
This was requested by      @Llorumi2013

(I changed one detail, hope u don't mind.)

Also I have no idea what to call this, so I'll just leave it as it is. If you have a better name for it, pls let me know.

Got a lot of angst in this chapter...... 

The sun was rising when the most beautiful thing came to life in the Garmadon family. Harumi and Lloyd's son, Haru. Happy tears steamed down Lloyd's face as he rocked his son to sleep. They were the first people to have a kid in the ninja family, so Lloyd knew that his son would be extremely spoiled from not only his family, but the ninjas. 

Haru carefully yawned, slowly putting his tiny hand on his father's, making Lloyd's heart melt."9 months. I carried that being for 9 months and gave birth.....Annnndddd now he decides that he is a daddy's boy."Harumi said grumpily. Lloyd chuckled."There is still time to see who his favorite parent.......And that will be me!"Lloyd said with a smirk."Give me my baby Lloyd."Harumi ordered."What's the magic word?"He asked. Harumi rolled her eyes."Give me my baby, PLEASE? Dearest husband?"Harumi asked not so sweetly."Actually it is Haru is a daddy's boy and always will.....But since you did give birth to this little bean....I will let it slide."Lloyd said kindly."You made the right choice."Harumi said eyeing her husband as he put Haru in her arms. Just then Haru eyes opened, smiling at both his parents.

Hours later, the ninja came and just as Lloyd predicted shower them with gifts. Each of them held Haru, although not everyone was careful...Jay threw Haru so hard that his shirt was caught up on the ceiling fan. Thankfully they got him but Jay was not spared by both parents. Even Haru shook his head and wagged his finger at Jay with tears. 

Even if Jay didn't in danger their child, Kai would still be Haru favorite of all the his friends. Haru just loved being around him, and Lloyd knew for a fact when Haru knew how to crawl and walk, he would be by Kai's side at all times.

The months went by wonderfully but way too quick for Lloyd and Harumi. They had it all. But on Haru first birthday......Things went bad. Horrible.

The day started like any other good day, Lloyd and Harumi could hardly believe their baby boy was already a year old. To them it had seemed just yesterday when they found out Harumi was pregnant. By almost noon the ninjas and Lloyd's family came. Cole had even brought two cakes, one for everybody and one for himself. The day was one of the best days of Lloyd's life. But by nightfall....It became the worst.

After everyone left, Lloyd and Harumi put down Haru in their bedroom and then went to the kitchen for a late time candy."Pillow mints are the best."Lloyd said smiling while chewing."I prefer skittles."Harumi said. After arguing about this topic for 20 minutes, they were cut off by Haru crying. Lloyd sighed."I love that kid, but he needs to learn to shut up." Lloyd said."Huh. That's the same thought I had when we had our second first date!"Harumi teased. Lloyd rolled his eyes."I'll pretend you didn't hurt my feelings, my not so sweet wife."Lloyd pouted. Harumi giggled."I'll get Haru. You coming Rumi?"Lloyd asked her."In a bit. I just want some children free moments."Harumi said smirking."But we only have one....HEY!"Lloyd exclaimed as he walked away.

"I am coming, my boy."Lloyd said as he picked up Haru and began to rock him."Who has the meanest mommy, you do! And who has the most good looking, awesomest, skilled daddy in the whole wide world? You do!"Lloyd whispered as Haru fell asleep. After a moment of peace and quiet he heard a scream. His wife's scream. Harumi's scream.

He set his crying child in the crib and rushed to the kitchen only to find a small puddle of blood. He touched it."Okay.....Who touched my Rumi?"He gritted through his teeth. Whoever they were, they would pay. He then notice something on the floor. It was a jacket, and when he held it up, it made his blood boil.

The sons of Garmadon.  

Harumi woke up in a cell. She winced in pain as she touched her side. They had done some damage there but  nothing she couldn't handle. Might need some stitches though. She then heard laughing, and she knew then that it was her ex henchmen. Those idiots captured her? She must be going a bit soft now. Her cell opened and in came some thugs and leading them was UV."Hello Quiet One. Enjoying your time?"She asked her."What do you idiots want?"Harumi ordered."Revenge. Because of you, some of us had to rot in cells. Some were even killed! While all you got was house arrest!"She yelled."Why now? Did you idiots just escape?"She demanded."You of all people should know that revenge takes time. But don't worry we won't kill you...YET!"UV taunted. They then left laughing. Harumi prayed to the FSM that nobody would come for her.........Although she missed her son and husband deeply.

"Thank you for watching Haru while we go free Rumi, Pix. I know you like to help us, and you are. I'll pay-"I cannot let you do that. You have enough to worry about. Besides I love Haru. Go. Save Harumi."Pixal said. Lloyd thanked her and left. He had told Pix a tiny fib. The others didn't know. Not even Zane. He had to do this alone. It was his fate.

"Where is she?!"Lloyd demanded choking a thug."She wil will b be de dead."The thug chocked. Lloyd then slammed him against the wall, his head hitting first. He was't breathing, like the rest of the sons of Garmadon that laid before him."Goodbye, Quiet one!"He heard UV yell."Not today, sweetie!"Lloyd whispered as he ran where he heard UV. UV was just about to stabbed Harumi when Lloyd shot a purple energy ball at her, knocking her into the wall."Run. Or do I have to beat you all up too?"Lloyd ask the remaining thugs. They then all ran away, frightened for their lives."Rumi."Lloyd said hugging her tight."This is sweet and all but can you please set me free?"Harumi asked."I missed that sweetness of yours."Lloyd said he broke the chains. He helped Harumi up."You're hurt."He said."Oh this? Compared to this and what i am going to do to UV and her little thugs... It's nothing."Harumi said."There's my Rumi!"Lloyd exclaimed. He then wrapped her around for a kiss, but after a moment he stopped. He pulled away and Harumi saw a flash of horror on his face. 

She wished she hadn't. She wished she looked away but she then stared at his stomach, seeeing nothing but dark red and purple blood. She heard a blade come out, and standing behind Lloyd was none other than......UV. And her horrible grin.

She wanted to hurt UV, kill her. Make her pay. But she glance at Lloyd, wanting to look away, he was laying on the ground now, shaking. As much as she wanted to rip UV heart out and let her see Harumi eating it before she died.....,Lloyd needed her. He needed his Rumi.

"I know it hurts, Lloyd. But you have to get up. We have to get out of here."She told him in a whisper, tears threatening her eyes. She then lifted Lloyd off from the ground and took off as fast as she could, and then set him down when they reached a near hiding place. Her hands were shaking as she stared at him. There was so much blood. She felt like throwing up. Lloyd groaned painfully. Harumi shook her head, tears already falling. He looked at her, and smile weakly. It made her want to cry even more. He's dying. He really is. And it's all my fault.

"Rumi...."He whispered."You you are going to be fine. Just please, please don't close your eyes Lloyd. Fight any and all urges that you need to close your eyes. For me."Harumi begged."I am am not strong enough."He whispered."Fine! If not for me, do it for for Haru! Our son. Our baby."Harumi begged. With the some strength, Lloyd laughed weakly. He then reached out for her hand that was on his stomach trying to stop the bleeding. Even though the bleeding was coming from his back. He then took her hand gently, and squeezed it."I I love you Harumi, but I think this is my ending."He said with a smile with tears falling down his face. Knowing that he would never hear his son's first words, see him walk for the first time, never see him with a girl that he would love dearly, and he would never see his grandchildren. He wouldn't be around to grow old with Harumi. Those thoughts pained him more the blade that had been stabbed in his back.

"Why? Why did you have to be the hero and come for me? I hate you."Harumi choked out."And and I I love you. That's wh why I I came. Besides, Haru needs a mother more than a father."He said. He then gently kissed her hand and slowly let go before Harumi gripped both of his hands."No! Haru is a daddy's boy! You said it yourself!"Harumi said with angry tears. He smiled again. He looked weaker than ever before. And that made her grief angrier than before."Ma made y you say it..,"Lloyd whispered quietly........

And then....He slowly closed his eyes as his body went limp.

"No. No  No! You are not allow to do this to me, Lloyd! Come on! Wa wake up!"She ordered while shaking him.


Just pure silence.

She hugged him tightly, not ever wanting to let go."Oh Quiet One! Where are you?"UV taunted."She.......Will.....Pay...."Harumi said angrily."And I will protect Haru like you protected me. I promise."She whispered. She got up, wiped away her tears. She turned around, and slowly opened the door.

"Finally, the quiet one shows herself! But where is the green ninja when you need him most?"UV asked her."You....Will pay for what you did to him!"Harumi shouted."You don't have an elemental power nor the mask of Hatred. You cannot kill me. You are too good now! Don't have the guts!"UV yelled. Harumi laughed madly."Don't have the guts? Powerless? I may not am part oni or have some weird power bestowed on me......But killing you will still be quite easy and fun."Harumi said. Harumi then charge at her, putting her hands around her neck, choking her. UV then kicked Harumi side which was still bleeding, making Harumi fall. UV then picked up a knife and went to stab her but luckily Harumi moved out of harm's way.

"Your little husband is dead because of you! If you hadn't want revenge on him, then this would have never happened!"UV said."SHUT UP!"Harumi screamed as she charged at UV with a dagger  she found on the floor. Harumi threw her dagger at UV, hitting her in the side. Harumi laughed wildly."You were born as a monster, now you will die as a monster."Harumi taunted."O-h? I I am the monster? I If your hu husband saw this, he wou would think otherwise."UV choked out. Harumi's face flashed with anger, and then angry tears flew down her face. She knew UV was right. But she needed her revenge. She wasn't like Lloyd. Was't like the sweet little girl she once was. No. She was the quiet one. Despite her change of heart, deep down she was the same quiet one. Addicted to revenge.

Harumi grabbed UV's throat and slammed her against the wall. With her last breath, she said while laughing weakly."I I still win. You lost."Harumi knew she was right. Again. Harumi then screamed and angrily punched her in the face. Lifeless. 

Harumi then dropped down. UV was dead. And so was Lloyd. The love of her life. Dead. He left her. And he would never come back to her. He would never wake up happily kissing her on the cheek, and making her dance while they cooked. He would never get upset when she made fun of him. He would never see his son grow and thrive. He wouldn't be there to be by her side as she took her last breath. He wouldn't. Harumi then broke down in tears. Sobbing like the rain. She sobbed until there was no tears left, she didn't even know it was even possible. Her face was all red and puffy as she got up. She then opened the door where Lloyd's limp body lying there, a pool of his own blood still surrounded him. She then kneeled down next to him, and began to cry once more."I am going to take you home. I I promise."She said once she calmed down once again. She waited. As if expecting to see his soft smile and say he was going to be okay.


Even more silence.

"Oh, Lloyd."Harumi whispered, as she hugged him. She let go, brushed some of his hair out of his face, and kissed his forehead gently. She then lifted him up, carrying him in bridal style. With great grief, she left this evil place and went home.

She was relieved when Haru was in bed. Pixal was asleep on the couch as Harumi carried Lloyd to their room. Even though he was dead, she began treating his wounds, taking deep care in them. When she was done, she smiled sadly."You couldn't do it, could you? Or should i say fate couldn't? You just couldn't stay, could you? You had to leave at the worst time.........And I hate you for that."She spoke softly. Harumi sighed as silence filled the room. The door then slowly peeked opened, her son standing through the door. He smiled brightly at his mommy, glad she was home. He then turned to his father, and tilted his head."Dada!"He cried out. That made Harumi's eyes water. Haru then waddle his way to his mother, she then lifted him up, once she did, he went over to his father and laid on his chest. Sound asleep. Harumi, still crying, cradled up her way by Lloyd's side and soon fell asleep.

The sprit of Lloyd Garmadon looked at his wife and his son with great pity. He then kissed his son on his head, which made his son smile. He then walked over to him wife and gently kissed her on the lips. He then held her hand, but couldn't squeeze it. He would have to get used to this....... 

Just as he was about to leave.....

"Why did you leave us?"Whispered Harumi, her eyes still closed. Lloyd turned to her."I did not leave you. You have me in your hearts. I have to go now though. Like I said, it is my ending on this realm. I will see you both again in time."Lloyd told her."Promise?"She whispered, eyes still closed. Lloyd then walked over there and kissed her on the cheek.

"I promise."

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