Will you?
Lloyd's povs
The next day, Harumi ran up to me when I was a block away from the school."Hey Lloyd!"SHe said happily."Hey Harumi!"I said."Please, call me Rumi."She said."Okay, Rumi. How are you today?"I asked."Good. What was it that you wanted to tell me about your dad?"She asked. I froze right then. I started to feel uneasy."Lloyd? What's wrong?"She asked."Well the thing is......"I said. Come on Lloyd! Spit it out!"You see....my dad is......"Hey Harumi!"Called out Skylor."Oh hey!"She said. Phew. Thank you Skylor. Harumi said she would see me in the homeroom and ran to talk to Skylor. I sighed. Why couldn't I have a normal life? Because I am fuckin Lloyd Garmandon. That's why.
Harumi's povs
"So, you met Lloyd. How much do you like him?"SHe asked. I don't know why, but I blushed a bit."He is very kind and friendly."I replied."Yeah, who knew."She said."What do you mean?"I asked. She looked at me with wide eyes."You mean you don't know?"She asked."Don't know what?"I asked. Lloyd must have heard us talking because he asked if he could speak to Skylor. He took Skylor aside to talk to her. Was there something I didn't know about him?
Skylor's povs
Lloyd pulled me aside."Yes?"I asked."Sky, I need you to keep your mouth shut about my father."He said."Why? I mean you do get bully, but what's-Oh, I see."I said."What?"He asked."You like her, don't you?"I asked."That's not the point."He said."Then what is?"I asked."The point is O just want to not have one person not know who my father is."He said."You know she is going to find out right?"I asked. He looked back at her."Yes."He replied."Why don't you ask her out?"I asked."I can't."He said."Why not?"I asked."Because Cole has a crush on her too."He replied."Oh, that's got to suck."I said."Okay, I will keep my mouth shut about both things. But you have to promise me you will tell her."I said. He nodded. I then walked up to Harumi."What was that all about?"She asked."Boy shit."I replied. We all walked to school.
A few months later.........
Lloyd's povs
"Attention students, a reminder to you is that our first ever snowflake dance will be in a few weeks."Reminded the announcer. Snowflake dance. I would ask Harumi if Cole didn't like her. Maybe I can ask her as friends. Yeah, that could be okay. The announcer said something else but I wasn't listening. When the bell rang, I got up and walked up to Harumi. Don't mess this up.
Harumi's povs
Lloyd walked up to me."Hey Rumi, I was wondering if you want to go to the snowflake dance as friends?"He asked." Yes! I mean...Yeah sure sounds like a lot of fun."I said. He laughed."Well, see you later!"He said. He then went out of the room to go to his next class. I sighed. I can not wait till the dance!
A few weeks later......
Lloyd's povs
I quickly got dressed up, and rushed downstairs to get in my car."Be home by 9:30!"Called out my mom."Okay! Thanks mom!"I called back and drove off. I drove to the place Harumi said where she lived. I rang her doorbell. Who I believed was her mother."Oh, you must be the famous Lloyd that I heard so much about."She said."Famous?"I repeated."Yes, Harumi cannot stop talking-"Ma!"Said Harumi. Harumi came down with this beautiful green dress. She wore red lipstick."You look beautiful dear."Said her mother."Hey Lloyd."Said Harumi."Hello Harumi."I said."You looked wonderful tonight."I told her."Thank you."She said."Should we go?"I asked. She nodded. Now I am not sure but as soon as Harumi stepped out of her house I heard her mother say:"I like this one." Then Harumi said:"Me too."
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