A Deal With The Devil
Rumy very rarely got offered deals from people who weren't desperate and her streak had not yet broken as Mal called for her, panic clear in her tone. "Rumy!" Mal called out pacing desperately as she called out the name of ancient devil. "RUMY!"
"Yes deary?" Rumy asked, leaning on a wall behind Mal, her skin was different, no longer smooth and spotless. It was rough and looked like it was covered in scales. She had one hand curved in the air dramatically and a large grin on her face.
"I want to make a deal," Mal said taking a step towards the crocodile like girl. "That if our plan goes wrong you will save Ben from any harm that anyone on the Isle will do to him." Rumy smiled and walked forward.
"And what do I get in return?" She asked. Mal looked at the ground, trying to figure out what she could possibly give the already powerful girl.
"Anything, just name it," Mal says finally looking back up. Rumy let out a mad giggle as her arms strike a new pose.
She let's her body go back to it's original beauty as she walks to stand directly in front of Mal. "I want a kiss from you." Mal's eyes widen in both surprise and joy, it didn't seem like much to trade for what she was asking. Mal nodded and Rumy smiled before connecting their lips. Unknown to Mal, Rumy had a small open vial in her hand and as she pulled away a small wisp followed her and flew into the vial. Rumy raised the vial to her face with a large grin. She inspected the wisp that sunk to the bottom and turned into a liquid.
Mal's eyes from the vial to the devil and she asked, "What is that?"
"Unrequited love, in physical form, so rare. I guess you really do love me," Rumy said with a giggled before turning around. "Don't worry about the little beast, he will be safe from all who wish to harm him on the isle."
Rumy sat on the wood that held a sail up as Harry opened his arm in greeting to the VK's who walked closer to the ship, "WELCOME!"
He moved aside to let Uma come through, "Finally." The blue haired girl danced from foot to foot in excitement. "Let's get this party started I swear I'm cold hearted, there's no negotioation I'm not here for debation. You need some motivation just look at Ben's face and ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patiente." Harry was messing with Ben until Rumy appeared and wrapped an arm around the king's neck with a fake sad face. "I'll throw him over board and let him swim with killer sharks," Rumy held the king from falling with one hand while inspecting her nails. "You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart," Uma violently immitated ripping something while Mal walks closer to the ship.
"Let's all just be smart all though for you that must be hard. You'll get your wand no one had to come to any harm. Don't try to intimidate your bark is much worse than your bite," Uma playfully snaps her jaws at Mal's lyrics. "Who's the baddest of them all? I guess we're finding out tonight!" Rumy rolls her eyes at this, already knowing she had done worse things than half of the VK's parents even. Everyone sings the chorus while Harry and Rumy continue to mess witht he little king.
Mal looked to her friends before turning around, "Okay look, this is not a conversation! It's a do die situation! If you don't give me back the king, I'll have no hesitation! I'll serve you right here I don't need a reservation and give your whole pirate 'crew' a little demonstration. Release him now and we can go our seperate ways, unless you wanna deal with me and the VK's." Rumy rolled her eyes as her and Harry walked over to the group.
"So that's your big speak huh? An empty ultimatium?" Rumy rapped, tapping underneath Harry's jaw as they both get closer to the group.
"All it takes is one swing and I'll humilate him," Harry rapped coming closer to Mal with Rumy. Mal's thumb moved over her fist as anxiety set in at being close to the deadly pair, Jay walked to be directly behind her in case he has to protect her. "Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him," Harry continued as Rumy gently ran the hook she stole from Harry over Mal's hair. "And if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him!" The couples moves away. "All it takes is one wrong look and I'll-" Harry was cut off and dragged back by Uma.
"Harry! We get it chill!" Harry and Rumy move away and Rumy blows Mal a kiss. Everyone begins to sing again as Harry and Rumy go back over to Ben, Rumy walking him further and further down the board.
"HEY! We don't have to choose! We don't have to light the fuse! Mal, whatever you do it's gonna be a lose-lose there's gotta be a better way," Rumy rolls her eyes as the king sings and if she hadn't made a deal probably could've killed him there. "Uma! I promise I'll give you your chance, you'll have your say." Rumy could see Harry by this point was tired of the king also.
"Silly king," Uma says causing Rumy to smile as Uma points her sword at Ben. "You? Your gonna give me a chance? WELL NOT A CHANCE!" The begin to sing the chorus again and as it comes to an end Uma dancily steps forward with a large grin, "Or walk the plank!"
Cliff hanger I know I'm evil but just wait until I'm finished writing the movie part of the book. IT'S GONNA BE SO GOOD! I don't want to give away to much but it will involve a lot of Harry and Rumy, dimension travelling, world crossover, and we get to see into Rumy's past. You are not even ready.
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