It Finally Happened
Where I live, there has pretty much been stay home orders since mid-March of 2020. I haven't worked since then, haven't gone out much, and my social group had gone down to non-existent.
Even though I have barely interacted with anyone over the last ten months, I still come from a big family and know a lot of people. Over the years, despite being homeschooled, I met so many people from different groups.
That being said, I can count on my hands the amount of people who got COVID, and I know one person who died from COVID. He was in his 80's and had heart problems. It's sad, but I know people who passed away from the flu.
Now to the reason why I am writing this. There has been a confirmed COVID case in my household. Although, my mom suspects that she may have COVID as well, but doesn't want to get tested.
We've been good though. We haven't left the house since it's been confirmed (for my dad's case anyway) and it kinda sucks as it was that time to go grocery shopping this past Friday.
And, I'm thinking that I may have had a mild case of COVID or last week after the funeral was just my body grieving for the loss of my grandpa. I don't know, and I really don't want to know because I'm getting over it and I'm fine now.
We still suspect that my younger sister may have had COVID in late February/early March last year as she had the right symptoms. It was weird because I didn't get it and we were with each other a lot.
Other than the fact that I had been annoyed at my symptoms, I was fine. And my family is fine. We are at about the sixth day mark since my parents started showing their symptoms, but I don't think we will run into any problems as the virus runs it's course.
It's not something to fear. Honestly, the fear or negative emotions in general, can hinder your immune system and make you more susceptible to getting sick. So, I've been resting (i.e. reading in bed from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep) and keeping my distance from my parents just in case I actually didn't have it this past week.
It might not have been good for me to read from my phone day and night for days, but it helped get my mind off of my symptoms because my nose, eyes, and throat were irritated which I believe was from the fact that I cried so much for almost a week.
I'm still not at 100 percent as it takes time to recover from such a devastating loss. I am good though, I've been cleaning my room and reading. I ended reading up to the current chapter of My Hero Academia manga. I cannot wait for this next season of the anime! It's going to be so good!
I haven't written anything aside from the updates in this book, but I haven't had the mental capability to write more for a story as writing these updates have been challenging.
My eyes and nose are still a bit irritated at the moment. And I am a little dehydrated which I need to go grab my newly cleaned cup and use it. Other than that, I'm back to my usual self as I dance in my desk chair listening to a intro song for the My Hero Academia anime.
Because even though these past two weeks have hit me hard with a major death and funeral, I can't help but move forward. I've let the time flow by the last week as I recovered and I don't even remember what day it is, more than usual. Now, I'm preparing to get myself back on track and to start writing again.
It might not happen today, but as I move forward I'm going to write. Even if I have to suffer through my irritated eyes and nose as I do.
Anyway, I meant to write this on Thursday when the COVID test came back positive for my dad, but I wanted to see how things would play out first. I feel confident that my family will recover from our symptoms and life will go on as usual.
I hope everyone is being smart and isn't doing anything dumb out there.
Try to stay healthy with the flu and COVID out there!
Until next time,
Published: January 18, 2021.
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