girl meets a previous episode
girl meets beliefs
Lollie Parker
"What are you mad about this time? Is Princess Lollie not getting her way?" Noah asked.
Lollie looked up from her bowl and looked at him.
"I don't know, right now you're "Princess Lollie's" problem."
Finn sat beside Lollie while Bailey sat next to Noah.
They didn't know what was up with the two. One minute their friends, next they want to rip each other's necks out.
"Oh, trust me. Lollie always gets her way. Maybe daddy will figure out what do to next."
"If you haven't realized, Lollie doesn't always get her way. For example, she's living here with you. She has to share things with you. If it was her choice she wouldn't want to anything to do with you, that's what "brothers" are here for right? To terrorize their younger siblings, huh?"
"What do you mean "brothers"?"
"Right now you're only Noah Parker, a person who just so happens to be living in an apartment with me. I don't know what happened, I don't know what I did, but do you want an apology or something? What do you want from me?"
"What do I want from you?"
"That's what I asked."
"I want you to stay out my life."
Lollie sighed and stood up.
She grabbed her bag and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Bailey asked.
"Away from him. It's the least I can do."
With that, she was out the door.
It was only Saturday.
She didn't come home until Sunday night. She stayed with the Matthews.
Whatever was going on... trust me. The Parker parents were gonna get to the bottom of it.
Lollie sat in the classroom having a conversation with Lucas, Farkle, and Noah.
A conversation with Noah.
Now they were besties.
"I mean, come on, if you find a dollar on the ground wouldn't you take it?" Lollie asked.
"It depends." Lucas said, "If someone was nearby I would ask them if they dropped it, if not, I would probably pocket it."
"I once drop twenty dollars and I didn't get it back." Noah said.
"Is there any moral to your story?" Farkle asked.
"In fourteen twenty-five, Joan of Arc, a thirteen-year-old girl, believed that she heard the voice of God telling her to drive the English out of France." Mr. Matthews said.
"Amazing." Riley said.
"Yeah, back then you could drive at thirteen?" Maya asked.
"Nobody hears voices in their head. That's just crazy." Farkle said, "It is so!"
"Now Joan knew that this belief could cost her her life." Mr. Matthews said
"What if she wasn't crazy, Farkle?" Lucas asked, "What if she just deeply believed in something?"
"Well, why believe in anything you can't prove?"
"Ah, now there's a question. Guess where this is leading us." Mr. Matthews said.
"To an assignment." Maya said.
The class groaned as Farkle smiled.
"You've all walked through life long enough with your blissfully empty heads. But what do you guys really believe in?" Mr. Matthews asked, "Some of our greatest thinkers believed in something so strongly that they gave their lives to change the world."
"Show-offs." Maya said.
"Does anyone here believe in anything, anything at all?"
"I believe that Maya did wrong by taking somebody else's five-dollar bill." Riley said.
"I believe in five dollars' worth of ice cream." Maya said.
"I believe that life is gonna keep on moving even if you don't want it to." Lollie smiled.
"And I believe that you three are the perfect team for this if there ever was one. You guys are going to report on Thomas Jefferson and George Washington."
"That means we would have to split into three teams of two." Noah said.
"Aw, boo!" Maya said.
"Farkle, you're a man of science."
"I needs me my proof."
"And Lucas."
"I have beliefs that work for me, sir."
"Well, this is going to be fun. You guys are going to report on Joan of Arc."
Noah smiled, "She's a saint."
"Yeah, a saint. Whoo-whoo! Now I want you, two girls, to really learn something from Jefferson."
"Ah, boo!" Maya said.
"Why do you keep booing Jefferson?"
"He hates us."
"How do you know?"
"He's making us do this."
"He died over two hundred years ago."
"So it's you making us do this."
"Aw, boo!"
"Noah and Lollie."
"How is putting them as partners a bad thing?" Maya asked.
"You really haven't been paying attention have you?"
Last week, Noah cut two inches of Lollie's hair.
Lollie proceeded to punch him in the jaw. In their own private dwelling of course. She wasn't gonna get suspended because of that.
Noah then proceeded to reveal Lollie's secrets to the Parker family.
Like how she would sneak out to see Lucas when she was sad or literally anything. How she actually favored her friends, like they were in groups from best to worst.
Lollie threw the box of cereal at him.
So for them to be working on this project together would hopefully put them back into their place. Hopefully.
The group of six all sat scattered in Topanga's.
Noah sat across from Lollie in the back of the small café.
She pushed her notebook in front of him.
"Washington. First President. Powder wig starter." He read, "Seriously?"
"Loosen up, Noah. Washington isn't hard."
"I don't know about you, Lollie, but I want to pass and get this over with."
"Do you think I'm dumb? I can do this just as well as you can Noah."
Noah only chuckled.
"You think I'm stupid."
"If the shoe fits then wear it, Lollie."
Lollie smile flatten, "What is your problem? You know I'm smart. I know I'm smart."
"I thought we agreed to stay away from each other."
"I thought we did a lot of things. I thought we were getting along. I thought you could keep secrets. I thought you were my brother, but it turns out you're only worried about yourself and what people think of you. Well, I tell you what I think of you... I think you're one of the worst people I've ever met."
"What about you're an actual dad? I top him?"
"Yeah, you top him. I hate you and I never meant anything more than what I just said. Good luck getting it done on you're own. Since I'm not smart enough to help you or anything."
"Okay, I can't work with St. Huckleberry the Perfect." Farkle said.
"Tell me about it." Maya and Lollie said.
"Riley, change partners?" Noah asked.
"Oh, of course, you'd make it a square dance." Maya said.
The group stood around Mr. Matthews's desk.
"We want to switch teams." Lollie said.
""No can do, kids! Once you make teams, there's no switching back because what I say goes, because I have a whistle."" Maya said.
"I don't sound like that." Mr. Matthews said.
"You do." They said.
"Okay, fine, go ahead, switch."
"Really?" Riley asked.
They all walked out and Mr. Matthews blew his whistle.
"Wow, he really does." Lucas said.
"He's up to something." Lollie said.
"He's sneaky smart." Farkle said.
"Well, maybe we should just stay the teams that we were."
Lucas suggested.
"Not a chance." Maya said.
"I'm fine with my face." Farkle said.
"Maya, come on, I won't bring it up again." Riley said.
"You and I are always partners. Riles, I just need a break."
"From what?" Riley asked.
"From you and all these things you believe." Maya said.
Maya walked off and Riley headed in the opposite direction.
Lollie grabbed Farkle by the hand and dragged him away from the other two.
She definitely wasn't gonna walk with Noah and she had to distance herself from Lucas due to Noah.
She made sure she was as far away from the two of them before sliding against a locker and sitting on the ground.
Farkle followed her actions.
"You okay?"
She shook her head and rested it on his shoulder.
"Do you think I'm stupid?"
Farkle looked down at her.
"What? No. Why would you even ask that?"
He saw her fumble with her fingers and sighed.
"You don't have to tell me."
"It's just... if someone tells you one thing you start to believe it. Or is that just me?"
"It's not just you. I promise."
Lollie nodded and stood up, "Come on. We're going to Topanga's."
Lollie sat with Farkle at one of the booths as they worked on the project.
They decided that sticking with Washington was the best.
Lollie pushed her notes to Farkle.
"George Washington was an American political leader, military general, statesman, and Founding Father who served as the first president of the United States from seventeen eighty-nine to seventeen seventeen ninety-seven." He read, "This is a good start, Lollie."
"Thanks. Came from my brain."
Farkle gave the notebook back to her. She seemed one hundred percent, not herself.
Farkle has done everything that he could do to at least make her smile.
"Lollie? Can I be honest?"
She nodded as she continued writing.
"I don't like working with you when you're sad."
"I'm not sad."
"Yes, you are. I know you Lollie. What's up with you?"
Lollie sighed, "Noah is like, I don't know. He's been snapping on me lately and we've been going back and forth and we've never really argued like this before and he's making me sad."
Farkle reached across the table and squeezed her hand.
"Talk to him."
"What's the point?"
"He might just be going through some type of phase. He wouldn't just snap at you for no reason, Lollie."
"Fine. I'll talk to him. Just not now."
"Ooh, that's a good one." Riley said.
The two of them looked at Riley and Maya who were snapping photos.
"I still can't be your partner, Lollie. I don't like seeing you sad."
"I understand, Farkle."
The group walked into Mr. Matthews's classroom to once again to switch partners.
"Okay, we know you're going to say no, but-"
"Switch again."
"Thank you."
"So are you and Maya back together?"
"No, Riley and I have decided to separate our work lives from our bay-window lives." Maya said.
"Well, I'm sure that will keep the love alive."
Since Lucas and Lollie couldn't be left alone, they all decided to go to the Mathews apartment.
Lollie sat at the bay window with her legs draped around Lucas.
He tapped his pen against her leg, "Whatcha got?"
She sighed and passed him the notebook.
He smiled, "This has nothing to do with Washington."
She furrowed her eyebrows and took the notebook back.
She looked over at the notebook and sighed. She was thinking about Washington but writing an apology to Noah.
"He's annoying." She said.
"So you're apologizing because he's annoying?"
"Yes and no. I obviously did something to make him mad at me."
Lollie sat at the bay window with Riley and Maya. It was the first time this entire time she's talked to them.
"Can I ask you a very personal question?" Maya asked.
"Are there any other kind?" Riley asked.
"Do you pray?"
"All the time."
"Do you?" Maya asked.
"I just don't. I believe in him. I just don't pray."
"Isn't that sort of..."
"Amazing." Riley said.
"Greedy?" Maya asked.
"Greedy?" Lollie questioned, "How?"
"Shouldn't you leave something for someone else?" Farkle asked.
"Well, I think everyone gets heard." Lucas said.
"See, I just don't get how those things are possible." Farkle said, "I mean, do you really believe He hears everything you say?"
"Do you like computers?" Noah asked.
"I do."
"Can I find out everywhere you've been with just one click?"
"God can't do that?"
Mr. Matthews walked into the room, "Morning, guys. You get everything sorted out?" He asked.
"No."Lollie huffed.
"Why won't everybody just believe everything I believe?" Riley asked.
"They won't?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"No." Noah said.
"How dare they?"
"Farkle, I thought men of science were open to new discoveries?"
"Look, people, it's simple, seeing is believing." Farkle said.
"So you don't believe that Joan of Arc heard the voice of..."
"God?" Farkle asked.
"First you'll have to prove God to me."
"Okay, I'm right, or okay, you're actually going-"
"Take a deep breath, Farkle.
Now that air that you just breathed in, that air that's between you and me, what color is it?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"It's clear, Mr. Matthews. That's why I can see you. I believe in you because I can see you."
"That's your position?"
"Roy G. Biv."
"What?" Maya asked.
"We learned about Roy G. Biv in first grade." Lucas said.
"Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet." Riley said, "It's a rainbow."
"You got a prism on you, Farkle?" "Matthews asked.
"No! Who would carry a why would you think- yes."
He pulled the prism out of his pocket and handed it to Mr. Matthews.
"Great. So remind me what this does, please." Mr. Matthews said holding the prism towards the wall.
"It slows down the speed of light and refracts it into the elemental spectrum of colors."
"Ooh, a rainbow." Riley said.
"That's right. So this air that's between you and me isn't really clear at all, is it? Even though we can't see that."
"Okay, but I don't see how-"
"What's outside that window, Farkle?"
"Flowers, the fire escape, the street, the people on the street, apartment buildings."
"And what's in the apartment buildings?"
"I can't see that."
"People, families, mothers, fathers, kids." Noah said.
"And beyond them?"
"The sky, the stars, the whole universe." Riley said.
"All of it. Every person, every child, everything out there, everything we see and we don't see all these shiny elements of a force that bound us together I like to think of that as a part of God refracted, aspects of God that I can see. What's the secret to life, Riley?" He asked.
"People change people."
"We're here to discover what it is we want to believe in. And different people believe in different things. But it doesn't hurt to listen to people we love before we decide for ourselves." He said walking off.
"Oh. And, uh, Noah?"
"I'm in your daughter's room?"
He crawled out of the and Mr. Matthews pulled off his shoe.
He tossed it to Lollie, "Give it back to him."
"We're all up here together because we don't know who's with who anymore." Lucas said.
"Thomas Jefferson." Riley said.
"Joan of Arc." Farkle said.
"George Washington." Lollie added.
"Before he wrote the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson warmed up with a little something called-" Maya said.
"The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom." Riley said.
"Found it, did ya?" Mr. Matthews asked.
"You knew we would."
"He strongly believed that in a truly free society, religion should be a personal choice." Maya said.
"Thanks to him and what he believed, we live in a place where we can listen to what others have to say and then make decisions for ourselves. So how can I not do the same for you?" Riley asked.
"Thanks, Riley."
"Very enlightening, ladies. Guys?"
"Joan of Arc was the fiercest teenage girl there ever was, and I know some pretty fierce teenage girls." Farkle said.
"She believed so much in what she thought was right, her beliefs inspired a whole nation. Did God speak to her? Who can say for sure?" Lucas said.
"But there is no question that she believed. And that's what gave her a strong voice of her own."
"Nice report, guys."
"Lollie and Noah."
"Being the first was something really really big for Washington. He fought in wars and became one of the most powerful and popular man in America ." Lollie said.
"Even though he was considered to be a great president he let his cabinet talk about the issues before they led to other problems." Noah said.
"Did it work?" Mr. Matthews asked, "Did talking about the situation work?"
"For them... it did." Lollie answered.
"Great job guys."
"Great assignment, Mr. Matthews." Farkle said.
"Thanks, Farkle. I try."
"Want to know what I learned to believe?"
"We are somehow surrounded by the people we need in our lives. They're right in front of me. And I can see them. I don't know how it happened that the six of us are here together in this place at this time right now, That part's a mystery to me. But I'm grateful that it happened."
"What are you doing?" Riley asked.
Maya has dragged the girl into the hallway.
"Well, we went on a pretty good journey for five bucks, didn't we It's worth it to me to give someone else the chance to go." Maya said.
She put the five dollars back on the ground.
Lollie sat in her bed getting ready to call it a night when her mother called her... constantly.
She sighed and put her glasses on and went downstairs. Once there she instantly rolled her eyes.
She sat down on the other side of the couch as Noah sat a distance from her.
"I'm- we're sick of you two arguing back and forth."
That's when the two of them began to speak simultaneously.
"No. Okay, this isn't gonna work. What's wrong with you two? We haven't seen you two argue in the longest of time."
Neither of them said anything.
Bailey sighed and looked back at the clock.
It was one fifteen in the morning.
"You know what? You two can stay down here and until some type of positive conversation comes out your mouths, you two can't leave the living room."
"Are you serious?" They asked.
Bailey made her way upstairs and into her room.
Noah and Lollie only sat there.
One thirty.
"I'm sorry." Lollie faced Noah, "I don't know what I did but I'm sorry."
Noah sighed and ran his hands through his hair.
"You did nothing. You don't ever do anything."
"So you've been at my throat for nothing?"
"It's not like that."
""It's not like that?"" What are you talking about?"
He had finally looked at her, "It's like we're polar opposites, you know. You've gained these friends so easily and you're literally daddy's little girl."
"I don't understand. Your friends are my friends. I'm your friend. Are you jealous or something?"
"You've got it good, Parker."
Lollie laughed, "I'm still lost. We have the same group of friends, the same parents. I don't understand."
"I thought... if I treated you how I felt then maybe you'd understand what it's like to... what it's like to feel like people don't like you. So, yes. I am jealous and I couldn't tell you why."
Her eyes shifted back and forth to the floor to him.
"Why didn't you just talk to me then? You know, instead of having me hate you, you know?"
He shrugged his shoulders.
"Look, if you're not going to talk to me I'm gonna head to bed. I'll talk mom. We are great and life is in order."
Lollie stood from the couch, "It's like... what if your friends didn't like me?" He asked.
"But they are our friends. They like you if they didn't they wouldn't be friends with you, don't you think?"
Noah stood up and hugged his sister.
Lollie's arms rested at her side.
"I dislike you very much."
"I know."
She let out a heavy sigh and hugged him back.
Yes, it was gonna take her some time to "forgive and forget". But this is Lollie and Noah Parker we're talking about, of course, they were gonna forgive each other.
When the time comes.
Word Count: 3296
Episode: Girl Meets Beliefs
Pages: 53
If it wasn't illegal I would throw a child by his twig ankles and throw him into the tv🤭
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