Lonely (Lirry Stayne)
“Lads, I’m going out tonight? Got a date with a fit girl, so don’t wait up!” Niall called as he disappeared out the front door.
Ever since Niall had met this girl, he’d been devastated over how he couldn’t get the courage to ask her out. So the boys asked her out for him, and this was going to be their first date. He had a joyful grin spread across his face as he went to pick her up.
In the house, the remaining four boys were preparing for a movie night. They’d already chosen snack foods and placed them beside the couch and armchair, but they were having difficulty deciding on a movie.
“Harry, we are not going to watch Love Actually again!” Zayn complained to the younger boy.
“Why not? You always get to pick the movies and you never let me watch it,” Harry retorted.
“He doesn’t always pick! Normally I do! And you’re the only one who wants to watch that stupid movie all the time, so why are you blaming us?” Louis butted in.
Harry rolled his eyes. “You’re the ones who started it! I just wanted to relax and watch a good movie. Is it too much to ask for?” He crossed his arms over his chest angrily. “If you hate my choice so much, why don’t you think of another movie you’d like to watch more?”
Louis took no time responding, “Grease!”
“NO!” Harry and Zayn yelled. “We always have to watch that,” Harry added.
Liam sighed, rubbing his temples as he watched the other boys argue. This was a usual occurrence here in the house of One Direction, but he wished they could quiet down a bit. The loud words were beginning to give him a headache. He knew he had authority and could always just tell them what movie they would be watching, but up to a certain point it was fun watching how worked up they could get over simply picking a film for movie night.
A few minutes later, Liam stood. “That’s enough! Louis and Zayn, Harry’s right this time. You guys do always make him watch what you want to see. Louis, we see Grease all the time so you can’t complain. Zayn, I didn’t see you making any suggestions. No more, just put on the stupid movie and sit down!”
Noting how agitated they had made Liam, the other boys sank to their seats as Harry grabbed the movie and turned on the television. Liam groaned, plopping down in his own spot and getting comfortable.
“We’re sorry, Liam,” Zayn and Louis mumbled, and he inclined his head in acknowledgement.
Harry returned from starting the film, sitting beside Liam. The two boys were sharing the larger couch while Louis and Zayn cuddled up in the armchair. Harry’s eyes were not focusing on the movie, although he had been the one to choose it. He was watching the boys in the other seat.
They had their arms around each other, Zayn’s head lying in the crook of Louis’ neck. They were pressed tightly, almost no space in between. Harry’s eyes filled with hurt; was Zayn replacing him? Normally he would’ve been the one snuggled with Louis. Shaking his head to rid himself of the jealous thoughts, he returned to watching the film.
Liam noticed the longing looks the youngest boy had been sending to the oldest. He decided not to comment, but made note of the fact that Harry might be a bit snappy later on toward Louis. He looked over at the two on the armchair and realized they weren’t even trying to pay attention to the movie. They were soaking in each other’s presences and trying to get even closer without anyone noticing.
Glancing back at the Cheshire boy, he saw tears in the rims of his eyes. The poor boy was feeling rejection from his best mate, who was cuddled up with one of their other friends and letting Harry sit all alone on the other side of the room. He wasn’t going to lie to himself; it hurt. But there wasn’t anything he could do without seeming like an insanely jealous freak, and he didn’t want that.
Once again, Liam saw the pain masked behind the green eyes and made up his mind to take action. He pulled the younger boy to his chest, placing him in a position similar to the way Zayn was laying on Louis. He felt the boy move closer, burying his face in Liam’s chest to hide the tears. Feeling bad for him, Liam ran his fingers softly through the curly strands, hoping to soothe the upset boy. It worked; Harry began to calm and relax into Liam’s body. The older boy smiled.
Liam may hide it very well, but he was in love with the curly-haired Cheshire boy. It tore him apart to see his love being broken by his best mate, but he loved the feeling of holding Harry in his arms. Harry would never know it, but this was a moment Liam would cherish for life. Tightening his grip on the younger boy’s body, he snuggled into the warmth and closed his eyes.
When the film ended, Harry didn’t show Liam any extra emotion. No acknowledgement of the fact that he’d just helped the boy get over the rejection he was feeling without being obvious. Harry just got up, turned off the television, and headed to his room.
Shaking it off and thinking the boy was just tired, Liam went to his own room, but not before seeing that Louis and Zayn had fallen asleep in their curled up position on the armchair. He chuckled to think of their reactions to this the next morning.
Harry woke, rubbing his eyes and making his way lazily to the kitchen. Niall was already seated at the table, typing something on his phone and grinning like the crazy leprechaun he was. “I take it your date went well?”
Niall’s chuckled. “More than just well. We get along perfectly! She has almost the same taste in music and food as me. Can you imagine? She eats just as quickly as I do and she isn’t afraid to eat something with some calories in it! And, she’s super fit! I think I’m falling, mate.”
“Already?” Harry asked skeptically.
Liam entered the room, still half asleep. “What already?”
“I’m falling for Alyssa,” Niall explained, his cheeks tinting pink.
“Aw, our little Nialler is growing up!” Liam exclaimed, pinching his cheek and making his blush darken.
Zayn and Louis came in stretching, having obviously just woken from their tangled pose on the couch. “Good morning, boys,” Louis yelled, already wide-awake.
“Morning, Louis,” Harry replied, earning a small smile from his best mate. Harry smiled back.
As Zayn sat beside Liam, the younger boy noticed his anxious expression. “Hey, don’t worry. Whatever it is will be just fine,” he comforted.
Some of Zayn’s nerves fell away and he stood, looking down at Liam, Harry and Niall. “I- No we, have to tell you something.” He took Louis’ hand, and the older boy grinned encouragingly. “Louis and I are together.”
“Finally!” the leprechaun shouted, making everyone chuckle.
“It’s about time,” Liam agreed.
Nobody but Liam noticed how Harry stayed silent. This was why he felt he’d been losing Louis. He was right in his assumptions. Louis had Zayn now; why would he need Harry?
“Hey, we should double! I’ll call Alyssa right now!” Niall exclaimed happily, Zayn and Louis nodding.
The three boys left, planning what they were going to do and wear and how long they were going to be out. The boys remaining at the table, Harry and Liam, were silent.
Harry was thinking about how he was alone now. He didn’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend, and Louis was his best mate. But now his time would be occupied with Zayn, and Harry knew it wouldn’t be the same as before. He sighed at his dark thoughts.
Liam was thinking about how this was his perfect opportunity. He and Harry were the only remaining single ones, and he knew Harry would be feeling left out. It was his time to make a move, and hope Harry felt at least somewhat the same way he did. He sighed happily at his luck.
The two were taken from their thoughts as they heard the other’s sigh. Looking in each other’s eyes, Harry gulped, seeing something deep and intense brewing in Liam’s brown orbs.
Liam sat forward a little in his chair, reaching for Harry’s hand. “You’re not alone, Haz,” he murmured, “You’ve still got me. I’ll never leave you, I promise.” He smiled gently at the younger boy across from him,
Harry wondered how he could have forgotten. He may not have Louis, but he would always have Liam. At least, in his heart.
Harry knew he had a little, maybe more than a little, crush on Liam. He’d been craving the older boy for a long time, driving himself crazy. He felt the jealous anger spring up when he saw the Wolverhampton boy hug someone else or heard him speak of a girl he’d met. It burned his heart, but he knew that with the heartache there could eventually be pure joy, so he never gave up.
Liam suggested they have a lazy day, and Harry immediately agreed. Both boys were perfectly happy to just lie together, basking in the other’s arms and pretending they were loved. Both had a deep feeling of loneliness, stemming from the fact that all three of their closest friends were in happy relationships and they were in love with someone who would never, could never, want them. Again, they sighed and caught the other’s attention.
“Harry, what’s bothering you?” Liam asked, curious.
Harry’s eyes widened. “N-nothing, Li. Just a bit tired.”
Liam didn’t believe it for a second. “I know something’s up, Hazza, you’ve been spacing out and sighing all morning. You can tell me, I promise I won’t say anything if it’s secret. Please, Harry,” he begged the younger boy.
“Fine, I’ll tell you. You’re going to hate me, Liam. You’re going to leave me too, and I’ll be all alone and nobody will care,” Harry sobbed.
Liam rolled his eyes. “I could never hate you, Harry. Never. Now tell me what’s bothering you, babe.” He couldn’t believe he’d let the word slip from his mouth, but he couldn’t take it back.
Harry caught the slip-up and smiled, just a tiny bit. It gave him hope that maybe Liam felt the same way. It was hard to force the words he needed to say out, but he knew it must be done now or he could lose his chance forever. He may never have the courage to even get this far again.
“I, I- I love you,” he mumbled.
Liam felt his heart rise with a sudden burst of hope, before dropping with a thud. There was no way Harry meant it how the older boy wished he would. “I love you too, Hazza. We all do,” he replied glumly.
Harry wanted to scream. It was hard enough to say it the first time; why couldn’t Liam just understand? “No. I’m in love with you, Liam James Payne, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
Liam grinned. This was the best day ever! His best mates were all happily in love, and now he got the chance he’d been waiting for with his love. It was like a dream come true.
“What if I don’t want to do anything about it?” Harry’s head shot up from his position staring at the ground. What was that supposed to mean? “What if I like that you’re in love with me?” Liam clarified.
“I’m in love with you too, Harry Edward Styles. So much, forever and always.” The words that Harry has heard so many times in his dreams came from Liam’s perfect mouth. He had to pinch himself to make sure this was in fact real life and he wasn’t in another dream.
Smiling as the boys felt for the first time the love between them, they each leaned in slightly, noticing the other’s change in stance. Smirking, Liam leaned forward just the last little step and closed the space between their lips.
The kiss was perfect. Not too rough, as if they were going farther than a simple kiss. Not too slow, as if they were scared or not feeling it. The kiss showed their love, through actions instead of words. Harry loved the sweet taste of Liam’s lips, and Liam couldn’t believe he was actually kissing the boy he loved.
“There’s no need to feel lonely any longer. Harry, will you be my boyfriend?” Liam asked, dying to call the younger boy his own.
Harry felt a happy tear trail down his cheek. “Of course I will, Liam.” He brought the other boy into a close hug.
When the other boys returned home that evening, they fell over on the couch. “How were your dates?” Liam inquired politely.
Louis grinned. “Incredible. Did you have fun here with Harry?”
Liam smirked at the memories of earlier that day, when he had finally found love. It truly was perfect, and he couldn’t ask for more. Harry was his, and that was all that mattered. Harry listened unobtrusively to their conversation, wanting to know everything having to do with his new boyfriend.
“Oh, you have no idea.”
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