Chapter 1: Joining Among Us.

It's a Thursday afternoon and a group of teenagers are hanging out at a park, most of them on their phones but there were two outcasts, one with tan skin and long blonde hair, and the other with pale skin and long purple hair. Applejack, and Rarity, were their names and those two were giggling and talking as the others played a well known game called, Among Us.

The blonde, Applejack, didn't understand the game and didn't understand why everyone was so hooked to it. But then again, Applejack is rarely on her phone to game because she lives on a farm she has to do a bunch of chores before she can do anything else. She also claims that gaming isn't healthy, and that people should pay more attention to the real world then a fake world inside their electronics.

But even Applejacks girlfriend, Rarity, is addicted to her phone it's basically her life, the only time she isn't on it is when Applejack makes her get off it to actually to talk to each other.

" It's such a nice day out today. " Applejack breathed in the fresh air with her usual positive attitude.

Rarity held herself in her arms while shivering. " Heck no darling, it's colder then snow itself. " She disagreed.

The blonde farmer rolled her eyes before hopping off the bench. " Maybe if yah didn't spend half yer life on yer phone yah would find it actually quite warm out here. "

The purple haired fashionista gasped before getting off from the bench and followed her girlfriend who was making her way to their friend group.

" What are y'all doing? " Applejack hoped they would get off their phones to talk to her, but she got the opposite.

The girls ignored their angry friend and continued to play the addictive game in so much concentration that they didn't realize Applejack walk away to the exit of the park.

" Ah'm goin' home guys! " She hollered out hoping they'd notice and at least say bye, but not one of them, not even Rarity who was watching one of the girls play, said goodbye.

Applejack sighed before storming out of the park and stormed home, tears were starting to form in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away before they could fall down her face and hit the ground. The only thoughts she could think of were "they don't even care" "they care more about the game" "I hate them" but she knew none of those were true especially her last thought, "they hate me", the cowgirl was just overwhelmed.


She then made it to her red farm and slammed the door shut when she walked in and ran up to her bedroom, luckily her beloved, Granny Smith, cane walking up behind her. She opened the door and seen her granddaughter laying in her bed, face hidden into her pillow, she was clearly crying. Her grandmother sat at the end of the bed and placed her hand on her back before she started talking.

" What's wrong youngin' ? "

Granny Smith tried sounding as calming as she could to get her granddaughter to feel comfortable to come out.

The blonde teenager looked up and tears were filling her beautiful emerald eyes, that broke the sweet old ladies heart.

" Mah friends- t-they're addicted to a stupid game and now Ah don't even matter Granny. " She tried her best to speak without bursting into more tears.

Her grandmother wiped her newly formed tears and gave her a sincere smile before speaking up again.

" Of course yah matter, Applejack. Yah always matter, but if yah feel left out maybe try gettin' into the game? " The old lady suggested.

The thought of Applejack gaming disgusted the young teenager, she never wanted to be like her friends always talking about one game that in Applejacks opinion sounded dumb.

" Yah do whatever youngin' ah'll be downstairs making yah and yer siblings food. " Granny lastly patted Applejacks back before slowly walking out of Applejacks room.

The cowgirl sat up and started thinking of what her grandmother said. Maybe I should try it she thought to herself before grabbing her phone and went into the App Store typing, Among Us.

She looked at the cover and scoffed " Looks dumb. " she told herself.

Still, she clicked "download" and waited, when it was fully downloaded she hit open and started playing the game. Her name on it was "AppleCider" and her colour was orange, of course.

When the round started she was a crewmate, and found it boring. But then next round she was picked as an imposter and instantly fell in love with the game, just like her friends.

After another round she noticed cyan was following her and watching her do her tasks and Applejack would watch them do theirs until..

———— Emergency Meeting ———-

Purple: it's orange.

Cyan: no I was with orange, they're clear I seen them scan in MedBay.

Cyan: Vote purple.

Purple: why me?!

Cyan: maybe because you were really quick to blame orange when the meeting was called.

Pink: Cyans right, vote orange.

Blue: Okay

Orange: Alright.

Cyan: Orange, stick with me.

Orange: Okay

~ purple was an imposter ~
- one imposter remains -


Applejack was now loving Among us, she just got mad when she had one more task to do and would be killed, but was happy when she could do her tasks as a ghost.

Her newly formed friend, Cyan, was also dead and the two went to do Cyans tasks. When they were done with their tasks the two of them started chasing each other around, Applejack was laughing like never before.

After the round was over, crew-mates won, Applejack and cyan were playing more rounds together until Cyan had to leave.

—- Cyan called an emergency meeting —

Red: What?

Cyan: Orange, I have to leave. Add my number ###-###-####

Orange: Okay! :)

Cyan: Byebye ;)

Orange: bye.

Blue: Vote Cyan.

~ Cyan was not an imposter ~
- two imposters remain-


Applejack almost immediately got off Among us to add her new friend and started to message them, hoping it was actually their number and she wasn't just being fooled. That'd be scary and embarrassing.

———————— Cyan ————————

Aj: Hi!

" Hey, Applecider? Right. "

Aj: Yup! That's me.

" Hey dude! Btw the names Rainbow Dash "

Aj: Applejack.

Rd: Neat. So how old are you?

Aj: 15

Rd: No way! I'm 16.

Aj: cool

Rd: yeah, so uh, tell me about yourself.

Aj: Well, I live in Canterlot. And I have a farm, a girlfriend, a great group of friends and both my parents are in Manhattan but will be back shortly, I have two siblings an older brother and an younger sister, what about you?

Rd: Nice! And well you already know my age and my name so that's settled. But uh- I live quite far from you heh, I live with my Uncle because my parents abused me when I was younger and I have a younger sister, a turtle. And I'm bisexual, heh. I have a lot of friends at school and online, I won't lie I used to be a damn bully at my school, I'm not anymore though.

Aj: Oh that's cool! Your bisexual to?

Rd: Yep.

Aj: Aye- now I have someone to talk about girls to haha

Rd: lol yeah. I have a gay best friend so- I usually have to talk about guys hah.

Rd: Can I see what you look like? If you're comfortable.

Aj: Um... sure.


Rd: Woah.. your hot.

Aj: um.. hehe thanks.

Rd: Sorry I shouldn't have said that.

Aj: Nono, it's fine.

Rd: here I'll show you me.


Aj: I.. you're so pretty-

Rd: Heh, not really but thanks.

Aj: no for real! You are! Your eyes are gorgeous I love them and I love your hair!

Rd: aw thanks, really. But I gotta get going, bye Applejack.

Aj: Bye Rainbow Dash! Talk to you later?

Rd: Of course!


Applejack has had a smile on her face from the start of the messages but what was new was that she was blushing?

Why am I blushing? She thought to herself while looking closely in the mirror and touching her cheeks. When she moved away from the mirror she grabbed her phone and really wanted to continue talking to her new friend.


New book! Sorry for not posting on any story lately guys! I'll try this week, a lot is going on and I'm really trying to keep up with my family and everything going on.

I hope you guys liked the first chapter and hopefully you guys stay for chapter 2, anyways love you guys.

Stay safe 💗

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