Warm regards to all of you. I realize it is early, but following the most significant discovery and the revelation of a secret location at our meeting, we received a sign pointing to the ideal land that we believed to be safe but is actually rumored to be even safer than before.
Therefore, I want everyone to stop whatever they are doing, pause it, and line up in front of our class so we can all watch for further information, Mama Leah said, via a microphone. Integrated into every aspect of the structure.
All of them leaped off their beds, put on their slippers, and followed Leah's instructions to the letter.
While the others were still asleep, talking about each of the protectors, and was about to be approached by each of their caregivers.
In an attempt to verify that everyone was awake and not dozing off, Leah went down to every class until the bottom of the sight.
She appeared so radiant that everyone was taken aback when they saw her approaching the Bottom Out of Sight.
She was swiftly informed that all six of the children were still asleep, She quickly turned around and entered room HEO234, where Helda and Ludmilla were also staying now.
Staying that they want to stay together cause together they are stronger, Devonte and Leah couldn't oppose that cause deep in their heart they know that they were right.
"Why are they still asleep while everyone is awake?" demanded Leah while approaching them
"I think they feel safe where they at right now, they weren't probably in the same city as everyone else when it all happened" exclaimed Devonte
"Somewhere like DOJHO" added the triplets all togheter, "The safest place in Arcadia, on top of a hill" confirmed Doc 1
"Should we wake them up?" demanded Leah
"Dont think we should wait as the HU-squad was saying, Arcadia ain't safe anymore so safety first, whose with me?" Affirmed Doc 1
"We are" replied the others
"I agree, go get them," stated Devonte
Two of the triplets Docs lay down in the middle of the room and Doc 1 stood up where their head were placed. Everyone stepped backward giving them space to do whatever they had to do.
While Leah mumbled "please be careful,"
"We will" they repeated together before closing their eyes, with a wave of hands, from down raising up, they rose effortlessly in the dream realm, without touching the soil.
Returning to the real world, Mama Leah and Devonte were bursting at the seams to find out what the Hu-SQUAD had told them. In fact, they began looking into the matter to see what was going on. On the other side of the building the SU-SQUARD began making some distress calls to try and determine whether the dream realm was merely attempting to contact them or, worse, if they actually needed their assistance.
Jackson suddenly emerged from nowhere.
"Is Arcadia no longer safe? Please God says no cause all of this time I waste to prove that all of my works was true, we can't go back now," begged Leah "All of this years going to reduce to nothing...please tell me, somgeting good Jackson?"
he was standing in front the doorm's door but since she asked him to say something good he was confused as what to say, so he got inside the dorm and began walking around.
"Well, I don't know what to say to make you feel better. And believe me, I don't want to hear anything negative about this place either but just like me, we already know the outcome. Nothing good can come in this radio when we succeed in getting in contact with them" stated Jackson
After hearing this Leah was not satisfied with the response so she sought a spot and then sat.
"Is your equipment okay? cause you should have been in contact with them by now," demanded Devonte
"They were alright but something might happen to them cause you know it's been a while since we used those so...but the squad are working on it" continued Jackson
"I thought by creating that safe village it would leave no open door for any monster to get through, so how can Arcadia the safest place in the whole realm be no longer safe? That's what I can't understand, I want to understand," demanded Devonte
"I SAID I DON'T KNOW, SO I DON'T KNOW OKAY DAD..." screamed Jackson out of anger which jump scared Leah and Devonte "Just like you, we were here all this time wasting our times when we should have been out there helping them so just like you're confused, I'm confused to" screamed Jackson
"Well fuck it, and fuck everything I just want my babies to wake up safe," added Leah
Suddenly all of those weird noises started outside, they all turned their faces towards the doorway but the noise continued so they all ran outside to see what was going on.
As soon as they got outside Jackson remarked that it was the radio doing that weird noise"is it working?" he said while he went toward the squad's members that was working on it.
"Yes, it's working but the voice coming out, is not that of Frank but someone else," said Nakia
"if it's not Frank where is he? and who is that?" Asked Jackson
"It is unknown to me and believes me I know every SU-SQUAD member's voices" continued Nakia
"But this one?" asked Devonte
"Yes but this one,"
"Pete, put the volume up a little bit" demanded Jackson while sitting down as Nakia and Enoch left their seat to Leah and Devonte.
"He-here-attack," that's the random voice on the radio
"Did you try other frequencies Pete?" asked Jackson
"Yes, I tried everything but the sound wave kept cutting off just like this one and to say, this is the best one of them all!!"
"Try again!" suggested Leah
"But, but..."
"No but, Pete do as she asked," barked Enoch
"Okay fine, but don't tell me I didn't warned ya'll," stated Pete just before he tried to turn the radio to other frequencies
As he was doing what they asked of him they makes him stop on a frequency as the random voice states the name of "Axell!"
"Stop, stop, stop." yelled Devonte
"Did I just heard him say Axell?" added Jackson
"Yes, is that you Jackson?" Asked the random voice on the radio
"Yes it's me, why did you say Axell?" Questioned Jackson
"A few minutes now," screamed Leah and Jackson as they looked at each other
"Oh, you guys, couldn't hear me all this time I was talking?"
"No, what about you?" said Enoch
"No, but I heard you asking where is Frank and then it cut I thought for a second the problem was on my end"
"As we thought, so now can you please repeat what you said about Axell ?" Squawked Leah
"I said, Frank went looking for him as soon as he heard he was alive..."
Leah took a deep breath and released it as soon she heard that, in sign of relief.
"Is he alive?" Asked Enoch
"Isn't he breathing in the outworld?"
"No one ever says" continued Enoch as he glanced at Jackson
Devonte answered, "Yes, he is. But he is in a coma," with a look of excitement, "I knew it, I knew that my boy is a fighter."
"He was not lying, and I was not drunk," Jackson responded, the eyes of everyone shifted towards him and then look away. He clears his voice and continues, "I mean, I was drunk, but I could not tell if what I saw was real. I thought it was the sight, but then after a quick reflection I remembered what I saw was before the sight appeared to me, that's when I knew." At that point, everyone turned again to stare at Jackson, who began to panic.
"You saw him, didn't you?" Asked Leah
"Yes, he was in the sky talking to me saying that he is alive" replied Jackson
"And you didn't tell me?"
"I..." He was going to answer Leah but then the voice interrupted them.
"Listen, I dont want to crash the party but something is happening, I remember everything Frank asked me to do if I ever needed help so that's what I did, now everyone is in danger. he maybe in danger as well, praying that he found him by now. And us by ourselves can't do nothing against them, not unless you come and help us" exclaimed the voice in the radio
"Who's them? Who are you?" Asked Jackson
The guy behind the radio tried to respond but the communication kept cutting up again
As you previously stated, Dad, "I assumed that by creating that safe village, it wouldn't allow a monster to get through. Then you were wrong," Jackson clarified. "Messa while fighting Phobia created a wall with no open space for nothing to get through, dont get it twisted we had our little problem with some of the little Deviant but it was never that bad till now. So what doesn't want no open space to enter in a place?"
"The Distorted ones" they all repeated
"That's right, they opened their own doors. So what he was trying to say is that they all over the place, everybody run. He ask someone to enter somewhere and there they would be safe, for a while he wasn't talking to us but with someone else and then a moment after, that's when he turned to us and ask for help, saying they open their own doors" explain,ed Jackson
Leah suddenly got up from her sit and started making her way to the building while saying "Where is the Docs? they should brought them back by now. I don't have no choice but sending them to went back looking for Cell next"
"No don't send them back in, this is suicide"
She tried to denying him of his request "It won't be cause you will be with them, there is no way you will let them go by themselves lf you know they would be in trouble, are you?"
"What? I would be going anyway, so no need for the triplets Docs to come and help. Plus this is our time to prove that we aren't just some house dog."
"Mmm," she sighed as if she knows something then she preceeded to head toward the building
"Now I remember something else he said to me. He said, he doesn't want to come back now, he got something that has to be done, when it's over he will simply wake up from the coma," continued Jackson
She turned towards Jackson while hitting him on his chest, she had enough of his BS "I can't believe you did not tell me you talk to him, I thought the time for secrets between us was over?...Turn out I was wrong," she stop looking at, him in the eyes then started rushing to get inside but still Jackson and Devonte were following her
As, soon as they got in they saw everyone was awake.
She quickly headed toward them to hug every single one of them.
"I can't believe my children are okay" she murmured
"Yes we are Mama Leah, why wouldn't we be?" Asked Jigxie as they saw Mama Leah and the triplets looking at each other then the triplets shrugged
"What is going on? Why you guys sent the triplets to wake us up?" Questioned Marty
Leah glance at Jackson and Devonte across her then said "You should tell them" suggested Devonte
"Okay, look Arcadia got invaded. You guys probably didn't know because you were on top of that hill training meaning we can't go back it will put us all in danger" exclaimed Leah
"Wait...did you just said they were on top of a hill?" Demanded Jackson
"Yes, Daujho" the triplets replied in unision
"That's right, I know how to save as much as people as we can"
"By helping them to get on Daujho" added Devonte and Jackson nodded
"If I want that to be possible I should depart now" he stated while looking at Leah to give him permission
"You shall go"
"Wait...wait...we got invaded by who?" Asked Leo
"There are no openings how could they? unless it's the talented ones in the league but I don't think so cause we were in the arena earlier and the prisoners were still behind bars, everything was fine" added Olivia
"It's not a who it a what" answered Doc 1
Arriving at the door he turned and say "What else can find a way where there no way?"
"The Distorted ones" replied Olivia
As soon as Helda heard the name she got goosebumps all over her.
"Remember you said no one else is coming but us the HU-squad"
"You've got your wishes granted Jackson, you're going alone but please be safe" stated Leah
" I will"
"Alright let's prepare the jump pad fix it to the jump point and let's do it we got a mission on" screamed Jackson
"Chief, what is the jump point" Asked Pete
"DAUJHO, on top of the hill is the jump point"
"And what is our mission?" Questioned Enoch
"The mission is to go down the hill and save as much as people as we can, helping them to get on top of that same hill"
"So like an extraction" Asked Belmort
"Look who got a brain after all" The chief stated and everyone started to laugh the he continued "as simple as that Belmort, so let's go, let's goo we depart in 10 minutes"
While the HU-SQUAD was getting ready to jump with soul and body into whatever nightmare waiting for them Leo was rushing to get a device he was working on ready before the jump.
"What is it Leo? What is up with you?" Rambled Marty
"You remember when I told you with the crown coordinates I can do a change instead of showing only coordinate I can change them into clips, real clips?"
"Wait...what? You never tell me about that?" protested Marty with a nervous face like someone under pressure
Leo took off the glasses he was wearing then stop searching for what he was trying to seek to look at Marty, "pardon me you are not Olivia."
"What do you mean, I'm not Olivia? So you and Olivia planned this behind my back, without the team, what else you guys are hiding from me? From us?" Demanded Marty
"It's not a big deal man, as long it is necessary and important for the team"
He rose his arm and was about to stroke Leo, Leo remarked this and he quickly closed his eyes but then when he count down to ten and nothing never happened he open back his eyes.
When he opened them he saw Marty sat on the ground with his arm crossed.
"Oh, I thought, nevermind"
"I mean don't you think with this, they are going to control all of our step, we are already being controlled 24 hours isn't that enough?" Asked Marty
"Not unless you choose to wear it and choose to give them the chance to control what you are doing so"
"Mmm" sighed Marty "Does that mean it cannot see the future or past?"
"No man this is a job for a watcher like Ludmilla" Affirmed Leo
"Say less, this is definitely a good device for the team then"
"If you say so" say Leo in sign of agreement with Marty while Leo was still working on the device
"Yess" screamed Leo Minutes later "now wear this" he said to Marty while he handed him a pair of contact
"What? No," rebelled Marty while pushing his hand "I ain't your subject so I will certainly not wear this untill I know the side effects"
"There no side effect it's just like wearing a blue light glasses and the video going to be playing there which means I can see everything you're doing unless you close your eyes" explained Leo
"Why don't you wear it yourself" said Marty still being paranoid
"That's what I thought, I gotta do everything by myself on this team" stated Leo while he was leaning to try it on himself "watch the screen, I'm going to quickly go outside to give this to Jackson while I wear it, when I'm back tell me what you saw"
"Got you"
Leo ran leaving the room with a little box in his hand that contains two pair of contacts lenses direction towards Jackson.
"Listen I will be the first one to jump then you guys will follow me, also remember the mission we will save as much as we can, watch out for you teammates and no one left behind" confirmed Jackson "Are we ready?"
"Sir, yes sir" they answer in harmony
Enoch pushing everyone behind trying to make his way and jump after Jackson but then when he touch his backhead, he felt something was missing
"Hang on, i can't find my jumping dot without it I won't be able to jump, It was the first thing I put on meaning someone must have took it, this is not a joke ya'll, so who took it?" no one answered but then he yelled "who took it"
"I did," everyone was suprise to see Jackson say this "In every mission you were always there to watch my back and I thank you for this but this time I need to do this myself, and I hope you understand"
"This is not a time to be greedy Jackson, I'm the best fighter after you so you will need me" exclaimed Enoch
"No, they will need you...if something happened and we are not back in the time fixed, close the jumping pad and please take care of this orphanage and the people inside of it"
"Jackson don't do that to me"
"What is going on?" Demaded Leah inside of the controle room
"Jackson Don't want Enoch to come along he want his to stay here to keep an eye on Eden" responded the guy responsible of the control room
"Can I hear?"
"Of course ma'am" he said the he gave Leah his sit then he put another pair of headphones on her ears.
"Don't worry, Nakia will stay with you also agent 010 he young and got a lot to learn but he is really capable"
"Wait...what?" Said Nakia "why I'm the one saying behind? Why not Pete"
"See you later Nakia" said Pete while laughing
"Please babysit well my brother Enoch" joked Baltazar and everyone started laughing
While Jackson was about to jump he heard a voice behind him and when he look he saw Leo running coming to him.
When got there he handed him something "Please put this on, so we can see everything you're doing if we can also help that's what we will do" he stated almost dying out of breath.
"What is it?"
"They are contacts"
"What are contacts?"
"It's like putting a glasses on except this one have camera" added Pete
"Thank you Leo"
"No problem big bro, be safe!!"
"One last thing Axell is alive" stated Jackson
"I know, Olivia and I was literally inside his head"
"Long story, we'll explain later now go"
"Okay, we're jumping in 321..."
Everyone was looking at the screens as the clips of Jackson and The HU-squad were displayed in every screens in every room.
Mama Leah got out of the control room pass by the conference room where she saw a crowded room then she headed to the lab where she found the 6's, with Devonte, Enoch and Nakia. They were all watching with their finger crossed.
She approaches Devonte then she asks "what did I missed?"
"Nothing, they just got in"
"Okay squad, mission on" sqawked Jackson then pass his hand in front of his eyes then he touch his left hear "can anyone sees me?"
"Yes Jackson keep going," replied Leo
"Oh my world, it's working" continued Jackson, everyone began to laugh.
"Okay let's focus. Pete did you find where is the most impacted?"
"Yes, the Arena which is in the middle of the city" said Pete
"Shit, okay so this is the map, we are here where the sun is always set" he said as he touching the position they are in the map "We are going to group ourself into 5 team as we headed down. Each Team will contains 15 menmbers, team one will be directed by Baltazar and will be passing around to the North to get to NorthEast to enter the City but you will stop waiting for the signal before entering, copy?"
"Copy chief, team one with me" ordered Baltazar and 15 of them followed him as the went down the hill with him
"Team two will be following them but will stop at NorthWest waiting for my signal before entering the City and will be Directed by Robertson,"
"Okay chief, team two with me," demanded Robertson as 15 other members followed him
"Team 3 will pass around South to get to SouthEast stop there waiting for my order, and will be directed by Vincent,"
"Affirmative Chief, Team 3 with me,"
"Team 4 going with agent 076, agent Belmort and you will be following team 3 to get to SouthWest, stop there and wait for my order,"
"Thank you chief!! Team 4 with me,"
"And finally the last 15 and Pete will come with me, we are going straight, direction East where the sun rise" exclaimed Jackson
The went down, gun pointing and all direction, radiation bombs ready throw, they all watching each other's back as the amazing team they are.
And without forgot all eyes were watching out for them in the real world as well.
They took a few minutes to be in place as the fifth team taking a break mid way to give them time to be in position.
All this time there was no enemy in sight and absolutely no scream as the agent who talked to them wanted them to know. But everywhere they pass they're was a little cricket sound which means they were out of danger but still they did not let their guards down.
2.3 miles away from the central where is located the arena after every team confirmed they where in position team 5 stop again and ask them to start matching to central and they started doing as Chief Jackson commanded them to.
Team one and team three pass by the enchanted forest where everyone always pointing they see a green old woman with her pet fish which is know to be Messiah, when they were near the village center, Pete look at his little screen attached to his arm where he could see which area was most impacted and it was the arena for a while but then when he look again they vanished as if nothing was there in the first place.
"Chief, something is wrong?"
"What is it Pete?"
"Remember I told you that the arena was most impacted?"
"Yes, come straight to the point"
"Well, not anymore they just vanish just like that"
"Can you check if there is any sign of humans alive?"
Pete checked as he asked and that's what he find out "there is 3 groups of human signs. The majority is confined in the arena then there is two groups 0.5 miles direction where we are going"
"Shush" signaled Jackson and everyone was quiet "Can anyone heard the crickets anymore or is it me?"
"No sir, it getting so quiet all of a sudden"
"And that person shouting help out of nowhere is very strange," said another one
"Wait...Jackson did you see or heard something?" Asked Leo
"Leo no" responded Jackson "can anyone else see someone apart agent 013?"
"Not us" said the voice of Nakia
"Yes, a lady in white" said the other agents
They woman that was screaming for help and was coming towards them suddenly vanish like The Distorted ones.
"Oh, this not good. Let stop here, stay down low but vigilant we are surrounded, not single noise." comfirmed Jackson
"Chief are you okay?" Questioned Baltazar
"not for long, cause i got a feeling that we are surrounded but you guys can match as quickly possible just in case we need backup but firstly the meeting point is Arena, make sure everyone is safe then you will come to us, that is an order"
"Copy that chief,"
Minutes later they got a sign of a Distorted one open a door in front of them then started looking around
"Don't shoot, we do that in my signal" stated Chief Jackson and they all listened
The Distorted one sense them but he couldn't see them unless they move or make a noise.
Quickly another one pop up on their left, then another. They were scared but with chief with them making them signs to not engage and they know of anything he will risk his skin for every single one of them just to protect them that gave them hope and with that single thought they did not let fear completely envaded them.
Four more open doors in their back but again the stayed quiet.
Seconds later they all just ran back inside their doors, vanish again leaving no trace.
"Where did they go" Asked Jackson
"Oh, chief they keep opening door on their way direction back to the center" Affirmed Pete
Jackson quickly grabbed his radio and started talking "Hey teams where are you?"
"We are about to enter the Arena sir, what is it?" shouted Belmort
"Do you need backup?" said Baltazar
"No we are fine but look change of plan don't enter the Arena no matter what you see, fall back,"
"Wait what do you mean? I saw three people in the middle screaming for help,"
"Are they coming towards you?" Asked Pete
"Yes two of them" replied Vicent
"Don't let them spot you, this is a trapped, everything you see outside of the jails is either dead or just not human. You guys are probably close to each other so find each other and fall back, and don't make a noise," ordered Jackson
"But chief this wasn't the mission, the mission was to save everyone we can and we are this close, now you asking us not to" rebelled Belmort
"Belmort, don't you understand they are already safe behind the bars they used something that we don't have to keep them away, whatever you seeing is either the Distorted ones playing hide and seek with you or using someone they killed to trapped you so fall back, this is an order!"
"We saw the same thing right here just before they Vanish and then appeared the Distorted ones, this is certainly an evil trap" added Pete
"Negative sir" replied Belmort to Jackson order, then suddenly stood up and waving, yelling "right here, right here,"
"Hey follow me, we follow the mission. We save as much as we can" he ordered his group, first they hesitated but then they joined him in his madness, probably to not lose each other cause this was one of their first lesson, "stay in grouped and not lose each other,"
They approach the three womens and started asking questions "Don't worry you are safe now. Where are the others?" Rambled Belmort
They got really close just to see the three women was all the same, they flipped out and stepped back and boom all three dissappear. Suddenly a door open to Belmort left side, a hand came out and touch his forehead, turned him inside out, falling in the ground as the pile of meat he was.
That's where the real fear begging.
Vincent and Baltazar did not fall back as Jackson commanded them but they stay in place, looking to see what would happen and soon as they saw what happened to Belmort they started screaming his name.
Belmort group start to shoot, and with all of these noises they were making just like that the Distorted Ones that were scattered all over the village start to pop up on top and down the arena, an army of them.
Then follow the two other group, they started to engage trying to save their teammates.
But the more they were engaging is the more they were falling.
"Vincent" yelling the fading voice of Jackson coming from far away with his group "Baltazar" as they encounter some Distorted Ones but not as much as the Ones suffocating the others in the arena.
Eventually they got there just to see that the arena was now an abottoir not for animals this time for the SU-squad.
Leah got scared and quickly she asked Leo to turn it off in every other room but the lab so the under age children couldn't see the wildness going on.
Leo did as she said, then Leah grabbed a microphone and stated saying "Sorry lads, if you are under 15 you can't watch this, it's not safe, if you are sure to meet this criteria find us in the lab room"
Miss Cynthia was the first one to run towards the lab room then, Followed by prof Dupont and the rest.
There was two left fighting Vincent with only one arm and Baltazar trying to protect him. So They joined the fight.
"They not taking any damage, this a suicide mission" stated Baltazar
"We used to shoot directly at them so now let knock at their door" suggested Jackson "increase the volume of your gun put them on max" he screamed
They did as he said and began to knock big on every door they open, destroyed it, leaving them with no more door to open meaning it was working.
Not for long tho because now the SU-SQUARD was going for their doors they started to got angry, like a dog that got the rage.
A doorless group of five went toward Blatazar while protecting Vincent, they tried to defend themselves except there was no door to destroy so they shoot straight at them but obviously it wasn't working so they just accepted death, I meant he just accepted death as he put his badly injured friend life first by pushing him aside as they got to him while having the most beautiful smile on his face.
"Hero just for one day right?" He said before dying
"Baltazar" screamed Vincent
Jackson grabbed him on the ground and ordered them to "Run,"
That's when sneakily Miss Cynthia left the room, she just couldn't watch it anymore since she already know the outcome.
They were running like crazy but don't know where to go as The Distorted ones barricaded the main entry which is also the only exit to the arena.
They caught up to Pete who was running zigzagly infront of Jackon and Vincent while also protecting them, he was wearing a bag full of radiation explosives, round like a ball, around his neck.
One detonated as that one Distorted One trying to touch him with its deadly touch him and surprisingly that one explosive took both of them to their death, sending everyone and everything around them flying.
It was the first time everyone saw a Distorted one dying, they weren't immortal after all!!!
When Jackson got up with his nose bleeding and ears ringing, looking for Vincent.
Vincent was a bit far away from him holding another one of that explosive, yelling as loud as possible, making sure every Distorted Ones can hear him, with their echolocation power.
And that what happened, they all went running towards him and the Ones with their door intact simply open them and tried to grabbed him.
He look at Jackson, and he nodded then says "My way bitches" and boom just like that he took as much as possible with him.
"VINCENTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" screamed Jackson at the top of his lungs.
He got angry as he stood up menacingly, looking at the Distorted Ones that was left, they began running towards him, then he glance down.
"Jackson what are you doing? Avoid mission and come back home," exclaimed Devonte
"I'm sorry Dad but you know they were right, I was here for a mission and that's what I'm going to do, to give these people some time" he rambled while breathing heavily "Plus you know damn well, there is no way out for me even if I try so why trying if I can take as much as I can with as possible"
"Jackson no, listen to your dad plus there is so much you and I have to talk about" ordered Leah
He smirked " I know, you got ears on everything going on being these walls, but I want you to know that you were the only one i always love. I've been trying to tell you this for a long time but I never found the right moment,"
"This is neither a right moment to do it, you can come back and say it to my me in person"
"Believe me I tried but I found it impossible, so here and now is the right moment, I Love you Leah"
"More than me" demanded Devonte out of Jealousy
"No dad, the love i got for you is different"
They started laughing
"Sorry for all I put you through, it's when I grew up and got mature i know all you were doing, all off these lies i accused you off, you were just telling them to protect me, again the wild truth behind this sad world. It's too bad I won't be there to see my boy change it, him and the 6's"
Tears started to come out of his eyes.
"Talking about him, when he woke up tell him I left something for him and he'll find it under what was never, he'll understand. And tell him that i considered him not only as the best friend ever but the little brother I never had"
"No don't do that to me, please come back here now you heard? This is an order" ordered Leah
"Knowing him, he already made up his mind," stated Devonte
"I can't believe this is the first order from you my love, I won't follow. That's when I know I got mature so I respectful denied. There is a mission to complete"
"Jackson please no" screamed Olivia "don't do this to him, he will never forgive you,"
"Bye Olivia, if ya'll the 6's are listening to me, I meant looking at me" He took out one of the contact lens and put it towards him so everyone can see him while the other one was still in his beautiful emerald right eye "This is not a drill, leveled your power up cause the worse is to come"
One of the Distorted ones open a door in the air on top of his head knocking him out instantly
Fortunately he didn't got any big damage instead that made him more angry.
He hang the bag full of explosive on his neck and under his arms standing his ground, then started throwing on the next one appeard next to him exploding on its faceless face.
Then Jackson started screaming at the top of his lungs trying to get all of their attentions.
As they were coming all around him and over his head, he started throwing bombs all around him, blindly, destroying them and everything they came at him.
He grabbed a pile of them and throwed them at the same time then a wave of fire exploded all around him leaving him in the middle while streaming "Face me if you dare you faceless cowards"
He throwed them again and again till when he put his hand inside the bag and there was none left.
He started to panicked, while turning his face one last tried to grabbed his face, he dodged just in time while falling on his back he remarked this one was far away from his door and the door was still open.
As that same one trying to bend and touch his face, he flipped around avoiding the deadly touch grabbing the bottom of it's feet in process smacked him down.
Then started running for the open red door.
As he running, the Distorted One got up quickly and began running after him, with its long bloody leg. It was near to catch him but Jackson was more faster than him, he succeeded by getting to the door and got inside.
He turned to face the Distorted One, he flicked it off then someone else throw a suprise explosive ball attached to it
He saw who was it, it was a member of the SU-Squard, finally coming to the rescue but it was too late for him, that did not make the Distorted changing direction, it was still coming for him.
Just before it explode, he simply state "MISSION COMPLETE!!!"
Leah couldn't watch no more with tears coming of her eyes she simply exit the lab room.
Following her 2 minutes after was Helda with great tears and regrets on her face while hugging herself.
"Jackson noooo" screamed everyone who was watching
But he didn't listen he shut the door while the Distorted One was about to explode.
Jacksonson suddenly find himself in the dark and when a little light flashing his way, he saw that he was in a empty train station, something spoke to him from behind.
He got scared and when he turned to see what was it, he did not see nothing but a black frog hiding what was behind.
He gathered all his strength and choose to got inside the black frog.
Minutes later when the rest of the Distorted Ones was running to get into the forest appeared The one and Only Messiah.
"Sorry, though shall not pass," she said menacingly while her hair started glowing and got longer, grabbed some of them by their necks suffocated them then her invisible shield stated cutting them pieces by pieces each time she opened it and seems like she was doing it purposely.
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