacher you were sick so I decided to bring you homework.

Tanjiro : aw that's kind of you, thank you. Do you wanna come inside?

Muichiro : sure

Muichiro went inside and I closed the door and led him to my bedroom. I sat down on my bed as he took out some papers from his bag.

Muichiro : Here are the papers the teacher gave me for you.

Tanjiro : thank you, you can put it on the table there

After some time I was laying in bed and Muichiro sat on the floor next to my bed. He got more open thru this month and finally talked to me more. I was a bit hungry but I didn't want to wake up or bother Muichiro.

Muichiro : Are you hungry?

Tanjiro : ah- ts- how do you know?

Muichiro : I heard your stomach rumbling

Tanjiro : oh

Muichiro : Do you want me to cook you something?

Tanjiro : sure, if you don't mind

Muichiro : its fine I don't mind

After 20 minutes Muichiro came back with soup. He handed it to me and I tasted it.

Tanjiro : Oh my god this is delicious. Where did you learn to cook this good?

Muichiro : haha I am glad you like it. I learned myself when my parents died I needed to learn it you know

While I was eating Muichiro was looking for a movie to watch. We found a movie called _______ I stayed in bed while Muichiro sat against the bed. While we were watching the movie I got a text from Inosuke that he, Kanao and Aoi will come in 10-20 minutes.

Tanjiro : I just got a text from Inosuke that he'll come with others in 10-20 minutes.

Muichiro : oh... I should go then

Tanjiro : y-you can be here too!

Muichiro :... it's fine.. they don't like me anyways... I would be only a bother and probably ruin your reputation even more

He said as he walked away. I woke up from my bed and ran up to him. I touched both of him shoulders and said

Tanjiro : don't say such things. You wouldn't be a bother. I don't care what they think about me hanging out with you. I don't care if my reputation will be ruined... I still want to hangout with you

Muichiro was just looking at me with tears in his eyes. I hugged him as he hugged back.

Muichiro : I-I am sorry for crying again.. it's just... I never thought I will be so lucky with finding such a good friend

Tanjiro :.....don't apologize there's no need

Muichiro : okay... thank you... I-I should go now

Tanjiro : okay then.. bye

third month

It's been 3 months already. Muichiro and I got closer and Muichiro got more comfortable talking to me. I've been hanging out with him every day and been with him in a team when there was a chance. There were some sad times like when Muichiro invited me to his house. I remembered what he told me about his parents and brother. I couldn't believe that he's been alone for such a long time. That feeling when you had a bad day at school and just expect to be someone waiting for you at home and make you feel better... but no. There was something I felt every time I was with him... am I catching feelings for him? no no no it can't be....this is just a challenge in next 2 months this will end....

It was around 8pm. I lay in bed texting with Muichiro. It was friday so Muichiro asked me if we could hangout. I wanted to but for some reason I didn't. When I only think of him there's something I feel. I guess I just need a break and those feelings will go away. I just answered with no, laid my phone down and tried to go to sleep.

When I woke up I looked at my phone and I saw 2 more texts from Muichiro. "oh okay" "maybe later?" . I didn't want to answer so I put my phone down and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. While I was eating my breakfast Nezuko sat next to me and said.

Nezuko : You look weird. Is there something that's bothering you?

Tanjiro : huh? oh yeah there's something

Nezuko : what is it

Tanjiro : I got challenged by Inosuke that I need to make one guy from my class fall in love with me in 5 months. I took it only as a challenge but now.... I really like him and I think I start to catch feelings for him as well

Nezuko : I see.... Well I can't help you with that, it's your choice... but if I should pick I would pick Muichiro... you don't know when you will catch those feelings again.

She said and walked away. I just sat there thinking what should I do. I don't want to lose friends, they hate him.. but I can't leave Muichiro. He needs someone to talk to. He's always alone, there's nobody waiting for him at home and nobody at school. I can talk to both.. I can tell Muichiro about it a-... no thats stupid idea he would be mad if I told him I started talking to him just because of some stupid challenge.


I was sitting in class talking to Inosuke. Muichiro wasn't in school yet. I haven't been talking to him this whole weekend, I can't fall in love with him, it's just not gonna happen. After some time Muichiro came to school and sat down next to me. He didn't talk, didn't even say hi. Is he mad? Is he mad because I haven't talked to him this whole weekend?

At lesson I was laying at my desk trying not to fall asleep. Then Muichiro slide paper to me. I looked at it and it said "please meet me at the roof next break" I looked at him, he was looking in a different way trying to avoid eye contact.

Next break I was waiting at the roof for Muichiro. I didn't really want to talk to him just because I wanted to avoid those feelings. I looked to my right and I saw Muichiro.

Tanjiro : So what do you need?

Muichiro : T-there's something I wanted to tell you f-for a long time.

Tanjiro : w-what is it?

Muichiro :.... I... I have a crush on you

What... No no no it actually happened. Did I actually make him fall in love with me?

Muichiro : It's okay if you don't feel the same...

What am I supposed to do now.... ah fxck it I just say that I feel the same and after this stupid challenge is done I can tell him.

Tanjiro :.... to be honest... actually feel same

I said that while looking at Muichiro. His eyes widened as he smiled and looked at the ground. I walked up to him and hugged him as he hugged back. I looked at the entrance and there was Inosuke just standing and smiling. I told Muichiro that I need to go and that we'll meet up later. I walked up to Inosuke and first thing he said was

Inosuke : so? how's it going,

Tanjiro : so emm he confessed to me

I said as Inosuke just burst out laughing

Inosuke : h-he confessed to you already?! Oh my god I can't haha. What did you say?

Tanjiro : I just said I feel the same... of course I didn't mean it

Inosuke : haha of course. I still can't believe it. It's been only 3 months

Tanjiro :.... I know right

fourth month

This is last month. After this I can finally tell Muichiro about this... And probably Inosuke too. I don't want to hide anything from both of them. Yesterday I thought about it a bit more and... Muichiro is more important to me than Inosuke. After he confessed to me I spent more time with him and I developed an even better relationship with him than before.

It was around 2pm and I was sitting on the roof with Muichiro while eating lunch. We were talking about some stuff until we heard a bell ring. Muichiro said that he'll go to the restroom and I said that I'll wait for him near the lockers. While I was waiting I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around expecting Muichiro but it was Inosuke.

Inosuke : So this is your last month. Did you already decide what you want? I mean can pick anything I guess I still can't believe you actually hold it that long

Tanjiro : y-yeah same

Inosuke : like actually, he's so god damn ugly. At first I thought he was a girl with a flat chest. I would last like 2 weeks and then give up

Tanjiro : I know right... I'll be so happy when this will end...

I said and then heard something behind me. When I turned around I saw Muichiro.

Tanjiro : Mui-

Muichiro : So it is true... I-I can't believe you did that. So everything was fake. You talked to me because of some stupid challenge. All those feelings w-were fake too?!

Tanjiro : M-Muichiro it-

Inosuke : Of course they were fake! You actually thought he would like you?!

Inosuke said as Muichiro's eyes started to tear up.

Muichiro : Y-You know what?! We're done! Don't talk to me ever again!

He said as he ran away.

Tanjiro : MUICHIRO W-

Inosuke : Leave him be, lets go to class

He said and grabbed my hand. Thru full class Muichiro didn't come. I was worried and so mad at myself. I need to find him after this class and talk to him.

After class ended I walked around the school looking for Muichiro. I messed up so bad....was I afraid of losing Inosuke? So that's why I said such a thing?... He's been my friend since childhood... But if I would want to choose... I would choose Muichiro. I have to explain everything when I find him.

I searched the first and second floor already and the last place that was missing was the rooftop. When I got to the roof I began to search again. I looked behind the corner and I saw him.

Tanjiro : Muichiro I finally f-

I tried to say it while trying to hug him but he stopped me.

Muichiro : d-don't touch me

His eyes were all red and puffy from crying. I felt so bad for saying such a thing... I sat down next to him and tried to talk to him again.

Tanjiro : please Muichiro... Just let me explain

Muichiro :.... What do you want to explain... I-I already heard everything

Tanjiro : I-I know I am sorry... It's just... Its true that I got challenged to talk to you by Inosuke... It actually started like a joke but.. through all those months I actually began to like you and started to catch feelings for you.. I am so sorry for what I have done. I was just worried that I would lose a great friend but when I really thought about it... I realized that you are much more important to me..... will you please.... forgive me?

Muichiro :....

He stayed silent... I just accepted that he doesn't want to talk to me. I woke up and planned on walking away but I felt something holding me. When I looked at what it was, it was Muichiro.

Muichiro :... I-I forgive you...

He said and looked at me still with tears in his eyes. I smiled, sat down next to him and hugged him. He hugged back.

Tanjiro : I am sorry once more... I love you

✦word count : 3166✦

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