If I Win
There was a time forgotten by the kids of both heros and villians, a time when the isle of the lost had no barrier or name. It was a place to trade and villians and heros alike could visit. This time was forgotten by all the kids but one, Rumy. She much like her father has lived longer than even the heroes' great grandparents, but her physical body never ages. There was a time when both her and her father weren't even villians at all, a time when neither of them had powers. During this time Rumy even had a twin. That was until the war, they called for her brother and she disguised herself and went instead. Her father was desprate to save his children and found a way to turn himself into what they called the dark one.
He later found out there was actually two dark ones and he had her become the second after they lost her brother. So for hundreds of years her and her father lived, making deals and growing stronger. Then the unfortionate struck. Rumy was sent to another world, a world where villians and their children were stuck on an island and the heroes had a modern country. She had been there before, back when the Isle was nothing but an island but now she was stuck there.
Of course, no one knew this. She had conjured memories into their brains of her being there since she was a child. That was why she still had her powers on the isle, no one was prepared for her because she was a new breed of power. Harry had no idea that in her world, her and her father was called Crocodile due to taking of Killian Jone's hand.
Currently, Rumy stared down at a small doll she had in her hand. She had gotten it many years ago, by an eternal boy. She wasn't aware of who he truly was until years after they had stopped meeting. Kisses suddenly met her neck and she leaned her head back as Harry worked his way down to the middle of her bare back. Instead of waiting at fish and chips for Mal hours before she arrived they had gone back to her place. Rumy had removed her jacket and corset for a bare back shirt that was much more comfy and the son of Hook had no complaints. He himself had also removed his shirt, having felt hot since the isle had no air conditioning.
Rumy pulled the watch she had earlier given Harry out of his pant pocket and groaned at the time that showed back at her. She stood up and threw off her shirt and reached for her corset, feeling Harry's eyes on her. She slipped it over herself and turned around throwing Harry a glance over her shoulder. The boy in question smiled standing up and tightening the strings of the corset and tying them in place. She turned around, placing a hand on his bare chest and the other behind his neck pulling him into a kiss. He smiled against her lips pulling her flush against him, setting one hand on her waist and the other on her hip.
She pulled away and threw him his shirt before turning away to grab her jacket. This was one Harry had never seen and he sent it a curious look. He walked closer, with his shirt now on and grabbed it from her hands. He held it up in the air to inspect it. "When did you get this?" He asked in curiousity. She frowned looking at it.
"Years ago." She snatched it from his hands and put it on.
(The jacket he is wearing is what her's looks like)
"Let's go," She tells him and he smiles wrapping his arms around her, she smiles at him and pulls him into another kiss, her arms around his neck as the purple smoke once again encircles them.
The villain and VK appear in the Fish and Chips right as Mal walks inside. She stood at the entrance for a moment before saying, "I'm back!"
Rumy rolls her eyes and nods to Uma who glanced back at her, "Loser party of one right this way please." Uma jestered to the table in front of her and Mal begins to walk over until Uma pushed her a chair with her foot. Mal gasped as she caught it in surprise causing Uma to giggle and Rumy to smile.
Mal sits down and crosses her arms," Place still stinks."
"Oh I'm sorry we're down a butler, princess," Uma says leaning forward.
"Where is he?" Mal asked, talking about the little king. Rumy rolled her eyes, having seen far greater kings than he.
"You know I've dreamed of this. You wanting something from me, and me watching you squirm like a worm on a hook," Uma says throwing the table cloth from the table Mal sat at.
"I'm so flattered you dream of me. I haven't given you a second thought since I left," Mal said. Uma walker forward and slammed her hands on the table.
"Obviously, you have your perfect little life don't you?" Uma stood and backed away. "Doesn't she have the perfect little life?" Uma called out to the rest of the place, the people inside laughed in agreement causing Mal to look away. "While were 20 years into a garbage strike."
Mal got upset, "Listen if you have some kind of score with me, game on! I see no need to bring Ben into this."
Uma laughed at the rise she got out of Mal, "It may be a little unnecassary but, uh, it is so much fun." She once again leaned on the table. "Here's the deal."
"Just like your mother always a catch," Mal said and Rumy stepped out of the shadows with a laugh.
"Actually, she learned that from me not the over grown sea urchin," Rumy spoke walking closer to the two girls. Mal's eyes widen at her old flame's unexpected appearance, she hadn't truly believed her friends when they said she was with Uma.
"Rumy," She breathed to the girl who only shrugged with a grin. Rumy nodded to Uma who sat down and placed her elbow on the table in an arm wrestle position.
"If you win, Ben is free to go," Uma says, she makes a small humming noise in the back of her throat causing Mal to place her elbow on the table. Uma's face and voice go innocent, "Don't you wanna know what I get if I win?" Rumy smiles and goes to stand behind Uma, placing a hand on her shoulder. Uma shivers as a rush of power goes through her.
"Still dreaming," Mal says.
"Huh, last time I checked your mother thought she had things all shown up too. How'd that work out for her again?" Uma says and Mal grinds her teeth together.
"On three," Mal says, her face serious while Uma smiles as they begin to count together.
"One, two, three," Uma keeps letting out giggles as they arm wrestle. "You know that whole princess act? Ugh, never bought it for a second, you can put a crown on a villain but your still a villain."
Mal was growing angry and quickly said, "And you can throw a pirate hat on but your still Shrimpy." She gasped as Uma straighten up and lost her strain for a moment. Mal's eyes go green and Uma laughs as her hand is slowly forced to the table.
"If I win, you bring me the wand," Uma says causing Mal to gasp and loose focus and Uma slams her hand on the table causing everyone to cheer.
Rumy leans over Uma, "Now if you want beastie boy back you bring Fairy Godmothers want to my ship tomorrow at noon, sharp." Uma stands up throwing her hair behind her before walking away with her Captain. Rumy stops and turns around, "Oh and if you don't you can kiss your baby goodbye." Rumy places a kiss on Mal's cheek before walking to Harry, even as Mal's eyes follow her. Mal's heart beat rises as familiar feelings come racing back.
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