Defying Sea oneshot sPoiLer wArniNg (also RoguexPeri)


I'm doing it

I lost the will to care, besides I don't think anyone would take the main story seriously

But this one shot? It's something that really bothered me in a way that nagged my mind


If you actually DO wanna read the main story of Defying Sea, then you can find the uNfinIsHed story in my profile.

If you DON'T, then you may proceed because there are gonna be some spoilers for the ending and possibly the plot

Hope ya guys like it

HUGE DISCLAIMER: My english is still bad and I may have made a few mistakes here and there so hopefully it doesn't bother any of you too much

Rogue breathed in the fresh air, admiring the view of the sunrise. Another day, another day of work. He smiled upon the view of the enthusiasm within the citizens. He was greeted cheerfully as many friends passed by. Their smiles coated him with warmth. He couldn't ask for more.

Rogue was informed that the community service decided to give him a break for the nonstop work. Rogue highly appreciated it, besides he needed to decorate his home with a coat of paint.

"THEY'RE BACK!!" A voice screamed, contradicting the warm and calm aura of the town. Rogue jolted, turning to where the noise came from and saw an upcoming ship, a familiar one. Rogue immediately recognized it and smiled widely, rushing to the beach and walking on the wooden pier, waiting for a certain somebody.

The ship stopped right next to the bridge, the crew popping out with happy cheers.

"Rogue!" They dropped the wooden plank that allowed them to move down across, hugging him tightly.

"How you guys been?" Rogue asked, chuckling as he hugged them back. They all laughed and backed away, James approaching him first.

"We missed you, Rogue. We got you something, too!" He reached behind his back, pulling out a full drawing of them all, a replicate of his original drawing when they drifted apart but with their combined styles.

Kilo's style was confident, each line strong and to the point. Lee's style was careful and slow. Tris' style was cute, round and friendly. James' style was mature, goofy almost. And Peri's style was vibrant, colorful and cheerful. Rogue smiled at all the details, chuckling.

"Thank you guys. It's really sweet," he said, carefully putting the drawing away in his coat. He looked around, blinking rapidly. "Where's Peri?"

"Oh! She's just about to head out with a new friend!" Tris said, glancing at the plank and spotting two silhouettes. "Here they are now! You're gonna love him, Rogue!"

"Him?" Rogue asked, his heart racing as he glanced up to see the two silhouettes. Peri was there, hair up in her classic bun. She was giggling, smiling even wider than usual as she shook the man's arm who was beside her.

Rogue turned to the man, reading his features. His hair was messy, his eyebrows arches perfectly. His jaw was pretty curved, complimenting the rest of his gentle features. He had a few freckles, highlighting his blushed cheeks. Rogue glared at him with despise.

"And he just ran away like none of it ever happened!" The man chuckled, watching as Peri struggled to contain her laughs. Rogue heated up, his fists forming tightly.

"Oop, he's jealous," Kilo said, everyone else nodding in an agreement.

"Rogue!" Peri finally noticed him staring, smiling as she ran up to him with a big hug. Rogue softened, glancing at her with a sudden smile. He hugged her back tightly, hoping she'd never let go. Rogue glanced slightly to see the guy's reaction, satisfied at the confused state.

They pulled apart only for Peri to grab the man by the arm, introducing him to Rogue. "Ro, this is Carter! He's a new crew mate and I made him my First Mate!"

"Oh, is that so?" Rogue had a hint of irritation in his voice, faking a smile. Peri nodded and glanced at Carter. "Carter, this is Rogue! Our former Captain, you remember him, right? In my stories?"

"Oh yeah, right, right. I know everything about him." Carter said, taking a quick look at Rogue and then glancing back at Peri.

"Oh is that so?" Peri asked, holding her waist as she raised an eyebrow. Carter chuckled lowly and rolled his eyes. "I mean, you wouldn't stop talking about him during the entire trip. It's all I ever heard and it's hard not to listen."

"Shut up," Peri gently nudged him, both of them laughing. Rogue eyed them both, the rest of the crew backing away. Their laughs teased him, filling him with anger inside. He contained his emotions and breathed in, letting them out with a smile.

"Would you guys like some drinks?" Rogue asked, gesturing towards the bar. Peri gasped and shook Carter's arms.

"Carter, you HAVE to check out the bar! It has some of the best drinks to ever exist!" Peri grinned widely as Carter chuckled, nodding. "Alright, alright. Since I'm new and you consider me a part of the crew, drinks are on me."

The rest of the crew gasped, lifting him off the ground and bringing him to the bar—crowd surfing style. Peri and Rogue were left behind, watching them cheer. Rogue shook his head and turned to Peri. "Who is that guy?!"

"A new friend, Rogue."

"He looks too familiar, who knows, he could be the brother of Azura!" Rogue practically screamed, eyeing Peri with worry and anger.

"Pff, guess that explains his looks," Peri said, glancing away as she blushed. Rogue calmed down, reading her emotions and sighing. He looked away as well, silence forming a wall between them. Rogue frowned slightly, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"He... seems like a good guy." He said, breaking the wall. He snuck a glance at Peri, smiling charmingly. Peri noticed and snickered, smiling.

"He really is once you get to know him," She said, inching closer as she brushed his bangs off his forehead.

"Do I have to hear a whole a thousand-word story about him from you, too?" Rogue joked, smiling as Peri rolled her eyes with a chuckle.

"If you're lucky," she said, kissing his cheek. Rogue blushed, left in awe as Peri smiled brightly and shrugged. She began heading to the bar, leaving Rogue in the dust. He gently held his cheek, smiling goofily.

Rogue snapped out of his fantasies and quickly ran towards the bar to catch up to the rest. Everyone else was already drinking, chanting Carter's name.

Rogue entered the bar, flabbergasted at the sight of them. Rogue glanced at the crew, seeing how drunk they already were. Rogue raised an eyebrow, sighing and shaking his head as he approached the stand. He took a seat and asked for a beer.

"Rogue, nice to meet you," Carter approached him, sitting down next to him. Rogue scoffed, turning away.

Carter read his mind, turning to the bartender and asking for two drinks. Rogue noticed, sighing. "I already ordered a drink of my own, thanks."

"What? O-Oh!" Carter laughed, leaning back. "The other drink is for Peri, sorry for the misunderstanding."

Rogue gripped the table harshly, trying to stabilize his anger. He suppressed his emotions calmly. "Well don't give her too many drinks. She's not the heavy drinker."

"We'll see about that."

"What does that even mean?" Rogue turned to him, raising an eyebrow. Carter chuckled and grinned smugly.

"Listen, Rogue. Peri is obviously a great lady. She deserves someone worthy of her, someone who would treat her right. And you— lack that." Carter explained, smirking as the bartender gave him the two glasses of wine. Rogue watched him get off the seat.

"And so what? It automatically means you have all those traits?" He met eyes with him, both greeting each other with despise.

"Nope. It just gives me an advantage."

Rogue glared at his back as Carter walked away, grinning. Rogue sighed of frustration.

The bartender filled up an entire cup of beer and carefully threw the cup across the table to Rogue who caught it with a single hand. He was taking a sip and heard all these whispers behind his back.

"Did you hear about the new guy?"

"He seems really interested into the Captain."

"He's so laid back! It's like you could ask him for a drink together and he'll instantly agree!"

"You think he's single?"

Rogue rolled his eyes, sipping more of his drink as he muttered. "Sure are a lot of rumors in here. No wonder there aren't much of them outside in Athena."

"Of course he's not single! Just look at him with the Captain!"

Rogue spat out his drink, wiping his mouth as he looked behind him. He tried looking through the crowd and barely spotted Peri and Carter in the corner, way too close for Rogue's liking.

Carter handed Peri her drink, smiling charmingly. Peri thanked him, drinking lightly. She blushed when Carter whispered in her ear, her body tensing.

Rogue gritted his teeth and began moving through the crowd to get across the room. And through the heavy crowd, he noticed the two getting closer and closer. Specifically Carter making the move. He held her chin and pulled her closer while Peri was in some sort of trance.

Rogue tried his best to push through the crowd as fast as he could, refusing any of this to happen. Carter whispered sweet nothings, watching as Peri closed her eyes and inched closer.

Rogue finally faced the two, struck at the sight. The two were kissing, their lips connected gently. Rogue felt his heart strike with pain, tears barely forming in his eye. He quickly wiped them away, trying his best not to stare at the sight.

He decided to leave the bar slowly, each step pulling him down like a weight. He couldn't imagine any other interaction the two might be committing. Every spark of hope in him died down. He thought that maybe Carter was right.

Carter wrapped an arm around her waist, too into the moment. But Peri felt as if something was wrong. Rogue was in the back of her mind, therefore pushing Carter off of her. "W-Wait, this isn't..."

"What's wrong?" He asked, eyes with worry. Peri felt at a lost with words. She started stuttering,

"N-Nothing's wrong! It's just that I didn't expect my first kiss to be... with you." She uttered, blushing with embarrassment. Carter looked into her eyes with furrowed brows.

"Carter, I... I'm sorry... I'm just not into you that way. We barely just met," she said, pushing him away slightly as she began searching for someone. "I... I have to go."

Carter glanced down, sighing with frustration.

"And what about him, huh?"

Peri stopped moving, her eyes averted to the ground.

"He treated you like you were some kind of toy for years!" He exclaimed, facing her back with a furious look. Peri remained quiet, every word hurting her like a knife to the heart.

"Why would you go back for him after everything he has done to you?" Carter asked, watching her shoulders rise and fall.

"He HAS hurt me. But it was never his intention. At least he makes up for it." She said and quickly left, leaving the bar and calling Rogue's name out the door.

"Rogue? Rogue!"

"I'm down here." He said lowly, sitting down on the porch. Peri looked down and rubbed her arm, sighing as she sat down next to him. She gazed upon the stars while Rogue stared at the ground. They were once separated by silence again. Peri couldn't help but feel his aura to be so gloomy.

"So... how did you two meet?" Rogue asked without looking at her, a blank expression on his face. Peri curled into a ball and stared at the ground as well, sighing.

"I.. I don't want to talk about it. It's an awfully long story."

"Oh?" He said with a little more feeling, raising an eyebrow as he laid back slightly, using his arms as support.

"Well.. I'm happy for you both."

"What?" Peri turned to him, accidentally meeting his eye contact and realizing how he was staring the entire time he was leaning back. They blushed and quickly faced away. Rogue cleared his throat.

"I mean, you two seem to have a thing going on," he looked for the right words, sighing at how he used such words.

"O-Oh, that? You... saw it?" She asked quietly, scared of his upcoming answer. Rogue sat up, his hands between his knees. He rubbed the back of his neck, averting his eye away.

"Everyone did."

"That really doesn't answer my question," she said, smirking as she raised an eyebrow. Rogue sighed in defeat and chuckled. "Yeah, yeah, I did. In fact, I got the front row seat."

"O-Oh," she blushed madly, sighing. "Listen, Rogue, I-"

"No, no, I get it. He's a nice guy." Rogue trailed off, trying his best to think of a few more reasons but was running dry. He mumbled his words now and felt like he was cornered.

Peri chuckled and pulled him by the collar, their faces barely an inch away. Rogue continued to trail off, blushing and pretending to be oblivious. Peri rolled her eyes and kissed him deeply, her lips soft on his.

Rogue was barely surprised, closing his eyes and melting into the kiss, kissing her back. He held her waist gently and pulled her close, feeling her weight relax on his. He brushed off her hair, moving it behind her ear and felt her hands reach his chest, blushing at the contact.

They were sitting there for a while, enjoying the moment in each other's arms. Time seemed to stop as their hearts raced.

Rogue pulled away panting, his face completely red as he looked at her with shock. "Whoa, I... just wow."

"O-Oh my sails, I'm so sorry!" It was Peri's turn to become red, quickly hiding her face with embarrassment. "I'm so so so sorry, I don't know what has gotten into the me, I was too into the moment and I-!"

Rogue cracked out laughing, holding his stomach as he cried tears of joy. Peri abruptly stopped, glancing at him and found his state attractive yet intimidating.

"Calm down, Peri. Emotions get the better of us," he wiped his tears away, smiling at her. "And don't worry about it, it was... nice."

"I, uh... yeah... it kinda was."

"Better than with Carter?" Rogue remarked, earning a playful punch from the lady. She giggled and blushed, a bright smile plastered on her face.

"I mean, if you're... interested in continuing this...?" Rogue asked quietly, carefully glancing at her while blushing. He smiled hopefully, shrugging. Peri turned away with a smile still on her face, blushing.

"How does later sound?" She turned to him, a sly grin taking up the space on her face. Rogue chuckled lowly, placing his hand on hers gently. "Sounds good to me, Periwinkle."

"We should head back inside, the others are probably worried." Peri got up on her two feet, reaching her hand out to Rogue who gladly took it with a smile.

"Nah, they're probably busy making out as well." He remarked, getting up. Peri nodded, sighing. "Maybe we... shouldn't speak of this to the others."

"Agreed. I wouldn't want them up in our business anyway." He said, both of them entering the bar. When they stepped in, they spotted Carter right outside of the door.

He sighed of relief and walked up to Peri, holding her face. "I was so worried- Periwinkle, I'm so sorry about everything that I said- Did he hurt you?"

Carter held Peri in his arms, glaring at Rogue while Rogue just raised an eyebrow.  He crossed his arms. "Does biting her lip count?"

"W-Wait, what?" Carter glanced at Peri who pushed him away. She sighed with frustration, rubbing her temples.

"Carter, cut it out. There is nothing between us!" She said, glaring at him. "I'm sorry." Carter eyed her, then at Rogue. He growled and pushed Rogue to the wall, everyone in the bar glancing at them when they heard the loud thud.

"This is your fault!" Carter exclaimed, watching as Rogue struggled to move. Peri tried pushing Carter away, but his grip on Rogue was too strong.

"Carter, seriously! Stop!"

"No, no, it's fine, Periwinkle." Rogue grinned weakly, gripping Carter's wrists.

"Listen to me, man. None of us wants this. Just put me down and we can talk this out-" Rogue said, watching as Carter chuckled, his eyes glowing red.

"Oh, I'll put you down alright."

Carter tossed Rogue on the bar table, sending him sliding across it harshly as glasses were toppled over. Rogue groaned and held his head, his vision blurry as he saw a silhouette approaching him.

"And this is the part where I'm supposed to fight back, huh?" Rogue asked, taken aback as Carter broke a glass bottle, picking up a large shard and aiming it at his face. Rogue held Carter's arm, gripping it tightly as he tried pushing it away.

Rogue grunted as the shard was barely an inch away, kicking Carter away. It sent the shard across his cheek, creating a cut. Rogue got on his feet, hissing as he wiped the small amount of blood dripping down.

"Okay, Cart man. You know, I tried talking things out but obviously that's not your style," he said, backing away.

"Then stop talking!" Carter recovered, walking past the crowd who gave him space, watching as he threw a table aside. He grabbed another bottle and tossed it at him. Rogue dodged it, sighing of relief.

Carter pushed the table across, cornering Rogue to the wall. He gritted his teeth and tried reaching for him as he pushed the table against him harshly.

"Rogue!" Peri called, throwing him an item to defend himself. Rogue caught it, smiling. "Hah! Thanks Peri!"

He glanced at the item to see what it was. It was a spork. He eyed it carefully. "Huh, I could make a use out of this." He said genuinely.

"Sorry! But what do you expect? A full length sword just laying around?" Peri said, turning to every angle for something. Rogue was too busy to reply, dodging every item being thrown at him.

Finally, Rogue pushed the table towards Carter, sending him falling as he barely gained the chance to run. But Carter quickly recovered again, grabbing Rogue by the leg.

He fell to the floor, grunting. He turned around quickly, kicking the other guy away. But Carter grabbed his leg and twisted him around, pinning him down with his foot as he gripped his arm, pulling him back.

"It's a shame. Did all your days in Athena soften you up? You seem to have lost the fire in you!" he laughed in a way that was way too familiar.

"Funny of you to say that," Rogue commented.


Carter abruptly stopped laughing, falling to the floor. The sound of the thud echoed across the bar.

Peri crept up from behind where Carter was, gently kicking Carter's body off to the side. Rogue turned around again, smiling as he saw her face. He chuckled when he saw the pan in her hand, turning to the unconscious Carter.

"Man, I'm sensing some real deja vu down here," he smiled, taking Peri's hand that she offered. He got on his two feet and glanced down at Carter, holding his waist.

Peri grinned at Rogue. "Not gonna lie, Carter is technically right. You got soft," she nudged him jokingly.

"That's what sh-" Lee attempted to say but was cut off by Kilo who covered his mouth. "Don't."

Rogue and Peri slowly glanced away, sure to explode if Lee said another word.

"Ooookkkayy... Well, I guess I'll be cleaning things up again. It is my job," Rogue said, examining the whole disaster they caused in the bar. Peri nodded, putting her arm on Rogue's shoulder.

"Does this mean you won't have free time with us before we leave later?" Peri asked, watching his head nod afterwards.

Silence grew as they stared at the mess also known as Carter. Peri glanced at Rogue.

"I'll help you."

Rogue wiped more of the blood dripping from the cut on his cheek, smirking. 

"I knew you would."

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