Canal Date

Lloyd stared in awe as the stars were twinkling and shining before him."Beautiful isn't it?"A voice said creeping up behind him. The princess of Ninjago came up to him with a smile."They are."He agreed. The princess then leaned against the edge, staring at the stars with him."Um....How come you are not wearing your gown?"He asked her. She turned at him, annoyed."Oh, I am sorry! All princesses do wear gowns! Excuse me for wanting to dress up like a normal human being!"She exclaimed. 

He turned away, clearly embarrassed. He talked to many people before, why was he asking a question like that to her? What was so different about her? And when....Her parents were murdered in their own home."I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean it like that-"It's alright."She said cutting him off, moving slightly away. Why did that hurt? She didn't really say anything that harsh, she didn't really say anything at all really, she just.....Moved away. From him. Right now in this world, it felt like everyone was moving away from him, leaving him. He never really thought it hard, mostly because he always thought maybe there was a reason. And there was. A stupid reason. 

Her sigh snapped him out of his thoughts."Sorry green ninja. I am not used to being around people."She said."No, I am an idiot."He told her."That we can agree on."She said while nodding. 

They stared at the sky for what seemed like an entirety."I am so sorry about your parents. I know what it's like. I know more than anyone what it's like."Lloyd said softly."I know. I hope this doesn't sound creepy...But growing up I always heard stories about you and your fellow ninjas. I know all about your victories and losses. Your stories....They seemed something out of a book you would read or a movie......But out of all the ninjas, you were my favorite.....Even if you are an idiot."She told him. He felt his face turn red as she said the word favorite. He was her favorite."Oh. Thanks."Was all he could manage to choke out. That made her let out a small giggle."You don't talk to a lot of girls, don't you Lloyd Garmadon?"She teased."Well, we have a girl on our team-Oh shit I am going to get murdered by Nya for saying that."Lloyd said just now realizing his mistake."Oooo! Can I watch?"Harumi asked clapping her hands. He looked at her as if she was a psycho.

"I'm just kidding! Come on! You can't really think that!"She exclaimed as she 'lightly' punched him."OW! Did you really have to do that?"He asked her, rubbing his arm. The princess rolled her eyes."Come on! You faced countless villains, and you can't handle a princess's punch?"She asked him."Well, you are a strong princess then."He defended. A pretty one too. He thought, smiling to himself. She smiled at him. God, that smile."You wanna get outta here?"She asked."And go where?"He asked raising his eyebrow."The moon, you idiot."She said with nothing but sass."Huh?"He asked."The city! God, you seriously can't be.....Oh who am I kidding! You already proved to me how much of an idiot you are!"She cried out."Hey! I am actually very clever! Thank you very much!"He defended."Come on! Let's go!"She said tugging on his arm."But princess-"Rumi."Rumi, your parents-"Are dead yes, did you also know the sky is blue? My parents locked me away, and now I am finally free! I am not saying I am glad that they are dead, but they weren't the nicest. I want to see the world! Now, are you coming or not?"She demanded."Uhhh...."Come on Lloyd, now's your chance!"I do like a good adventure."He said shrugging with a smile."I knew I liked you."She said with a smile before jumping off to the nearest building and running towards the canal."WAIT!"Lloyd yelled before he went after her. He heard her laughing as she ran, he couldn't help but to feel joy to hear it, and started to laugh as he ran as well. 

Who knew a princess can run so fast. He thought to himself. Harumi turned around seeing Lloyd jumping on top of her, making them land to the ground."You can get off me now, princes."Lloyd said in a teasey voice."I am not on you, green ninja. It is you that is on me!"She said laughing as she pushed him off."Come on, let's go down."She said getting up and offering her hand to him. He smiled and gladly took it. They then jumped off the building and landed on the ground. Lloyd gasped."It's so...Beautiful."He whispered."I used to come here all the time. You know....When things got tough."She said."All this time....I've been saving this city...I never knew it could be this pretty. Although not the prettiest thing I've seen tonight."Lloyd said crossing his arms behind his back. Rumi turned around and smirked at him.

"Did you get that from a book?"She asked him."No. I got it from Kai. Is it working?"He asked excitedly. She chuckled."You aren't what I thought you'd be like you know. I would have thought the green ninja had more charm than this."She said."You aren't what I thought you'd be like either. I mean, you are one strong princess-"And what? You thought all princesses were weak and slow?"She asked him raising her eyebrow."No! Of course not! I just-"He was cut off by her gently kissing his cheek. When she pulled away, she giggled at his very red face."I guess I know how to shut you up now, don't I?"She asked him smirking."H-Huh?"He choked out. She then grabbed his hand again and led him to the bridge.

"What's it like?"Harumi asked him randomly."Wh-What?"Lloyd asked still a little shook on what just happened."The world."She replied."It's amazing, but it can also be scary. But as long as you have someone by you to see it all, then..........It gets less scary."He said. Harumi nodded."So, do you like candy?"He asked."I haven't had candy since I was little. My parents thought after I turned 7 I was too 'old' for candy."Harumi said annoyed."If your parents weren't already dead, then I would have murdered them."Lloyd said nodding. Harumi chuckled."Not if I beat you to it.....Did I love my parents? Sure, I guess....But they could be assholes sometimes. There are hundreds of others things I couldn't do just because I was the princess of Ninjago."Harumi sighed."I do not think there is a worse punishment than no candy."Lloyd said shaking his head."Agreed."She nodded in agreement."Princess-"Rumi."She corrected."Rumi, I really think we should be heading back...."Lloyd said. Harumi groaned."Party pooper."She muttered."The green ninja is right your majesty."Said a voice behind them.

"Hello Hutchins."Harumi said her eyes twitching."You will become Queen soon since your parents have deceased...You need to start acting like one. That includes you taking up your roles of this palace."Hutchin scolds."Relax Hutchins. Lloyd and I were just taking a walk. Besides, if anything would have happened, I would have taken care of it. And I'm sure Lloyd would too."Harumi explained."And just how would you have taken care of it?"Hutchin asked raising his eyebrow."Really, Hutchins! I thought I was the one who knew so little of my classes. One of my classes taught me how to defend myself."She said."I've known your parents far too long for them to agree to something like that!"Hutchins exclaimed."We had made a compromise, you see. Now, Lloyd was just about to accompany me back to my room. Now if you could?"She asked him. Hutchins muttered something but was soon on his way. 

Lloyd grinned."Wow. How did you do that?"He asked her."As you may have noticed, I can be very persuasive."She answered running her fingers up his chest, while giggling once she noticed his face becoming red.

The two then were on their way back to the palace chatting and teasing each other about all sorts of things. It wasn't until they arrived at the Palace, where they bid their goodbyes.

"So, before you go...What did you mean by "I would have taken care of it too"? As if I am a second resort?"He asked her."Well, you can be very clumsily for a ninja.  And don't try arguing, I saw you at least almost knock over 5 of our artifacts."Harumi pointed out."That wasn't me!"He defended."Who else on the ninja team wears only green and may I add eats pillow mints?"Harumi asked crossing her arms."Okay, okay, okay...You got me there."He said."You may be clumsily, but you might make a good guard for the royal palace."She remarked."As much as I would love that, I can't. I'm the green ninja. Full time. I can't just leave for a job as a guard for a Palace."He explained."Well, I guess so. But green ninja now you may be...But if you play your cards right you just may end up being the royal green ninja."She said making him blush. Seeing this, Harumi  kissed him on the lips, and put her hands on his hips. Lloyd was already red, he let his mouth drop a bit before even shock couldn't stop him from absorbing her kiss. Her touch. After a few moments, their lips parted before Harumi gave him one last kiss and then she slowly pulled away running off into her room, leaving a very blushing green ninja.

I think I am in love....

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