Chapter 24 - I Do It Better

The day after they have returned to the real world after their last mission, it is true it was successful but for some of them something was still missing.

Nevertheless, on Monday morning after awakening and taking a warm bath, they behave normally for the first time since discovering all of that. wearing pricey clothing and attending class because it was the proper thing to do.

carry on with their lives as if nothing had occurred.

They were strewn across the yards for their lunch break after class.

Olivia was standing on top of the big wall arms crossed, admiring the outside world, a vast new lands outside of the orphanage that they know nothing about yet. But still they were living in it but were strangers when it comes to it.

Marty was hanging out with his asshole friends after class when he noticed her by herself. He excused himself and went to the top of the tower to keep her company.

He got up, stood next to her and spoke “How amazing, ain't it?“

Olivia said, "More than we will ever imagine, but it is strange that most of us are 17 years old, were born there, and do not know anything about it—all we know about it is stuff we hear in the news."

“One thing i also learn is that the news is not always right, sometimes,”

“Yes, but we'll never know, are we?“ Asked Olivia

“Let's be optimistic, we will. Ones day they will let us go whenever we want. We will be our own adult but as for now we are not mature enough to deal with what we can find in it” exclaimed Marty

She finally turned to look at him and say that “How do you always, find the right word to make someone feel better about a situation?“

“I guess it in my genes, according to Devonte my Mom was the greatest therapist to ever live and my dad was an attorney, if I wasn't an ashole most of the time I would be like them,” stated Marty

“I like when people admitted that they are wrong sometimes, you are actually getting better and you are more like them than you think!“

“Thanks!” he replied “ so how are you dealing with the fact that Axell choose to stay in the dream realm rather than be here with us?“

“Not so well cause I don't want what happened to…to Jackson happened to him, he doesn't have any power but he doesn't know that and this things are impredictable…so if something happens to him I won't be able to be useful to him Since he is another realm away from me, but I don't wish that,” explained Olivia

“Your power always draws you to the people the most important to you especially when they are in danger so I Don't agree with that,”

“Sort of,”

“And if he choose to stay, it most be for a good cause,” continued Marty

“I hope so,” she replied the shifted her stare at Marty again to say “you know you are getting good at that being in the command things, right?“

“What can I say, I've been watching you as a role model so I've learned some thing or two,” answers Marty and they both started to laugh.

They stay up there for a few minutes without talking to each other but admiring the nature and then Marty broke the silence to ask her one last question “If for example, today Mama Leah give us permission to go anywhere we want where will you go?“

Olivia clarified, "I dunno, maybe Scottland to find out more about my parents' family and then going on vacation in a tropical country, like Hawaii, sleep and wake up next to the beach listen to music all day long."

Marty said, "Not so bad, now you talking about it makes me want to go to," and they both burst out laughing.

Within the orphanage, the remaining members of HU-SQUAD were working to reconstruct and substitute the ones that had vanished.

under the leadership of Nakia and Enoch.

They felt that they would not be able to accomplish their mission of protecting the orphanage and all of its residents with just the two of them and this young soldier who still has a lot to learn.

They have now made three attempts to get in touch with the SU-SQUARD, but no one has ever replied.

“Did you reached them?“ Questioned Enoch

"No, this is the third time, and I doubt anyone will respond," claimed Nakia

“So you think they all dead?“

“Sort of,” responded Nakia

He exhale and Nakia added “So what do we do now?“

"We work with the resources we have; they are not perfect—they may be the youngest squad—but they are still useful." exclaimed Enoch

"We do not have enough time to prepare them; they could return at any moment."

“Well they aren't here yet, the 5's spared us some time and Axell still doesn't want to come back, he stayed in Arcadia for some important matter, then Helda training to go super sayan anytime they come back is a plus!” Affirmed Enoch “Till they looking for another way to invade us I say we use that time to train non-stop.”

“It isn't right, Axell is supposed to be under our protection,” insisted Nakia

“He is in Arcadia Nakia, there is nothing we can do about it so not anymore…this is a SU-SQUAD prob,”

“We can't reached them we don't know if they aren't all dead,”

“We Don't know if they aren't alive either, we don't know shit for sure and if that make you feel better Frank if searching for him, if anyone could find him it's Frank,” stated Enoch

She take a deep breath “I can't belive he didn't tell us about Axell's incident,”

“Don't beat yourself, he didn't tell me anything either, it's of Jackson we are talking about, dude had secrets,” rambled Enoch

They halted their movement as they got close to the surviving young members of HU-SQUAD.

"Derby, gather everyone; we have work to do."



“YES MA'AM, YES MA'AM” they yelled back while getting in line.

********** **************** *****

While Axell was walking in Arcadia with his dark gray hoody on and a scaff hidden his identity then his sword on his back, he came out of the forest and came straight to a little village.

There he found food, he ate and place to sleep also seems to made some friends in the process.

A little boy and a another guy around his age, with gray long hair, skinny build. He seems to be the little boy big brother.

And also a brown head maid girl, when she is not working he came to that tarvern and hang out with Axell and his other friends.

“Hey you are back stranger,” scream the little boy in Excitement.

“Hey, you little creature come here,” he picked him up and put him on his lap “want a little piece of my roast meat?“

He shake his head “Mmm, mmm, I don't eat meat,”

“So cheese it is then?“ Suggested Axell and the little boy nodded

“Okay, here take my spoon”

“What about you?“ Demanded the little boy

“Huh,” he look at his hand and be like “I mean my hand is not that dirty, it will do…don't worry about me just enjoy, okay?” he said and the little boy nodded and started eating.

While the little boy was eating and him drinking, the skinny guy with gray long hair came seating next to them.


“You're back and you didn't even tell us,” said Madden with an British accent

“I ain't here for long, I'm leaving first thing in the morning,” exclaimed Axell

“But till then we have all night to eat, drink and joke so it is enough for us,”

Axell look at him and gave him a cold look, and started drinking again,

what a attitude?

“How is that part of the forest?“ Demanded Madden

“Seems to be fine for me,”

“Great, we're going first thing in the morning to pick up mushrooms,” he declared and the little boy say out of excitement “yay!!”

“Mmm, mmm, nope. No one going in the forest like I said before, you guys will stay here in the village with your door close. It's safer that way,”

“But you just say, it safe now,”

“What? Bro, I didn't. I said it looks fine to me but they could come back anytime now—I feels like this is the calm before the storm so keep it low, you heard?“ Stated Axell

“Looks fine and safe sound the same to me,”

“I swear if I saw you dragged your little brother in the forrest I will beat the shit out of you till your tiny brain grows, if it violence that will make you understand so be it,”

Madden looks annoyed after hearing that, he couldn't sit straight for even one second.

“Madden, stop it,”

“THIS IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING EVER,” he screamed which got everyone attentions

Axell put his hand on his shoulder to calm him and began to talk calmly with him.

“Look, it not mushrooms you want in that part of the forrest, is it?“ Demanded Axell

“No, we used to go also get…”

“Shut up you,” Madden quickly covered the little boy mouth to say “look, the forrest is all we got to feed my mom and this little monster if i can't go in now what will I do?“

“Just be patient,”

“So you kept saying,”

Out of nowhere the brunnet girl came to them and offer them drinks.

“Here, one for each of you,” she said while the boy was about to grab Axell's one she stop him and continues “not you, little one. I will go back and grab a glass of orange juice for you,”

“Thanks but I don't drink,” refused Axell by pushing the drink back to her

“Since when?“ Demanded the girl

“It was a one time thing, and look that thing fucked me up, I spent all night vomiting my heart out,”

After exchanging quick glances, they burst out laughing.

“What's so funny?“

“Well, that's what happened when you got drunk Axell,” comfirmed the girl

“Oh, thanks for letting me know, I didn't know it was that awful so no thanks,” continued Axell

“Okay, then leave it here for me. I'll be back, I'll go grab a glass of orange juice and a glass of water for our friend over here,”

“Thank you Vitae,” said Axell

They started throwing joke and laughing at each other the time for the girl to got the drunk and came back.

When she's back, he gave the little boy the orange juice and then hand over a glass of water for Axell as promised.

She was looking for a spot to sit, Axell saw that he grabbed a chair and placed it next to him and then made her sign to come and sit.

It's so amazing seeing a group of people who know each other for probably a few days were that comfortable around each other's.

The way they were joking, eating, drinking and acting around each other were something you would like to see for yourself.

Axell's hand was around the chair she was siting on while they were talking.

“I've been here for the last 3 night with you guys but i never know how you guys Met, so how do you guys met? was it here? the same way I met you or in a way more interesting story?“ Questioned Vitae

“Oh, it definitely a way more interesting story,” stated Madden “should I tell her Axell,”

“Go ahead,”

Madden POV…

Last week, around that same time and day, my brother and I were picking mushrooms on the other side of the forest.

Something we never did before, but this time I didn't think. I got griddy for a second. I wanted more, or should I say I wanted to adventure a little bit futher than just staying here all day long.

We went and saw all this beautiful plants, way different in our part of the forrest, I stay hidden for minutes and we saw nothing happened so we started to grabbed all different kind of things.

All that time I never think about my Lil brother at all but at the money i could make selling all of these.

It was going great, till we heard a strange noise, we quickly hid out of the way of whatever thing that was coming our way.

We stay hidden just to see a group of deer running and playing around.

Me and my brother laugh and then we went right back to what we were doing before the noise.

But suddenly my brother turned his back on me and started shaking the like an empty grocery bag, then I remarked he was pointing at something behind me.

I flipped and turned my back to see what was it.

You wouldn't believe what I saw? It was no one other than the wicked green forest witch starring at us, it was Messiah.

I didn't know what to do, my only instinct was to hid my brother being me if anything so I can take the hit instead.

I closed my eyes and kept shaking, out of knowhere coming our kickass stranger right here started to kick her ass.

Axell was standing on top of big rock, so big that if you far away from it you would think that it's a mountain.

He got that same clothes on him, with the big H tatted to the front side of his clothes, cloak on, hands on his sword standing looking down at us menacingly.

Quickly Messiah remarked, with her reflexes, she turned with her hand, and with all of this long sleeve covered all her arm, she threw it almost taking out Axell.

But little did she know axell, started doing some acrobatics movements, dodging her sleeve while jumping down the big rock.

The scary think is if that sleeve touches Axell it would have killed him instantly, cause of the way it hit the top of the rock and decapitated it in an instant. Making debris falling everywhere.

Axell took out his sword and began to block all thing she threw at him while trying to take her out at the same time.

Axell tempted another another sword kick which was a bit successful, cutting the right side of her arm.

Suddenly she got pissed and her hair started growing long.

The look on Axell face tells everything, he knew that Messiah suddenly mean business.

“Run,” said Axell to me and my brother.

So I grabbed his hand and started running, I didn't even know where I was running to, I was simply running trying to get out of the danger.

When I look back i saw him following me, while Messiah trying to take him out with her long and thick hair.

He dodged them each time and also cut some hair in the process but they kept growing back and more longer than before.

She kept walking after him while throwing her hair around and Axell kept trying to run away from her and us.

There was that time when I remarked they were out of our way so my brother stop me and say.

“I wanna see,”

It was in fact dangerous but he wasn't wrong, deep inside of me, I wanted to see. I listened to him so I found something we bend down and watched them.

Her hair grabbed the arm Axell was holding the sword and began to pulled him up. Axell wrapped himself in her hair, find a way to grabbed the sword with the other hand and swipe.

“AHHHHH,” she yelled at Axell who succeed by cutting her hair once again.

He fell on the ground, the time for him to wake up, he got knocked, flew away and hit a three branch.

“That's hurt,” he started tortilled around but there no time to feel pain, as soon he saw her keep coming he tried to grabbed the sword unfortunately got swipped off his feet and hit another three branch.

He got up again and got hit suddenly.

It was going like that for a while but he never gave up till he succeed by hidden from her completely.

She kept looking for him and him looking for a way to take her out unnoticed.

He sneaked up behind her held up his sword, he had time to quickly took her head out but he didn't, when she finally remarked, she make a sudden turn and saw him.

Axell got scared and finally swipped his sword taking all of her hair out clean this time.

She got big mad pushed him with a push force, he flew and hit the three. There he started to beg for his life, while she was walking up to him ready to killed him with her harms tanded toward him.

“Wait, wait, wait…I wasn't trying to kill you but you pushed me, I just simply wanted to protect these humans. Which I think you were trying to do as well, ain't it?“ Said Axell

I Don't know what happened, if it was his words who got to her so she suddenly stop.

Give him a last glance and then she left.

I don't know how he find us, he simply walk to us and tell us to “Follow me,” Then brought us back.


“Holy shit, no one never came that close to her. You're telling me you could've take her out and did not take the chance?“ Declared Vitae

“I wasn't trying to, I wanted something from her so I started following her for weeks till I saw them so I tried to protect them while also staying true to my mission,” stated Axell “and neither did she, she was toying with me so I don't believe what everyone else is saying, I don't think she's Evil,”

“Why did you think that?“ Asked Vitae

“And what did you say to her, I never heard that part?” demanded Madden

“Beggin for my life as most people would do,” he stated then turned towards Vitae “Cause she is the same Messa who save everyone before, she just adopted another name and got a bit lost but still she is protecting you people,”

The look at him and started laughing.

“What's so funny?”

“I never heard someone say that till now,” rambled Vitae

“Well, isn't she?“

“No, Messa died long before and was more beautiful than that hideous, monstrous thing. This is just someone with a similar power trying to pass as her,” continued Vitae

“Oh so that's what y'all think,” scoff Axell “People even if they were invincible some time gets old, that's all…but if y'all don't believe me let's wait and see,”

“By the way did you ever got what you wanted from her?” Questioned Madden

"Oh, you will never believe it."

“So now your turn, how did you guys know each other? I was suprise the first time you came to us and I heard Axell said your name,” demanded Madden

“Oh, don't be jealous. You thought you were the only one who knows him?“


“This is a little village kid, so Don't be suprised!” Affirmed Vitae

“So how?“

“Hummm…” She interrupted Axell to say

“We slept twice together!!”

Axell quickly covered the little guy ears “Cheers, Vitae. There's a child here,”

“He probably heard when mommy and daddy going at it so who give a fuck,”

“How old are you again?“ Questioned Axell

“After you've done slept with me now you're asking?“




“Noo, damn it Axell 16,”


“Hahaha, you guys act like a grown couple,” said Madden

“We're not a couple,” they said together.

“Anyway, you guys are hilarious,”

Seconds later they heard a noise outside and they all went running to see. When they got there they saw three guys with mask on threatening a woman to give her coins.

“I Don't have nothing, this is the only enough to feed my children,”

“I don't care give it or I would plant this in your left eye” said the one in the upfront

“Do it, or he will do it,” added the other one on his left

“Please have mercy,” beg the lady

“Ain't no mercy woman, Don't you see what this city reduced us to after the invasion,” clacked the right one.

“I should do something,” suggested Axell

“You're going to get remarked,” mumbled Madden

“I Don't care, I have to do something.”

“If you do it you'll be never able to stay her without having a bounty on your back,” continued Madden

“He'll take the risk,” exclaimed Vitae then Axell turn and look at her

“This is the right thing to, right?“ Asked Axell

“We can't stop you from playing hero, if this is what you want to do, after you're done here I got an important info from a friend of a friend for you, I think you would like to hear” she Squawked “ There is a town with the most tallest building 8 miles away from the north that got taking hostage by a certain Salvador,”

“That guy? He is the person I have been searching for.

“I also heard a rumor that he is the one who is responsible for the Invasion of the Distorted Ones”

“I knew it so that's is exactly the reason, I am after him…it's got to end today,” declared Axell

“Then it is about time for them to attack this city in retaliation,” Madden continued.

He step forward then turned and glance at them then nodded “This isn't goodbye friends, we will see again,”

They nodded back.

He stepped forward and spoke “Woman, keep your coins, and run to your family.”

The woman hesitate but then he scream “NOW,” and the woman ran.

“Who the fuck you think you are?”

“The one who will make you eat dirt, if you don't leave now,”


“Hahaha,” the three bandits started to laugh and then suddenly ran at him.

He moved aside, reached out and grabbed the first person's neck before slamming him to the ground.

The second one came running, while holding the first one on the ground and took support on him he jump and planted both of his feet on the second one chest.

Then tacled the third one and punch him before hitting the ground.

He then proceed by steeping on their arms and legs while on the ground, breaking them, making them unable to stand up even if the wanted to.

After he done beating them he looked behind at the people who were watching.

“Bye courageous stranger!!” screamed the boy

“Bye little one,” he said then he ran to the North.

Arriving on the north, the Distorted Ones was already there, killing people.

It was chaos.

But what suprise Axell the most is that, where he was standing look similar to where he used to stood on top of the wall of the orphanage looking outside in the real world and saw that same tall building and the three around was the same

He also saw the place the orphanage was supposed to be built but the orphanage was nowhere to be seen.

He removed his sword and began to slice while performing flips and fliplifts.

As he made his way to the tall building, he noticed some familiar faces among the many people who were running out of it and hiding in all directions.

The faces of his comrad who is supposed to be at the same orphanage as him, including Diego unlike anyone else this one was fighting just like him.

He kept going while still fighting The Distorted Ones.

As soon as he got inside he got in the third floor and saw Salvador standing there doing nothing to help the others and shockingly The Distorted Ones wasn't attacking him.

Was it all true?

Was he behind all of this from all this time?

Was he the one Messiah referred to when she tried to save little Jackson?

Axell started to have flashbacks back when Messiah was trying to save little Jackson…

She looks back with that panicked look on her face then she adds "He's coming- Go- go back to the waking world and forget that you ever dream of the doors and that imposter of a mother- now,"

With brutal force, she pushed him without touching him through all the doors he came from, and with her power, they all opened up for him effortlessly and then he blacked out.

********* ***********

As soon as he remarked Axell he smile, Axell stood his ground and pointed the sword at him.

He then got serious.

He attacked Axell and knocked his sword out in the process.

So now they were fighting hands to hands.

It's been a while no one couldn't hit each other but then suddenly after a punch in the face, he touch his mouth and saw blood, then started to going quickly against Axell punching him in every part of his body, poor Axell he couldn't keep up.

He threw him in every wall around them.

Axell lost his strength but still you know him, he wasn't going to give up so easily. He got up, grabbed his sword, kneel down with the point of the sword planted on the ground, he used to support the rest of his body.

He suddenly got up ran toward Salvador and began swipping.

Salvador dodge all of them. Concluding with a single query: Did Axell find his match?

Only one way to find out.

He kept swipping till he got him a little cut up his chest down to his abs.

“AHHHH,” Screamed Salvador “you will regret this,”

“Oh, make me.”

All of sudden, next to him, he grabbed too long sticks made out of steel, more longer than Axell sword. One of them was a hook.

The steels and the sword began to hit together making a sharp and satisfying sound.

They began to swipped at each other, left right, right left, down to middle, middle to up, up to down.

Still Axell was keeping up.

At one point, he goes for Axell's head by crossing both of the steel sticks and then open his arms, hoping that the hook could damage him somehow.

Since he wasn't protecting his down side, Axell slided down and slice his front leg which was his left.


He got angry amd tried to hit Axell while he was down, Axell slided to the left and sliced his other leg which was Salvador right one, this time.

“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, you bitch come here,”

He kept going, trying to take him out again but this time while standing and swipped the sword direction the middle, he knocked both of his steel sticks and then he planted the sword on the left side of his Chest.

“AHHHHHHHH,” he yelled and knocked it down

“That's it, you asked for it,” he shouted then took out both of his gloves showing the palms of his hands.

And suddenly fire was coming towards Axell

“Oh, shit,” shockingly said Axell, “Everyone get out,”

He sending fire everywhere he ran to, and Axell continues to avoid trying not to get burn

There was 5 pole in that part of the building, Axell tried to hide behind them, Salvador fire was so hot he burn 3 of them at one point the building was shaking.

When there was no where to hide and no one left in the building Axell simply accepted his fate by blocking the fire that was coming out of his hands with only the sword.

To his suprise it's working but for how long?

Salvador was walking up to him and the fire was also so strong so it keeps pushing Axell backwards.

“You 7's just got there and think everything revolve around you, nope i'm afraid to warned you that it doesn't work like that” Yelled Salvador

When he tried everything and none never works, there was no hope left for him anymore, he was about to give up.

“You should ask the last pretenders that tried this with me. Oh me remind there is none left to amswered to that question just like there will be no one standing in my way after I'm done with you and went for the other 6's remaining,”

“You stay away from them,” rambled Axell

“Isn't that too late now? I'm already on a mission to take you all out so request denied,” continued Salvador “Y'all are some dead humans walking,”

Cell got angry and cries “Ahhhhhhhh” while Salvador just standing there laughing at him.


He suddenly remember that one time he hit Frank.

He had another flashback on how he did it the first time

Axell stands in his position, taking his time to admire the architecture of the room, he starts to look all around him then he puts his focus on Frank, taking his momentum shuts his gaze runs towards him for the last time, and intriguingly the moment seems to slow down while he was running and then surprisingly skip to where he pulled out a table made out of wood out of existence he jumps on it then made a back flip landing behind frank and the time for frank to turn around and block him it was to late cause he finally succeeded by hitting Frank in the chest, he didn't have time to read and react to his move and with that hit he back down from his position just a little bit and also both of his feet was on the ground, arms open up.

********** *********

He tried the same thing by began to look at the architecture all around him, then shifted his focus on the fire, intriguingly the moment seems to slow down a bit.

He started to see every particals the fire was made off.

He held the sword with one hand and then used the left trying to touch the fire, intriguingly he didn't got burn, and did not feel anything. But simply that some of the fire stay lit up on the tips of his finger.

He then had another flashback

“Now which one I am between all of this?“ he barked

“What about you figure this out yourself— now try to hit me and use your speed this time,”


He dropped the sword, ran away in time, running on the middle pole duck the fire and jump up it while the fire hit the wall and exploded that part of the wall.

Salvador was shocked and didn't even know what was going on anymore.

“What the fuck?” he shouted

Axell dropped on the ground a little bit close to him, he then drown his hands inside the rope of fire, redirected it towards Salvador knocking him with his own power.

He flew and hit the wall so hard that it left some cracks.

That's when they both knew that boy Axell wasn't powerless after all.

But what kind of power did he possess?

Salvador got up and asked “Impossible, how'd you that?“

“I don't even know so ask me again?”

This time the Distorted Ones came from upstairs coming at them.

They began fighting them and winning, at one point Salvador was tired of fighting them he simply turned around throwing fire all over them, keeping the Distorted Ones out of it.

“I'm not done with you” stated Salvador

“So did i, you will pay for all you did, and what you created so bring it on,” exclaimed Axell

He tend both of his palm towards Axell, throwing fire at him, it wasn't new to Axell anymore he simply blocked them with his palm, at one point no one knows in whose palm the fire was coming from.

“Wait, you got the same power as me? And you just learn to control it just like that while I spent month, How is that possible?“

“Cause, I'm better!”

“No you are not, you're simply a copy!” Affirmed Salvador still pushing each other with that fire force. The worse was that no one was winning.

“YOU'RE SO FAKE, A PRETENDING KIND, A WANNA BE PROTECTOR, ALL YOU DID IS COPY ME,” yelled Salvador at the top of his lungs.

Then lost all of his strength and collapse on his knees.

Meanwhile Axell was still standing, with fire lit up on of his palm, he glanced at him on the ground then put both of his hands on top of each other then bring the left on up.

Showing a little fire tonardo in his palms but it was getting bigger from time to time. Then he spoke.

“No buddy, I ain't. Everything you do, I just do it better” he declared then pushed the fire tonardo towards him on the ground.

It got larger, in front of Salvador, it Bagan to take all over the Building, making it collapsing.

He turn to glance at Salvador with no way out, screaming at the fire while trying to pushed it back with no success and simply added “Meaning, I'm a better version of you never a copy,”

He jump down the stairs and ran to get to the first floor then got outside.

While the people standing step away from the building as it collapsing they saw someone getting out of it, with his sword on his back like it was nothing.

That someone was no one other than Axell.

While Axell was walking between the huge crowd with their eyes attached to him, someone between them grabbed him by his shoulder, he was about to kick the person then remarked it was Frank.

“Hey, Frank. What are you doing here?“

“I was looking for you,”

“Why? I am here protecting the people, isn't that what you wanted and trained me for?“ Clacked Axell

“Yes, I am proud of you. But your family also need you, they are in terrible danger cause all of the remaining Distorted Ones succeeded by crossing over to the real world so you need to wake up now,” explained Frank

“Okay, I am ready to, time to put an end to this once and for all.”

“Remember, if you 7's don't stay and work together it won't be possible, so sticks together, teamwork make the dreamwork!” exclaimed Frank and Axell nodded

Frank snapped twice and mumbles “Now wake up, dear friend.”

In the real world everything was upside down but the HU-SQUAD and the 6's and the Triplets Docs was together, leading them to somewhere safe to hid when suddenly that one orphan who just got wake up by Olivia announced the news.

“Hey, hey, time to wake up babe— no time to fell asleep. We are under attack,” explained Olivia.

The girl woke up and they both headed outside. When the girl saw the same building she dreamed she was in, she say.

“In the dream realm too, we were around there in that same tall building but in Arcadia when they attacked us and then someone went to our rescue. He fought the fire guy all by himself, the building got burned and collapsed we thought he didn't survive but then that's when I saw him coming out as golden ashes flying all over him, like nothing happened,” explained the girl “I believe he got power now, it's was Axell and the rumor is true, he is really alive!!”

“Oh, Shit Axell,” Squawked Olivia when he finally remembered that Axell was in the nursing room by himself “Go and join the others, they will show you the way, go.”

And the girl listen to her, so she ran toward the nursing room, that's when she saw Devonte and Mama Leah coming with Axell in front of them way stronger for someone who was in a coma minutes ago.

She run to him and gave him a hug.

When they heard a strange noise of a building collapsing, they all stop what they were doing to look at the tallest abandoned building miles away from them collapsing also in the real world.

“You did that, didn't you?“

He nodded

“So you finally got your power what is it?“ Curiously demanded Olivia, she wasn't the only one curious as Mama Leah and Devonte were eager to also hear what he has to say.

“I'm still figuring this out, I came accross a guy with a deadly fire power, I thought he was the person who created the Distorted Ones at first but i was wrong but turn out he simply wanted to killed of all us 7's for some reason. All I know is that I competed with him and I won so long story.” Declared Axell

Olivia leaned to him and hugged him again but this time Mama Leah joined and so do Devonte. While a Distorted Ones was coming after them.

Axell saw that and he warned them.

“Guys, let's go to somewhere safe and find a way to send these bastards away,” exclaimed Axell and they all went running.

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