Chapter 3 - Fight or Flight (Part 2/2)

-Next Morning-

*she trips over a tree trunk near the den that her May and Jake live in and starts winning* ow!

*May wakes up and hears it. She whispers* Jake! Wake up!

*Jake wakes up* Huh what's going on? *she tells him to be quiet. He whispers* Why?

I heard something. *she tells him while looking near the bushes*

I'll go look. Stay here. *he gets up and starts walking over there slowly*

*Bailey get ups and starts walking towards the den. Once she is seen she falls over. She moves her head to see that a tall black wolf with pure golden color eyes is walking to her* ... *she does say anything but just stairs at him. To herself* he looks familiar. Why? *at some point she gets tired and just falls asleep*

*he gets closer to her. He sniffs* ..... *he grabs a hold of her with his mouth behind her head and drags her inside. He let's go* This wolf almost looks like Bailey but I am not sure if it's really her.

We need to wash him or her and make sure that they are a'ok. But please be careful, we are not sure if- *she gets cut off*

If he or she is friendly or not, I know. *he sits down somewhere waiting for the wolf to wake up*

-Later around Afternoon-

*Bailey wakes up, stretches, and then looks around and sees that the other two wolves look familiar to her. She hears them talking and stays quiet*

Jake, are we going to go find Bailey soon? *says in worry*

Yes. We will, but first let me make sure that the wolf is awake. *she nods and he walks back inside the den*

Hey.. *Bailey talks to Jake and knows it's him. She starts crying in happy tears and walks up to him. Limping to him, her left paw has been hurting her for a while.*

Whoa.. Hold on! *he backs up and she stops in pain but is confused with tears coming down her fave* Who are you?

*she calms down* Well maybe my voice could give you a hint Jake. *suddenly, the front half of her body falls because of something she felt in her front legs* ow.

If it's really you then what did I howl to you last night if I did it to you. *he askes her the question*

*She gets up and sits down* I know for a fact you howled to me. For 2 reasons. 1: The last time you ever saw me was two days ago. I was laying in here when you said you were going to go get food. May wanted to come along. Once you guys got back I was gone. And 2: was when you howled to me you said "Please stay safe. I'll be there for you soon, Bailey." And you said that last night.

*he puts his head down just a little and then came up to her and hugged her* Oh thank god your ok.

Jake, what's going on? *he tells her that Bailey is back* Bailey!! Oh thank goodness your ok.

Better then nothing.. *she sighs*

What happened? *May asked*

Two days ago, when you guys left to get food, someone knocked me out and took me to their territory. I was not ok with all of this and the alpha there wanted something from me for them and us to become allies. I asked him what it was and he told me that I would have to marry him and become his mate. He gave me an hour to think about it and I did so. I came up with two plans. Plan A was to run away if I was being watched over night or play dead if I could run. Plan B was that if I could do either one of those two, then I would of had to ignore you Jake for two months and then run for it. Plan A worked out better then I thought it would, but he will find out that I am gone and will be very mad. He also said that if I loved someone else then that either I would have to stop loving him or he would have to be killed. I was not all about that happening.

Wait, so your saying that he was planning on killing me? *Jake said in worrying surprise way*

Yes.. If I and you didn't stop liking each other. *She said with a sigh at the end*

So you guys are mates? *May askes*

No! He didn't ask me at all. He forced me. I only told him that I would agree to be his "mate". I'm not his mate at all! *is a little upset about that*

*Jake sighs in relief* oh thank goodness your not his mate.

Is someone jealous? *Bailey replies with a smile*

N-no! *Jake backs up acting like he doesn't even know what she is talking about*

I'm just kidding, Jake. Calm down. *Bailey gives Jake a kiss on Tuesday cheek*

While they talk and with all of that, we go to see what the Demon pack is doing.

Moon! Ash! Come here. *Devil calls them*

Both come running to him.

Yes sir? *Ash said waiting for his command. Moon listens*

I need you girls to go find these wolves. *He shows them the picture of May and Winter* I want them here within the next two days.

Yes sir. We will. *Moon said*

Will do. *Ash told him* We will start right now.

Then go. Don't waste your time. *He told them and they go* Ryler!! Get Over Here Now!

*He comes to Devil knowing that he is in trouble* Y-yes sir?

Where is Bailey, my mate? *He looked at Ryler with dark cold brown eyes*

I don't know. I was watching over her yesterday like you said. *He tries to hide the fact that he fell asleep last night*

Are you sure you are not lying to me? *He comments on the fact that something is not right about Ryler*

No sir. I-I am not. *she looks down for a bit. Looking back up into Devil's eyes.*

Then go! You need to go find her. Take two of the pack members to help you, incase she tries to run for it. *he turns his back to Ryler and sits in complete darkness*

Will do! *he takes off, calling out to Simon and Domestic to come along with him. They all take off looking for Bailey*

~Mean while~

Look, I know I should be able to fight off things on my own and I can but she just came out at me unexpected. That's why she got a hold on me and I couldn't do anything. I was knocked out. *Bailey told them*

*May and Jake both Sigh*

Alright then. Do I need to stay here with you so that this doesn't happen again? *Jake looks at her*

*She stands up for herself* No! I can handle myself, but thank you for the offer. *Jake nodded*

-Out of no where a wolf cry was hear from a mile away from their hide kit place. Jake went to go check it out while both May and Bailey stayed behind at the hideout-

What's going on? *May asked worriedly*

*Bailey had no idea what the cry want ment to be for* I'm not sure.. A cry in need for help or a cry of a warning. It's one of the two.. *she sighs* We'll just have to wait and see.

*Jake runs to find a dark black like wolf with an Artic wolf on the ground. Another wolf showed up and it looked like a light brown timber wolf with white and gray markings.* Who are they? *he whispers. He hides for the moment and tried to see what is going on. He looks around at them and sees that the Artic wolf is hurt really bad. "I wonder why?"*

Louis, we can't leave her here. *the black wolf says*

I know I know. What are we going to do? *The light brown timber wolf looks at the dark black wolf*

We need to- *the black wolf gets cut off by Jake coming up towards them*

I can help you guys if you let me. *Jake said carefully watching them*

Shadow, should we? *the light brown timber wolf askes in caution*

*Jake stops in his tracks. They looks at him in confusion. Jake looks down trying to see why the name Shadow sounds familiar to him* What is y'alls names? *he asked*

The names Shadow. I am a full blooded black wolf, and this is Louis. My friend, he is a light brown timber wolf. *Shadow answered*

Who is that one the ground? *Jake replied*

Her name is Winter. Why do you ask. *Louis exclaimed*

I was just wondering. Shadow. You and I need to talk later about something. *Jake growled a bit*

And if I don't? What are you going to do about it? *Shadow growls back*

You'll see. Come follow me. We can fix her up at my place. *he said while walking back to his hiding place. Shadow and Louis picked up Winter. She was on Shadow's back and they followed Jake*

To ask, what is your name? *Louis asked*

I'll tell you once we get back- *gets cut off*

Now! *Shadow exclaimed in anger*

Fine. My name is Jake. You happy now? *they keep on walking*

*Shadow stopped in his tracks and almost started crying* I... I can't believe it's you.. *he whispers to himself. He then keeps on going. Louis seemed a little confused*

-20 minutes later, they arrive to Jakes hideout area-

Here we are. *Jake said*

*Bailey got up and was looking at them all. She stared at Louis the most* Why are they here? *she told Jake in an upsetting voice*

Ok for the love of Irene, someone please tell me what's going on! *Louis said while Shadow just looks down after dropping of Winter. Bailey looks at Jake now*

I brought them here because this white wolf needs help and they didn't know what to do. *Jake replied* Why to do ask?

Because apparently someone has no idea on why they are here or what's going. It also seems like they forgot how I am! *she stares Louis down*

L-look, I can explain... *Louis said scarcely*

What is there to explain then, huh? Do you even know who I am? *she stands*

N-no.. *he tells her*

*she grabs him by the back of the neck and drags him outside alone*

Someone is mad.. *Jake said*

What is up with her? Is he her ex mate or something? *he said*

*Jake nodded* No.. They are siblings. Bailey told me about him. That is why y'alls names sounded familiar, brother.. *Jake growled a little*

Look, I am sorry for what happened that time and besides, it's not even my fault to begin with. *Shadow said looks down to his side, away from Jake*

*May gets up and lays down comforting the white wolf*

~mean while with Louis and Bailey~

How could you forget me?! *she tells Louis in a angry tone*

What? Am I some mad scientist or a mind reader here? No! Who are you then and what do you want from me?! *he cried out to her*

Nothing, I guess.. *she starts to cry*

Tell me! *he yells at her*

Your Older Sister, Bailey! *she stands up over him showing her dominance and that she is leader here*

Alright alright. Geez, I get it. Your leader around here but why are you doing this to me Bailey? *he looks down in confusion* I don't have any siblings anymore. They all died out.

No they didn't. I am the last one. *she hugs him* please, it's me, your older sister.

I can't believe this... Why did you leave me? *he askes her*

I didn't, we got separated. We can talk about everything later. We need to get back into the den. *she tells him and walks back in. He follows. Bailey then goes to heal Winter and then let's her rest*

*Moon is looking at them. She turns around and whispers to Ash* We need to get backup. There are too many of them.

Or we could just wait for some of them to leave. *Ash told her*

I know but that would take too long. Let's go back and get the other's. *as they were about to leave, Ryler and the two that came with him are there*

Found their place? *Ryler whispered*

Yes. We did. Why are you guys here? *Ash asked*

Because we need Bailey. *Ryler applied*

Then let's work together. *Demonic said*

Alright. We will attack once they all go to sleep. *Moon said. They all nodded and went somewhere else not too far from them for the day*

•~Night hits~•

*they are all asleep except Bailey. May and Louis are both sleeping near Winter.*

*Ash is up and goes to looks to see if they are awake. Sees that only Bailey is awake and walks back* Hey does anyone want to go distract Bailey? She's the only one awake! *She told them*

I'll do it. *Simon said*

Who you? *Ryler asked him*

Because she is my daughter! *he looks at him right into his soul* No if you'd excuse me, I will get away from them. *he walks off*

*Bailey sees a shadow on the ground (and no I am not talking about Shadow, Jake's brother) coming towards them. She gets up and stands there waiting to see who it is.*

*Simon shows himself* Bailey, come with me. I need to ask you something.

D-dad?! *she's in shock. Louiswakes up but doesn't move. He opens one of his eyes and watches them walk away. Once they are gone he wakes up the others* Wake up! *he whispers. They wake uo*

What's going on? Where's - *he gets cut off by Louis*

Shhhh *Louis told him* Someone is oit there talking to her. Apparently the other wolf knows her. I need you guys to stay here. I'm going to go see what they are doing. *Jake gets up and wants to follow but Louis told him to stay put.* I need you guys to make sure the girls stay safe. Who knows what could happen. *He walks off slowly following Bailey with the other wolf*

They are out! Time to go! *Ash said quietly. They all start walking towards the den*

~mean while~

What are you doing out here!? I thought you were dead?! *Bailey replied*

Nope. I'm alive sweetie. Did you miss me? *he smiles at her while she is everywhere with her emotions*

Sweetie? *Louis thought to himself* Why is he calling her that?

Does it look like I miss you?! Kinda but after I found out about you killing my mom and then running away?! Dad why could you have does that?!? *Bailey screamed*

Honey, look. I didn't kill your mother. You can't bel- *she cuts him off*

Don't you Ever Make work About Her again! *she looks away*

*Louis talks to himself* Dad.. He's still alive?! I need to do something about that. He killed our mom? How, why, and when? All of this doesn't make sence to me..

*Simon leans in for a hug*

Don't Touch Me! *Bailey growled*

Alright alright. At least come with- *gets cut off once again but by Louis this time*

Well, I thought you were dead. Or do I clearly remember you being on their side, running off? *Louis came up to them and said all of that to Simon*

Ah, Louis. Not in Irene's name did I even forget a face like yours. *he smirks*

Yeah yeah. No one cares. You never loved us nor mom. Is that why I heard that you killed her? *he growls at Simon*

Yes I did love her and you guys. What are you talking about? *He asked in worry*

Louis? What do you mean on that side? *she looks at him sorrow eyes not knowing what to do*

Bailey.. *he hugs her for a quick second and them backs up to be under Bailey to protect her from any attempt he tries to do*

I think it's time you leave Mister! *a familiar voice was heard from behind Simon. Bailey and Louis knew him*

Huh? Who are you to tell me what to do? *he growls*

Because He Said So! Now Leave! *Bailey told him* And I Never want to see you again!

*Simon leave and never returns* It's been a long time. *they turn to their friend.*

Long time no see Bailey and Louis. *the he-wolf said to them.*

But wait? Who is the he-wolf that Bailey and Louis are talking to? Did Simon really leave or is he coming back to attack? Are the other's safe? We will have to find that out in the next chapter. Stay toon for more to come. The next chapter will be out within the next 2 or 3 weeks. Hope your day or night is going well.

See yah, my fellow wolves. 🐺

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