Glitchy x Reader
You were sitting there, humming softly to yourself as you watched some TV, of course there wasn't much on at the moment, just some South Park.
Your head perked up at the sound of knocking, you wondered who on earth could be here since you rarely got visitors...
You cautiously got up and slowly approached the door, you then opened it and peered out not seeing anyone but then you looked down and saw a... computer? And it wasn't even packaged?!
"What the hell?" You muttered, looking around to see if anyone was near but there wasn't, you looked down at the computer and shook your head, you didn't wanna take this thing, since you did have a computer on your own and this one could have no telling what on it.
You were about to turn around and head back inside when you heard a crack, you looked at the computer a bit startled.
"H-H-Hey? Is.... Is a-a-anyone t-t-the-r-r-re....? ....Ple-e-ease? It's... d-d-dar-r-rk in her-r-re!" A stuttering voice spoke, it sounded strange... The pitches changed so much, it sounded like a robot with a broken voicebox.
Your eyes widened as you heard the voice speak, you stepped away from the computer, however whatever it was must've heard your steps...
"H-Hello? I-I hear-r-rd y-y-ou.... P-Ple-ease he-help! Op-p-pen up-p the compute-r-r-r!" It exclaimed, it sounded absolutely panicked.
You took a shaky step towards the computer, remaining silent as you slowly opened it up, what you saw was merely a blue error screen... Until the unthinkable happened, before you could even react suddenly a pix-elated form appeared.
Finally after a bit the pixelated form had began to grow and form completely, once it seemed complete you stepped out a bit further in hopes to see what this thing was, your heart froze when you realized just how big this being was.
Before you could dash back inside, a hand scooped you up, bringing you up to the being's face, you could now see his eyes were two different colors, cyan and red, his body was static-y apart from his clothes, you could see he had some facial hair and his hair was completely pitch black.
He smiled brightly at you "O-Oh w-w-ow! It's been s-s-o long s-s-ince I last saw a h-h-hu-uman befor-r-re! Your-r-r so t-t-tiny!" He squealed, making you wince at the loud noise, you screamed as he brought a finger closer and cowered back into his palm, not being able to go anywhere else.
He blinked and tilted his head in confusion but he soon realized and withdrew his finger, trying to tone his volume down as well "O-O-Oh.... Sor-r-ry.... I for-rgot...! It's been s-s-so long since I h-h-have been fr-r-ree...! My name's Glitchiplier! You c-c-can call me Glitchy tho-o-ough, What's your-r-rs?"
You stared up at him and whimpered "(Y/N)..." That was all you muttered, you were horrified, what had you just unleashed?! What if he goes off on a rampage? What if he kills humanity, he was a giant.... You had just unleashed a giant and you prayed he was a kind one...
Glitchy continued to smile "(Y/N) is suc-c-ch a cute n-n-name...! O-O-Oh thank y-y-you by the w-w-ay...! You s-s-saved me from that pr-r-rison, how can I ever repay y-y-you?" He leaned down to nuzzle you carefully.
You flinched at the nuzzling, blushing when he said your name was cute "T-Thank you... Uhm... could you... put me down? P...Please...?"
He rose a brow but complied surprisingly and gently set you down, sitting on the ground and looking down at you with admiration, he thought for a moment "Ar-r-re you gonna r-r-run?"
You looked towards your house, the door was right there but he was watching you with intent, your mind was screaming at you to run inside but he hadn't harmed you so far... In fact he seemed docile and almost child-like.
You shook your head and spoke up so he could hear you "No, I'm not going to run!" Upon hearing that he smiled and leaned down to where he was laying on his stomach, you prayed he didn't kick a tree or destroy anything, but he seemed to be acting careful and cautious.
"So... What... were you doing in that computer?" You suddenly asked, but quickly covered your mouth, hoping it wasn't a sensitive topic you didn't want him angry at you or anything like that.
Glitchy frowned but he didn't seem angry "Wel-l-l... I c-c-can't r-r-remember actually... I w-was just sleeping o-o-one moment then t-t-he next I was tr-r-rap-p-ped inside t-t-hat thing-g-g... Stuff has chan-an-anged though... I d-d-don't re-re-remember humans being t-t-this tiny...! I d-d-don't mind t-t-hough! I love t-tinies..!"
He held his finger out towards you which of course made you flinch, he just seemed like a curious child "W-Wow... You r-r-really are smaller t-t-han I thought... I wonder-r-r what its like to be ti-i-iny...!"
Glitchy thought for a moment before his body began to pixelate again, it must've been reforming, you watched as he got smaller and smaller, he could change his size...? You walked over once his body reformed, at least he hadn't shrunk too small to where you couldn't see him.
He looked at his surroundings and then up at you, he didn't seem intimidated at all, he giggled in fact and waved "H-H-Hello up ther-r-re!" He was so innocent, so child-like and so... pure.
You couldn't help but chuckle and pick him up gently, he didn't even flinch when you picked him up, he merely clung to one of your fingers and hugged it tightly, giggling up at you.
You smiled and gently patted his head which he giggled some more at, he began to playfully bat your fingers "So-o-o this is w-w-what it's like b-b-being t-t-iny! I pr-r-refer be-e-eing giant honestly! T-Then I can h-h-hold all t-t-he tiny humans I wa-a-ant!" He smiled, signalling for you to put him back down on the ground.
You complied and set him on the ground, backing as his form began to pixelate and grow once more, you barely had time to react as he scooped you up again, making you yelp in surprise but this time you didn't struggle nor squirm. "E-Easy there big guy...!"
Glitchy smiled and nuzzled you, at this point you didn't think he had any intention to harm you so you merely smiled back and leaned into the nuzzle "Your not so bad Glitchy... I will admit, I was scared of you at first but... You really aren't that bad."
He pulled back and sighed "Y-Y-Yeah most people ar-r-re scar-r-ed of me at f-f-irst...!" He paused, the smile faltered slightly "...T-That's why I don't... h-h-have any fr-r-riends..." He admitted, his tone becoming a little sadder, which seemed unusual for him.
You tilted your head and looked at him confused, before noticing his expression was one of hurt and sorrow "Glitchy? You... alright buddy?" You were beginning to get worried for him but he simply turned towards you and sighed.
"...I'm n-n-not good at m-m-making fr-r-riends.... T-T-They're always..... sca-r-r-red of me... I tr-r-ry to say hello and b-b-be as nice as possible but... ever-r-rytime... They always r-r-run... I....I d-don't mean to scar-r-re people... I....I'm not a m-m-monster-r-r..." He spoke, his tone shifting pitches as tears began to flow down his face "I jus-s-st w-want some fr-r-riends..."
Your expression softened completely at his words, you begun to feel bad for him as you held onto his finger and nuzzled it gently "Glitchy..."
He then turned towards you and smiled rather sadly "That's why.... I'm gl-g-glad you didn't... r-r-run.... like a-a-ll the other-r-rs.... Sur-r-re you were s-s-scared but... y-you gave me a c-c-hance... You l-l-let me pr-r-ove to y-you... I'm n-n-not a monster-r-r.... ....Thank you... (Y/N)" He curled his fingers around you gently as if to hug you.
You smiled pleasantly up at him and nuzzled his fingers "Glitchy... Your not nor will you ever be a monster... People just sometimes don't know how to react to beings like you... They just don't expect a being to pop out of they're computers or anything like that so they're first instinct is to run.... Well some's instincts are to run... But your more than just a monster... Your a.... friend, I can already tell you got a good heart within."
You paused, reaching a hand out to pat at his finger "You've got a good heart... You haven't wanted to rampage nor kill anyone, you were so nice to me at first and to think I was scared of you... I shouldn't have been I'm sorry"
Glitchy shook his head "No... Fear-r-r is under-r-rstandable...! I c-c-an under-r-rstand why you wer-r-re afr-r-ai-id... I'm just happy y-y-ou didn't run... I car-r-e about you... Sure... We just m-m-met not THAT long ago but... y-your.... you ar-r-re really nice..." A slight blush spread across his cheeks "I like you... a l-l-lot (Y/N) your-r-r my fir-r-rst friend... and I'm.... scar-r-ed...."
There was a long pause before Glitchy began to tremble, his body was shaking horribly "....I'm s-scared.... I'll mess it all up-p-p.... I d-d-don't want t-t-o make y-you upset... or-r-r scared... or... or--"
"Glitchy, Glitchy..." You cut him off and shook your head "You won't... You won't mess it up, I promise... We'll be best friends forever..." You looked him in the eyes, well the best you could anyways since you were tiny.
Glitchy stared down at you "....I'm just... scar-red of s-s-o much.... I...I'm scar-r-ed I'll mess it up or-r-r..... you'll.... for-r-get me... I've been forg-g-gotten before...." He admitted, beginning to sob a little.
You couldn't help but feel bad for him, he just wanted friends, he just wants to be included, he doesn't want to be forgotten, left behind or anything... "Glitchy.... We'll be alright... I promise, I'd never ever forget you.... And you'll never mess anything up... You'll be alright... You just have to trust me when I say this, it. will. be. okay."
He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down "...Y-Y-Your right.... It'll be all o-o-okay.... N-N-No mor-r-e loneliness... n-n-no mor-r-e time in c-c-computer-r-s.... none of t-t-that..."
You smiled brightly and nodded "That's right... Hey... do you mind putting me down and shrinking down? We should really get inside before someone sees..." You chuckled slightly which just made him giggle and nod.
Glitchy set you down and then re-formed into a tiny size again, you.... just wanted him normal sized but you weren't going to complain, you walked over and picked him up carefully, hugging him carefully before walking back inside and going into your bedroom, you set down on it and held Glitchy close.
He smiled at you and looked around "W-w-wow... nice pla-a-ce...! I've never-r-r r-really been inside a house befor-r-re...! Ooh... W-W-What's this?!" He pointed to the blanket, making grabby hands for it.
You chuckled and brought the blanket closer "This is a blanket silly, it keeps you warm and its snuggly"
He seemed amazed and he reached out to pap the blanket, he began just papping and batting at it before finally he dove onto it, giggling at the soft material underneath him "O-O-O-Oooh so c-c-omfy...!" He then yawned and snuggled up against it.
You smiled "Sleepy lil guy?" He just nodded at your words and smiled as he felt your finger gently rubbing his head, his little tongue poked out almost in a bleping motion.
You couldn't help but find the now little guy adorable, you could get used to having him around long as he didn't suddenly turn giant and destroy your house, he seemed to be in control of that so you weren't too worried.
"C'mon let's get some sleep... Later I'll take you on a tour of the house" Your words made him smile brightly as he nodded and curled up, closing his eyes, before he went to sleep however you could hear his words.
"...Thank you... (Y/N)... Lo-v-v-v-e... you...." He mumbled, nuzzling against your hand which just made you smile even more and blush "Love you too Glitchy..." You closed your eyes finally, the both of you drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
((bah my endings are always sleepy time junction but now lemme explain, I don't know much bout Glitchiplier, who created him, etc. He is a non-canon Iplier ego but I've always had a fascination for him... and I've RPed him with close friends multiple times, I just portray him in this way honestly, I can see him as childish, innocent, pure, not evil, and just overall lonely bab who wants friends! He'lldoanythingthotogetfriendsheheh anyways, here's the first story for 2018! And its an Iplier one at that!))
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