Logic reborn
No two things are ever naturally the same.
No two rocks have the exact same patterns engraved on them, no two trees have the same shaped and numbers of branches. Nothing produced by Mother Nature is the same, each product of the mother of green is slightly different then another.
Humans are no exception to this rule
While Living beings can look incredibly similar, even on a molecular level, they still are never quite a perfect match. Personality has a large part to play in this, even if theoretically two humans were born perfectly identical down to every cell they still would have different personalities due to different experiences within life. Thus marking the two Humans as different, unique. It is remarkable really, how two people can be so similar and yet still be unique. Even with every logical thing pointing to these two people being exact copies of each other, they slowly develop into their own persons.
But, statement that no things can be the same, didn't account for outside intervention. An unnatural hand dipping into the gene pool and altering things that were never meant to be altered, creating something that was never meant to be.
A mortal playing with the powers reserved for our creators, and making something identical to another, a feat that Mother Nature herself couldn't-or wouldn't- do. Rocks that look a bit too similar, trees with the same direction and amount of branches and leafs. Two Sentient beings that are exactly the same, down to the molecule.
Now this wouldn't be so ground breaking if the original was someone unremarkable, like a simple store clerk or soldier. But when the base is someone extraordinary? Someone who creates things that change the world?
The two together would be unstoppable
Jaune stared with wide eyes towards the console that he voice emitted from, slowly processing what it had just informed him of. The Deceptions, a race so technologically advanced that they created this massive warship and all its assets, were all gone from this world? It seemed highly illogical, afterall with there technological prowess and warlike past they could have easily domainited the more underdeveloped kingdoms such as Mistral or Vacuo, Maybe even the mighty Atlas depending on how the campaign was approached.
"Dead?" Jaune repeated "How can they possibly have fallen? It is highly improbable that anything on this world could massacre the Decepticons to this scale."
"Your reasoning is sound and your inquiries are valid, the story is illogical without some facts that I purposely left out to test your curiosity." The voice replied, it's tone staying flat in the face of Jaunes questions. "There is little on this world-short of a few semblances- that could harm much less slay a Deception warrior, especially some of the more high ranking and powerful ones."
Jaune listened closely to the voice, absorbing the information presented to him before formatting his next question. "Then how did they fall? If it was not an outside force that felled the Deceptions then what was the cause?"
The lights in the bridge of the vessel dimmed, leaving only the small light of the console to part the darkness. Then with a bright flash of purple a image was standing in front of Jaune, it's see through nature marking it as a hologram. The image itself was of a bright blue cube, inside the cube there looked to be some sort of liquid substance that flowed freely within its confines.
"This is Energon, the source of all Cybertronians life- Deceptions included- and is the substance that allows us to life, it is similar to the blood that pumps through you." Jaune glanced down at his arms for a moment, gazing at the veins that carried his blood. The voice continued "Energon was produced by Primus himself at the heart of Cybertron, as long as the core was kept alive Energon would continue to be produced, meaning there was never a need to horde the resource."
The image shifted to show several different weapons that Jaune didn't recognize, he could only assume that they were Cybertronian based on their designs.
The voice continued "However Energon was also used for another facet of life, it was not only our lifeblood but also our fuel. Energon was used to Fuel our weapons, machines, Ships and much more. So as the war for Cybertron was fought between the Autobots and deceptions Energon demand skyrocketed. Not only was it needed to feed the armies of both sides, it was also needed to fuel the weapons used by either side, effectively making Energon the most sought after item on the face of the planet."
Jaune silently took in this information as he analyzed the weapons laid out before him. He vaguely recognize the outline and where the weapon was to be fired from, yet strangely there was no trigger or other way to fire the weapon. Perhaps it was some sort of grip activation weapon?
"I see. A shortage would be inevitable in that case." Jaune stated, still staring at the weapon in front of him "Starvation then? Is that how the mighty deceptions met their end?"
"Hardly." The voice responded "While starvation assisted in it, the deceptions own fall was a result of their own actions. When we were sent adrift into space Optimus left us with enough energon to last us to the nearest habitable planet. The autobots through all their faults, were still naive enough to believe Megatron and his followers were redeemable."
Jaune stood silently and listened, absorbing every word as the voice continued its tale. "Megatrons hunger was insatiable, his desire to oppress those who had oppressed him knew no bounds. Where before he had been a graceus leader, one who wanted equality for all and a good life for his fellow Cybertronian, now he was more akin to the tyrants he wanted overthrown. Something changed within him after he met with the high council of Cybertron."
"Another part of the story you decided against mentioning." Jaune commented dryly "I am beginning to see a pattern."
"It was illogical to go over every minuscule detail as I went over a much broader and more important story." The voice responded again "regardless of this, The council were the leaders of Cybertron and the supposed 'greatest minds of Cybertron.' In reality they were nothing but pale imitations of the long gone primes, their so called wisdom nothing but the pleas of greedy tyrants desperately clinging to power." The voice call but spat the last part, it's monotone voice conveying a small amount of contained rage.
"And what happened when Megatron went before this council? What did they tell him?"
"That part of the story in unknown and unimportant, all that is needed to know is that the deceptions cause went from a righteous one to a glorified terrorist organization. When Optimus sent them away, he believed Megatron would eventually reform and be allowed to return to Cybertron, he never did."
"So Megatron brought them here? For what purpose?" Jaune asked "that doesn't seem like a logical choice."
"Megatron pushed the limits of the deceptions already finite amount of Energon, desperately shooting this vessel into deep space in hope of finding more sources of Energon, or even weapons he could use to combat the autobots. He was unsuccessful, and the ship was flung into this planet, then crashing into the ice that would become the tomb of the deception cause."
"I see." Jaune replied, keeping his tone level as his head swam with a million questions that would have to wait, for there was one far more important. "You speak of these events as if you were there, which begs the question, just who are you?"
The voice stayed quiet for a moment, before the image in the center of the weapon disappeared and was replaced by another. It was much larger and took up much of the area, and it was pixalized, taking a few moments to become clear.
"I am the one who remains, the remnant of a once proud movement, the last of the deceptions."
Tall, imposing and dark, the only words that could describe the figure before him. A being of metal, purple and black shiny and deadly looking metal made up a vaguely human body. It's left arm was a normal one, well as normal as a giant robot arm could get, with slight clawed fingers. It's right arm whoever was a giant thing resembling the weapon he was shown before, it's entire figure screaming deadly. Where a normal human chest would be lay a reflective metal that seemed polished to a tee. Then above that stood a single glowing red eye, it's impassive gaze staring down at Jaune.
"I am Shockwave."
The Arc manor is a peaceful place. It sits upon a peaceful blooming hill, in the middle of a peaceful blooming meadow. The peaceful town it sat in the center of was just as pleasant, dormitory was its name, and it was a quaint little town where everybody knew everybody.
Peaceful, untarnished by the bloodshed and Grimm, a quaint little town where nothing eve-
It seems today isn't as peaceful as most days in Dormitory, or more specifically the Arc manor wasn't as peaceful as usual. Ever since the youngest, and only, boy of the arc family murdered four people in cold blood and was taken away the family hadn't been the same since. The world seemed less bright since Jaune had been taken away, and the current scroll call that Alexander and Julia were taking didn't help matters at all.
General ironwood sat on the other line of the video call, his beard re-shaved and hair combed and gelled, he looked a lot better then he had been over the last few days. "We lost him." Ironwood repeated tiredly "He somehow bypassed our security and broke himself out, using our own drones against us."
"We heard you the first time James." Julia hissed, her voice steadily rising in volume " But what I am having trouble understanding is how the HELL did a seven year old boy break out of your maximum security prison!"
Ironwood sighed in response and dragged his hand across his face is a tired maner "If only I could provide you with a answer, in truth we do not know." he let out a loud sigh "He was kept in a holding cell that should have held him until we desired to let him out or move him. But the door was somehow opened, and Jaune was set free upon me and my specialist, turning our machines against us and using the distraction they caused to slip away."
Alexander, who had been silent throughout all of this, spoke up suddenly "The door was somehow opened? Surely you have a better explanation to how he escaped." While Alexander's voice sounded more steady then his wife's, his own brand of cold anger was seeping through.
Ironwood grimaced at Alexander's town "Yes" he answered slowly, being careful with how he worded this "Someone forced their way into our systems from the outside, they brute forced their way in and left just as quickly. They left nothing behind, a clean break in."
"Forced their way in?" Julia asked, her eyebrows arched and her anger momentarily forgotten. "You suspect foul-play?"
"I don't suspect." Ironwood said, his voice firm "I know someone wanted your son to escape our prison, but the question remains as to why." Ironwoods eyes were hard as he stared directly into the twin cobalt eyes of the Arc Patriarch and Matriarch "Is there anything you aren't telling me? Anything at all?"
Alexander and Julia shared a quick look, their eyes met for a moment, but in that second a million words were said. Even if extra information could help Ironwood, the Arc family owed him nothing. They especially didn't owe him anything that could further incriminate their son.
4 civilians brutally experimented on, their last moments spent in agonizing pain as they were experimented by someone they thought to be friend. All while the small blond boy emotionlessly watched the four as he passively read from his book, a dead look in his eyes.
The works of Tyrian Callows, a impossibility, yet the book still existed.
"This is not the end."
"No" Alexander finally said "nothing at all."
Ironwood nodded silently, as he sat staring into space for a moment contemplating something. "Thank you for your time Arcs, I am sorry that I couldn't come baring any better news."Alexander nore Julia responded to that, not that Ironwood expected them to. "I will update you when we have a lead on your son."
Without another word the General of Atlas left the call, leaving the arcs to their activities.
And dormitory returned to peace once again.
Jaune stared at the new holographic form of the voice- no Shockwave- as the hologram intern stared back at him. The imposing new hologram body of the voice made no movements, not even some sort of breathing as his chest sat perfectly still. Jaune took note of the large cannon arm shockwave had, and how quickly that would end him aura or no.
"Why?" Jaune finally said "why all of this? Why bring me here?"
Shockwave didn't respond for a moment, instead just continuing to stare down with his new holographic form for a moment. After a few second which felt much longer, he responded "I am dead." He stated simply, ignoring Jaunes widening eyes "My body fell with the rest of the deceptions, the Energon that kept my body running no longer able to sustain me. It was only through my-at the time untested- Cortical Psychic patch that I was able to upload my conciseness onto this ships drives."
"So where do I come into this? Do you require that I build you a new inhabitance?"
"No" Shockwave replied slowly "You know next to nothing about the Cybertronian body, and teaching you in addition to the construction of the body would be a lengthy process."
"You are impatient?" Jaune found that hard to believe "A machine who has sat here for centuries is impatient?"
"I wish to continue my research, and to feel once again." Shockwave answered "I have been imprisoned within this caporaleal body for far too long. My experiments have sat dormant, and this world is ripe with far more resources then the dying Cybertron could offer."
Jaune ignored the again hundreds of questions that flew through his mind as shockwave kept adding more details onto his story. Was he leaving these out on purpose? Or was he sprinkling in more and more details to test Jaune? But the Arc still had one question that shockwave seemed to be dancing around again and again "Why me?" Jaune asked again, his resolve strong and other questions moved aside for now.
"Does it matter?" Shockwave answered "Do you really care why you were chosen? Or do you truly desire to know what I am planning on doing?"
Jaune didn't answer, he didn't have to, it was clear as day that Shockwaves question was rhetorical. Still the Decepticon stared down at Jaune as if expecting an answer. "I am without a body" shockwave said after a few moments of silence "and I also lack the proper resources to fashion myself a new one, much less one that could perform the tasks I require of it."
Jaune said nothing, prompting Shockwave to continue "So I turned to the outside world, searching for another likeminded individual who would be the perfect match. Unfortunately I found no such beings for a very long time, so long in fact that I began to lose what little hope I had garnered."
"So what changed?" Jaune asked stupidly, he already knew the answer, why ask? He supposed
it was the small part of him that was still a seven year old boy. He felt a small sense of dread at the tone of shockwaves voice.
"You" Shockwave answered "I found you. A person who desires to understand the logic of the world, and cares little for petty things such as morals or others."
Jaune felt a deep sense of dread build up within him as Shockwave continued to speak, a picture forming in his head that he didn't like at all. He was suddenly aware of just how far he was from anyone else, anyone who could save him from the Decepticon.
"I can see it on your face, you have reached the conclusion I am leading you to." Shockwave said, his impassive red eye still staring down at him.
"I-I don't want to.." Jaune said feebly, all thoughts of logic and answers falling out of his mind.
"This is not about want." Shockwave said again, taking a aggressive step forward, even in his holographic form his sheer presence caused Jaune to take a instinctual step back. "I will have a body, and you will agree to the fate I have set before you. One that will transcend whatever pitiful life you would have led otherwise."
Jaune felt a shiver go down his spine as Shockwave continued to speak. How the Deceptions had gone from a informative speaker to a imposing threat on a dime was beyond Jaune, but he knew he didn't like it, not one bit.
"Tell me Jaune arc." Shockwave said "Do you want to help me achieve physical form again? Do you want to help start something that will change the face of this planet forever?"
Jaune's mins however wasn't focused on the bigger picture or Shockwaves perception of the future. All of a sudden his actions and the situation he was in hit him like a ton of bricks, everything he pushed aside for logic flying back at him ten times as fast.
Why was he doing this? Why had he even came to this place? Why had he left dormitory and his loving parents? Why did he take those people and experiment on them?
"A shame, truly." Shockwave said, breaking Jaune out of his train of frantic thoughts. "It seems your worlds 'semblances' have breaking points. I was hoping yours was stronger than that, but it matters not."
"I-I don't want to be your tool!" Jaune yelled suddenly, regaining some clarity of thought. Shockwave however was unaffected by this sudden change of attitude.
"Your pleading will not help you, the moment you stepped into this grave you were mine." As the last word left shockwaves mouth several metal tentacles jumped out from the walls and grabbed Jaune, their large and firm grips giving Jaune no room to maneuver.
The mechanical limbs began to drag Jaune along with the holographic shockwave as the door before them opened. The arms dragged Jaune down the dim hallways, Shockwave following slowly behind.
"Now, let us begin."
The sound alerted Ozpin to a new party joining the call, a very quiet one with him being the only party it in. The screen next to his took a moment to connect, and James Ironwood joined the call. He looked very tired, but far better then he had the last time the two talked.
"I see your meeting with the arcs is over." Ozpin said with a bit of amusement in his voice "How did it go? Did they willing share anything?"
Ironwood snorted as he sipped some whisky he kept at his desk, the burning feeling giving him some sort of pleasure. "It was like you said Ozpin." He said "they didn't reveal anything, not even when I pressed about someone knowing something of their son."
"That was, expected, if unfortunate. The Arcs protect their own, even if one of them has fallen to the outskirts of the law." Ozpin said as he sipped his own beverage of choice, a nice cup of coffee to keep him up "What did you tell them of the person who was watching their son?"
Ironwood straightened slightly at the mention of the intruder "nothing so far, whoever broke in hid their tracks well."
"I'm sensing a but here."
"There is." Ironwood said "The intruder was a prideful one, so prideful that they left a callsign in the files. An M.
Ozpin silently thought of any major players in the shadow war who would use that callsign, from formers of the society to what little he knew of the Paws of the Queen. "Merlot?" He said after a few moments of thinking "He is the only one who used that call sign. Perhaps he isn't as dead as we think."
Ironwood scoffed at that "Merlot is firmly dead, there is no chance he could have survived that fall of Mount Glenn. No one else did."
Ozpin and ironwood fell into a minute long silence at the mention of the failed expansion. Too many fell on that day, and it wasn't one any Hunstman deployed there would ever forget.
"Even if he was alive." Ironwood continued "I doubt Merlot posses the technological prowess to successfully hack into our servers and leave no trace."
Ozpin hummed in agreement "Perhaps a ploy then? Someone attempting to throw us off their trail?"
Ironwood nodded, but his brows were also furrowed "but who would even know of Merlots position within Mount Glenn? He was there on a mission not related to the main expansion."
"Does Merlot need to be dead for him to be a scapegoat?" Ozpin thought aloud "Perhaps they just sought to throw a red herring into our little investigation. At the end of the day there's too many variables for us to figure out here and now. This requires a more, special, touch."
Ironwood let out a small sigh "A full fledged investigation in the middle of this Arc boy fiasco? Shouldn't my resources be put to finding the boy?"
Ozpin shook his head "at this moment Jaune Arc does not concern us. Any lead towards whoever could that easily break into your systems requires our full attention."
"Understood, anything else?"
"Nothing at the moment." Ozpin answered as he sipped his coffee "stay in contact."
Jaune kicked and struggled as the metallic limbs held him down onto a large operating table, one far too large for him to fit in. The arms then fixed this problem, two holding him down while the others adjusted four large clamps that held him down.
The arms fell back by the holographic Shockwaves side, who stood impassively as he commanded the arms to grab some machinery.
"Is this it?" Jaune asked, very very terrified as the arms continued their work "You brought me here to end my life to use my body?"
"You will not be dead, in a technical sense." Shockwave replied, not taking his optic off Jaune "You will exist in some facet in the corner of our new mind. Your memories and mine will become intertwined, and you will see everything through your own eyes but have no control. Think of it as you being a voice in my head as I work, an annoyance but a necessary one."
The arms, now finished with their work, presented shockwave with a long winding Black and Purple wire. One that had a receiving and transmitting end to each side.
"My magnum opus." Shockwave said "this device will allow my conciseness to freely flow into my new body. A painless procedure, for myself."
Jaune gulped but didn't utter a word, he still however struggled against the bindings holding him in place, to no avail. The arms moved one end of the wire to a nearby console that glowed a dim purple as shockwave spoke, Jaune guessed it was similar to the one Shockwave spoke out of on the bridge.
The arms then came to the back of Jaune's holding chair, attaching the wire firmly into a port. He felt a strange sensation in the back of his head, but no pain had come yet.
"The time has come Jaune Arc for my assimilation into you to commence. Have you any last words you wish to say? I know it was common courtesy among Cybertronians to offer a last words to their captured foes." Shockwave said
Jaune's blue eyes drifted over to the see-through Shockwave who's piercing red eye met his. "What next? What comes after you take my body as your own? What's your purpose?!"
Shockwave stayed silent for a moment, then his arms pressed a button on the console and began the process. Immediately Jaune began to screen in sheer pain, the agony almost numbing like a shock through his system. If felt like someone was dragging a hot blade in the inside of his head, slowly and deliberately.
As Shockwave sat silently watching Jaune wither in pain, he graced the boy with an answer. "A more Logical world, for everyone."
Sorry for the really long wait and thanks for sticking with this story. I had a lot of ideas for this chapter but ultimately went with my original one. Yes this is still a Jaune arc story, but for the time being Shockwave is in control.
Some things to clear up
-Dr Merlot was the main mind behind the mount glenn expansion, that's why he's so sure to be dead.
-the M is just a upside down W for watts, but as of right now everyone thinks watts is dead so he's not even remotely a suspect
-the cord is the cortical physic patch, but shockwave doesn't need to explain it to Jaune
That's all, see you next time.
Epsilon logging off
"Technology imitates nature, such that there is no place for authentic human creativity." Aristotle
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