Chapter 4- New Allies
~Bailey's POV~
"Wait it can't be, can it?" I looked at the he-wolf. He has a mix of light and dark chocolate fur with eyes shining like pure honey. He is about 2 1/2 inches taller than me.
"Long time no see." He came up to Louis and then me, giving both of us a hug. "I missed you guys."
"We miss you too!" Louis excitedly yelled. "Where have you been and how did you find us?" Louis added on.
"Long story short, I was looking for food and then saw those wolves follow you. I know they are no good servants that follow Devil. The other wolf that you two were talking to, was your father, Simon." Both Louis and I nodded knowing very well that was our dad. "I've known him for a long time and used to work along side him, at least until he went berserk, throwing things around, hurting people, killing others, anything. You name it. That also happened when you mother died. That's why I left him. I have been alone for some time and when I saw him trying to hurt you two, that's when I came in."
My dad.. How in the world would he go crazy and for what? What caused him to be like that? I looked down thinking to myself on why he did that. It apparently was obvious that something was not right with me because the he wolf and my brother both looked at me, confused.
"Bailey, is everything alright?" The he wolf asked.
Right when I was about to answer the question, Jake came up to us. "Hey Bailey, I wanted to let you know tha-" He stopped looking at the he wolf. "Who are you?" Jake askes, walking up to the he wolf.
"The names Hunter. I was a old friend of Louis and Bailey's when they were younger. I used to help their father with things, but not anymore." Hunter looks at Jake, giving him a friendly smile.
"It's nice to meet you, Hunter. The names Jake." Jake exclaimed. Hunter nodded happily. "Anyway, what I was going to tell you Bailey was that we need to do something about Winter. Those wolves will be back soon and who knows what will happen this time when they get back." He urged; giving me a worried look.
"Huh? Who is this Winter you are talking about?" Hunter asked in curiosity.
"Let me take you to her." I walked back to my den or hiding spot; as so: and they followed. "We stayed here for a while trying to get away from Fange. Jake, May, and I got away from him and another wolf that was with him. The other three that are here are apparently our siblings." I stated.
"What do you mean 'apparently', Bailey?" Louis hissed; glaring at me.
I glare back, looking into his soul. He backs up a bit scared, "Anyway, Louis is my younger brother, Shadow is Jake's older brother, and Winter is Mays younger sister." I sighed. "Winter, she looks like she was attacked by one of the demon pack members. We got her two days ago and we just have to make sure she's getting better."
"Alright." Hunter sighed.
We all huddle around Winter and started making sure she was warm, getting better, staying clean, and more.
-3 hours later after making sure Winter was alright and healed-
~Winter's POV~
I slowly open my eyes; to see everything to my vision being blurry and unclear to make out. I see a whiteish gray figure in front of me with sapphire blue eyes looking my way.
"Hello? Who are you?" I asked, confused our of my mind, still unclear to see.
"It's me, May." She replied
'How the heck was I not dreaming? I could of sworn that the she wolf said May.' I thought. "Who?" I replied, asking once more.
"May, your older sister." She sighed.
My eyes shot open and the blurry vision was gone within seconds. I looked at her for a moment, not relizing that everyone else that is here were sitting around me; behind me. I was just so caught up on me seeing my sister for the first time in so many years that I had no idea what to do.
I shock my head trying to get up, but end up whining in pain a little.
"Huh?" I look down at my paws wondering why I can't get up. They didn't seem like they hurt but they did.
"Winter, please... lay down. You are still a bit weak from all the damage that you got from a sneak attack." A soothing voice pleaded, asking me to lay down. I did as told.
'Why was his voice so soothing to me, and familiar?' I thought, so I had to ask. "Who said that?" I turned my head around and saw other wolves near me. I was scared out of my mind on why their were so many but I stayed where I was at. Some I had no clue who they were and others, well, their faces just looked too familiar. I couldn't remember who they were.
"Me Winter." Shadow whined. I looked at him, both of his ear were down. His eyes got waterly and he was slowly coming to me, 'is he crying?'. "It's me, Shadow..." He sighed, laying down next to me.
My eyes widen at the name, no it can't be. I thought he had died because the last thing I remember was seeing was him and I getting pulled away and then blackness hit. I couldn't see anything after that.
"Is it really you?" My eyes started to get watery with happiness. He licked my cheek, letting me know it was him.
"I'll talk with you later, everyone, let's let them be a lone for a bit." May explained. I looked at her and she just smiles at me. Before she left me with Shadow, she gave me a kiss on my forehead and then left. It seems like they are either going hunting or keeping watch. Either way it doesn't matter.
I move my soft, yet gentle white left paw and place it on top of his right firm, but soft dark paw. "Shadow, how did you manage to make it out of where ever they took you?" I asked, worriedly.
"It's too long of a story, I just want to spend time with you for a while, without asking those questions, please?" He asked, a tear coming down his cheek.
"Alright.." I told him placing my head over both our paws, with my ears back. 'He was crying. He was actually crying.' I thought to myself. I feel bad for him and I really do miss him a lot but I never thought he would cry. I guess he is just really thrilled with seeing me once again.
"Thank you. I will make sure to protect you this time, from enemies, from loved ones. From anyone! I will make sure you stay safe this time. I promise!" He whisper-yelled to me. I was crying because I felt so bad for him in the past. I just close my eyes as he puts his head on me. We fall asleep.
~May's Pov~
I was out with Hunter and Louis, looking for food for the rest of the day because we were leaving the cave tonight.
"Hey, found something." I whispered-yelled to the boys. They come over and see what I am looking at. It's an elk.
"What are we waiting for? Let's go get it already!" Louis whisperer-yelled at them about to jump to get it but got stopped by Hunter stepping on his tail.
"Dude what the heck?" Louis asked glaring at him.
"You need stealth to be able to get it." Hunter blankly stared at him.
I just look at them both like 'Seriously y'all?', then look back see the elk is still there
I walk around with Louis to go sneak attack from behind and Hunter goes for the side. It took a while to get the elk because it ran from us but we managed to get it.
It wasn't long until we got it back to the den where the others were.
~Shadow's POV~
"We brought back food if anyone is hungry. Besides I think a little food for your energy won't hurt for the trip tonight." May mumbled.
Who knew that the smell of food would smell so delicious! I pick my head up and look at Winter. I could honestly say that she looks adorable when she sleeps. All I could do was smile.
I lick the top of her head giving her a kiss to wake her up. I smiled as she woke up and looked at me.
"Morning beautiful." I sweatly tell her.
She giggles a little. "You know it's not morning right?"
"Awe, can't say morning when it's night?" I smirk. "Besides if I said Night we would just go back to sleep."0000
She licks my nose and smiles, "I was only messing with you." I softly chuckled.
"Dinner?" I ask.
"Dinner!" She exclaimed excitedly.
Both Winter and I get up at the same time and walk over to the food.
"Omg! This looks amazing!" Bailey cheerfully exclaimes, wanting to dig in already.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's dig in!" Jake happily replies.
-30 minutes later-
"We need to go now before they-" Bailey commanded but was cut off by some familiar faces, as to one of them is talking.
The male wolves and I all go around and stand in front for the girls, making sure they are save. Louis and Jake in front of Bailey. Hunter in front of May and I was in front of Winter.
~???'s POV~
"Well, well well. Look who we have here." The he wolf smiles at Bailey. She backs away from him.
"Get away from here. From Me!" She whines.
"Wish I could, but rules are rules my darling." I replied smirking at her.
"Darling? You better watch your tongue mister or I will kill you for that!" Jack hissed. I looked at the black and light gray he wolf. Something about him was off to me. I just ignored it.
"Stay away from her!" Louis yelled at me. I was surprised by the way this he wolf was standing. He was in attack mood and was showing his teeth.
"Awe. How sweat of you two protecting her from me. You might as well just move out of her away, so that she can come home with me." I snickered about how those two wolves were trying to keep her away from me but just by looking at them, they are not strong enough to kill me, even if they tried.
"Bailey who is this?" Shadow asked. (The he wolf that the POV is in doesn't know the other wolves names beside Bailey and Hunter.) I looked at him and he was pure black with light brown eyes, I think.
"His name is Devil!" Hunter hissed!
"Oh I see now. You guys have Hunter with you. You know, he used to be part of my pack and he would loved to kill anything and everything. He used to also lie about things to get others to believe him. For one, about Simon going crazy but about your mother dying by your father's paws was true." I said looking back and forth at Bailey and Hunter; smirking.
Bailey was looking at Hunter with her dead tilting. It seemed like she was wondering if he has been lying to us or not. Then she looked at me. "I highlight doubt that. He has been my friend for a long time." She growled then looked at Simon and oh my, she was Not happy.
"What else was I going to tell you about your moth-" I got cut off.
~Bailey's POV~
"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME ABOUT MY MOTHER! One More Word ABOUT Her and You Will be Dead!" I yelled with raged. I had enough about it. I scared everyone around me and it felt like I scared myself as well. I kept my gaze on 'my dad' but yelled it towards Devil. Now looking a Devil, he had a evil smirk on his face.
"I love it when you get angry. It's cute." Devil smirks while looking at you in the eyes from where your standing. He takes one step closer to Jake and Louis because he wants me.
I walk around my brother and lover and comes close to him. "Say one more word and I will kill you!" I tell him angrily.
He just chuckles. The other wolves look at both him and I. He looks at the wolves behind him and he nods telling them to do what he told them from before.
I look at him and growl telling him to stop. He just looks back at me and smirks. His wolves were all around my fellow wolves. "Sorry to say but we can either do this the hard way or the easy way. Come with me and your friends will be left alone or make it hard and they will die." He starts to circle me.
I think about this as to what to do this time. Should I go or should I take the risk to make them go away.
"Waiting for an answer, Bailey." I look around to see what my friends were thinking and I could tell they were scared but some of them looked like they were wanting to take the risk while others had no idea on what to think.
I finally had my answer.
"I will..... "
To be continued...
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