Chapter 1- Unsure
Back then everything was just fighting for land, Freedom, and survival. It was a big disaster and no one couldn't help it. Bailey was just a pup when all of this was happening. Years later, she has became a young adult and has made her own pack.
[Past] But before anything happened in the present doesn't make things safe just because a war is over. No one knows that things like this cause everyone alot of pain and guilt just because one side didn't want to make the world have freedom. One would say land and power is what makes him the strongerst. Others say only freedom and peace will help make the world a better place.
Nothing is better in this world when fights and murders are still happening to this point. 7 years has passed since 1998 and it is now 2005. Nothing will never change the way it used to be. At least that is what I thought.
[Present Day] Her stomach growls in hunger. "Ugh.. I hate starving like this." Just drops to the ground like her legs are as weak as sticks. She just lays there for about an hour until out of no where, a male wolf that was almost as black as the night sky, with dark gray fur and was about 4 1/2 feet tall walks up to Bailey. "Would you like something?"With his deep and smooth voice, he startled Bailey and she got up faster then a cheetah chasing it's prey and backs up with her head down, ears back and her tail tucked in between her back legs. "Who are you? Where did you come from?" She frightenedly said, looking at his eyes whined looks as bright and pure as the sun and gold. "My name is Jake and I am a lone wolf our here. I saw you lying on the ground and I thought you needed help. I also overheard you talking to yourself about food so I was thinking I could help you."
"Oh that would be really greatful of you. You're so generous, thank you and by the way names Bailey." Bailey lifted her head and was calm. "No problem beautiful. He loved the way she looked. Her Majestic light brown coat looked as it had a little shine to it. Her eyes were so much like his mother's eyes, a camel look to them. She blushed just a tad and didn't know what to say.
While Jake goes to get something small for Bailey to eat, she just lays there on the ground not know anything about her past, or at least what she said was true. Suddenly a picture from the past comes to her head. [Past] Her mom protecting her and her brother's and sister's. Far back she couldn't make out who it was in the far back looking this way right at them. War was this going on and all she saw was blood, death, and fighting. The smell of the blood was like rotten road kill that has been there for at least a month and she thought it would taste like dry meat that has been sitting out in the sun for over a week. Then the next thing she comes to is blackness.
[Present] Jumps up after having that happened and nothing never came back to her like that. She stands up and shakes to get the feeling away. As so Jake comes back with a bunny in his mouth, he drops it in front of her. He can tell that something is not right because of her stands. "Is everything ok?" She is standing there with some of her fur standing up and her legs look like they are crooked like she is about to fall to the ground.
She turns around trying to calm down. "I am not sure.. Something came back me.." "Huh? What do u mean Bailey?" He startled in worry. "I don't know..just an old memory? I don't know...i can't remember everything from my past beside everyone in War." He's jaw drops. Bailey tries to eat what she got from Jake. "Wait so your saying-" he gets cut off. They both hear a noise in the distance "Huh? What is going on?" Bailey cried in worry "I don't know but whatever it is I am going to stop it!" Jake growled.
"Jake, No! You don't know what is going on over there and you don't even know if they are hunters or enemies!" Bailey cried and a clear tear came running down her face. Jake turned and saw her crying a little. He walks up to her to calm her down."Look, everything is going to be ok. I know your scared but please don't cry. I'll be here to protect you. Can you trust me on that?" He looks right into her eyes for comfort. She does the same "Ye-yes.." She stuttered.
She looks down thinking other wise, cuz no one was there to help and protect her when she was a pup. "I hope your right.." She mumbles under her breath. "I'm going to go see what is going on. Don't follow me because I don't want you to get hurt at all." Jake smiles at Bailey and leaves to go investigate.
She looks around like she is frightened about something and has an eerie feeling for bad news. She hides in a bush for cover because she heard walking from behind her. She stays quiet.
Jake saw three other wolves. Two males and a female. He growls to get there attention. "Who do you think you are, doing all kinds of things to her?" Jake growls at them. "Oh, looks like someone came to save or should I say play with you?" He looks at her with a smirk. With as dark red as his eyes can be, Fange is someone you don't want to mess with but when it comes to messing with other's he likes to cause trouble."I said to leave her alone! I'm not going to say it again! Do I make myself clear!?" Jake growls with the tip of his tail wagging. "Is that a threat?" As he said that the she wolf starts to back up and tries to escape but the other he wolf grabbed her back left leg and dragged her back near Fange.
"LET ME GO!" She growled with a high pitched voice. "Sorry hun, but that's not going to happen." After Fange told her with a deep dark voice he dug his teeth into one of her front paws, and she started bleeding. "Ow!" She tried kicking him in the stomach to get Fange off and away from her.
Jake runs to get the other he wolf down and then let's her get on his back. Soon, he starts to run off far away as fast as he could with her following. Bailey followed after seeing them run by. They found a very dark place almost like a cave that is covered with vines and leaves. Jake sets the she wolf down and he sees that Bailey came with but she is laying down in a corner by herself.
"Ma'am, are you ok?" Jake calmly said while trying to help her with her paw and back leg. "I-I'm ok...Thank you." She wolf said with a little worry in her voice. "What's your name?" Bailey asked. "Me? Oh my name is May." "That's a pretty name." Jake said happily. "I'm just glad your ok. Bailey, are you ok? You've been offtly quiet."
"Jake, I'm just not in the mood to talk in that moment." She softly exclaimed. "At least until I can get everything right in my head." As she mumbled under her breath. "OK Bailey. If you ever need anything just let me know. I can help you with anything if something starts to bother you ok?" Jake explained. "Ok."
After that, no one talked for the night. Around midnight Bailey got up and started walking away from them. She went to go investigate everything making sure no one was coming. A few hour later she got lost in her own tracks. "Huh? Where am I? How did I get lost?" She cried. She howled and was sending the message to Jake and May.
They got it but instead of them coming cause she was to far for them another wolf came. "Maybe it's Jake." She thought. "I'm so happy that-" she stops to see that it wasn't Jake at all. A big gray and white female with light blue sky eyes comes to her call. "What seems to be the problem?" She asked. Bailey didn't know who she was so she kept quiet. "Did I scare you? I'm really sorry if I did. My name is Moon or as everyone calls me Luna because it represents the moon. Call me either one. I heard your call and you seemed destressed. Is something wrong?"
"No Moon. My name is Bailey and I got lost from 2 of my friends because I went out to investigate the area we were in." Bailey explained. "Oh, I see. Want to come with me for a bit? I'll make sure your safe at least until your friends find you?" Moon asked. "Sure I guess." Bailey said.
"So tell me, what was your favorite thing to do as a pup?" Moon asked with a chill eerie feeling. "Why are you asking?" Bailed asked nervously. "Oh cause I just want to get to know you. That's all."
"Oh um, ok. Well I really wouldn't say I had a favorite thing to do when I was a pup because I was something special to my family. Even through I was the runt of my litter, just something about me was special from everyone else." Bailey told her "I also wasn't one to play around and such. I would always get my way and told the others to leave me alone. But then things happened."
"Which were?" She asked "Um..well-" Bailey went on talking about her past to Moon and saying why these things happened but avoided talking about why she was special and such. She went on and on until she was done.
"And that was it all." Bailey said as she took a deep breath in then back out after talking so much. "Wow. That's intence!" Moon said not knowing what to think of it. "Your whole past had to do with war between different packs fighting for land?" Moon asked. "Basically." Bailey calmly said.
Things never changed.
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