Chapter 15.

n. i be breaking it down to this song at parties. ;) there's a lot of Spanish in this chapter but I will translate everything at the end of each paragraph in order. hope ya'll enjoy!

"Stay still, baby." I gently rub the concealer across the bruises on his jaw. Thankfully, they're very light, but knowing my family, they would notice anything. And I rather have them not ask questions about Harry's bruises.

So we sit in his car, while I dab it on his jaw. He rolls his eyes, still pissed that I made him walk into the pharmacy and grab a twelve dollar concealer, which I spent fifteen minutes picking out the correct shade for him.

"Roll your eyes at me again," I dare, stopping my prodding to glare at him.

Harry breaks out into a smirk as I do, and he pecks my lips quickly before asking, "Are you almost done?"

"Yes. Just a little more. I can't have my mom asking questions, she won't let it rest," I explain, continuing to rub the substance on his cheek, rubbing it in carefully to make sure it's blended and not blotchy. I cap the concealer again once I'm done examining his face.

We get out of his car, then. A hand fell at the bottom of my exposed back, the touch almost protective as we crossed the street -- one packed with different cars. I could hear the faint pounding of the music once we neared the back door of the house.

Harry did not seem that nervous, considering his attention was directed mostly at me. The whole drive here, he struggled to keep his eyes on the road. Hazardous, if I may say. Or at the parking lot of the apartment complex, he pressed me lightly against his car and smeared my lipstick with the hard kiss he gave me. To say the least, he had half of it on by the time he pulled away, which was another extra ten minutes to reapply and get it off of him.

I pushed the back door open, letting the sound of music and the smell of beer pour outside. We escaped the chilly air from outside and walked into the kitchen.

I look back at Harry, squeezing his hand. He gives me a slight smile in return. The music is loud here, faintly pounding against the yellow walls and flowery wallpaper, but much louder in the basement. It's a familiar merengue, one that nearly everyone here knows. Even the kids.

Speaking of kids, there were many small children running around in the living room an archway away from the kitchen. I saw Leeoni, faint makeup and dark skirt on. She had a white blouse on, rocky jewelry hanging from her neck and matching earrings to go. Her voice immediately breaks ground when she shouts at the kids to stop running.

"Leeoni," I called, my hand still in Harry's. When she turns, she looks briefly at me, but all the attention is directed towards my six foot, handsome boyfriend that will surely knock the air out of her lungs. Leeoni, being the short woman she is, looks up at him with wide eyes before waiting for me to initiate the introduction. "Este es mi novio, Harry. Harry, this is a close family friend, Leeoni." This is my boyfriend, Harry.

Leeoni smiles widely and immediately rushes to give him a kiss on the cheek. Harry looks at me with wide eyes before grinning down at the small woman, bending to allow her to do the welcoming initiation. I smile to myself, letting go of Harry's hand. "Que hombre tan bello! Mucho gusto --eh, nice to meet you, Harry!" She tries her best to say, her thick accent obvious. What a beautiful man! "Tara, you look so grown up. Mucho cuidado!" Be very careful.

We can't even let Harry get a word in as the children rush into the kitchen, wanting some soda. They're screaming at the top of their lungs, which irritates Leeoni, and she screams back to quiet them down. I glance over at Harry, seeing he's unaffected by the loudness of what is only a tiny portion of my family. That is a great sign.

"It's nice to meet you, --" Harry tries, but again there is another commotion. One of the older kids popped a balloon, and startled the younger ones on purpose. They let their childish screams conquer the atmosphere again.

Leeoni smiles at Harry, squeezing his cheek and saying, "Debes aprender un poco de Español, mijo."

I laugh gently, and Harry seems like he understood a little when he shyly gives her an apologetic grin. Turning back to her, I ask, "Leeoni, has visto mi madre? Esta loca por conocer a Harry." Have you seen my mother? She's crazy about getting to meet Harry.

She shakes her head. "No se. Creo que esta en el sòtano. Si la veo, te aviso," she assures me, and I nod in return. Quickly, she's absorbed by the need of the children, who occasionally look in our direction, ignoring us seconds later. I don't know. I think she's in the basement. If I see her, I'll let you know.

Eventually, I take Harry's hand again and lead him to where we'd leave our coats, most likely Leeoni's bedroom. He looks around as he shrugs off his jacket, placing down the orchids on the polished, wooden dresser. "Is this Leeoni's house?"

I nod. "Yeah. She has parties often. She loves them," I explain, looking in the mirror atop the dresser, fixing my hair slightly and pressing onto the stubborn baby hairs. Carefully, I fix the straps of my tight, white dress only to grab Harry's attention. He reaches over, standing behind me, fixing the strap where I can't reach it. His fingers brush lightly against my skin. I look at his focused face through the mirror, our reflection making me happy.

"You look so good," he murmurs lowly, looking down at me from behind. I roll my eyes at him, unable to keep myself from smiling regardless.

"No, no," I smack his hands away from sliding against my hips. Turning, I gaze up at him and scold, "No touching, yet. It's important that we acknowledge that even when my mother isn't around, she's around."

"That makes no sense."

"It will. Just wait," I lean up and lightly kiss his chin, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the bedroom before anyone notices we've been gone a little too long, and get ideas. We pass the kitchen where only some children are left, mostly the older ones who rather not be here, and be out with their friends.

The basement is very large, holding up extended family and many of their friends combined. It smells of alcohol and food, the music drowning out conversations with the exception of loud laughs.

There are chairs lined up against the walls where people sit, either talking, drinking, or eating. The lights are dimmed, however twinkling little lights hang from the ceiling along with balloons. Sometimes I forget when there are birthday parties, but I have a feeling this one is one of them. I better ask before it's too late.

Nobody is up dancing yet, but it will be soon begin, there is no doubt about it. I lead Harry through, occasionally stopping to greet everyone I recognize and know, even those who I don't. It's obvious people are surprised to see Harry, and it's almost laughable how cute and clueless he is to it.

When we reach my aunts and cousins, Harry becomes the center of attention. I greet my Aunt Clara with a wide grin because afterall, she is my favorite one. With my hand still in Harry's, she clearly notices and looks to him with curious grin. "This is my boyfriend, Harry." It quickly becomes tiring introducing him over the loud music, but for the most part everyone seems to notice how ungodly attractive he is. I'm the only one who notices how cutely shy he is under all that height and good hair.

"Mucho gusto. You are very handsome," she smiles in his direction, and he smiles politely in return. "You look too grown up, Tara. A little too much."

With a laugh, I joke, "I swear, it's not my fault."

"Well, you look just like your mother. Gorgeous. There's no surprise there," Aunt Clara gushes, standing from her chair and fixing up her red dress. "I'm going to get something to drink. Make sure you say hello to Anthony and Sarah. Your mom already told them you were bringing a guest."

I grimace. "Oh no."

"Oh, yes," she laughs, squeezing my shoulder and patting Harry's as a way to excuse herself.

When she walks away, Harry leans down and says to me over the music, "Who are Anthony and Sarah?"

Giving him a apologetic smile, I say back, "You'll find out soon enough. Anthony's my uncle from my mother's side and Sarah's...well she's a little --"

"Tara?!" I hear someone shout behind me, and I'm not shocked when I see it's Anthony. He sports a t-shirt and some jeans, a beer in his hand and that crazy happy look in his brown eyes. He's always cracking jokes about his baldness and the shine of his bare head. He immediately rushes to squeeze me into a hug, pressing a quick kiss on my cheek.

I pull away from our embrace, having let go of Harry's hand, and smile up at him. He's quite tall, a few inches taller than Harry. For the most part, I really like Uncle Anthony because he's amusing and fun to be around. His wife, not so much.

"Hola, tío. Como estas?" I greet sweetly.

His rough, loud voice can nearly drown at the music that surrounds us. "Muy bien. Y tu, niña? Estas muy bella! Que te esta dando para comer tu madre?" He scoffs, shaking his head. He looks towards Harry, and being the confident, extroverted man he is, he smiles wide and holds his hand out to him. "Harry, no?" Very good. And you, little girl? You are very beautiful! What is your mother giving you to eat?

Harry nods in response, smiling and shaking his hand. I'm surprised tio didn't pull him into a hug. But I speak too soon, and he pulls poor Harry forward and drags him into a rough hug that Harry winces from because of his injuries. I widen my eyes quickly before grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him from Anthony's "tough man" hug.

"Uh...Tio, have you seen my mom?" I try to quickly change the subject, rubbing my hand gently on Harry's back.

Anthony, unbothered, shakes his head and asks Harry, "Do you want a drink, man?"

"Thank you, sir, but I don't drink," he tells him, and Anthony seems taken aback by Harry's confession.

He frowns deeply and then says, "I respect that, man. That's cool." He then snaps his fingers as if he remembered something. "I gotta remind the DJ something. Have fun, you two!"

I'm glad we don't see Sarah, yet. We try and find some seats, and we do closely by a corner just across from the famous mini bar Leeoni loves, and I see her by it sipping a margarita with a man I can't recognize. I cross my legs and sit back, turning to my Harry, who's looking around, examining the party. The light reflects in his eyes and face, and I study him, being interrupted shortly by his eyes locking with mine.

I smile at him and he does so back. "My family's not crazy enough yet, are they?"

"I like them. Anthony, I can tell is quite...enthusiastic," Harry concludes, shrugging and turning to me, placing his hand on my knee. I lean my elbow onto the top of the chair, hand pressed against the side of my face. My lazy posture makes room for him to lean down and kiss my hair, but he does no more.

The music, thankfully, is lowered and so it is easier to talk. I place my hand on his bicep, and we chat a little until I realize someone highly valued standing in a corner speaking to one of my cousins, my mother. And she's been watching us a while now, I can tell by the way she's already looking at me when I realize her presence. My mother smiles and excuses herself from my talkative cousin, Marissa.

"Tara, you were supposed to look for me," she warns when she comes by. I stand up and with realization also, Harry follows. The queen has arrived.

I grimace. "I didn't see you. Anyways, ma, this is Harry," I give her a bright smile as I grab Harry's arm as if to pull him more forward and give him the spotlight of the conversation. He grins and I know that look he has is enough to win over my stubborn mother.

She examines Harry, before giving him a smile and saying, "Hola, mucho gusto, Harry. I'm Tara's mommy, but you knew that. She is also very grounded right now for not warning me that you'd be this handsome."

My mouth hangs open, and I exclaim, "Ma!" But this only seems to amuse her furthermore, and she puts on this talkative charm she does with every stranger. Harry glances at me quickly, smiling and I know exactly what he's thinking. So cocky.

"It's nice to finally meet you, ma'am."

"Please, don't call me ma'am. It makes me feel as old as I am, and I hate that. You, honey, call me Mary," she squeezes his cheek and Harry gives an awkward smile. "I would love to chat some more with you later on. For now, I'll let you breathe and enjoy the party." She turns to me and leans in to whisper, "Es bello, Tara. Te pasaste." He's beautiful. You went beyond.

I send her a quick grin and she kisses my cheek, same with Harry and adds, "Eat some food before people start getting up and dancing. I expect to chat with you both soon."

When she walks away, surprisingly prodding Harry less than I thought she would, Harry says, "I think she thinks I'm cute."

Smiling, I nod. "She thinks you're incredibly handsome. But she's saving her interrogation for later."

"I like her. She sounds like she won't take shit from anyone," he comments, which is almost spot on my mother. Yet, multiply that by a thousand and you'll only be halfway there.

The party doesn't start for another half hour. I still have more people to greet and introduce to my lovely boyfriend, who Anthony has taken under his wing and brought him to their fancy DJ equipment. I watch from afar, softly smiling as Harry bursts out laughing at something ridiculous Anthony probably said. The younger guys down there also seem to be taking a liking to Harry.

My mother sneaks up next to me by the bar where I'm getting Harry and I food, and says, "Anthony told me Harry doesn't drink. The man got blown away by the news."

I laugh, nodding as I look away from them and down at the plates. "Yeah...I'm pretty sure he hates it."

"Why's that? Young people tend to drink more than adults."

"No se," I shrug. I don't know. "I mean to ask him but I keep forgetting. I do remember he said he finds no need for it. He's very intelligent. I wouldn't be surprised if he says something funny like it fries brain cells or something."

Ma laughs softly, shaking her head. "He looks like a good kid. But I will decide that for myself."

"You won't think otherwise, trust me," I assure her. "Uncle Anthony and his boys love him for sure." I nod towards them, who are now showing Harry the magic of their equipment. He seems to be fitting in, asking all the right questions. I can't help but wonder if Harry's dad had those qualities. Surely, being in politics, you have to be gifted with socializing with many types of different people.

She nods, watching them closely before saying, "Have you talked to Sarah, yet? I know you can't stand her, but you have to talk to her. You know how she is."

I sigh heavily to myself, wanting to be mature about the whole thing, but I find myself clenching my jaw and groaning anyway. "She's awful. Ella es el diablo en la forma de una mujer." I cuss. She is the devil in the form of a woman.

Ma slaps my arm. "Deja de ser tan terca." Stop being so stubborn. "I agree, but just say hello and be on your way."

Soon enough, she leaves me alone and Harry walks back to me, a huge grin on his face as he says, "Anthony is absolute nuts. He's hilarious. He was just telling me a story about him and a girl on his roof---"

"Please don't finish that sentence," I sing softly, grinning to myself. I know the story well enough already. I'm sure everyone here does.

Harry laughs. "Who the hell gets on the roof during a lightning storm?"

"Shh, I know," I shake my head, wanting him to be quiet about that god awful story. "I got us some food. I don't know what you'll like. But if you don't like it, you can give it to me. I'm probably gonna eat way more than I should tonight."

He nods, placing a kiss on my cheek. "Thank you." I feel him place his hand a little too close to my ass at the bottom of my spine. I glance over where I know my mother is, and I don't have to look long to know she's watching. "Harry, hands off. My mom's watching."

He blushes and moves his hand away. "Oh. Sorry."

"I told you she'll watch every move. She's crazy, she just hasn't unleashed the beast," I tease him, and he rolls his eyes. I can see his cheeks are still tinged pink, which I find adorable.

We stand by the mini bar, drinking some sodas because I know with my mom being here I won't drink either. Harry ends up eating the rice and meat, and surprisingly everything else. He even grabs a few pastelitos. Halfway through his third, I'm watching him with shock as to how he can fit so much food inside of him. He is an athlete afterall. He furrows his eyebrows and mumbles, "What..."

I shake my head. "Close your mouth, idiot." He huffs and does so anyway, swallowing the last of the food. I've eaten enough to feel slightly full, knowing I shouldn't pack on just yet because I will be forced to dance, and maybe force Harry to learn a few moves. I stretch a little and push my stubborn hair behind me again, feeling a little hot inside the basement.

Without a doubt, I catch Harry smiling as he sips his water, gazing me up and down. I shake my head at him. He'll never learn that my mother is watching, but I let him have it. He burps loudly seconds later, and he looks around to see if anyone noticed and he murmurs a soft "excuse me". I laugh softly, shaking my head and I can't help but run my hand briefly through his hair as he sits at a stool.

We take some time settling. By now, there are many people dancing and shouting and doing whatever it is their drunkenness allows them. A little later, one of my favorite songs begins to play. I notice it the few seconds in, and I grin to myself.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks behind me.

"This is my favorite song," is all I say.

I find one of the family friends I know very well, Ruth. She is much closer to my age, just three years older. She notices me and smiles as I join her little dancing circle. "Tara! Oh my gosh, I didn't know you were here! How you been?!" She shouts over the music. We chat for a few seconds before her party animal side forces me by my hand to dance in the circle full of people, mostly the drunks and the younger relatives.

My laugh is automatic as she dances like she has no rhythm. She reminds me of Charlie when he comes along to these parties, claiming he's "breaking it down". I can't help but smile as I start to move my hips, singing at the top of my lungs. I'm careful not to get too sensual even if it is for Harry, but because I'd probably never hear the end of it.

I sing, and I make sure I move slow enough and that I touch my hips, waist, hair and look in his direction. It's brief, but I know he's looking at me. Ruth dances on her own in her little world, probably letting the alcohol take it from there. I sing to myself, drifting into my own little world, too.

From where he sits, the top of the water bottle is pressed against his bottom lip, mouth shut and jaw clenched as he watches me. His eyes are glued to my hips, my face, hair, breasts, anything he can look at. He isn't discreet about watching me. He smirks lightly, eyes dark with blown pupils and admiration.

Our eyes lock and I move my head down, letting my hair flow to my cheeks. I look away from him, swaying my hips to the music and almost letting myself get lost in the movements.

Our game ends when the music is changed, and I look up. He's smiling, eyes directed to mine. He puts down the water bottle, welcoming me back when I walk into his arms, careless on whether my mom is watching anymore or not. I make our kiss light and short, knowing that we both would've wanted it differently, but I refrain.

"God, you're killing me," he whispers into my neck, hand on my waist, not too far for me to get alarmed and search the ground for my observant mother.

I smile. "Good."

They sing happy birthday to Leooni's cousin, Leo, and cut the cake. It doesn't take a while for the party to ascend and now the adults get their turn. A fast song comes on, and they bring out their instruments. I watch with amusement, pointing out to Harry my mother as she joins the circle of drunk people. They scream aye, aye, aye together, and I'm laughing so hard I can't feel my own stomach. Harry is amazed by all the noise and energy around him, he can't help but laugh, too.

"Oh my god, my mother has drank way too much," I mutter to myself, placing a hand to my heated cheek out of embarrassment, watching my mother get a little too low.

The volume slowly descends, and they all get quieter along with it, until it rises again and the music picks up its pace. I lean into Harry, watching them lose their minds. He does the same, holding me against him and watching.

They die down for a bit, regaining their composure, but only by a little bit. I know my mother's idea about chatting with Harry some more is totally out the window when she approaches us and gives us sloppy kisses on the cheeks. She reeks of alcohol, but I don't worry too much as she's only having her fun.

Anthony is the one who's going insane. For the first time tonight I see Sarah, and she's getting pulled up to dance with Anthony. The guy has energy for days. I sigh to myself, eyeing the woman down. I have so little respect to her after what she had said to me a few years ago. And I can't believe my mother is so much of a good person that she still respects her.

"You okay?" Harry questions me, noticing my lack of amusement.

I nod. "Yeah. I'm okay. What time is it?"

He reaches into his pocket, checking his phone. "One forty. You tired?"

"No. You?"

"How can I be? This is probably the only party I've enjoyed," he chuckles. "Your family is amazing."

I smile down at him, giving him a sloppy kiss on the nose. "I'm glad you're having fun."

"Plus, now I know how sexy you look dancing for me," he slips it right into my ear, right before I'm approached by Aunt Clara, who is probably the only sober woman here.

I move away from Harry only slightly, and Aunt Clara says, "Hey, honey, I'm going to take your mom home early. She threw up just now so we're gonna call it a night. You can leave her car here, I'll pick it up for her tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. Thank you so much, tia. Is she okay?"

She waves my worry off with her hand. "Yeah, yeah. She's fine. She drank a little too much. You two have fun." She leans over and kisses my cheek, and does the same to Harry. "Mucho gusto conocerte, Harry."

When she goes, Harry asks, "I feel like they talk to me in Spanish on purpose."

I laugh. "They get a kick out of your confusion, baby."

"How cruel," he teases.

After an hour, I've managed to pull Harry to dance at least a song with me. I teach him the steps to bachata, and he catches on quickly, but I can't help but laugh at him. We're spent by the next hour, saying goodbye to whoever is left at the party. I walk by Sarah, and I mentally cringe with hatred. We glance at each other, but I don't end up saying anything.

We go into the room, and I realize Harry's flowers are still on the dresser. "The flowers, Harry." He's slipping on his jacket and glances over at them. "We can just leave those at my house, then. She'll love them even after a mean hangover."

He chuckles. "Alright, I'm fine with that. Let's go."

n. what do you think will happen next? ;) :) :)

and guys i have so much time on my hands help.

thanks for reading! love ya'll!

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